Internet is slow/has trouble connecting

I recently ran ClamXav on my MacBook Air and it found no viruses. My computer is only a year old.
Memory  4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3   Processor  1.3 GHz Intel Core i5   Software  OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)
However, my internet has been very slow to connect, often drops connection, and usually doesn't load all of the media. I use Google Chrome but I've tried Safari and had the same issue. My wifi always has full bars when this occurs and I don't have this problem on any other devices connected to the same wifi. Is there anything I can do to speed up my internet on this laptop?

Start time: 22:27:39 06/26/14
Model Identifier: MacBookAir6,1
System Version: OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)
Kernel Version: Darwin 13.2.0
Boot Mode: Normal
Time since boot: 1 minute
Admin access: No
Diagnostic reports
  2014-06-26 clamscan crash
  - com.adobe.fpsaud
  /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin
  - N/A
  /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin
  /Library/PreferencePanes/Flash Player.prefPane
  - com.adobe.flashplayerpreferences
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Contents of /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ (Apple binary property list)
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Contents of /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ (XML  document text)
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  bplist00‘        _  ProgramArgumentsULabel\MachServices^POSIXSpawnType° _ G/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMFoundation.framework/IMLoggingAgent_—
  _ ZBackground  $*7FHí≠∞¬√
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    Turn off the AirPort Express completely as a test, and move your computer very close to the location of the Express.
    As I said before, the Express can only extend the bandwidth (speed) that it receives from the Time Capsule, so the speed that you see there with the Express powered off will be the fastest speed of which the Express is capable.
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    30 seconds to reconnect to a WiFi network is not unusual, especially in an environment where other radio signals on similar frequencies are present.  Sorry about that.
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    Hey swatso34!
    I have some suggestions for you that can help you troubleshoot this issue a little further:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Alternatively, you may need to restore the software on your iPhone if none of these troubleshooting steps resolve the issue. An article that can help you through the steps of that process can be found here:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

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    Hi Shadow99999
    Did you ever resolve your issues with disconnection between your Mac Pro and Airport Extreme? I am having a similar issue.
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    Any other thread that you found to help you resolve your problem?
    Message was edited by: Karl Seibert

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    2 phones doing same? Hmm. Full backup on iTunes then restore as new. Try other WiFi again. May be time for new equipment if that doesn't help

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    I have tried everything i have found, reset network settings more than once, tried an airplane mode glitch i herd, i tried typing my wifi in rather then tapping it and my wifi is definitely turned on. I am open to any type of help so please if you have any idea let me know!
    I highly appreciate you taking time to read this and if possible help!!

    What you're looking at right now may very well be that your WiFi chip is broke; either that, or you have a pretty unexplainable technical issue. Take it to an Apple Store if you can. Ask them if there is an issue with it.

  • My iphone has trouble connecting to a wifi range extender

    I have a Virgin media wifi Hub and a TP Link wifi range extender and have intermittent connection issues.
    Unhelpfully i have heard rumours that iphones and iPads don't react well to environments with range extenders.
    I have checked the firmware of the extender (it's up to date).
    I have checked the settings of the extender - going through a factory reset/clear all settings and initial set up - they all look fine.
    The iPhone and iPad are both iOS7.0.2 and do not have any issue connecting to wifi within "well known high street coffee shops".
    I've searched for any settings obvious or otherwise on the devices in order to resolve this.
    Any suggestions gratefully received.

    I use an Apple Airport Extreme and two Apple Airport Express devices for my WiFi Network.  The two Apple Express devices are set up as range extenders.  This setup works well, with the exception of when I use my Microwave Oven the newer and furthest Airport Express drops the connection to any devices that were using it.  I have to unplug that Express and then the devices reconnect.  I am sharing this only to say that interference can play a part in Network issues with Range Extenders.  My newer Airport Express is a Dual Mode supporting 2.4 and 5.0 at the same time.  Any connected device capable of 5.0 will use the faster signal. 
    Don't know if your Network devices allow for manual Channel selection but if so you might want to try some various channels to see if that offers a reliable connection.

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    Has anyone else had this issue?

    At this point, as odd as the problem seems to now work fine.
    As long as it's working now, that is all that matters.

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