IPhone and usb mics

Last year I was able to use the blue Nessie Usb mic with my iPhone and host radio shows in my 18 wheeler. I just bought the atr 2100 usb mic, and now when I place a Skype call it shuts off the mic. Any clue how make it work?

Evidently my problem was the computer. I had an identical G5 Tower and transferred the guts. USB works fine now. However, I still don't understand how some devices requiring 2.0 still worked on it.

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    Thank you.

    No, this isn't possible as the iPhone doesn't support USB accessories, nor does it have a USB port.

  • Both internal and USB mics not working

    Hi there, all. Long-time lurker, first-time poster. Starting last night, I have been having issues with microphone use on my iBook G4. Neither the internal mic nor my USB headset mic (Altec Lansing AHS302USB) are accepting input.
    The internal mic's failure doesn't surprise me, as I have heard about the delicate nature of the wire connecting the internal mic from its position on the display down to the main computer. It's the USB mic that confuses me, since USB mics are what everyone seems to recommend that people use when the internal mic is on the fritz (thanks to other mics not working with Mac due to the line-in thing). Also there is the fact that I have used this headset with this computer for over a year with no significant issues until now, with both mics simultaneously failing.
    There doesn't seem to be a problem with the headset's wires; I am still able to hear audio through the headphones quite well, and when I load my audio recording program (Audio In) and Sound Preferences, I can see the occasional blip of sound recognition when I move the USB adapter portion around in the port. These blips even occur when the pink microphone jack and headphones jack are unplugged from the adapter, so this suggests to me that the problem lies not with the wires, but somewhere in the USB adapter, port, or the computer itself.
    I'm leaning toward the computer itself, since it just seems odd that both mics would just happen to stop working at the same time. That and the fact that audio output still works through the headset, and the USB ports work fine for other USB devices such as my external drive and iPod.
    I have tried restarting, resetting the PRAM, and repairing permissions with Disk Utility. Nothing's working so far.
    Does anyone have any idea what could possibly be wrong?
    For reference's sake, I took a recording of the sound that results from jiggling the USB headset adapter in the port. It's very quiet, so you may need to turn up the volume a little bit to hear it. Again, these are the ONLY sounds that the mic is able to pick up currently.
    iBook G4 Mac OS X (10.4.10) 768 MB RAM, 37.7 GB hard disk

    Just to chime in here - I wonder if it's down to the software: I've recently updated to 10.4.10, and the internal mic seems to have stopped working.
    One positive effect of the change to 10.4.10 is that my Griffin iMic no longer flips to 8-bit, 22khz recording when I plug it in.
    Having said that, I really like to get my internal mic back up and running again.
    iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   1.5gb RAM, 60gb hard disk

  • Wecam and USB mic input not working after upgrade to Lion

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    Any ideas,

    Beginning with Leopard, Mac OS X supports the so-called UVC web-cameras, you do not need any driver for them. I have just bought a small, pretty and cheap one, Logitech C110.
    My older Genius 1321 is unfortunately unusable from SL onwards, but works with Tiger and Leopard. It is not UVC, and drivers are not available any more.
    conclusion: if your camera is not UVC will not work via ‘plug-and-use’, you need an updated driver, check with the manufacturer. If they do not offer any, buy a UVC one, they are very cheap, but you do not need anything. The one I have just bought works fine, and also has internal mic.

  • No Connection between iphone and USB via Cpmputer!

    Hi there,
    my friend bought an iPhone 2G on ebay. The problem here is- what I certentaily can´t figure out, after many tries- the USB connection is not working. That means she can´t use here phone on her PC via USB.
    What is her option here? What should she do?
    I tried to connect the phone to several computers, such as PC and Apple, but nothing worked out. The phone isn´t even viewable in the system or on the Desktop.
    What works is the battery charger and everything else.
    Hope someone can help me/her. THANKS

    I tried using different cables, but it didn´t worked out.
    Do you have another idea?

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    Thanks in advance.
    Robert Lespérance

    Robert Lesperance wrote:
    Apple usually prevents problems that simple. My computer's 3 USP ports are already crowded ... Plugging my iPhone to my iMac is a plug/unplug situation.
    So plug your other devices into the hub and reserve one dedicated USB port for the iPhone.
    I would have also thought Apple would have implemented a feature that exists already in most of cell phones, a wireless connection to sync with the computer. No wireless and no USB hub connection.
    The iPhone is not most cell phones. It is a unique piece with unique features. If it did everything that other cells did the same way there would be no need for it.
    If I add to that the absence of a search feature in iCal and Address Book, the fact that they are no notes already implemeted, I would say they are letting go features bit by bit. Design is good and can get iPhone sold, but we usually think of Apple more like a genial feature driven architect.
    Narrowing us to use only one cellular company to get a share of our ATT's (or other cell phone companies) monthly cell fees is the biggest insult to the Apple community. In business we call this a «kick back» and it is normally badly perceived. You sell your product a decent price and with honest and upfront conditions and customers will respect and be loyal. I really don't appreciate this move from Apple and me and my family are loyal users since 1984. Considering asiatic markets are potential buyers and can give Apple big profits, Apple can afford to offer a unlocked iPhone to the world.
    Its not uncommon for a cell to be locked to a carrier upon initial release. In addition to this, there are a few features on the iPhone (Visual Voicemail) that required the carriers to upgrade their current systems. This could not have been offered with an unlocked release.
    Message was edited by: Ansuz82

  • IPhone and USB 1x

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    Since I own an older Mac, I didn't want to drop $$$$ for a Mac that had USB 2.0. Can I install a PCI card that will give me USB 2.0 or can I use the older USB and it will be slow as mud?

    Sometimes it will work with 1.1, but not reliably, and in particular software updates seem to have the most problems. If you want to use 1.1 you can improve your chances by:
    1. Fully charge the phone before syncing.
    2. Disconnect all other USB devices that use power (keyboard and mouse are OK).
    Some people have had better success by connecting a good quality, buffered and powered USB 2 hub to the 1.1 port, and the phone to the hub. At least part of the problem is the fact that the 1.1 ports can't supply enough power. But it will still take forever to sync; USB 2 is 40 times faster than USB 1.
    So get a USB 2 PCI card. They are cheap.

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    Has anyone asked Apple directly about this?

    Hi there Apples or Pears,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the articles below.
    Charging your iPod battery
    iPod's battery doesn't charge
    -Griff W.

  • HT1476 My iPhone 4S will charge on a laptop but not from a wall plug. I have tried different boxes and different USB cords from the wall but none work. These boxes and USB cords work for other family members with iPhones. I'm stumped :/

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  • How to record a USB mic and a guitar at the same time?

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    Thanks to anyone who can help!

    beberhard14 wrote:
    do you need an audio interface to be able to do multitrack recording?
    create an aggregate device from the mic and line-IN:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • Error when I plug my iPhone in usb and itunes comes up

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    This iPhone cannot be used because the apple mobil device service is not started.
    Right-click "My Computer", and select "Manage". Expand "Services & Applications" and click "Services". Maximise the window so you can see what's going on.
    Find the Apple Mobile Device Service in the list. Does the status show as "Started" and the startup type as "Automatic"?

  • Iphone 5 is on recovery mode and USB is not being recognized by PC

    Hello! I promise you this will be very usefull! just read!!
    So I had this same problem and  I tried a lot of things including hitting on the on/off button along with the middle button at the same time but it did not work!!!! here's what I tried- all of what I'm gonna mention now in PART A didn't work because they were working perfectly on my pc so I didn't have to touch anything related to them, so if you have everything perfectly installed/updated and so on then please move to part B down there
    I have found some very good info here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-hardware/usb-device-n ot-recognized-in-windows-7/8106a712-a13e-4ca5-b82e-c3961cc254b1?page=8
    And I want to share it with you guys in case you got stuck with this issue of having an iphone 5 on recovery mode and not being able to fix the problem when the usb of iphone is not recognized by your PC.
    PART: A
    First of all, check if all problems do not exist, like:
    1- Newest version of itunes
    2-all necessary updates are done on your windows. ( if operating system is up to date ) just click on start and write updates and it will show alone click on it and check if you have necessary updates to make.
    3-check your security software.
    4- update security software.
    5-restart your computer.
    If all of the mentioned above are working perfectly and the problem STILL persists then move to PART B : ( This has worked and because I was so much excited that it worked after trying and checking for answers for 2 days I thought about sharing it so you won't suffer as I did because I don't want anyone to experience that)
    Here's what to do:
    Click the START menu , on the search bar:
    write: >> Device manager <<
    *if you cannot find it through the start menu then go to control panel: Click on hardware and sound bar - after opening this you'll find a title with " Devices and Printers" under this title you'd find 5 options to do here I'll list them in order:
    ((    Add a device |  Add a Printer | Add a bluetooth device | Mouse | Device Manager    ))
    Note that I have windows 7 and this is what worked for me, if you have other windows and if you cannot reach your device manager button then please do check that online to get the accurate details about finding the device manager, it's the most important step here that's why, for example write on google: how to open device manager on windows 8 or windows 7 or MAC etc..
    Okay, so now you have the device manager opened ( before you do anything now unplug your iphone's usb from the PC) in Device manager's list of contents you will find " Universal Serial Bus Controllers " click on it to expand it,
    after you expand it you will see many options related to USB's and stuff, find the one related to your iphone it will say " Apple mobile device USB driver ( recovery mode) click on it - click properties >> Uninstall -
    after you uninstall this apple mobile device USB driver, open itunes ( must be in the very recent version) then plug the usb of your iphone to PC, you'll suddenly see the little bar down on the left side of the screen saying " installing new usb driver" something like that, wait till it's successfully installed then itunes will inform you about your device connection with it and how to deal with it through restoring it, you just click on restore wait few minutes and then smile your phone is back to live !!
    I hope it works with you as it has worked with me!!
    Best regards,
    Rana Km.

    Back to life**
    Oh I know there are many other vocabulary mistakes but never mind them I was just too excited when I wrote all of that while typing very quickly
    P.S: if you have any question then ask and please do tell me if it works or not with u but I'm definitely sure it'll work so tell me this and we'll get excited together
    Also if you have an experience to share then do share it as well please.

  • HT4623 I have the latest iTunes software on my iMac mini and now have IOS7 on my iPhone and now I cant sync music from my library either by wifi or by usb?

    I have the latest iTunes software on my iMac mini and now have IOS7 on my iPhone and now I cant sync music from my library either by wifi or by usb? I get song lists that scoll at a million miles an hour but no actual content. What should I do to get my music onto my iphone.

    Here is what worked for me:
      My usb hub, being usb2, was too fast. I moved the wire to a usb port directory on my pc. That is a usb1 port which is slow enough to run your snyc.

  • My friend just got a new iPhone and whenever he plugs his headphones in the mic no longer works. any help on what to do?

    my friend just got a new iPhone and whenever he plugs his headphones in the mic no longer works. any help on what to do?

    Hello dariusLoL
    Start your troubleshooting with the article below to troubleshoot issues with your friends iPhone.
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    -Norm G.

  • Windows 7 and the mic on the apple iPod/iPhone headphones

    In summary, I do a lot of gaming with various online friends, and I tend to record the games a lot of the time too.
    Now the issue is that the best recording software I have for the games is DXTory, which is windows based. I'm fine with that in that sense.
    However windows 7 refuses to recognise the built in mic on the iPod/iPhone headphones that I bought about a month back (Before I was using the built in mic of my macbook pro and some now-broken sony headphones)
    Whilst the built-in mic does record audio incredibly well, it also picks up my macbook pro's fan noises, resulting in an annoying background humming for a video, and for others through skype etc.
    For the record, I'm using a Macbook Pro 15" (It uses an intel core2duo @ 2.66ghz and a Nvidia Geforce 9600m GT. Can't remember the year, but that should provide enough info), OSX 10.6.8 and Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

    I'm going to bump this because it's kinda urgent that I find out if I can or can't use my iPod/iPhone headphone's mic.

Maybe you are looking for