Iphone rattling noise.

I got my iPhone 3GS delivered to my door on June 19. I put a case on it right away and have never dropped it. I recently noticed a rattling noise when i shook my iphone to shuffle my songs. I held all the buttons in place because i figured it was one of them, but it still rattled, so it must be internal. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem and if apple would be able to replace it for a non-rattling iphone.

my rattling noise is the sleep wake button at the top of the phone. and a little of the silent switch....is the sleep wake button at the top suspose to rattle? and it is also wiggly.
please help

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    Sorry if it's over 14 days apple does not refund the device, just sit tight and keep on asking for a device that doesn't rattle, be firm but polite about your position on the matter.
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