Invisible digital signature acrobat x

is it possible to sign a PDF more than once with a digital signature that is invisible? After one invisible signature is on on the page, the invisible signature command is grayed out.

Hi Jay,
There are a couple of ways to go about this. When you are creating the signature form fields, or even later you can edit them, and set the field to Hidden.
You are looking for this:
Another way is to make the first signature invisible using the Sign > Certify  without Visible Signature (version 9) or Tools > Sign & Certify > Without Visible Signature (version x) and then clear the signature from the Signature Navigation Panel. Repeat that process for as many invisible signature fields that you need to create. You could then right mouse click on the invisible field in the Signature Navigation Panel and either sign or certify (with the caveat that a certifying signature must be the first signature and a document can contain only one).
Good luck,

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    This discussion forum is specific for e-licensing and ALM related issues. Please use the Acrobat for Windows forum for your question (forum URL:

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    I'd like to clarify some points. You use a digital ID to create a digital signature, not unlike how you use a pen to create (what we refer to as) a wet ink signature. When it comes to applying a digital signature to a document, you can sign just about any blob of electronic data. You can sign your e-mail or a MS Word document as well as a PDF file. The signature itself lives either in the document (that's how Acrobat does it when signing a PDF file), or it can be an external attachment (that's what the smime.p7s file is you might see attached to some e-mail messages).
    Here is where I'm a bit confused. How many digital IDs do you have access to? If you only have one, does it cause Acrobat to lock up when signing a specific PDF file or when you try to sign any PDF file? Same question if you have more than one digital ID available to sign with, they all cause Acrobat to lock you when signing just one specifc file or any file? When you try to sign, are you signing an existing signature field, or are you creating a signature on the fly, be it either visible or invisible? If it is just one file that is causing the problems then that file is probably corrupt. If it's any file then it is a more systemic problem and I don't have an off the shelf answer for you.

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    What if you do this:
    To delete photos from your device
    In iTunes, select the device icon in the Devices list on the left. Click the Photos tab in the resulting window.
    Choose "Sync photos from."
    On a Mac, choose iPhoto or Aperture from the pop-up menu.
    On a Windows PC, choose Photoshop Album or Photoshop Elements from the pop-up menu.
    Choose "Selected albums" and deselect the albums or collections you want to delete.
    Click Apply.
    But I do not think it will work since you can only sync/unsync with one iTunes library and the iPod sees the rebuilt computer as a new iTunes library.
    - Do the following to restore the iPod and not lose anything:
    - iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
    - Transfer other music by using a third-party program like one of those discussed here:
    Copy music
    - If you have synced photos then you need a program like TouchCopy or PhoneView which are paid. They also do music.
    - Connect the iPod to the conmputer and make a backup by right clicking on the iPod under Devices iniTunes and slect Back Up
    - Restore the iPod from that backup
    Note that the backup that iTunes makes does not included synced media like apps and music.

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    Mac OS X (Operating System)
    So I am unable to delete the digital signature in Acrobat Xi pro.
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    Tank you.

    It's not clear to me what you're trying to accomplish. If you get rid of your digital ID you will still be prompted to create/add one when you need to sign a form, which you say you still need to do? Do you really just want to e-sign (hand-drawn signature, or stamp) instead of digitally sign? Do the forms you're using have digital signature fields?

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    Do you enter the password twice? People have reported that the second password field isn't visible when using a low resolution screen.

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    Adobe Acrobat 9.3 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    Error Signature
    AppName: acrobat.exe AppVer: ModName: acrobat.dll
    ModVer: Offset: 00135fb9
    The same source PDF document can be modified, or password protected, and then saved without a problem. Only when a digital signature is applied does the error occur. Acrobat has successfully Signed and saved documents on this PC previously, but starting experiencing this error about week ago. I have uninstalled Acrobat, reinstalled ver. 9.0 and applied the two updates to 9.3.2, and have generated new Digital Signatures, all with the same resulting error when signing a document. The new, signed PDF document is actually created, and a Digital Signature is found in the document, but is invalid, reporting:
    Error during signature verification.
    Signature contains incorrect, unrecognized, corrupted or suspicious data.
    Support Information: SigDict /Contents illegal data
    I have tried the troubleshooting steps in, but without any progress; the error continues to remain. Any advice on how to resolve this will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

    Hi Mike,
    After the Save As operation was done, did you see the signature appearance displayed in the signed signature field before you closed the doc? And if did see the signature appearance, did you happen to notice if there was a green check mark displayed in the blue message bar at the top of the file?

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    When you sign, you should see where you can select the signature appearance name from a dropdown in the dialog.

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    - signature's verification status
    - signer's certificate
    - reason location, etc.
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    ASInt32 sigValDigest = ASCabGetInt( sigValCab,  PROP_SigVal_Digest,  kDSSigValUnknown   );
    ASInt32 sigValTrustFlags = ASCabGetInt( sigValCab,  PROP_SigVal_TrustFlags,  kDSSigValUnknown   );
    ASInt32 sigValId = ASCabGetInt( sigValCab,  PROP_SigVal_Id,  kDSSigValUnknown );
    And i dont even completely understand what each of these mean. And i cannot get the rest of the info from the structure as well, as i cant find any discription about them in documentation. I did find a "Digital signature API Reference" document for acrobat 6, but none for acrobat 9. And even in acrobat 6, there is no description for most of the functions and structure, just the prototype.
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    Go to: ence/Digital_Signatures/PubSec.html#kPSSigTrustUntrusted
    and search for  DSValidState
    enum DSValidState {  DSSigBlank = 0,
    and here: ence/Digital_Signatures/PubSec.html#kPSSigTrustAll
    enum DSSigValState {  kDSSigValUnknown = 0,

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    Is what I'm trying to do possible? I feel like this would be fairly commonplace, but I may be going about it the wrong way. Thank you for any pointers.

    Hi Steve,
    I have met similar problem. Using Adobe 9.4 I have prepared document with three signature fileds. I did signature in one of the field and then did extension to Reader. When I checked the propierties of document it occured that signing was not allowed. I couldn't sign it second time (not saying of Reader's user).
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  • Multiple Digital Signatures in Acrobat 8.1

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    There are no problems placing the first signature, but when the second person adds theirs, the first signature ends up having a yellow exlamation mark over the green check mark with the statement: "The revision of the documnet was covered by this signature has not been altered; however there have been subsequent changes to the doucment.".
    I must have both signatures showing "green check marks", otherwise my document can be rejected when I submit it.  I have version 8.1 of Acrobat and need a solution fast as I need to submit this document tomorrow.
    Thanks in advance for any help provided.

    I believe this behavior was changed in Acrobat 9.

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    Acrobat 9 product comparison seems to indicate it is not, but the online help implies that it is.
    Can someone with Acrobat 9 Standard confirm this for me by testing a document that you've enabled for use with Reader by attempting to sign a digital signature field with Reader?

    In the office area, the Pro version might be good to have for the forms and other features. For the general library, Reader is probably adequate. Actually allowing PDF creation on public machines can be an issue. In a small libary system, Acrobat might be reasonable where you do not have to deal with a large, diverse population. However, for basic PDF creation, only Std is needed. Having both AA8 and AA9 on the same machine can lead to problems. However, if you remove one, you will likely have to repair the other.
    The problem with older versions is that they may not properly read some of the newer PDFs that might be downloaded. For the latter, you could install the latest version of Reader, but you need to be aware that you may have to deal with issues of right clicking (windows) on a file and selecting which application to open a PDF with. For forms and some editing, the Pro version would be good to have. You also have PDF Optimize and PreFlight with the Pro version that generally are not including in the Std version.
    To help compatibility with the files you create, you can select Start>Printers>Adobe PDF preferences (right click on printer). In the settings tab>Default settings> select at least Std or better Press or Print and then push edit. Under the general tab select the compatibility and set it to AA8 so that every thing is compatibile with the oldest version of Acrobat you have.
    If you have more than one computer in the office, you might consider having AA8 on one and AA9 on the other. Do check and be sure you have licenses for whatever you have and that someone has not come in and installed a pirated version. Also be sure you keep the original CDs and licenses (or if they were downloaded, burn the downloaded version to a CD as an archive and write the SN on the label).
    Now that I have confused you, are there more questions?

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    Classification: For internal use only
    I can't attach images at this point. The security method for both is No
    Security. However, on the other user computer next to signature it states Not
    Allowed. However, when they open the same form they see an error on top that
    does not show up when I open the same form. The error message is, 'At least
    one signature has problems. Please fill out the following form. You cannot
    save data typed into this form. Please print your completed for if you would
    like a copy for your records'. However, when I open the same for I do not get
    that message. It almost seems like a security setting within their reader or

  • Appearance of Digital Signature in Adobe Acrobat 8

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    Thank you!

    For the first problem (word wrap).  The problem you are encountering is if "Maryanne Doe" is too long to fit in half of the signature field, the text wraps to the next line. The signature appearance that is written into the signature field consists of two halves. The left half contains the graphic properties and the right half contains the text properties.
    You need to lengthen the width of the area where the graphics portion of the signature is contained. You can do this one of two way. Either lengthen the physical dimensions of the signature field before you sign. Or, you could create a custom signature appearance where you turn off all of the text properties, which has the effect of giving the whole signature fields over to the graphics portion. To play with custom signature appearances:
    Select the Edit > Preferences (Win) or the Acrobat > Preferences (Mac) menu item
    Select Security from the Categories list box
    Click the New button in the Appearance group box
    If you select the No Graphic radio button you give all of the space to the text portion. If you deselect all of the checkboxes in the Configure Text area, you give all of the space to the graphics portion.
    While you are in the Preferences dialog, select Identity from the Categories list box. Go ahead and fill in all of the editable fields. This is where the data is procured during the creation of a self-signed digital ID. I think that will fix the second issue you raised.

  • How do I remove the digital signature option on Adobe Acrobat 7.x? I don't want it, but it pops up every time I need to sign a form, and I cannot find a way to remove

    I created a digital signature to sign forms using Adobe Acrobat 7.x. I really don't want or need this feature, but do not know how to remove it or keep it from popping up every time I need to sign a form. Can anyone help? I'm not that technically savvy, so please explain in layman's terms. Thanks!

    It's not clear to me what you're trying to accomplish. If you get rid of your digital ID you will still be prompted to create/add one when you need to sign a form, which you say you still need to do? Do you really just want to e-sign (hand-drawn signature, or stamp) instead of digitally sign? Do the forms you're using have digital signature fields?

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