IPhone SDK - Drawing images

I'm a beginner in Cocoa and Objective-C programming.
I have to develop an application where I have to draw a map (a simple JPEG image) on the screen. I want to be able to zoom in and out on that map and to be able to move on that map by moving a finger on the screen.
My image is a UIImage object.
I tried two methods :
- I created an UIImageView initialized with a CGRect (with its bounds corresponding to where I wanted to draw my image) and I added that UIImageView to my main view.
It works well but when I want to zoom or to move on my image, I have to recreate always a new UIImageView with the new bounds, which uses a lot of resources.
- I tried to override the drawRect method and in that method I tried to draw my image by using its drawInRect method with the CGRect object but it doesn't seem to have the same effect as creating an UIImageView with the same CGRect : the image is not resized to fill the rectangle.
Could someone help me to understand that please ?
Thank you.
Patrick Schevenels.

Thank you. I didn't know that property because it didn't appear in the code completion suggestions.
Now, I still have a little problem : when I handle the touch events with the following code, I have a vibration effect on my image when I move it :
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
facteuroriginehorizontale += nouveaupoint.x-ancienpoint.x;
facteurorigineverticale += nouveaupoint.y-ancienpoint.y;
[self rafraichissement];
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
"rafraichissement" is the name of the method to refresh the screen where I create a new CGRect with the new bounds (I add facteuroriginehorizontale to the previous x and facteurorigineverticale to the previous y) and I change the frame property of my image view.
Thank you for your answer.
Patrick Schevenels.
Message was edited by: pscheven

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    Thank you in advance.
    Message was edited by: Jedive

    I removed the XIB file from the project, but that didn't help. It was a problem with my inexperience with Objective-C. When accessing class properties in a method of the same class, i was not putting "self." before the property (in C++ that's redundant). For example, in the line "window = [[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]] autorelease];". After adding it, it works correctly.

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    The OpenGL view can be the EAGLView from the basic OpenGLES sample provided with the iPhone SDK or the basic NSOpenGLView : those you can find easilly, then I post only what is specific to Textures :
    //somewhere when your GLView first opens or when you decide to change your texture
    // Generate 1 "Name" for your texture : an OpenGL feature
    glGenTextures(1, TextureName); // => GLuint TextureName[1]; : a member
    glBindTexture(GLTEXTURE2D, TextureName[0]); // Link the name with the current 2D Texture OpenGL with work with (as soon as you enable Texture. See further)
    glTexImage2D(GLTEXTURE2D, 0, GL_RGB, imageWidth,
    imageHeight, 0, GL_RGB, GLUNSIGNEDBYTE,
    pixels); // Generate a Texture from your "Pixels" table. Must be a on dimension array : Byte[imageWidth x imageHeight]
    GLTEXTURE_MINFILTER, GL_LINEAR); // Some standard parameters. See doc
    And later, when you are ready to display :
    // any draw you will make will be "textured", including lines. If you want to texture only some specific thing, encapsulate your feature between a glEnable() / glDisable() block.
    // These coords match the box ones. A basic texture has these coords. It's your duty to make them match the surface your want to display (if the target surface is not a squate, then the texture will be distorted to match it
    GLfloat texCoords[] = {
    0.0f, 0.0f,
    1.0f, 0.0f,
    0.0f, 1.0f,
    1.0f, 1.0f };
    //The surface that will be "textured"
    GLfloat box[] = {
    -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
    1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
    -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
    1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f};
    // SOme standard nice features
    glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    // store the coords (you could also use a glBegin() + glVertexx + glEnd() Block (see doc)
    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, box);
    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoords);
    // Set tome boolean so that OpenGL is read to draw our coords
    // Red is nice
    glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    // Light (if some is implemented) will be reflected along the 'z' axis
    glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    // At least!
    glDrawArrays(GLTRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 4);
    // Finish
    glFlush ();
    Hope this will help. If you miss something, I'll try to help

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    imgView.tag = 50;
    [self addSubview:imgView ];
    [ imgView release ];
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    Thank you

    Just download the huge SDK package and install. No need to uninstall the old SDK.

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    2. From my HP laptop at home
    3. From my desktop at home
    4. From my HP laptop at work
    5. From my Ubuntu at home
    6. From my Ubuntu virtual machine at work.
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    ==== Attached at 2008-09-25 17:04:27 -0400 ====
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: urn IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(UInt8, bool): Found SDIO I/O device. Function count(2), memory(0)
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: IOReturn IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseCIS(): Device manufacturer Id(4d50), Product Id(4d48)
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleBCM4325::init(): Starting with debug level: 4, debug flags: 00000000
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleBCM4325::start()
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleBCM4325::initHardware(): BCM4325 revision D0
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: read new style signature 0x43313131 (line:281)
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: [FTL:MSG] VSVFL Register [OK]
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: [FTL:MSG] VFL Init [OK]
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleMultitouchZ2SPI: detected HBPP. driver will be kept alive
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleMultitouchZ2SPI: enabled power, scheduled bootloading
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: BCM4325 Firmware Version: wl0: Sep 1 2008 14:42:30 version
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleBCM4325::initFirmware(): successful initialization
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:17 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Notice>: Bug: launchd.c:228 (23506):19: mount("fdesc", "/dev", MNT_UNION, NULL) != -1
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:18 unknown com.apple.launchctl.System[2] <Notice>: Bug: launchctl.c:2907 (23614):2: sysctl(nbmib, 2, &nb, &nbsz, NULL, 0) == 0
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:18 unknown com.apple.launchctl.System[2] <Notice>: /dev/disk0s1 on / (hfs, local, read-only, noatime)
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:18 unknown com.apple.launchctl.System[2] <Notice>: /dev/disk0s2 on /private/var (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, noatime)
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:18 unknown com.apple.launchctl.System[2] <Notice>: launchctl: Couldn't stat("/etc/mach_init.d"): No such file or directory
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: open("/var/logs/BTServer/stdout", ...): No such file or directory
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: open("/var/logs/BTServer/stderr", ...): No such file or directory
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleBCM4325: Ethernet address 00:22:41:c3:88:2c
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleBCM4325::setPowerStateGated() : Powering On
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-178.2 (Aug 10 2008 22:56:13)[17] <Error>: starting
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleMultitouchZ2SPI: downloaded 128 bytes of prox calibration data ("built-in")
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleMultitouchZ2SPI: downloaded 256 bytes of calibration data ("built-in")
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleD1759PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2::handleUSBCableConnect cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleMultitouchZ2SPI: downloaded 48612 bytes of firmware data ("0x0051.bin") in 149ms.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleS5L8720XFMSS::_fmssInitCmdsAndCEMaskCtrl: VendorSpecific: VSCMDSIMPLE
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: [FTL:MSG] VFL_Open [OK]
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: [FTL:MSG] YAFTL Register [OK]
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: [FTL:MSG] FTL_Open [OK]
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown /usr/sbin/fairplayd[20] <Notice>: Vroum
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io/AppleS5L8720XIO/flash-controller0@A00000/AppleS5L8 720XFMSS/disk@FF/AppleNANDFTL/IOFlashBlockDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/unknown vendor unknown product Media/IOFDiskPartitionScheme/Untitled 1@1
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: BSD root: disk0s1, major 14, minor 1
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: mDNSResponder[17] syscallbuiltinprofile: mDNSResponder (seatbelt)
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:19 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: mDNSResponder[17] Builtin profile: mDNSResponder (seatbelt)
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:20 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: BTServer 1.2 () Modified on
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:20 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: com.apple.server.bluetooth: Bluetooth Super Server Robot Destroyer
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:20 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: com.apple.server.bluetooth: Got local-mac-address: 00:22:41:c1:42:29
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:20 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: machport is com.apple.server.bluetooth
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:20 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x3941d6d0) lookupimei: Could not get matching service for baseband
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:21 unknown mDNSResponder[17] <Error>: Note: SetDomainSecrets: no keychain support
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:21 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Cannot read termcap database;
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:21 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: using dumb terminal settings.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:22 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Opening /dev/cu.bluetooth @ 115200 baud.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:22 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: bluetooth wake is now ON
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:22 unknown com.apple.itunesstored[18] <Notice>: Couldn't open shared capabilities memory GSCapabilities (No such file or directory)
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:22 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: bluetooth reset was pulsed 100 ms
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:22 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Issued HCI Reset
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:22 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Sending UpdateUART_BaudRate
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:22 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Setting local baud rate
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:23 unknown configd[21] <Notice>: CLTM: No thermal sensors detected, not registering for notifications
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: en0: setting diversity to: -1
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown lockbot[30] <Error>: copy_preference: Could not ssetgid to 501: Operation not permitted
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: en0: setting tx antenna: -1
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown lockbot[31] <Error>: copy_preference: Could not ssetgid to 501: Operation not permitted
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80be00) sanitizedevicename: Could not convert device name into buffer
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80cc00) calculateapplicationusage: Calculating the application usage
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80be00) ping_configd: Could not sanitize device name
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80be00) load_systemversion: Could not lookup release type
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80be00) extract_recordidentifier: Could not extract ICCID from account token
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80be00) loadactivationrecords: Could not extract ICCID from record
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80be00) loadactivationrecords: This is the iPod activation record
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:24 unknown configd[21] <Notice>: setting hostname to "iPod"
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:25 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80be00) determineactivationstate: The original activation state is Activated
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:25 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80be00) determineactivationstate: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:25 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x80be00) determineactivationstate: The activation state has not changed.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2 - Configuration: PTP
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2 Interface: PTP
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2 - Configuration: iPod USB Interface
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2 Interface: USBAudioControl
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2 Interface: USBAudioStreaming
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2 Interface: IapOverUsbHid
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2 - Configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2 Interface: AppleUSBMux
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2::gated_registerFunction Register function USBAudioControl
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: IOAccessoryPortUSB::start
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2::gated_registerFunction Register function IapOverUsbHid
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: virtual bool AppleUSBDeviceMux::start(IOService*) build: Aug 10 2008 22:34:20
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: init_waste
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2::gated_registerFunction Register function USBAudioStreaming
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBMux
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2::gated_registerFunction Register function PTP
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2::gated_registerFunction all functions registered- we are ready to start usb stack
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleSynopsysOTG2::handleUSBReset
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Current Device: UART - /dev/cu.bluetooth
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Setting speed to 115200
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown /usr/libexec/ptpd[12] <Notice>: PTP interface bas been activated at high speed.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown SpringBoard[22] <Warning>: Not monitoring for AOS notifications since they are not enabled by user defaults.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Sending UpdateUART_BaudRate
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Setting local baud rate
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Using env variable: BTDEVICEADDRESS = 00:22:41:c1:42:29
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Sending WriteBDADDR
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Using host name: iPod
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Sending WriteLocalName: iPod
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:26 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Sending SetSleepmodeParam
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: com.apple.server.bluetooth: Server attached, going into msg loop.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Cannot read termcap database;
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: using dumb terminal settings.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown afcd[35] <Error>: user mobile has uid 501
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown afcd[35] <Error>: mode is 0x41e8
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown configd[21] <Notice>: WiFi: Currently not associated. Beginning auto join sequence.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown configd[21] <Notice>: WiFi: External power source attached
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Opening /dev/cu.bluetooth @ 2400000 baud.
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: bluetooth wake is now ON
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Issued HCI Reset
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: Sending SetSleepmodeParam
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:27 unknown com.apple.BTServer[26] <Notice>: bluetooth wake is now OFF
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:28 unknown lockdownd[15] <Error>: (0x81c200) set_timezone: Setting the time zone to /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:28 unknown com.apple.mediaserverd[16] <Notice>: mediaserverd: 17:04:28.136 StreamUSBAspen.cpp[163]: GetCurrentPhysicalFormat(): ERROR: No HAL stream format corresponding to the current iAP digital audio sample rate 0 Hz
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:32 unknown itunesstored[18] <Warning>: INFO:: ITSyncHelper <ITSyncHelper: 0x10c620>. posting local notification for distributed notification: com.apple.itunes-mobdev.syncWillStart
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:32 unknown iapd[19] <Warning>: INFO:: ITSyncHelper <ITSyncHelper: 0x20b290>. posting local notification for distributed notification: com.apple.itunes-mobdev.syncWillStart
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:32 unknown afcd[56] <Error>: user mobile has uid 501
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:32 unknown afcd[56] <Error>: mode is 0x41e8
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:34 unknown SpringBoard[22] <Warning>: lockdown says the device is: [Activated], state is 3
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:34 unknown /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/SpringBoard[22] <Notice>: CLTM: initial thermal level is 0
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:35 unknown securityd[32] <Error>: misagent[60] SecItemCopyMatching: missing entitlement
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:36 unknown SpringBoard[22] <Warning>: INFO:: ITSyncHelper <ITSyncHelper: 0x232830>. posting local notification for distributed notification: com.apple.itunes-mobdev.syncWillStart
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:36 unknown SpringBoard[22] <Warning>: INFO:: ITSyncHelper <ITSyncHelper: 0x232830>. auto-generating notification 'com.apple.itunes-mobdev.syncWillStart' for (
    <SBSyncController: 0x2ad960>
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:36 unknown itunesstored[18] <Warning>: INFO:: ITSyncHelper <ITSyncHelper: 0x10c620>. posting local notification for distributed notification: com.apple.springboard.syncingUnblocked
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:36 unknown iapd[19] <Warning>: INFO:: ITSyncHelper <ITSyncHelper: 0x20b290>. posting local notification for distributed notification: com.apple.springboard.syncingUnblocked
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:37 unknown SpringBoard[22] <Warning>: INFO:: ITSyncHelper <ITSyncHelper: 0x232830>. posting local notification for distributed notification: com.apple.springboard.syncingUnblocked
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:37 unknown SpringBoard[22] <Warning>: INFO:: ITSyncHelper <ITSyncHelper: 0x232830>. auto-generating notification 'com.apple.itunes-mobdev.syncWillStart' for (
    <ABRingtoneManager: 0x2c5660>,
    <SBVODController: 0x2c5d70>
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:37 unknown SpringBoard[22] <Warning>: INFO:: ITSyncHelper <ITSyncHelper: 0x232830>. posting local notification for distributed notification: com.apple.itunes-mobdev.syncWillStart
    Thu Sep 25 17:04:37 unknown securityd[32] <Error>: mobileimagemou[54] SecItemCopyMatching: missing entitlement

  • IPhone SDK with iPod Touch 2G problem

    I installed the SDK last night but when I went to plug in my iPod Touch 2G, I got the error message: 'Unable to locate a suitable developer disk image. Please re-install the SDK'
    I have reinstalled the SDK many times but still get the same error message. Any help appreciated.

    {quote}He's talking about the iPod Touch, not a regular iPod{quote}
    Yep, I know. Do a Google search for "Unable to locate a suitable developer disk image". Found this on the comments of [this blog post|http://www.tbradford.org/2008/03/iphone-sdk-beta-2-possible-ppc-fix.html]:
    If anyone else runs into the "Unable to locate a suitable developer disk image." problem, there's a package called "DeveloperDiskImage" in the iPhone SDK that needs to be installed.
    As of 2.1, these are the extra packages that you need to install manually:
    Another [blog post|http://khakionion.blogspot.com/2008/09/iphone-sdk-21-doesnt-include-ipod-t ouch.html#links] says:
    The problem is that the huuuuuge iPhone SDK 2.1 installer doesn't come with the iPod touch 2.1 firmware image. Suck. Fear not, though: All you have to do is force iTunes to do a firmware restore, which will download the appropriate image. On next launch, Xcode will find it and everything will work great.

  • Iphone sdk 3.2 wont download after 2.35 gb

    hi i am downloading iphone sdk 3.2 it says 3hours and 20 minutes required to complete 2.31 gb but downloads get beyond 2.31 gb to 2.35 gb and after that it hangs and when i stopped it and resume it again then it says no server connection for that,then i just remove .download n make it .dmg n double clicked on that then it says image not recognised, then i again put .download in front of .dmg then it start downloading through the beginning wat should i do now?
    Message was edited by: funmania

    Do you have at least 5 GB of free space on your hard disk? Preferably more.

  • Release memory in iPhone SDK

    1. I want to release previous memory before I redraw the screen. Is this the right way to do it using iPhone SDK?
    [self.securityCodeView release];
    self.securityCodeView = [[SecurityCodeView alloc] initWithFrame:Frame];
    [self addSubview:securityCodeView];
    2. How do I refresh the screen without having to ALLOC memeory again? For example, I draw the screen ([self addSubview:securityCodeView]) and after one second, the screen needs to be redrawn (what statement to use?).
    3. How do you retain some UIViews without redrawing since they don't need to be redrawn again (what statement to use)? For example, backgroundView needs not to be redrawn.
    Thank you.

    I would suggest you read the docs on Memory Management on Obj-C. Basically anything you allocate explicitly will remain allocated (with a ref count of 1) until you explicitly do a release:
    [myView release];
    When you add a view to another view's subview, that view's ref count is incremented. So you can safely release the added view and yet use the references to the object throughout the code (as long as the parent view is not released/deallocated).

  • IPhone SDK crashes?

    When I try to open the photos app on the iPhone SDK, a warning comes up and says and try to save an image from Mobile Safari by click-holding an image until it says "Save Photo" Safari crashes and it says "MobileSafari quit unexpectedly." How can I fix this? I have the latest iPhone SDK update.

    Found a solution.
    I reload the table before i ask it to scroll to a position.
    - (void) setOrdinal:(jint) topItem {
    NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:topItem inSection:0];
    [tableView reloadData];
    [tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:NO];
    The setOrdinal method is called by the user of the view containing the table.
    This works just fine.
    Thanks to all who took time to read this post.

  • [iPhone SDK] Preference view design/implementation

    Hi, everyone!
    I want to add preference view in my application (build on iPhone SDK 3.0), but don't want to use preference bundle for several reasons.
    And I can't find any suitable UI component to do it (maybe it's UITableView with custom views (with rounded corners)?
    Any thoughts on it?
    Thanks for attention.
    Have a good day

    The rounded corners you see in the system Settings app are produced by a UITableView created with UITableViewStyleGrouped. Each group of cells in a rounded frame is a section of the table view, so you can duplicate a typical Settings page by setting the number of sections and the number of rows per section.
    It looks like you could build most of the cells in Settings by simply adding your own images and/or controls to standard UITableViewCell instances.
    Several of the pages in the UICatalog sample app provide good examples of how to code Grouped style table views with cells similar to some of the Settings cells. That sample code is for 3.0, btw, but almost all of the code is appropriate for 2.x as well.
    If you need help with table views and table view cells in general, see the Table View Programming Guide for iPhone OS.
    For more basic instruction, see Chapter 8 of +Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK+ by Mark and LaMarche.

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