IPad 2 keyboard issue

Could you kindly help, somehow I have moved my iPad 2 in built keyboard into the middle of the screen & cant semm to move it back to the bottom of the screen so I can see the text when typing?
Could you please advise?

Tap and hold down on the little keyboard icon in the lower right corner of the keyboard and select - Dock.
Settings>General>Keyboard>Split Keyboard>Off.

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    Try going into settings, general and 'reset all settings'. that's solved some keyboard issues for folks. The downside, you will need to retweak your device.

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    While it's nice that they tell you this on the keyboard documentation, it's still very undesirable.
    Apple, please update this in a future OS release so I don't have to plug the headphones in every time I doc.
    Thank you.

  • BUG - client-side iPad keyboard in MRD 8.1.5 is mis-mapped for remote VMware Player console on Windows 8.1 Pro

    Client system: iPad 4 running iOS 8.1.1
    Client language/locale: US English
    Client app: MRD 8.1.5
    Server system: 64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro
    Server language/locale: US English
    Problem: client-side keyboard in MRD 8.1.5 does not work properly within VMware Player 6 console only
    When interacting with VMs through the VMware Player 6 console app on the remote Windows 8.1 host, the client-side iPad keyboard for MRD 8.1.5 is not properly mapped. Letter keys and the top-row number keys send function keys or non-standard key scan codes
    that aren't used by traditional PC keyboards. The spacebar sends the D key, and some keys send nothing at all. Many other keys work properly, including the client-side numeric keypad, and uppercase letters sent by using the Shift key (but not the iPad up-arrow
    shift key). The only way to send the proper keystrokes to VMware Player from MRD 8.1.5 is to not use the client-side iPad keyboard and instead switch to the on-screen keyboard provided by the remote Windows server.
    This problem only occurs within the VMware Player console app, and only with RDP connections that use the MRD 8.1.5 client on iOS. I do not encounter the problem with other iOS RD clients such as iFreeRDP by Thinstuff or Pocket Cloud Remote Desktop by Wyse.
    Steps to reproduce:
    Connect to Windows 8.1 Pro system from the MRD 8.1.5 client for iOS 8.1.1
    Using the client-side iPad keyboard within MRD 8.1.5, bring up the Run dialog by typing Windows-R
    Launch Notepad by typing notepad.exe in the Run dialog and pressing Enter on the client-side iPad keyboard
    Type some sample text in Notepad until you're confident that the client-side iPad keyboard is functioning properly
    Launch VMware Player 6 and start up a VM (mine was Windows Server 2008)
    Open the sign-on prompt in the VM by sending Ctrl-Alt-Ins from the client-side keyboard or by pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Del icon in VMware Player
    Touch or click in the password field in the VM to ensure it has keyboard focus
    Using the client-side keyboard, try to type letters or numbers in the password field, and notice that dots generally do not appear for most keypresses
    Switch to the server-side on-screen keyboard and delete the contents of the password field if it is not already empty
    Use the server-side on-screen keyboard to sign on to the VM
    Inside the VM, open Notepad or some other text editor
    Enter text into the editor from both the client-side and server-side keyboards to verify that only the server-side keyboard is functioning properly within the VM
    This issue is the only problem I'm having with MRD for iOS, and I hope it is resolved soon.

    Client system: iPad 4 running iOS 8.1.1
    Client language/locale: US English
    Client app: MRD 8.1.5
    Server system: 64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro
    Server language/locale: US English
    Problem: client-side keyboard in MRD 8.1.5 does not work properly within VMware Player 6 console only
    When interacting with VMs through the VMware Player 6 console app on the remote Windows 8.1 host, the client-side iPad keyboard for MRD 8.1.5 is not properly mapped. Letter keys and the top-row number keys send function keys or non-standard key scan codes
    that aren't used by traditional PC keyboards. The spacebar sends the D key, and some keys send nothing at all. Many other keys work properly, including the client-side numeric keypad, and uppercase letters sent by using the Shift key (but not the iPad up-arrow
    shift key). The only way to send the proper keystrokes to VMware Player from MRD 8.1.5 is to not use the client-side iPad keyboard and instead switch to the on-screen keyboard provided by the remote Windows server.
    This problem only occurs within the VMware Player console app, and only with RDP connections that use the MRD 8.1.5 client on iOS. I do not encounter the problem with other iOS RD clients such as iFreeRDP by Thinstuff or Pocket Cloud Remote Desktop by Wyse.
    Steps to reproduce:
    Connect to Windows 8.1 Pro system from the MRD 8.1.5 client for iOS 8.1.1
    Using the client-side iPad keyboard within MRD 8.1.5, bring up the Run dialog by typing Windows-R
    Launch Notepad by typing notepad.exe in the Run dialog and pressing Enter on the client-side iPad keyboard
    Type some sample text in Notepad until you're confident that the client-side iPad keyboard is functioning properly
    Launch VMware Player 6 and start up a VM (mine was Windows Server 2008)
    Open the sign-on prompt in the VM by sending Ctrl-Alt-Ins from the client-side keyboard or by pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Del icon in VMware Player
    Touch or click in the password field in the VM to ensure it has keyboard focus
    Using the client-side keyboard, try to type letters or numbers in the password field, and notice that dots generally do not appear for most keypresses
    Switch to the server-side on-screen keyboard and delete the contents of the password field if it is not already empty
    Use the server-side on-screen keyboard to sign on to the VM
    Inside the VM, open Notepad or some other text editor
    Enter text into the editor from both the client-side and server-side keyboards to verify that only the server-side keyboard is functioning properly within the VM
    This issue is the only problem I'm having with MRD for iOS, and I hope it is resolved soon.
    I'm experiencing exactly the same problem. Is there a solution yet?

  • Can an iPad keyboard malfunction?

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    Thank you for your answers!

    No, the keyboard issue does not have anything to do with the internet issue.
    My boilerplate for the keyboard problem .....
    If the keyboard is split and covering your text, Pull the two ends of the keyboard together - into the middle of the screen. You can also tap and hold down on the little keyboard icon in the lower right corner of the keyboard and select - Dock and Merge.
    If the keyboard is up on the middle of the screen, but not split, and you want to move it back to the bottom - tap and hold down on the little keyboard and icon and select - Dock
    You can turn the split keyboard off in Settings>General>Keyboard>Split Keyboard>Off.
    For the internet issues, clear Safari, close all apps on the iPad and then reset the device.
    Go to Settings>Safari>Clear Cookies and Data.
    Now close all apps. In order to close apps in iOS 7, you have to drag the app up from the multitasking display. Double tap the home button and you will see apps lined up going left to right across the screen. Swipe to get to the app that you want to close and then swipe "up" on the app preview thumbnail to close it.
    Finally, reset your iPad. Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.

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    I would try another charger now. Borrow one if you can or take your iPad and your charger to an Apple Store.
    If the iPad keyboard behaves erratically with another charger, it could be an issue with the iPad. If you switch chargers and the problem goes away, then I would assume that the charger is the culprit.
    Does this make sense to you?
    You can also try this and  see if it makes any difference. Do this while the iPad is not plugged in and charging. Reset the iPad.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.

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    The iPad cameras are very low resolution, and intended mmore for Facetime and video than serious photography. The camera you use to take a photo is 0.7 Mp. Most pictures downloaded from the internet are also low resolution, scarcely better than newsprint.
    If you want to take decent photos, use a camera, or at worst an iPhone 4 or 4S.

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    Many thanks,

    Well, I have to tell you that I was experiencing the same with my iPod and my iPhone, the iphone's keyboard clicks sounded very louder than the touch's, and wasn't a matter of speaker power or volume. I tried to restore, and It seemed to resolve this issue
    Hope this helped

  • What is wrong with ipad keyboard?

    it used to work normally but now when i want to capitalize a letter, or use a question mark/exclamation mark, the "shift" button is ****** up.  so for example if i want a capital o, when i hold the shift and hit o, it doesnt type an o and instead gives me the options for the extra characters that appear when you hold the o down for a couple seconds o.   this is very annoying when typing multiple capital letters for symbols.  heres what it looks like when i hold the shift(up arrow) and hit the exclamation mark multiple times for many exclamation marks: !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,    so if i want multiple ! i have to do it manually each time.  i have no idea how this happened but it started recently and its incredibly annoying. 

    I hate to argue with my esteemed colleagues, but I can hold down on the shift key and repeatedly type the exclamation mark or any other capital letter on the keyboard just as you said that you used to be able to do. I can still do it on my iPad.
    !!!!!!???????MMMM... I have never had a problem doing that, just like you described.
    You could try resetting all settings. Sometimes that fixes keyboard issues. Settings>General>Reset>Reset all settings
    You could try resetting the keyboard dictionary. That should not be a factor at all, but it might not hurt to try. Settings>General>Reset>Reset Keyboard Dictionary.
    If you reset all settings, you will have to enter all device settings again. If you reset the keyboard dictionary, all of the words that you "taught" the keyboard will have to be taught to the device again.

  • Ipad keyboard repeats typed charachters

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    If you come back to to read this .... Closing apps
    Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Double tap the home button and the recents tray will appear with all of your recent apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the app that you want to close. Tap the home button or anywhere above the task bar.
    As far as moving apps to the next screen....
    Move the wiggling app slowly to the side of the screen and just hold the icon over on the edge for a second or two - don't try to force that icon over - just hold the icon about halfway over to the next screen - and then the app should jump to the next screen.

  • Hp envy 14. Keyboard issues.

    hey all,
    ive been having an issue with my hp envy 14, with windows 7.  This forum seemed the most relevent, as its a keyboard issue.
    So whenever I turn my laptop on the keyboard is non-functional, so I turn it on with alt f5 I believe, this gets the key board functional, I can at this point type in my user password. Next as I type in my password, the capslock button has reversed itself, so when my keyboard shows caps on, caps is off and vice versa. Also, sometimes when im using my computer, it switches between recognizing caps is on or not.
    I recently wiped the laptop, so I believe the issue to be internal.
    This is frustrating to put it lightly, any help appreciated.

    Hi @czrom 
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    I understand that you are having trouble with your keyboard. I am happy to help. Please post the full product number abd operating system so I can find the correct support pages and drivers for you. Since you mentioned that you just wiped the machine it is likely that some of the drivers are missing.
    How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number?
    Is the Windows Version on My Computer 32-bit or 64-bit?
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click Accept as Solution if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click Kudos Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • My remote iPad keyboard stopped working

    My remote iPad  keyboard stopped working

    Any update?
    Apple Support always say reboot your computer, unplug the keyboard, the keys are broken, ... But I bought 2 of these keyboards and they have the same frustrating problem. When you unplug them and plug them back they STOP working sometimes for long time or sometimes you have to hit the keys for a while to get the keyboard back.
    Since about a year I just let my mb air powered on with my keyboard because I need my keyboard to work. (and it's hugely frustrating to start your day trying to get your keyboard working)
    I just bough a mb pro late 2013 and the keyboard do not work at all.
    All the best,

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    I have the same problem.  Emailed apple--no help

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    You can also turn OFF Split Keyboard
    Settings>General>Keyboard>Split Keyboard>OFF

  • MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid 2010 using Mac OS X 10.8 Keyboard Issues.

    Good day ASC,
    I have a MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid 2010 upgraded to Mac OS X 10.8. It now has keyboard issues. Keys F4, 4, r, f, v, caps lock, space bar, and directional keys left and down do not work. I've been looking into the problem thinking it could be a software issue. Can anyone help?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You need to install the Windows support software in Windows to make it run properly. You have to download and install these drivers in Windows > http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1630?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US
    After installing them, I recommend you to look for a newer GPU driver

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