Invoices must not be completed when run throught Autoinvoice

Dear All,
i have written a feeder programe to load data from existing system to AR module via autoinvoice, but the problem is that all transactions transfered through the feeder programe has the complete_flag set to 'Y', so data entry operator is not able to update any record. which in my case is required, so how can i set the complete_flag to 'N'.
any help will be appreciated
Kashif Ali

So I had this as well.
I went to the file tab and went to export. From there I picked 720p and it worked. It may be different for you depending on the resolution of the video. hopefully it works for you too!

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    id              : 1
    serverAutoStart : False
    state           : Stopped
    bindings        : Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement
    PSComputerName  : Server1
    RunspaceId      : ca8bbb00-4631-4c92-a7c7-3bec8039eaee
    Attributes      : {Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationAttribute,
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    ElementTagName  : site
    Methods         : {Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationMethod,
    Schema          : Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElementSchema
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        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-Website], COMException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException,Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Provider.GetWebsite
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    GAC    Version        Location                                                   PSComputerName
    True   v2.0.50727     C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Web.Administrati... Server1
    The term 'get-website' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
    name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (get-website:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
        + PSComputerName        : Server1
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    So I had this as well.
    I went to the file tab and went to export. From there I picked 720p and it worked. It may be different for you depending on the resolution of the video. hopefully it works for you too!

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    Hi AaronBootss,
    I am afraid that your issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses
    the usage of Visual Studio IDE such as WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    If you got this issue when you print a pdf document to a real printer, maybe you can contact someone who is familiar with your printer and print operation for help.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    IN the script below we use CALC DIM(COstCenters,SpaceTYpe)
    My concern is the setting SET FRMLBOTTOMUP ON i use, because it looks like it's skipping that block. HOw can work around this issue without affecting the performance too much. For example using SET CREATEONMISSINGBLK ON might help, but will have a performance impact
    Here are the details of the script
    FIX("Budget","Version1", "FY2011", "RSF","No_Period","M3","M6","M9","M12",@IDESCENDANTS("$1"),@LEVMBRS
    CALC DIM (ManagedBU,AllocatedBU);
    FIX("Budget", "Version1", "FY2011", "RSF","No_Period","M3","M6","M9","M12",AllocatedBU,ManagedBU,
    /* Aggregating numbers for the report so it could be viewed n a top cost center level */
    FIX("Budget", "Version1", "FY2011", "RSF","No_Period","M3","M6","M9","M12",@IDESCENDANTS(AllocatedBU),@iDESCENDANTS(ManagedBU),@IDESCENDANTS("$1")
    CALC DIM(COstCenters,SpaceTYpe);
    /* Aggregating numbers for the report so it could be viewed in a top regional level*/
    FIX("Budget", "Version1", "FY2011", "RSF","No_Period","M3","M6","M9","M12",@IDESCENDANTS(ManagedBU),@IDESCENDANTS(AllocatedBU),@IDESCENDANTS(SpaceType),CostCenters)

    yes Aggmissg will work with from bottom up. As for performance, believe it or not, having Aggmssg on is quicker that off. That is because when off, it has to look at the children blocks to determine if there are data values present that need to overwrite the parent value where hen it is on, it does not look it just does it.

  • Class not being created when running from jar

    Hi all,
    Tech info first:
    IDE: Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8
    Plaform: windows xp
    I have created a Swing app, that connects to a com port(using the RXTXcomm). now, when I run the app in the IDE, everything is fine and dandy, but, when I run the jar file, the application loads, but the class in the app which deals with the com port is not created. here is the code:
        private static void createAndShowGUI() {
            //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
            Main receiver = new Main();
            //Create and set up the window.
            frame = new JFrame("R�FILOG RFID Empf�nger");
            //Display the window.
            portListener = new RFIDReaderComm(receiver, "COM3");
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
            //creating and showing this application's GUI.
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
    portListener in the createAndShowGUI() function is an interface level parameter and is the class that is not being created. There is no error message.
    If I move the two lines that deal with the port listener before the frame.pack() line, then the GUI is not even loaded, and when I view the processes in the task manager, the process starts and then quits without anything becoming visible. So from this I guess there is a problem with creating the class when running from a jar, but without any error messages, I have not a clue where to start...can anyone help?
    thanks in advance.

    Well, some more info, so maybe someone can come up with some tips for me...this is really important, and any help is greatly appreciated.
    This is obviously a classpath problem. After running the my jar file with java -jar I finally got the error NoClassDefFoundError
    Kind of obvious I suppose. But, I cannot seem to get the two jar files I need into the classpath. I have tried the following:
    Updating my computers CLASSPATH with the relevant paths - not working
    Trying to get the Sun Java Studio Enterprise to build the required jar files into the final package - cannot get this to work
    Tried updating the in the following way:
    Created a text file Manifest.txt with the lines:
    Class-Path: RXTXcomm.jar
    Class-Path: BrowserLauncher2-10rc4.jar
    ran the command (in the same directory as Manifest.txt):
    jar cfm RUFILOGScanner.jar Manifest.txt classes/*.class
    but this does not work either. When I run: jar tf RUFILOGScanner.jar all I get is:
    the classes I want added are not there. Plus, (I think this is because I am running SE8) the is not in a folder called META-INF. In fact, I have no folder called META-INF. Is this significant?
    Please, can anyone help me?

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    I just received my new Thinkpad X220 4286CTO and found that when the computer is unplugged, I cannot start the computer after hibernation or shutting down.
    The battery will charge just fine, and the laptop can run on battery just fine (drained from 100% to about 82% in two hours of use). When running on battery only, the computer can wake up from sleep. However, if I hibernate or shut down and then try to turn it on when unplugged, there is no response (no lights or anything). Then, when I plug the computer back in, it will turn on immediately (without pressing any keys), which surprised me. During this whole time the battery was between 80 and 100% charge.
    One other quirk I noticed is that if I turn the laptop back on very quickly (press the power button within 5 seconds of finishing hibernating or shutting down), it will come back on, but if I wait more than 5 seconds, it is completely unresponsive until I plug it back in. 
    Has anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it? I will probably just send it back for possible motherboard / battery replacement, but I was wondering if there was anything I could try to fix it and avoid this. Thanks!

    I think you need to call support. Sounds like a defective battery or motherboard, as you suggested.

Maybe you are looking for

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