IOS4.0: Disable Auto-dimming during iPod playback while charging?

Hi, I use my iPhone with a dashmount holder and an audio connection to my stereo via a cassette adapter. During playback, after roughly a minute, the screen will automatically dim itself (but NOT ever autolock). This means I have to tap the screen once to 'activate it' before I can tap any of the controls. Plus, I cannot clearly see what is on the display anymore when it is dimmed.
This was not the case with 3.0 -> 3.1.3, the screen never dimmed and never autolocked when the phone was playing and charging.
How can I fix this?

I also noticed this. This needs to be addressed, it's really annoying.

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    But restoring will remove this protection and delete all data, so make sure that other people can not take your iPod away from you.
    Other than that, no.

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    1.) Turn on the 360 and load up the Media Center Extender frontend.
    2.) Bring up a command prompt window on the PC and run the regedit utility.
    3.) Browse to the registry location:
    4.) Make note of the registry user key associated to the Media Center user (probably Mcx1 although I assume there maybe an Mcx2 etc. if you have more that one extender). 
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    HKEY_USERS\[registry user key from step 4]\Control Panel\Desktop
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    By the way you do have to restart the media centre on the xbox to pick up the registry edit.
    Let me know how you get on.
    Edit by moderator. Warning: While this solution may solve the issue or problem, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk. For more information about modifying the registry, see Microsoft support article 256986.

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    First, for safety, do a quick diagnostic of the iPod.
    You can do this by starting a sync as usual with iTunes, then enabling Disk Use. Now, go to Utilities/Disk Utility on your desktop, and perform a diagnostic - it should take only a few seconds. Now, go back onto iTunes and Disable Disk Use (so you can take your cable out).
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