IOImage.write showing error after byte[] to BufferedImage

I am new to Image Manipulations in Java and I am writing some program related to Image Steganography by Mapping Pixels to Letters..
I have successfully read the data from gray scale image to BufferedImage object and read the pixels in byte array..
byte []data;
DataBufferByte buffer = (DataBufferByte) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer();
data = buffer.getData();Now for testing the working of my pixel morphing I have changed two pixels data[0] and data[1] and tried to store it in some target.jpg file.. For that I used[0]=(byte)3;[1]=(byte)1;
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(;
    try {
            BufferedImage img =;
            image.write(img, ref);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Now I am getting error because is returning NULL to BufferedImage img.. hence write method is throwing IllegalArgumentException.
I am totally lost.. please help me..
Edited by: Neo_Cerf on Feb 22, 2010 8:01 PM

Wrap the byte array in a DataBufferByte. Create an appropriate raster via one of the Raster#createXXXRaster methods. Then create and appropriate ColorModel and use the BufferedImage constructor that takes a raster and a color model. For a byte[] array representing gray data, this would be done like so.
byte[] imgData = ...;
int w = ...;
int h = ...;
//the DataBuffer
DataBuffer db = new DataBufferByte(imgData,imgData.length);
//the Raster
WritableRaster rast =  Raster.createInterleavedRaster(
       db, w, h, w, 1, new int[]{0}, null);
//the ColorModel
ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(
       cs,new int[]{8}, false, true,
//the BufferedImage
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(cm,rast,true,null);

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    If this post is helpful please click "Mark for answer", thanks! Kind regards

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    You are running version 115.9
    Executing service control script:
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    Starting Apache Web Server Listener (dedicated PLSQL) ...
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    .end std out.
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    /erpp/erppcomn/admin/scripts/ERPP_hertz/ start
    script returned: version
    Checking for FNDFS executable.
    Starting listener process APPS_ERPP. exiting with status 0
    .end std out.
    Executing service control script:
    /erpp/erppcomn/admin/scripts/ERPP_hertz/ start
    script returned:
    You are running version 115.16
    Starting concurrent manager for ERPP ...
    Starting ERPP_0801@ERPP Internal Concurrent Manager
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    .end std out.
    Executing service control script:
    /erpp/erppcomn/admin/scripts/ERPP_hertz/ start
    script returned:
    You are running version 115.26
    Starting forms server for ERPP on port 9000. exiting with status 0
    .end std out.
    Executing service control script:
    /erpp/erppcomn/admin/scripts/ERPP_hertz/ start
    script returned:
    You are running version 115.15
    starting Reports Server for ERPP on port 7000. exiting with status 0
    .end std out.
    Executing service control script:
    /erpp/erppcomn/admin/scripts/ERPP_hertz/ start
    script returned:
    You are running version 115.15
    Starting forms load balancing client for ERPP. exiting with status 0
    .end std out.
    Executing service control script:
    /erpp/erppcomn/admin/scripts/ERPP_hertz/ start
    script returned:
    You are running version 115.11
    starting forms metrics server for ERPP. exiting with status 0
    .end std out.
    Executing service control script:
    /erpp/erppcomn/admin/scripts/ERPP_hertz/ start
    script returned:
    You are running version 115.7
    Starting Fulfillment Server for ERPP on port 9300 ... exiting with status 0
    .end std out.
    Executing service control script:
    /erpp/erppcomn/admin/scripts/ERPP_hertz/ start
    script returned:
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    Waiting for OAD to start...
    Started OAD.
    OAD logs messages to the file /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/oad.log.
    Discoverer Locator Started.
    Locator logs messages to the file /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/locator.log.
    Cannot bind to OAD. Re-starting...
    OAD is stopped
    Unable to stop Osagent. No process-id file found.
    Locator is stopped
    Unable to stop gatekeeper. No process-id file found.
    No other discoverer processes running
    Waiting for OAD to start...
    Started OAD.
    OAD logs messages to the file /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/oad.log.
    Discoverer Locator Started.
    Locator logs messages to the file /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/locator.log.
    Registering Discoverer Session
    oadutil reg: Failed to bind to OAD
    Registering the Collector
    oadutil reg: Failed to bind to OAD version 115.8
    Waiting for OAD to start...
    Started OAD.
    OAD logs messages to the file /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/oad.log.
    Discoverer Locator Started.
    Locator logs messages to the file /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/locator.log.
    Cannot bind to OAD. Re-starting...
    OAD is stopped
    Unable to stop Osagent. No process-id file found.
    Locator is stopped
    Unable to stop gatekeeper. No process-id file found.
    No other discoverer processes running
    Waiting for OAD to start...
    Started OAD.
    OAD logs messages to the file /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/oad.log.
    Discoverer Locator Started.
    Locator logs messages to the file /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/locator.log.
    Registering Discoverer Session
    oadutil reg: Failed to bind to OAD
    Registering the Collector
    oadutil reg: Failed to bind to OAD
    Command line may not be valid
    Exiting with status 1
    You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/applerpp
    [applerpp@hertz applerpp]$

    The LD_ASSUME_KERNEL is already set to the specified value and when i tried to run the addisctl script from the same session i got the same errors but when i run the the ouput is:
    [applerpp@hertz util]$
    Initializing ORB...
    ORB initialized successfully.
    Checking for OSAgent...
    java.lang.Exception: OSAgent Not Found
    Error: OSAgent is not running. Discoverer will not function correctly unless there is at least one OSAgent running in the subnet.
    Hint: Start OSAgent by running under /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util.
    Checking for OAD...
    org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT[completed=MAYBE, reason=
      Could not locate the following object:
             repository id :
                 host name :
    Error: OAD is not running. Discoverer will not function correctly.
    Hint: Start OAD by running under /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util.
    Checking for Discoverer Locator...
    Error: Discoverer Locator is not running. Clients outside the subnet will not be able to connect.
    Hint: Start Discoverer Locator by running under /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util.
    Checking for Gatekeeper...
    WARNING: Attempting to use HTTP Firewall Proxy Server
    due to security restrictions: org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL[completed=MAYBE, reason=Can not find GateKeeper: exception ReqFailure{}]
    org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL[completed=MAYBE, reason=Can not find GateKeeper: exception ReqFailure{}]
    Error: Gatekeeper is not running. Clients outside the firewall will not be able to connect.
    Hint: Start Gatekeeper by running under /erpp/erppora/8.0.6/discwb4/util.
    Refer to the Discoverer Configuration Guide for more information on configuring Gatekeeper.
    Checking that the machine has only one network card...
    Pls help me on this issue
    Thanks and Regards
    Amit Raghuvanshi

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         <dsp:valueof bean="MyFormHandler.errorMap.firstname"/>
    <div id="firstNameError">Your error message will goes here<div>

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    Hi There,
    Kindly try the below mentioned links.
    Creative Cloud Help | Download Error in Apps tab of Creative Cloud Desktop Application
    Creative Cloud - Download error - stubborn error
    Atul Saini

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    ERROR: boot device didn't show up after 30 seconds
       Falling back to interactive prompt
       You can try to fix the problem manually, logout when you are finished
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    [ramfs /]#
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    I notice there is no /dev/disk/by-label (ther is a /dev/disk/by-id  by-label  and by-uuid).
    I do a:
    "[ramfs /]# lsmod | grep sr_mod"
    sr_mod        14951   0
    cdrom        36329   1   sr_mod
    scsi_mod    131482   7  sg,sr_mod,sd_mod,libata,mptspi,mptscsih,scsi_transport_spi
    [ramfs /]# lsmod | grep scsi
    mptscsih        20040   1   mptspi
    mptbase            63459    2   mptspi,pmtscsih
    scsi_transport_spi    20059   1   mptspi
    scsi_mod        131482  7   sg,sr_mod,sd_mod,libata,mptspi,mptscsih,scsi_stransport_spi

    scrath "I notice there is no /dev/disk/by-label (ther is a /dev/disk/by-id  by-label  and by-uuid)."
    Should be: I notice there is no /dev/disk/by-label (there is a /dev/disk/by-id  by-path  and by-uuid).

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