IOS Photo library wrong size

Hi, I'm trying to restore some space on my 16GB iPhone 5s and I've already imported all the photos in my computer and deleted almost all the photos from iOS Camera Roll. Now I have only 80 photos in camera roll, total 72mb (just 10 photos are 2mb size, taken with the phone, others are downloaded from internet). The problem is that iOS says that photo library is still using 749mb!!! How come? I have only those photos. The Recently deleted folder is empty!
How can I restore that space without resetting the phone?

Hello svkrzn,
I'm sorry to hear you are having this issue with your iPhone. If you have unaccounted for data associated with your photos, you may want to try the following portion of this article (the article is addressing a slightly different issue, but the instructions may still be useful in this case):
If your device gets stuck during startup
When starting up, you might see the Apple logo or a red or blue screen for a long time, or your device might restart again. Try these steps:
Make sure that you have iTunes 12 or later on your computer.
Put your device in recovery mode.
When you get the option to restore or update, select Update. This will reinstall iOS without erasing your data.
If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch doesn't respond or doesn't turn on - Apple Support
- Brenden

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    Axeman1020 wrote:
    By default it uses cellular data. If you turn off cellular data for photos Settings > Cellular > Photos - off) then it will be restricted to wifi.
    Just a few warnings, iCloud Photo Library is still in beta so I suggest before turning it on you backup your photos.
    Also, once it is enabled, you will no longer be able to sync photos via iTunes and any photos currently on the device that were synced via iTunes will be removed.
    By using Photo Streams and shared / auto upload (My Photo Stream) that was also in iOS7, I notice that all of the photos I took, when enabling automatic upload to all my devices, every photo I took was uploaded to iCloud and distributed to iPads and Mac computers, restricted to WiFi only.
    When I delete a specific photo, that photo would remain on another device. Removing the share / auto-upload (disabling My Photo Stream) on the phone was able to remove the photos shared from the iPhone onto other devices via iCloud.
    Interesting note from AxeMac1020 as using the Beta iPhoto Library disables the ability to retrieve using iTunes or iPhoto after being enabled AND it goes back 30 days only, I like that however how do we preserve photos? Back-up using iPhoto, then enable Library Beta? If this will delete photos once enabled, do we use "Image Capture" or "iPhoto" for import and protection against them being deleted? Seems like a benchmark as majority of photos will be deleted (although I removed all photos completely prior to activating iPhone 6.
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    Interesting twist as I hadn't noticed this feature until now! Thank you both !
    I am not able to turn iCloud Drive ON yet as my OS X Mavericks require Yosemite OR!!!! Perhaps we have an update!!! I'll check now.
    Great resources in this thread! Thanks !

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    Apologies if I have missed something obvious and welcome any thoughts & answers.
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    iCloud Photo Library

    Things are not as dire as they might seem at first glance. My 66GB iPhoto Library became a 40GB iCloud Photo Library (~11K photos, ~300 videos) and only uses 2.2GB on my iPad and 2.4GB on my iPhone. Scaling that experience, a 64GB/128GB iOS device should be able to easily handle a 300GB iPhoto library. My iPad and iPhone are 32GB devices and I expect them to be livable through at least 30-40K of photos.
    16GB devices have always been problematic for space even before iCloud Photo Library so I'd expect anybody with a 16GB device and more than a few thousand photos is not going to be able to use iCloud Photo Library with it. They will have to use iCloud Photo Streaming to get photos to iCloud Photo Library and iCloud Photo Sharing or iTunes syncing to get a subset of photos back to the device. Not a great solution but workable. However, it wrecks one of the best features for me which is using my iPad to edit the photos I take on my iPhone.
    The part that worries me is the automatic space management routine. The problem it creates is that I might want to add a movie, but there won't be enough space, and my only option will be to reset iCloud Photo Library on the device to get back to all thumbnails on it to see if that gets me the space I need. I've already had to do it a couple of times with iTunes Match and it's not fun. It all depends on how aggressive Photo Library will be in trimming off full-size photos/videos and Apple appears to be leaving it a black box at this point. It would at least be nice to know an estimate of the minimum size so I know how much space I can recapture.

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    i imported a 70gb photo folder - turning OFF to copy it into the library first, just refering to them - and now it ate up all my space by creating a 41gb (!!!) photo library just with references alone. so now i have a 70gb folder plus an index file that is 41gb big. i am beyond baffled.
    am i doing something wrong here or are they crazy?
    they cannot possibly think this is a smart way to store photos with the small internal hard drives they give us nowadays can they?

    it gets even worse. "photos" has created empty subfolders of almost every photo in my original photo folder.
    thank you apple. good job.

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    Any advice/info?

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    I think this is an iMovie, not an iPhoto problem. So, humbled, I again ask for your help. BTW, could I just work with the albums, since they contain everything in the Photo Library, but organized by time periods? I just wish I could get the Photo Library problem in iMovie 4 fixed.

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    Thanks for reading my issues and I'm very glad to get a response of the idea of this problem.

    Thanks for your reply King_Penguin
    Re your first point - 'Sync collections' was ticked in both the iPad and Mac versions of iBooks prior to these problems occurring.
    Why have recently purchased or installed books been moved to iCloud and moved off my iPad and iMac when previously they were there in my iBooks library collections? They were books I'd read or were in the process of reading.
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    Why should I have to re-download books that were already present in my iBooks library on Mac and iPad prior to my upgrades to Yosemite, iOS 8 and the iBooks  apps?
    I have to reiterate that I do not and will not use iCloud and for 2 reasons: it is not secure and Apple uses push marketing to make it difficult for you to not use it.

  • Uploading photos from PC to Photo library results in wrong date/time

    Uploading photos to iCloud photo library using will result in wrong date/time of the photos, which is, to be precise, 15 hours later than the actual time in EXIF. Thanks in advance.

    iTunes is not a photo management program, never has been.
    Delete the pictures (or remove them from the folder that syncs).  This has absolutely nothing to do with iTunes.
    If the Photo tab is not displaying in iTunes, resize the window.

  • Photo library won't open after iOS 5 update

    I updated both my iPod Touch and iPhone 4 to the new iOS 5.0 right after it was released. I initially noticed that my library of photos would not fully sync to both products but I remedied that by manually clicking each photo album I have available via iTunes. Now I'm noticing that when I try to open my Photo Library in either the iPod or iPhone, it takes noticable time to do so. I have a little over 16,000 pictures on each one.
    In addition, once i applied the updates, I found that certain album art from my iTunes music would not display on either the iPod or iPhone. However, the album art is showing inside iTunes. Incidentally, this seems to only affect albums that have duplicate songs from the same album.
    Any thoughts or ideas ?

    Have you tried closing the Phot Booth app completelyand seeing if it works when you re-open it  ? From the home screen (i.e. not with Photo Booth 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Photo Booth app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    If that doesn't work then you could try a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • IOS 8 / iTunes befor sync all with my iPhone 6 (music and pictures) are Crashing. And when i scroll in my Photo library, increased it.

    iOS 8 / iTunes befor sync all with my iPhone 6 (music and pictures) are Crashing. And when i scroll in my Photo library, increased it.
    Shame problem to my ipad mini. But there i don`t can sync my music and pictures
    If Steve jobs still alive you would never have published such software, befor everything would have worked flawlessly.
    Dear would you let the customers wait another month. This would be the end product was great.
    Best regards

    You need to copy the iTunes liubrary from your Old computer, or its Backup, to your New computer...
    See Here for one way
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    From your Old Computer... Copy your ENTIRE iTunes FOLDER to an External Drive... and then from the External Drive to your New Computer..
    Backup iTunes to an External Drive
    An Added Bonus is that you will then have a Backup of iTunes...

  • IOS 4 Broke Picture Clarity in Photo Library

    Since I installed IOS 4 this morning all my photos in the photo library are only clear as thumbnails but when I click on a picture to view it they are grainy and out of focus, it no longer adjusts itself to bring the picture into focus normally or zoomed in. The same pictures work perfectly fine and look great/normal inside my Photo Vault app, it is just a problem with the Photo Library zooming/focusing photos within there.

    Same problem here. I installed the update at work even though I sync with my home PC, so I can't test resyncing photos at the moment. Have you tried disabling photo sync to remove them all and then syncing them all back? Did that work? If not I'm going to be pretty ticked until an update comes out because my I show my photos to a lot of other people, not to mention my wallpaper now looks like crap.

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    iCloud photo library will be introduced as beta in an iOS 8 update scheduled for October.  Read under "Pricing & Availability" here: ber-17.html.

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