Invisible Cursor

Is there anybody that knows how to make the mouse cursor invisible either always or when it's in the field of my program?

Don't know for sure, but I would start with the Component.setCursor() method. I don't see an "invisible" cursor in the Cursor class, but there is a Toolkit.createCustomCursor() method that you might look at.

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    Damnshock wrote:
    vsajko wrote:
    you are right
    But it is hard to describe conditions precisely.
    I know that doesn't happen every time when I do vertical split
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    There have been atleast 3 posts in recent days about hard to see cursors, and atleast one of those posts mentioned new iMac. So i think you hti it on the hose that this is related to Mavericks.
    You can system preferences >> accesibility >> Display
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    I hope to see a mac OS update in the near future, or that someone else finds a solution.
    How do you like Mavericks otherwse, any good features?

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    Edited by: wythe25 on Nov 11, 2008 6:37 PM

    You want a cursor that you can't see and which doesn't have anything to do with where the mouse is pointing? Is that a correct description of the question?
    If so, how would this cursor affect the behaviour of your program? And how would the user control its location? Actually, first, would the user control its location?
    I'm asking for some kind of design requirements because it's quite possible that a cursor isn't the right thing for whatever it is you want to do.

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    Check You have Active BlackBerry Data Plan (If no the contact your network service provider)
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    Click on
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    Hi Mark, Ian,
    It turns out that this is a Swing bug - see Sun bugs #4519058 and 4672816. When you minimize a Java app, it receives a focusLost( temporary ) event. The bug is that when you restore the Java app, it does not receive a focusGained() event. This occurs in JDK 1.3.1_01 through JDK 1.3.1_03, and does not reproduce in JDK 1.4. From the bug text, it seems that Sun does not intend to fix this in JDK 1.3 unless it is escalated.
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    - Jimmy

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    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    Image image = tk.getImage("yourPicture.gif");
    Cursor invisibleCursor = tk.createCustomCursor(image, new Point(0,0), "invisible cursor");I usually use a 1 x 1 transparent gif.

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    must click the "play " to start the slide show, have all three running at the same time.
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    OSX 10.7.4
    Flash Version 11.4.402.265

    This solved the problem
    My local  Apple Genius Bar support person suggested this sequence and it fixed my disappearing cursor!
    1) Back Up personal Data
    2) Perform "OSX Recovery"
    3) Perform the Apple Software update
    4) Then install latest Adobe Flash
    This fixed my problem!
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    One way to do this is to create a custom cursor based on a completely tranparent image. Then when you want to hide the cursor, set the cursor to the transparent one.
    * Create a 'hidden' cursor by using a transparent image
    * @return the invisible cursor
    Cursor createInvisibleCursor()
    Dimension bestCursorDim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getBestCursorSize(2, 2);
    BufferedImage transparentImage = new BufferedImage(bestCursorDim.width, bestCursorDim.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Cursor hiddenCursor = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit( ).createCustomCursor(transparentImage,
    new Point(1, 1),
    return hiddenCursor;

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  • Drag annotation in one axis only

    I have some annotations that are created automatically on an XY plot.  The annotation is associated with a time point in the x-axis, but it might be created right on top of some data.  I would like the user to be able to drag the annotation (not just the label) along only the y-axis.  Is there an easy way to do this?
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    Hi mattkav,
    I am not aware of any easier way to accomplish this. The only other thought I had was to create an invisible cursor at the current location of the annotation, and then as the cursor is being dragged, move the corresponding annotation. I don't think this would really be any easier than the solution you proposed though.
    Nick R

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    I have a very similar issue in Safari. For me the mouse cursor only disappears when I run it up to the tabs bar. Like mandapanda, I still get the visual notifications when the (invisible) cursor is over the Close button or moves over a different tab. The problem only happens occasionally though. Anyone have any clues?
    Leopard 10.5.2 on an Aluminum iMac
    Safari 3.0.4 (5523.15)

  • Cursor and invisible plots

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    Hello Pera,
    This is a known issue with ComponentWorks 3.0.1 (and prior) which has been fixed in Measurement Studio 6.0. You can upgrade quickly and easily at our online site while taking advantage of upgrade pricing. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at
    Jeremiah Cox
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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