Iphone 4 docking connection

ware can i get iphone 4 docking statio fixed at a reasonable price my phone is compleatly dead and wont charge up on lap top or wall plug thankyou

Check your telephone book or Google to see if there is a 3rd party repair facility somewhere near where you live. No one here would know the answer to that, especially since we have no idea where you live.

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    Kline25 wrote:
    So even if I just ask to pay them to replace the lock button they won't because my screens are third-party?
    Apple does not repair devices beyond replacing the screen on some models or a battery replacement.  They replace the ENTIRE device.
    For the Out of Warranty replacement cost, you could have gotten a fully functional replacement device.  Instead you chose to spend less to get only the screen replaced and continue to live with additional issues.
    Apple will not touch the device now.  They will know that it was opened elsewhere and that the replacement screen is not original.


    Hi, since most recent update (IOS 5.1.1) to my iphone 4s, I am experiencing problems(ONLY SINCE MOST RECENT IOS 5.1.1.UPDATE) with my 'iluv' IMM173 DUAL DOCK ALARM CLOCK DOCKING STATION.
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    macbarbicus wrote:
    1.  I cannot open my camera from the home screen.  The icon is there but when you click on it it shakes and starts to open up but than slides down back to the home screen.  I have tried closing the camera app resetting my phone but nothing seems to fix it.   I can still open up the camera regularly by unlocking the phone first and than going to the camera app.  But the camera button on the home screen just doesn't work for me anymore.  I know with 5.1 they made it where it wont disappearing from the home screen so my guess is the issue must be related to that somehow.
    From the locked screen, swipe the camera icon upwards to open the camera app.  This is a new feature in 5.1.

  • How to select iPhone as main speaker? (Stuck on a dock connecter)

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    Hi redzknzz,
    I see this has been up for over a year with no responses. Did you ever find a solution? I'm interested in something similar. The apps I've seen require the iPhone be connected to a powered speaker with a stereo cable. There are apps that allow you to connect to another iDevice via WiFi, which can then connect to the speaker. No output via Bluetooth yet.
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    1. Learn to use punctuation and sentence structure - your post makes little sense.
    2. I'm getting the idea you now want to use your old "useless" battery.  Why, if it's useless?

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    Ask the manufacturer not Apple

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    Jens, Denmark

    Mine is currently doing this, it is also not shutting off, it reboots right after I try and turn it off, and it is not charging through my Macbook either. It won't even show up in ITunes. When I connect it it says that a USB device is draining too much power and has been disconnected. Terrific. Can't charge and won't shut off.

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    22" Viewsonic VX2245WM monitor.
    It is described as "made for iPod"
    Anyone tried?

    Firstly, the iPhone likes USB 2.0 and not the older 1.1 standard. So if your Viewsonic's hub is 1.1 you will have problems with Sync. Secondly, your iPhone will like everything best if it's plugged directly into your computer's USB port. It may work with USB 2.0 powered hubs but it will work best when you don't go through a hub.
    Frankly, I'd plug your keyboard and mouse into your Viewsonic and see if that works. That's the best use for that hub as your keyboard and mouse need to be near your monitor. And I had my iPhone blow out my USB 1.1 powered hub and my Mac, shortly thereafter, told me that there wasn't enough power going through my USB system to power something attached to it.
    So plugging your iPhone into your monitor might fry the USB electronics in your monitor, making it useless as a hub.
    Not recommended. Plug your iPhone into your computer's USB port or into a USB-connected power supply for charging (and not syncing).

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    Thanks in advance for advice!

    If the dock works, it should be ok to use with your iPhone 4S.  The pinouts of the connectors haven't changed and I've used an old iPod sync cable with my iPhone 4S with no problems.

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    what should I do now??

    Clean iPhone Dock Port with a clean dry toothbrush. Try different USB Cable. Try different USB port on computer. Try different computer.

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    Further to my last, I am just asking for that check as a double precaution.
    You stated originally that your IPad "won't charge correctly". Can you be more explicit?
    Is there any charge in it at all? What does the indicator say? If the battery is completely drained then it might take 20 minutes or more to indicate that it is charging. At the end of the day, you could have a virtually drained battery which is one problem and also the unfortunate experience of an iPad not being detected by iTunes for a completely different reason altogether. (Hope you get this post before replying to my last.)

  • I previously chipped the corner of my dock connecter on my iPod touch.

    Hello, I previously chipped the corner of my dock connecter on my iPod touch. It doesn't allow me to sync music, movies,etc.from my pc. Although it still let's me charge it and it shows that it's connected to my pc, but it just doesn't allow me to sync anything. I recently bought it about 2 months ago and I have a one year warranty on it. So please help me on what to do with it. Thank you!

    I do not think that it is covered by the warranty. The warranty includes:
    This warranty does not apply: (a) to consumable parts, such as batteries or protective coatings that are designed to diminish over time, unless failure has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship; (b) to cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches, dents and broken plastic on ports; (c) to damage caused by use with another product; (d) to damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, liquid contact, fire, earthquake or other external cause;
    (bold is mine)
    Apple will exchange it for a refurbished one for $99, $149 or $199 depending upon the capacity. A third-party place may be less expensive. Here is one but it does not list your repair. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens

  • Pairing disconnects after dock connection?!

    I have a 2g iPhone, Apple Bluetooth Headset & dual dock (which I only got today). Now the problem is this.
    Pair them outside the dock - connects okay.
    Put iPhone in Dock - connects okay
    Put iPhone & Headset in dock - loses pairing
    Remove both from dock again - pairing still lost
    It's then an absolute pain trying to pair them again (it does say they're paired in the iPhone Settings but I can't connect them both). It involves a lot of turning the headset off and on and switching the bluetooth setting off and on a few times before they finally see each other?!
    Any ideas or help would be very much appreciated.

    I have this same problem. I have the 1st-Gen iPhone. The problem started presenting itself when I paired the iPhone Bluetooth Headset (yes, the Apple brand one) with my wife's 2nd-Gen iPhone 3G. Since I did that, I've unpaired her phone with the headset and re-paired it to my phone, but it will unpair if I charge the phone and headset together in the connector that came with the headset.
    Further, I have the problem of when I turn off the headset and then turn it back on, I lose pairing and it's a pain to get them to repair (multiple instances of turning on and off the headset before it shows up in the iPhone's bluetooth settings. Then, when it does show up, I have to re-enter the default pin every time. Ugh.
    P.S. I'm not a n00b either.

  • IPad Keyboard Dock connects but some keys do not work.

    My iPad Keyboard Dock connects to my iPad and certain keys work (qweryuio are the only working keys). I have tried using a 12" ruler but this makes no difference. I have also turned my iPad off and on again but this makes no difference.  It also doesn't seem to make any difference to use the connector.  Has anybody got any solutions I could try.
    many thanks,

    Hi Blissful Living,
    Do you have another device you can test the Keyboard Dock with?
    Were you using the ruler to improve the "fit" and connections?
    Did the Keyboard work in the past?
    It seems really suspicious that one row of keys work and other rows don't.  Keyboards operate as a grid of rows and colums and one failure mode is a row (or rows) or a column stops working.
    I would definitely test this with another iPad, or even iPhone?

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    Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me? My dual dock charges both together without any problems.

    Mine does the same thing...it doesn't look like the travel cable charges both the phone AND headset...only the phone when both are connected...
    pretty stupid. Still searching these forums and the web to see if this is by "bad"design.

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