IOException during synchronization

Hi all,
I have a problem when I try to sync a publication. All publication items are "out of sync" (normal, it's the first sync).
After 220 of 606 publication items, the sync failed. the error in mobile manager is
Trace de pile d'exceptions de la session de synchronisation: L'entrée est fermée
     at oracle.lite.sync.resume.SpoolEntry.checkClosed(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.resume.SpoolEntry.write(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.resume.Client.send(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.HeliosSession.sendConv(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.HeliosSession.sendCompress(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.HeliosSession.sendDML(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.HeliosSession.sendI(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.HeliosSession.sendPayload(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.HeliosSession.sendSubData(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.HeliosSession.downloadSubs(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.HeliosSession.startSession(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.resume.Client$ Source)
     at oracle.lite.sync.resume.ThreadPool$ Source)When I remove the publication item #201 (that was synchronized when the error raised before), the sync ends without error.
What are the potential problems with this type of error?
Thanks for your help.

1651 seconds is a long time for a sync, but 606 PIs is also a lot of objects. We have two quite comprehensive applications and they only have 29 and 82 PIs respectively.
For this number of objects, the average sync time is 2.5 seconds per PI, which is still quite a long time. Are the PIs fast refresh? if so what is the average MGP compose time for each user. If they are complete refresh then it may be worth looking at queue based items to give you more control over the selection process
You do not say what types of objects you use, but have you considered using updateable views on the server side as the base for the PIs to denormalise the data before download. If appropriate, this can make significant reductions in data traffic and selection speed. use of the myCompose classes can improve the MGP compose time, but will not help much with the actual sync

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    it can be done with the help of a system code 'sy-xcode'. it is initialised the time list is sorted so just keeping a check point, we can solve this problem.
    Vishu Khandelwal

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    Hello Jason & Prakhar
    Thanks for your quick response. I am basis person, and configuring this change request management for one of the project.
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    I didn’t get your point No correctly defined maintenance project exists, I have already created project in project administration transaction, assigned the system landscape, I have activated project IMG in IMG Project and then going in change request tab to activate the change request management, where its giving me above error.
    More over, as you have mentioned I am getting following message in SLG1:
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    Hi Raj,
    Now that a new development, If the device was restarted manually please do a client data reset. Settings-> client data reset.
    I know you have tried doing this before but I want you to check the following.
    This will ensure that the data in the client and the middleware are consistent.
    Check the MEREP_MON when you perform the first sync.
    Download requests must be sent from the client to the middleware (They will be in I-Finished status after processing) and the response will be found in O-Waiting. When you perform the sync the second time all the data is sent to the client. Now the data in the client and the server are in-sync. Now if you change any data and sync the data should be sent to the middleware.
    If it still doesnt work your only option is to reinstall MI on the device and start from scratch.
    Let me know.
    Best Regards,

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    for the CTS activation you must do all the below,
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    go through the below doc,

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    hi alex,
    are you downloading the apps thru ssl? your ssl server might have a timeout...
    you can check on your server settings for this. or you can try placing your app
    in an http server. if you are using a proxy server, might need to check on the
    timeout settings as well.

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    Have you tried to to turn off photo stream for a moment and then to tun it back on again (Settings > iCloud > Photos > My Photo Stream)? Sometimes this helps to refresh the sync process.

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    I appologize for the delayed response, our notification seem to have been down over the weekend.
    In so far as the problems you are having, the only reason that the users would get disabled is that they are not members of a group in the "Fully Synchronized Group List". This list is in the Authentication Source Editor, and should contain the groups from your remote Authentication Source that should be synchronized with the portal. Only users that are members of a group specified in that list will be imported.
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    Hi Jochen,
    Indeed the error is IO Error and it is because the Adapter engine was not able to send the message to Integration server. But it happens due to memory/heap size issues.
    Look at these thread, they are having the same problem. Please try the remedy measures suggested by them
    Mail to Proxy scenario with attachment. AF channel error.
    Error with huge file
    problem with big file in file-to-proxy scenario
    Is there any additional information in Adapter messaging tool.?
    Edited by: S.R.Suraj on Oct 1, 2009 8:55 AM

  • IOException during MQ queue message parsing : Missing mandatory element

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    I am trying to configure the JMS Adapter and trying to send the data to BW. I think our configuration is fine for JMS adapter because it is Green in Plain J2SE Adapter Engine Screen. But when we are trying to send the data from MQ we are encountering  Error:
    Caught an IOException duringparsing : Missing mandatory element <sap:Main><sap:Interface @sap:namespace>
    May 12, 2006 11:55:58... ...2Transport.onMessage(Message message) [Thread[asyncDelivery3,5,main]] Info: Duplicate Handling for JMSMessage ID:414d5120544553542e514d4752202020f497604420000807: replaced XMBMessageID 2caa9051-e180-11da-9a37-c75dac1425bb by 31e68ec0-dfe1-11da-be57-c75dac1425bb
    May 12, 2006 11:55:58... ...b.XMBMessageHeader.marshal(XMLWriter) [Thread[asyncDelivery3,5,main]] Error: The SAP XI Adapter Framework Messaging Service caught an exception during rendering an XML Message. Details can be found in the trace file for Location Action: Please contact SAP Support and provide the trace file.
    So Please anybody can help us out to resolve this issue.Or  at least guide us to analyse the error.
    one more query as we are working on Plain J2SE Adapter Engine,how can we know the status of the JMS Adpater in IS.
    Thanks In Advance..
    Message was edited by: rahul kharya
    Message was edited by: rahul kharya

    The message says it has parsing error. So I think you have not configure communication channel on both sender and receiver properly. But since your adapter for sender is showing green kindly check your receiver communication channel and try once again.
    I think the process is started from the sender and send to XI. Then it is trying to map to the receiver. But here it is not parsing. So might be the problem with the message mapping or receiver communication channel. Go through them once again. Also take the payload from SXMB_MONI and check the mapping as in the below url. This is just only to check your mapping is working fine or not.

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    Please help.

    To run a public VPN server, you need to do the following:
    1. Give the gateway either a static external address or a dynamic DNS name. The latter must be a DNS record on a public DNS registrar, not on the server itself. Also in the latter case, you must run a background process to keep the DNS record up to date when your IP address changes.
    2. Give the VPN server a static address on the local network, and a hostname that is not in the top-level domain "local" (which is reserved for Bonjour.)
    3. Forward external UDP ports 500, 1701, and 4500 (for L2TP) and TCP port 1723 (for PPTP) to the corresponding ports on the VPN server.
    4. Configure any firewall in use to pass this traffic.

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    Go to Solution.

    4.7 --> sorry, I have no knowledge concerning the Storm
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Pb during synchronization of sequences

    I'm currently using an Ipaq H3630 + Ms Visual Embedded C++ + Oracle 8i Lite Beta (
    The schema is composed of two tables. each primary key is generated through a sequence. I've put a foreign key between the 2 tables.
    The big pb I have is to write the Java code to synchronise my DB 8i Lite with the 8.1.7 DB.
    I'm using Consolidator.CreateSequence("SQ_NAME") and CreateSequencePartition for each subscription.
    The synchronization fails.
    Does anyone have an experience with this kind a situation ?
    Thanks for any help.

    I was trying to develop a SmartSync Application for AWT and followed the .
    Probably I did something wrong. But I cannot find any relation between my Project and something Servlet-like.
    Here is a list of
    all packages my application uses:
    Message was edited by: Andreas Göb
    Added list of used packages

  • Program error during synchroniz​ation with Outlook

    the synchronization of my new Curve 9300 with PC/Outlook does not work. Always the same failure-message occurs:
    In Line 140 in ./Error.cpp is a program failure. Please send a protocoll to the technical support to report this failure (german orginal message: In zeile 140 in ./Error.cpp ist ein Programmfehler aufgetreten. Senden Sie ein Protokoll an den technischen Support, um diesen Fehler zu melden).
    Who can help me. Who can i reach the technical support in Germany?
    Please let me know. Thanks

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Here is a KB that discusses that error:
    KB32032Reoccurring appointments of a specific pattern cause the sync to fail with an error message in BlackBerry Desktop Software
    Hopefully it contains something useful! There also are multiple existing threads on this site that discuss that exact error...your review of those might prove useful, and a search of this site, using the error message or code, should reveal all applicable existing threads to you.
    wavo wrote:
    Who can i reach the technical support in Germany?
    ALL support starts with your mobile service provider (Telkom Germany, according to your profile). They are responsible, by contract, to provide 100% of your service and 100% of your formal support. They have the power to escalate cases they cannot resolve into RIM at no cost to the end user. But, hopefully, the above KB will provide you with what you need.
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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