Interpolation between two series of data

Hello everybody,
i need to make an interpolation on a curve which have an interruption. It's a 1D array of data with a serie of NaN inside. I don't know hot to use the different type of interpolation in this case. I tried but i failed. Find here a picture of my problem.
Tanks a lot for you're help.
Go to Solution.
interpolation.png ‏61 KB

Looks like a LabVIEW graph In any case, I'd try to generate a new array without NANs which then can be used for all possible interpolation functions such as SPInterp, PolyInterp ...

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    Hi I have problems with connect two data view
    I have a SQL server database named Mini
    In Mini database I have two tables:  dbo.Table_A and dbo.Table_B
    Table_A design and Table_B design
    In the internet browser it look like this after I add the connections, the problem is there is no connection when I click at the Blue link id 2 and 3 ??? John's and Jes's Lastname did not show up, the links is dead. that's my problem
    The must strange is that, if I do the same below, in sharepoint 2010 designer it do well ?? so what in the .....
    Here is my code
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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    <xsl:variable name="dvt_IsEmpty" select="$dvt_RowCount = 0"/>
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    <xsl:call-template name="dvt_1.empty"/>
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    <tr valign="top">
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    <th class="ms-vh" width="1%" nowrap="nowrap"></th>
    <th class="ms-vh" nowrap="nowrap">ID</th><th class="ms-vh" nowrap="nowrap">LastName</th></tr>
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    <xsl:with-param name="Rows" select="$Rows[position() &gt;= $FirstRow and position() &lt;= $LastRow]"/>
    <xsl:with-param name="FirstRow" select="1" />
    <xsl:with-param name="LastRow" select="$dvt_RowCount" />
    <xsl:call-template name="dvt_1.commandfooter">
    <xsl:with-param name="FirstRow" select="$FirstRow" />
    <xsl:with-param name="LastRow" select="$LastRow" />
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    <xsl:template name="dvt_1.body">
    <xsl:param name="Rows"/>
    <xsl:param name="FirstRow" />
    <xsl:param name="LastRow" />
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    <xsl:variable name="dvt_KeepItemsTogether" select="false()" />
    <xsl:variable name="dvt_HideGroupDetail" select="false()" />
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    <xsl:if test="not($dvt_HideGroupDetail)" ddwrt:cf_ignore="1">
    <xsl:call-template name="dvt_1.rowview" />
    <xsl:template name="dvt_1.rowview">
    <xsl:if test="position() mod 2 = 1">
    <xsl:attribute name="class">ms-alternating</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:if test="$dvt_1_automode = '1'" ddwrt:cf_ignore="1">
    <td class="ms-vb" width="1%" nowrap="nowrap">
    <span ddwrt:amkeyfield="" ddwrt:amkeyvalue="ddwrt:EscapeDelims(string(''))" ddwrt:ammode="view"></span>
    <td class="ms-vb">
    <xsl:value-of select="format-number(@ID, '#,##0.#;-#,##0.#')"/>
    </td><td class="ms-vb">
    <xsl:value-of select="@LastName" /></td></tr>
    <xsl:template name="dvt_1.empty">
    <xsl:variable name="dvt_ViewEmptyText">There are no items to show in this view.</xsl:variable>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <td class="ms-vb">
    <xsl:value-of select="$dvt_ViewEmptyText"/>
    <xsl:template name="dvt_1.commandfooter">
    <xsl:param name="FirstRow" />
    <xsl:param name="LastRow" />
    <xsl:param name="RowLimit" />
    <xsl:param name="dvt_RowCount" />
    <xsl:param name="RealLastRow" />
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" width="100%">
    <xsl:if test="$FirstRow &gt; 1 or $LastRow &lt; $dvt_RowCount">
    <xsl:call-template name="dvt_1.navigation">
    <xsl:with-param name="FirstRow" select="$FirstRow" />
    <xsl:with-param name="LastRow" select="$LastRow" />
    <xsl:with-param name="RowLimit" select="$RowLimit" />
    <xsl:with-param name="dvt_RowCount" select="$dvt_RowCount" />
    <xsl:with-param name="RealLastRow" select="$RealLastRow" />
    <xsl:template name="dvt_1.navigation">
    <xsl:param name="FirstRow" />
    <xsl:param name="LastRow" />
    <xsl:param name="RowLimit" />
    <xsl:param name="dvt_RowCount" />
    <xsl:param name="RealLastRow" />
    <xsl:variable name="PrevRow">
    <xsl:when test="$FirstRow - $RowLimit &lt; 1">1</xsl:when>
    <xsl:value-of select="$FirstRow - $RowLimit" />
    <xsl:variable name="LastRowValue">
    <xsl:when test="$LastRow &gt; $RealLastRow">
    <xsl:value-of select="$LastRow"></xsl:value-of>
    <xsl:value-of select="$RealLastRow"></xsl:value-of>
    <xsl:variable name="NextRow">
    <xsl:value-of select="$LastRowValue + 1"></xsl:value-of>
    <td nowrap="nowrap" class="ms-paging" align="right">
    <xsl:if test="$dvt_firstrow &gt; 1" ddwrt:cf_ignore="1">
    <xsl:attribute name="href">javascript: <xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('dvt_firstrow={1}')" />;</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes" ddwrt:nbsp-preserve="yes">&amp;nbsp;</xsl:text>
    <xsl:attribute name="href">javascript: <xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('dvt_firstrow={',$PrevRow,'}'))" />;</xsl:attribute>
    <img src="/_layouts/15/images/prev.gif" border="0" alt="Previous" />
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes" ddwrt:nbsp-preserve="yes">&amp;nbsp;</xsl:text>
    <xsl:value-of select="$FirstRow" />
    - <xsl:value-of select="$LastRowValue" />
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes" ddwrt:nbsp-preserve="yes">&amp;nbsp;</xsl:text>
    <xsl:if test="$LastRowValue &lt; $dvt_RowCount or string-length($dvt_nextpagedata)!=0" ddwrt:cf_ignore="1">
    <xsl:attribute name="href">javascript: <xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('dvt_firstrow={',$NextRow,'}'))" />;</xsl:attribute>
    <img src="/_layouts/15/images/next.gif" border="0" alt="Next" />
    </xsl:stylesheet> </XSL>

    Hey Bale
    Yes I use sharepoint designer 2013, when I do the same in sharepoint designer 2010, it do well
    No to your question 2, 3 and 4
    See again my picture below her, when I open the internet browser
    in the database you have a table with forename and another table with last name,
    the link between this two table is the id, when I open it is ok, Bens lastname is
    James, Ben James.
    So when I try to click on the blue id number 2 beside John, Johns Last name
    should show up, but it did not, the link is dead. that's my problem the funny about this when I
    do the same procedure see above in sharepoint designer 2010, it do well ?
    Here is my first steps, when you have uploaded the first datasource, you need to save, place your courser
    behind the <asp:ScriptManager runat="server" id="ScriptManager"></asp:ScriptManager> x   PLACE COURSER HER
    THEN you can upload the next datasource, the sharepoint designer automatic generate the code for the grid.
    When you have the two grids inside the aspx file, place your courser behind the first
    <WebPartPages:DataFormWebPart X <---
    then the tab "option" show up and inside here you can add the connections between the two grids.

  • Type incompatibility between two structures in data type

    I have two structures, x_autwr and y_autwr, here the problem is data type of x_autwr is CURR ,15 and y_autwr is DEC, 23.
    now when I write
    x_autwr = y_autwr it gives an errornous data, for eg if the value of Y-autwr is 2000.0000, it transforms to x_autwr and makes it 200000.00,
    PLease note that I cannot change the data type as its from standard, but I have tried taking to local variables of type i, c , or decimal of type 2,or divide by 100, but still no logic works.
    Please help.

    I think this assignment is not correct. The CURR fields are always associated with a CUKY, do you have the currency key with you ?
    If yes, then you can try this logic:
    x_autwr = y_autwr.
    l_corr_factor TYPE i,
    ls_bapi1090_1 TYPE bapi1090_1.
          currency          = v_waers "Your Currency key field
          currency_decimals = ls_bapi1090_1.
        l_corr_factor = 10 ** ( lf_bapi1090_1-curdecimals ).
    x_autwr = x_autwr / l_corr_factor.

  • Single Channel between two 10 Gb data Muxponders band C

    I would like to install a direct trunk link between the trunk ports of two muxponders on a 15454. Does it need any special configuration using CTC or it's automatic? The client ports will be GE abd FC. Should i use GCC Termination ?
    Thanks in advance

    U have got the answer that u can carry GE/FC over your muxponder card.
    My 2 cents regarding access management. From one of your message that u r directly connecting these cards.
    So ur r using SONET (SDCC/RSDCC) as ur using this as SONET card not DWDM. These SDCC/RSDCC are accessed through ur ethernet port to manage both equipment.
    If u take this muxponder over Normal DWDM box then OSC is used. This is out band management channel (or out band siganlling for management of node) OC-3 rate.
    If u take this muxponder over GMPLS ready DWDM box then that box will add GCC (like RDCC of SONET)to this rate. Like RDCC, GCC is also a in band signalling.
    "GCC channel does not work like an OSC channel to manage both equipments.
    As per my knowledge GCC can manage ur both equipment plus it has feature of dropping GCC to Non ONS node (or third party) and see that non ONS node in ur management.
    I think GCC is better than OSC, as in GMPLS network provisioning is much easier and powerful than OSC based network.

  • Drag and Drop between two JTables

    I tried to implement drag and drop between two JTables using data transfer, but i did not get it to work, that dnd works in both directions. i have my own transferhandler, but if is use setTransferHandler(handler), i'm no longer able to start a drag from that table. i also tried to use a mouse listener to call exportAsDrag, but i only works in one direction. any ideas or examples?

    That is a rather large request, and indicates that you have likely not spent much time researching the subject before posting. Read up on Swing drag & drop here (, then ask specific questions about something you don't understand, problems with your implementation, etc.

  • Differnce between two days

    Hi All,
    I want function module to get difference between two days. (billing date and delivery date).
    So,can you help me out.

    HR_HK_DIFF_BT_2_DATES : Find the difference between two dates in years, months and days.
    FIMA_DAYS_AND_MONTHS_AND_YEARS : Find the difference between two dates in years, months and days.
    Also go through the link given below :
    With Regards
    Nikunj shah

  • Working days between two date fields and Changing Factory Calendar

    I have to calculate working days between two date fields excluding the weekends and public holidays for Switzerland.
    I have written the routine using factory calender and its working fine except for two problems now:
    1. If any one of the date field is empty then teh rsult should be zero.
    2. And the below code is working from 1996 but my cleints wants it to work for years before 1996 as well.
    I also tried to change the Start date in SCAL for factory calendar but it says enter values between 1995 to 2020.
    I am new to ABAP. Please help me how i can achieve these for below code.
    DATA : X_DATE(4) TYPE C.
    DATE_TO   = T_DATE
    OTHERS = 5.
    Please help
    Edited by: Syed786 on Nov 2, 2011 9:15 AM

    Hi Zabina,
    Try this function module  'DURATION_DETERMINE'.
    Give the factory calendar and unit as DAY
    With regards,

  • How to find particular date lies in between two given dates

    i have a problem. i have to find if particular day lies in between two given dates.
    example two dates are joindate and expirydate.
    1.joindate is 1/03/2007
    expdate is 1/03/2008
    now i have to find if 29 feb is in between this joindate and expirydate.
    if any1 has ny idea please reply asap.

    The Date class has a before() and after() method you can use to compare Date objects.

  • Additional data on relationship between two objects

    We have a requirement to capture additional data on a relationship between two objects.  The data to be captured are custom fields that are unique to the relationship between the objects and not specific to either of the objects.
    We created a new object type and related it to the position (S)and the job (C) object.  In the customising (Personnel Management/Personnel Development/Basic Settings/Maintain Relationships there is an option to set up Additional Data.  There are however several restrictions (e.g. the substructure has to be in T77AD).  When you set up an existing substructure (e.g. PAD22) and screen (e.g. 3000), it works really well, however we have not been able to get this to read our own substructure and screen (since there is no customer include on HRP1001 and the 'Additional data' button seems to go to MP100100 to find the screen).
    My question is two fold:
    a) Is this an allowed customisation (e.g. can we create our own substructure, screen and Query string)? And if so, how does the data get into T77AD (since SAP recommends that data should not be added to this table)? and
    b) Is there any documentation on this (thus far I have only received info on how to enhance infotypes which I don't think is relevant???)?
    If this can not be maintained is there any other suggestions on how to deal with this scenario?
    Any assistance will be appreciated.

    Hi everyone
    Thanks for everyone who tried to assist us with this.  I am happy to report that our in-house guru's have found the answer.  So, for anyone who is interested:
    In programme MP100100 you have a screen 6000 which is a customer enhancements screen.  We set up two in-house function modules for the PBO and PAI with its own screen and added an append structure to PAD31 to add the fields required.  In the configuration, we then specified PAD31 as the substructure with screen 6000 and then also specified our own PBO and PAI function modules.  The parameters required for screen 6000 is set up within our own customer screens.
    Hope this will be helpful to someone - it certainly seemed to open up some doors for us!

  • How to calculate the month difference between two date char. in Query?

    Customers would like to see how many months passed between two date type of characteristics (e.g., the month difference between the current date and the scheduled delivery date in the record) and put the result into the column as KF. 
    We would have to grab the fiscal year/period kind of value and then do the subtraction, e.g., if the current date value is 2/28/2008 and the scheduled delivery date value in the record is 12/01/2007, the correct result should be 2 month difference between these two date values, but could someone here give us the technical light on how to make this happen in query design?
    Thanks and we will give you reward points for the correct anwsers!

    Hi Kevin,
    The Badi is RSR_OLAP_BADI.
    You can create an implementation using Transaction  SE18.
    The implementation is per cube and is defined in the filters.
    In the Implementation you have the following methods :
    1. Define : Here you will provide the Keyfigure you need as a virtual one.
    2. Initilialize : Any Init Function you want to do.
    3. Compute. This is called per datarecord and here you can cimpute your value.
    Hope this helps.
    Pralay Ahluwalia

  • How can I share data between two forms on different lists

    Using a custom content type, I created two lists that I want to share the same data - one is a calendar.  Our employees complete a form from the "Out of Office Request" list that has workflow functionality that sends an email to that person's
    manager.  If the manager approves the request, the item automatically populates the "Out of Office Calendar."  The problem is that the only information from the request list that populates the calendar is the Title field and date/time fields. 
    I need the manager name in order to create a view for each manager.  
    How can I connect the other information in the request list to the calendar list.  It seems to me that if the title and date fields carry over the information, there should be a way to connect the other information.  I'm using Designer.
    I've tried to connect the two lists' webparts with the wizard, but when I get to the page that maps the two lists, there are no column names and the "Next >" button is grayed out.  This seems like the logical place to connect the two lists,
    but it isn't working.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted share data between two forms on different lists.
    To show external  information on the calendar event, there are two methods: Calculated column, workflow. You can refer to:
    A Simple Guide to Show More Information on a Calendar Event
    I recommend to use workflow to achieve what you want. But you need to create a people column to display the manager.
    You can create a workflow associated to the "Out of Office Request" list, add action to Start Approve Process. If the manager approves the request, you can create a item in the calendar, and then update the people column and the title column.
    Then the calendar will display the Title, date/time and the manager.
    To create a view for each manager, you need to modify the Filter. You can use the people column is equal to the manager name or the Title contains the manager name.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to transfer app data between two different game center accounts?

    Hello, I really need some help.
    I have looked all over the web for ways to transfer apps between two different game center accounts and different devices. Several weeks ago I started playing Campus Life on my relative's Ipad 2, therefore spending many long hours to get to this point in the game.
    The problem is I just got an Iphone 5 and I really would like to transfer the data onto it, so that I would not need to start all over again.
    My grandma has an account (Game Center) onto which the data has been saved and I would like to have it stored onto mine. On some forum someone said to sign into the account which has the data on both devices and to then open up the game on the new device. It worked. Then I signed out and logged in with my own account- the game started from scratch. I panicked. I went back on the other account, and the data reappeared. I have been going back and forth, the game changing as many times. I thought it would ask to back up my grandma's data on mine but I was wrong. I can not seem to save the game onto my new account, and I have even tried to back it up to Itunes and then copy it onto my phone after having signed into my own account. And I don't know how to properly use Icloud. I am a mess. I am completely lost and have found no help on the web. (All people seem to have to deal with is sharing Apple IDs with different Game Center Accounts for the kids and transferring apps from one of their devices to another.)
    I am so worried I am going to mess up and will lose the whole thing completely.
    I have just started another game with my own account but since I am using my grandma's, the data is erased. It's one or the other but I definitely prefer saving Campus Life. I do not like the idea of having to only pick one.
    I do not know any technical terms, so if you understand or even have the slightest clue about what I am talking about, I applaud you.
    This seems like mission impossible, so if anyone can help in any way, I would be really grateful. 
    Thanks in advance for your time and thoughts!

    I meant to press on "This solved my question"... Sorry if you needed the points.
    Thank-you and I will just go back and forth between the accounts.

  • Error 33172 occurred at Read & Write data transfer between two or more PF2010 controller

    Hi,i need to do data transfer between two or more FP2010 controller.e.g. FP2010(A) & FP2010(B).
    FP2010(A) need to transfer the measurement (from its I/O module) to FP2010(B) to do the data analysis.These data transfer should be synchronous btw two controller to prevent data lost.
    From the vi used in the attachment,i encountered some problems at:
    (1) Error 33172 occurred while publishing the data.Can i create and publish data under different item name?
    (2) How to synchronies the read & write btw contorller?
    All controller are communicating with each other directly without the need of a host computer to link them together
    Is there any other method to do fast data transfer betwe
    en controller?

    Hi YongNei,
    You were succesful in omiting enough information to make it very difficult to answer!
    Please post your example.
    Please tell us what version of LV-RT you are using.
    Please define what you concider "fast data transfer".
    Have you concidered mapping the FP tags of FP2010(A) to FP2010(B) and vise versa?
    WHat exactly has to be syncronized?
    If you have something that is close to working, share that.
    Well, that as far as I can go with the info you have provided. Depending on the details, what you are asking could be anything from trivial to impossible with the currently available technology. I just can't say.
    It would probably be a good idea to start over with a fresh question (sorry) because not many people are going to know what a a "
    PF2010" is and I can not guarentee that I will be able to get back to you personally until next week-end.
    Trying to help you get an answer,
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Different ways to copy data between two schemas in one instance

    Hi there,
    I am searching a good way to copy data between two schemas in the same instance.
    Both schemas have an identical structure such as triggers, tables, views and so on. The only difference is the purpose: one is the productivity system and one is for development.
    I looked at datapump but I do not explicit want to export / import. I want to keep the data in the productivity schema as well as copy it to the other schema. Any ideas? I found out there is a copy statement but I dont't know how that works.
    Thank you so far,

    Thank you for your replies!
    I also thought of creating a second instance for development and move the dev - schema to it. I just don't know whether our server can handle both (performance?). Anyway the idea is to have a possibility to quickly rebuild the data inside a schema without indixes or triggers, just pure data. I thought the easiest way would be to copy the data between the schemas as they are exactly the same. However if you tell me DataPunp is the best solution i won't deny using it :).
    When you export data a file is created. does that also mean that the exported data is deleted inside the schema?
    best regards
    Ps: Guido, you are following me, aren' t you? ;-)

  • Org unit Hierarchy structure between two  Key date s

    Hello Friends,
    We have an issue with displaying HR Org unit hierarchy structure between two calendar months.
    The BI Report has a selection parameter to select Org unit hierarchy , Calendar month From and Calendar month To
    The BI Report is to display the no.of sick absence days for employees in a chosen Org unit hier.
    Employee A had a sick absence of 5 days in the month 04.2011 in the Org unit X . The same employee had a sick absence of 4 days in 05.2011.The Org unit X then delimit in 05.2011 , the Org unit X is no longer in Org structure from 05.2011.
    When we run the report for 04.2011 to 04.2011 , the employee A is showing absence under Correct Org unit ie X with correct Org structure .
    When we run the Report for 05.2011 to 05.2011 , the employee A is showing absence under hierarchy Org unit Not assigned which is OK .
    But the issue is when we run the Report from 04.2011 to 05.2011 , The employee A absence days 9 (5 +4 ) showing under Not assigned Org unit hierarchy structure which is the latest Org unit .
    When I deactivate the Org unit hierarchy and choose tech name of Org unit , It is showing correct Org unit key
    But The user would like to see 5 days under org unit X and 4 days under Not assigned with Correct Org unit hier structure when we run the Report from 04.2011 to 05..2011 .
    We have a user Exit variable for the Key date in the Bex Report which seems to be taking only one date at any time .
    Is there any way to get the correct figures under Org unit hier structure where employee had absence in when we put range of calendar months on a selection screen ?
    Any advice appreciated.

    Yes, we can display the same by using time dependent hierachy's i.e. your org is converted to time dependent so that respective employee shows with respective of time.

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