IOS 6.1.3 Battery Drain

Once again having a drainage issue from iOS 6.1.3!!! This is horrible! EXTERMINATE THE BUGS!

У меня была такая же проблема на iPad, я все исправил! Инструкция:
Заходим в настройки -> почта, адреса, календари.
Далее, во ВСЕХ учетных, заходя в каждую по очереди выключаем всю синхронизацию. (Переводом бегунок из синего цвета в серый). Устройство будет спрашивать оставить копии локально? Соглашаемся. Так же отключаем фото поток и синхронизацию документов. Выполнит это действие для всех учетных записей.
Потом выходим на рабочий стол и выгружаем из памяти все приложения. (Дважды на кнопку хом, потом держим любое приложение, как появится минус, тыкаем на него пока не останется ни одного приложения. Ну вдруг нас блондинки читают  )
После всех телодвижений зажимаем одновременно кнопку включения и кнопку хом. Держим в течении 5 - 8 секунд до отключения устройства. Это мы сделали hard reset. Включаем и наслаждаемая долгой жизнью батареи.
Всю синхронизацию учетных записей можно включить обратно, вы ничего не потеряете и все данные останутся. А батарея будет работать в нормальном режиме.

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    Since upgrading my iPhone 6 to iOS 8.1, my battery has not been the same. I was able to get 9-10 hours of usage before and am lucky to get 6-7 hours. AppleCare thought that was on the low side and told me to visit my local Apple Store for a thorough diagnostic testing of the battery. My appointment is tomorrow. Will report back.

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    I too was having some serious battery drain on IOS 8.1.3 on my iPhone 5S. The phone kept getting warm (like I was using maps navigation) I think I just fixed it.  On the hunch that it had to be something with location services I went to the following location in my phones settings: Settings->Privacy->Location Services now scroll all the way down and Click System Services. Disable Cell Network Search, Setting Time Zone, and Wifi Networking. You can also try disabling these one at a time. I really don't need these services so I disabled them all.
    Your phone should now cool down and hold a charge like it did before, mine does. Here are what those settings you are disabling do:
    Cell Network Search:This tracks cell tower usage and congestion, and sends the data back to Apple for analysis as to what towers are being used the most, how you move between cell towers, and which ones are overused. It does not help your phone locate a cell tower. Turning this off will not affect your phone’s performance, according to Apple.
    Setting Time Zone:Your time zone will be instantly adjusted according to your geographic location. Ever notice how as soon as you turn on your phone after a long flight, it displays the local time perfectly, even before getting cell signal? It’s this setting. If you turn it off, you’ll lose that functionality.
    Wi-Fi Networking:This particular setting is interesting, and requires some explanation. As you move around a city, your iPhone is constantly picking up WiFi signals. It geotags that data (“XYZ WiFi is at this GPS location”), encrypts it so that it is anonymous and unique (otherwise the data would look like all hotspots are named “linksys”), and stores it as what Apple calls “crowdsourced Wi-Fi Hotspot locations”. Next time someone walks by that exact hotspot, their iPhone will know where they are without using GPS – because you basically already “marked” the area. Shutting this setting off will stop that info from being sent to Apple. It will not affect your phone’s performance.
    * The above was taken from:

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    This morning after a full charge I did a hard reset. Now the problem seems to have gone. I've had the phone on for several hours (about 4.5hrs) and it's only just dropped to 99% moments ago. This is a massive improvement (on even the battery life of the device when I got it, and it had 6.1.3 factory installed).
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    The update isn't the problem. It was a problem with your update process. millions of others have updated without any issue at all.
    Also resetting has been discussed many times in the never ending battery draining threads.

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    I have a similar problem on my 5s. Since updating it has stopped allowing me to send texts to my wive, but will accept them and allows calls.
    I must add that I can text her when on wifi, and also from my mac, but when on 4g?
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    This Apple page has tons of tips for improving battery life -> Apple - Batteries - iPhone

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    I've pretty much proved to myself that this is a bug in 7.0.2.  Since my post a few days ago I have:
    Done a full restore of my iPhone with 7.0.2 - problem still persisted - draining battery at approx 23%/hour with no use, and with all the battery saving tips applied (no push notifications, no background updating etc).
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    I would recomend everyone who is having this problem with 7.0.2 to lodge a bug report with Apple - - hopefully if enough of us lodge the bug report, Apple will listen and release an update.
    As for downgrading, unfortunately we cannot downgrade to 6.x anymore, but you can downgrade to 7.0.  It is a matter of downloading the appropriate firmware. Firmware's are available here - - although that site lists 6.x, they will no longer work, so get the 7.0. That site redirects you to Apple's server for the appropriate ROM, so they are legitimate. Before you install it, you have to turn "Find My iPhone" off by going to Settings | Privacy | Location Services | Find iPhone.  The installation seems to turn it back on when done, but you should probably check.  Once the firmware has downloaded, you can install it on your device by going to iTunes, and holding down the option key while clicking Restore.  This is on Mac - on Windows I assume you would press Alt (but if that doesn't work, try Ctl or Shift).  If you have pressed the right button on your keyboard, a file browser window will appear, allowing you to choose the firmware that you just downloaded.
    Once installation is complete, iTunes will tell you that there is an update available for your iPhone, just click "Later" everytime the warning appears.

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    The battery drain on the iPhone due to the iOS 8 is currently a trending issue which APPLE claims to be working on right now for the next upcoming update.
    Agreed to the fact as the iPhone 5 is compatible to 4G Network due to which the Disable 3G option has been removed from the Cellular Settings.
    You may use some of the below tips to work on the Battery Life:
    1. Use of DND mode the most when possible maybe in the night time or when in a meeting,
    2. A new option available in PRIVACY > LOCATION SETTTINGS > When Using, Always, Never.
    Switch some application to NEVER which you do not use.
    3. Switch the Display and Brightness to AUTO BRIGHTNESS,
    4. Turn OFF the Bluetooth and WiFi option when not needed,
    5. Turn the REQUIRE PASSCODE duration to the lowest option i.e. After 1 Min,
    6. If possible use a DARK BLACK wallpaper,
    7. In the MAIL Setting, turn OFF the FETCH Setting by selecting MANUALLY.
    Let me know if you have already used these settings and still facing issues..!!

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    ramesh babu wrote:
    I just updated my iphone4 to iOS 5.0.1, 40% battery drained over night (7hrs) while I was sleeping, 3G was on and all apps were closed. morning I charged it and by lunch 60% was gone, just took few calls, no internet use, 3G was on, it was much much better with iOS5, i regret updating to iOS5.0.1, thanks for any simple solution.
    worked for me.

  • IOS 4.3.1 battery drain on iPhone

    I have been wrestling with trying to find out what is causing my faster than normal battery drain issues since upgrading to 4.3.1 on iPhone. I thought I had it nailed when I discovered Skype was running in background. I have since deleted the Skype app but am still getting faster than normal battery drain. I then began to look at the internal processes running and am now wondering if any of those are the culprit.
    How do you know what the process is used for and if it is needed? And then how to kill it?
    Thanks and I look forward to your reply.

    Well I'm still testing, but so far still looks crap to me.
    It seems the opening animation is still horrible, but on most apps the second time you open an app (if it is already loaded) its smooth. This tells me when you first hit an app that it's loading is interfering with the animation. (never did this before 4.3)
    The ipod app is still glitchy animation wise, and settings still has a second or so pause before appearing.
    The camera app openeing speed seems to have improved a little though, but the double tap to reveal background tasks is totally inconsistant. (pause before doing anything, then glitchy crappy animation on screen move up).
    Ultimately, I think that this is just a case of apple dumping the 3gs, and 'pushing' people to get a more powerful iphone (4 or even 5 later this year). The update doesn't even mention 3gs stability in the release notes, so Apple either basically have their head in the sand, or as I expect, just don't give a crap.
    Will test some more, but this isn't looking good.

  • IOS 6.0.2 battery draining BUG

    Need help plz.
    Just purchased a brand new phone from my local apple store in London.
    Once phone updated to 6.0.2 battery draining just started happening what should I do.

    If enough other people report the issue (I don't have that problem), go to, select your product and for feedback type select Bug Report.

  • How to fix the ios 6 download. Battery draining problems

    how do you fix battery draining issues after installing the 6.0.1 software

    Search the forums, there are hundreds of thousands of postings on battery issues.    

  • IOS 5.0.1 Battery Drain Fix

    I need to say at the outset that I didn't have an issue with battery drain UNTIL I did the update.
    I did the update using Software Update on the phone. It measured 55 megs. Update went fine but noticed within the hour that the battery was draining quickly. I tried restarting the phone and the battery percentage went UP from 95 - 97 %. Strange.
    Overnight I noticed a drop of 7%. I tried to retrieve the full update from iTunes but was unable to because it already had the update. So I called Apple and was told to force the phone into Recovery Mode by holding the Home button while plugging the phone into the computer. This forces the update.
    If you back up prior to this you can just restore the phone from that backup and save yourself some time .
    Now, 3 1/2 hours later, with light usage, the percentage hasn't gone down at all.
    If you've done the update, and continue to have these issues, you might want to try this as a solution. It is Apple sanctioned as their first tier solution.

    About all that can be suggested is to use the feedback form and talk to Apple. They have communicated with some users, trying to get more info to find out just what the battery drain is so they can fix it. Unfortunately with the myriad of operating systems, apps and individual tweaks, there could be several combinations of settings that are draining the battery.
    My personal suspicion is that it has something to do with iCloud and the wifi syncing. (My ipad, before I changed the setting, was reaching out to find a sync on a regular basis. And it may still be doing so, however I set my iTunes to not automatically open to keep my device from trying to sync several times in an evening...not to mention the constant aggravation of iTunes opening regularly)
    That said, I could be wrong and it could be an app that users have in common, or several apps.

  • IPhone 5S with iOS 8.0.2 battery draining rapidly

    I have an iPhone 5S with 8.0.2 recently installed on it.  Normally, I can go a whole day and have the battery around 50 - 60% when I put it back to charge it at night.  However, lately, the battery has been draining so fast that it doesn't last an entire day anymore.  My usage has not changed.  If I look up the battery drainage for the last 4 hours, the major players are Mail (28%), Home & Lock Screen (17%), and Facebook (13%).  For the last 4 days, it has been Mail (41%), Home & Lock Screen (15%), and Safari and Facebook (11% each).
    I had this problem with iOS 7.1.2, and I took it in to the Apple store and was instructed to delete and install Facebook again.  I did this, and it didn't help.  I then restored the phone and re-installed the back up.  That worked until about a week after I installed iOS 8.  I tried upgrading to 8.0.2, and the drain was faster if it changed at all.  I tried restoring from the backup again, and this time it didn't help.  My last option would be to restore as a new phone, but I'd like to avoid this if possible.  It would take more time than I really want to spend on it.
    My background refresh apps are limited to just a few.  I also have the Mail program set not to notify me unless I get a message from a certain account or a VIP.  I also limit what can use location services.  Also, since mail was consuming the battery, I tried to decrease the frequency of retrieval, and even changed it to manual.  Neither option helped the battery life.
    I wonder if something is wrong in the OS that is causing this. Does anyone have an idea?

    Hey David Ancell,
    Thanks for the question, and great troubleshooting so far. You have already taken all of the most applicable steps: optimizing your settings, viewing which apps are using energy, and configuring your notifications. Because restoring the back up of your iPhone may restore the culprit causing these symptoms, restoring as new is your best option for isolation purposes:
    iOS: How to back up your data and set up your device as a new device
    After erasing and setting up as a new device, your device is now in a factory configuration. Test to determine if erasing and setting up as a new device resolved the issue. Content on the device may have caused unexpected behavior.
    If the issue is still present, you may want to contact Apple Support.
    Additional Information:
    Apple - Batteries - Maximizing Performance
    Matt M.

  • Iphone 5 (ios 7.0.4) battery drains in 2hours

    i know there is a ton of threads out there already about iphone 5 batter drain issues.
    i want to know;
    1. is there a legit fix for this?
    2. is there any update coming SOON from apple to fix this?
    i work in sports and i need my phone to work; i cant have it plugged in all the time.  if thats the case i might as well go with landline again.
    can someone make a suggestion here.

    i'll try this.  Thanks. 
    do you recommend those battery Dr. Apps? do they even work?
    - this is the thing, i dont do anything crazy; standard stuff like checking emails, responding to txt's; phone calls that last no more than 5-6mins tops. But i've noticed that i used to be able to run all day without issues, and recently (i'd say about a month) i'll use it for 20mins and and i'll see it go from 100% to 65% in a flash... it messes me up for the rest of the day.
    even today for example... i saw this reply on my phone and i was at 36%.  by the time i read the post, did all the recommended things in the article; the phone died.  and that took no more than 10mins to do all that.  so i'm stumpped.
    never had this problem before, then poof.... and i have 4 iphones; (iphone 5, iphone 4s and 2 iphone 4's) iphone 5 and 4s are on ios7 and have this same problem; the 4's are still on ios 6 and are running like well oiled machines.  i hope this works.
    any other suggestions, send them my way. and i'll keep you posted on my end.
    thanks for the help.

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