Iphone 5 sounds cutting out

Lately my iphone 5 is having the sound cut in and out when I get a text sound or when I was using the maps directions function.  Anyone know why?

Hi gregsarahdavis,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
Take a look at the article linked below, it will help you resolve the sound issue you described or setup service for your iPhone.
iPhone: No sound or distorted sound from speaker
Verify that the volume is set to a level you would normally be able to hear.
Ensure that there is nothing plugged in to the headset jack or the dock connector.
If the iPhone is in a protective case, make sure that the speaker port isn't blocked by the case.
Make sure that the speaker and dock port aren't clogged with debris. If necessary, clean it with a clean, small, dry, soft-bristled brush. Carefully and gently brush away any debris.
If an audio issue occurs when using a specific application, try testing other applications to see if the issue persists.
If the iPhone is paired with a Bluetooth headset or car kit:
Try turning off Bluetooth.
If you experience difficulties with the Bluetooth feature, follow these troubleshooting steps.
Restart the iPhone.
If restarting doesn't fix the issue, ensure that your iPhone is updated to the latest version of iOS.
If the issue is not resolved, please contact Apple Support.
Learn more about troubleshooting iPhone hardware issues.

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    The "restore disk" is built into the Mac. See About Recovery.
    Need more specifics about what error messages you got while installing Adobe Flash.
    However, you can almost avoid Flash altogether by setting YouTube to play the HTML5 version instead.
    Click the Try something new! link at the bottom of the YouTube page.
    I don't know about the sound issue. Might be hardware as you think. Try other headphones to check.

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    Hey Ciara,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    I understand that you are having issues with others being able to hear you while on calls, the issue seems to be resolved by using speakerphone. This makes sense, as speakerphone utilizes a different microphone. I would advise you to take a look at the following articles:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    iPhone: Sound muffled or low from the speaker or when speaking into the mic
    Matt M.

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    Hello Jeff,
    I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the sound on the Set Top Boxes. I sent you a private message to further assist you.
    Verizon Support
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or Plan.

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    I first encountered this issue while using Chrome and listening to music on SoundCloud with Garageband open after the last Mavericks update yesterday. I initially thought it was a Chrome bug, and in doing some research, I found that other Chrome users were having the same issue as me, but it was related to PepperFlash (a version of the standard Flash player), and disabling it in Chrome Canary fixed the issue for them.
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    I'm at wit's end trying to figure out what the problem is, mostly because there are so many others with similar issues and varying hardware/software setups that it's hard to track down exactly what my own situation is.
    I'd like to know where I should be exporting any error logs from so that someone can take a look at this issue.
    Thank you.

    After doing some additional testing, I was able to get the sound working again without rebooting by:
    1. Unplugging the MIDI device.
    2. Resetting the audio input and output to "built-in".
    3. Plugging back in the MIDI device.
    4. Changing the audio input and output back to the MIDI device.
    Still, though, the sound only lasts for a little while, and there doesn't seem to be anything indicating how or why it stops.

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    If you temporarily connect a pair of stereo headphones to the audio port of the AX, does the sound quality improve?
    If not, how about using a different audio source? For example, instead of the Internet radio stream to use an AAC or Apple Lossless file?
    If the sound does not improve with either of these, then it is possible the audio circuit in the AX that provides analog output is faulty.

  • Sound cut out every few seconds

    Durring playback of movies sound cuts out every few seconds

    User "Ladder" from Finland points to this article as possibly appropriate:
    MacFixit: Update 1Password to fix continuous keychain lock sound
    Read more: http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-20051814-263.html#ixzz1Sg5SHezZ

  • My ipod video sound cuts out after 30 sec

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    This happens with the current firmware 1.1 upgrade on the iPod. You can downgrade the firmware to 1.0 and this will solve that problem. Doing it this way you won't have to restore the iPod which will erase it. If you can't do this then you can restore the iPod using the previous updater.
    How To: Downgrade iPod Firmware
    The other option is to use QT Pro which will work to correct the problem:
    1) Open up the Video file in Quicktime Pro
    2) Select File->Export
    3) Select "Movie to MPEG-4" beside "Export:", then click the OPtions button
    4) Select "Video" & make sure the "Video Format" is set to "Pass through"
    5) Do the same for "Audio", then hit OK
    6) Save the file

  • Sound Cuts Out Half Way Through Clip

    I'm importing an AVI file into iMovie HD to edit it. There is nothing wrong with the file itself, there's sound the whole way through, but when I import it into iMovie the sound cuts out at a certain part. I've tried uploading it multiple times and every time the sound cuts out at the same part of the clip. I can't figure out what's wrong.

    Welcome to the discussions.
    AVI isn't a format. AVI is a container, just like MOV. These containers can contain video in any format (=codec) of the hundreds available. Which codec is YOUR video encoded with?

  • Sound cutting out/crackling/pops in Windows 7 XFi XtremeGamer

    System specs:
    Windows 7 Ultimate fully updated
    Q6600 @ 3.0ghz
    Asus P5N32-E Sli Motherboard (680i Chipset) 80 bios revision w/ nVidia 5.5 nforce drivers
    2x2 Gigs Corsair ?DDR2 800 @
    In dual channel mode
    BFG 285-GTX w/ 96.2 drivers
    X-Fi XtremeGamer w/ PCDRV_LB2_8_003 drivers
    With this setup I am unable to use CMSS 3D without the audio cutting out completely. Before it does so it's usually followed with numerous cracks and po
    Disabling CMSS 3D alleviates this problem, however I occasionally get a slight pops and crackles when playing games or listening to music.
    While playing Mass Effect 2 the sound will completely cut out in the same manner it does when I have CMSS 3D enabled, despite the option being turned off in the console launcher.
    At first I tried a clean install of the drivers, removing drivers, using driver cleaner pro, registry cleaner and then reinstalling them. Did not fix the issue. I then did the same for the chipset drivers and my video card drivers.
    I thought it may have been a problem with OpenAL (for mass effect 2) so I reinstalled that. Same problem.
    I tried using PAX's driver's, same problem.
    I've used DPC Latency Checker V.2.0 and according to it my machine should be able to handle real-time streaming audio with no dropouts.
    I'm at a loss at what else to do and any further help would be appreciated.

    Just an update on my problem.
    I was able to resolve the sound cutting out issue and the cracks/pops issue within windows by disabling CMSS3D + setting my sample rate to 24 bit, 96k Hz.. Using 92k Hz results in the cracks and pops coming back, although they are few and far between.
    Unfortunately this did not resolve my issue with the sound/audio cutting out in mass effect 2. I tried the onboard sound and that also cuts out, so I've determined it's not a hardware issue but rather a bug of some sort within the game. There are also other sparse reports of people having the same issue.

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    FaceTime freezes and sound cuts out since updating I Pad2 with IOS7.0.2. Is anyone else having this?

    reset all settings
    settings- general- reset - reset all settings
    now reconnect to wifi
    settings - wifi- click network name - enter password - join
    if issue persists backup info and restore via itunes
    Peace, Clyde

  • Why do the movies i have bought from itunes store the sound cuts out and glitches?

    The sound cuts out of the movies I have bought. Can anyone tell me why?

    You can't. Sorry. Encrypted movies in no way can be played back thru the VGA adapter.
    You could do the following:
    - get the Apple TV and stream the video to it. If you only have VGA input in your protector, get a HDMI -> VGA converter box. I use the one at http://www.dealextreme.com/p/hdmi-to-vga-video-converter-71816 for this purpose. It's pretty cool for the price - nevertheless, there're better models for more money; let me know if you need further recommendations on them. (Note that I haven't tested this unit with a direct HDMI output from the iPad yet. Will do it soon.)
    - if the projector does have HDMI input, test it with the HDMI adapter. Hope the projector supports HDCP.

  • Sound Cuts Out During Playback-Sound Card/Audio Interface Necessary?-

    I'm a voiceover artist with the following setup:
    Sennheiser MKH 416 P48 U3 Microphone
    Yamaha HS80M Reference Monitors
    Mackie Onyx-i 1220 Mixer
    Adobe Audition CS6
    Dell Inspiron 1720 laptop (Intel Core2 Duo, CPU T5750 @ 2GHz, 32-bit)
    Until recently, I could hear anything I recorded or pre-recorded items with no issues.  However, now, as I listen to anything, the sound 'cuts out' (latency issues?).  The meters on Audition will still be moving, but I'll get no sound from my monitors.  I upgraded to Windows 7, hoping and thinking this would solve the issue, and that Audition would play nicely with Windows 7.  This 'solution' seemed to have helped, but ultimately, it did not resolve my issue.  At this point, I believe it's my sound card.  My studio quality setup seems to be too much for my consumer grade sound card.  Because my Mackie has an interface built into it, I did not believe that I needed an interface.  However, I'm beginning to question that.  So, that's part of my question.  Is an audio interface necessary for me even though I have one built into my Mackie?  If so, based on what I list for my system, does anyone have any recommendations for interfaces?  If I do not need an interface, I'd appreciate any suggestions or ideas as to what's causing the sound to 'cut out' and how to resolve it.  Any and all help, I thank you for it in advance!

    Finally!  I wrote a reply a few hours back but the fine folks at Adobe took the site down just before I hit send!  Lucky I saved it elsewhere because the "recovered post" was only the first couple of paragraphs.
    Anyhow, take 2.
    Well, first off, your Mackie Onyx mixer has a firewire interface built in so it, in effect, becomes your sound card.  The one in your computer isn't involved in the recording/playback process at all (at least not unless you're trying to do something like monitor via the computer card rather than the mixer).  Therefore, buying another sound card/interface won't help at all.
    Similarly, audio dropouts aren't a latency issue, at least not directly.  Latency is the delay in the audio as it does the round trip via you sound interface (mixer) and computer.  It's more of an issue for musicians trying to be beat accurate as they over dub tracks.  However, the latency controls could be affecting your drop out problem.  The latency control in Audition is effectively controlling the buffer size--and having a larger buffer (which increases latency) also gives you playback more protection against glitches when your computer gets busy doing something else.  So...the first thing to try is increasing the latency/buffer size on the Edit/Preferences/Audio Hardware menu.
    Another thing to check is that you're using the latest drivers from Mackie--check their site and download/install the latest if there are some available.  If there's a choice, go for ASIO drivers rather than MME if there are some available.
    Also, I mentioned your computer getting busy with other things--for serious sound work shut down everything else on your computer.  Pay special attention to networking, wifi, and anti virus software, all of which are usualy prioritised to grab processor cycles over your sound work.  Also make sure you shut down all system sounds.
    Hope at least one of these suggestions works for you.

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