Iphone 5 somethings sounds inside when i shake it

something happened with my iphone and now something sounds when i shake it, everything works well but something sounds

i mean if its interfering with your phone or bothering you i do recommend that you take it to service, but if everything works fine then i guess you can leave it like that  

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    1) ensure iTunes is authorized for your iTunes store account(s)
    2) connect your device and right-click or control-click it in the iTunes Source list, then choose transfer purchases from the shortcut menu that appears.
    3) sync the device
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    can you describe the sound in more detail?
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    Stop shaking it.
    In my opinion, this is normal.

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    It will be the camera, the lens need a moveable bit so it can autofocus.
    It was like that on the iphone 4S too.
    Some rattle louder than others but its nothing to worry about and Apple won't change it as a brand new one will also rattle.

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    Is the rattle more like a thud or a quiter rattle?  The reason I ask is because of the following:
    Some users have complained of a thud when the phone shakes.  These are cases where the iPhone battery has become loose from the adhesive holding it into place.  Apple will most likely replace the device for you if you go through AppleCare or repair it if you take it into a store.  I had a loose battery and they shipped me a replacement device.  You can also temporarily fix it by applying pressure on the device (as in the video below) but I do not recommend this as it is only temporary and it may cause more damage.
    If you don't hear a thud, but instead hear more of a rattle sound - this is most likely coming from the camera area of the phone.  All iPhones have done this.  Some devices make a louder sound than others.  I don't know the details, but from what I understand it has something to do with the camera and auto focus.  It is normal - although some devices may have it louder and be more annoying.  Apple most likely will not replace a device for this.
    If you need to know the difference between a "thud" and rattle, look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28v9f9xBcDo
    I hope this helps!

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    Make Genius reservation and take iPhone to Apple Store. The Genius will help you, and resolve the problem.

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