IPhone Paste function big

iPhone Paste function does not refresh itself after restarting phone.
For example, I cut/copied "hello" sometime back in the past.
Now currently let's say I cut/copy "bye bye", then I paste it somewhere, it comes out "bye bye".
But once after iPhone restart or after a long while, when I use the Paste function without copy/cut anything, it will still paste "hello".
Please advice
Thank you very much for your help

What advice do you need?

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    <Edited by Host>

    Which is as good a reason for using something else!
    Try ShoveBox, works for me:

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    Hi Rich,
    sorry, I actually upgraded my GUI to 23, but the problem is not solved. Look at this code:
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    <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]

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    It's unusual that the standard Windows cut, copy and paste do not work.
    Have you noticed any difference between dumb form controls (like on this site) versus rich text editors (like on webmail sites)?
    In case one of your extensions is involved, could you test in Firefox's Safe Mode? That's a standard diagnostic tool to deactivate extensions and some advanced features of Firefox. More info: [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]].
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    Hi Magno2002
    Your Finder may have lost contact with the clipboard, so try this.
    In ~/library/preferences locate these two files and trash them
    To re-establish them, log out and log back in again.
    You will need to reset your finder and sidebar as you had them before.
    regards roam

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    * [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/940979 i can't copy translate from google traslator, ctrl-c ctrl-v don't work]
    * [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/940871 Can't copy translated text from Google Translate web page?]

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