IPhone syncing problem related to access rights

I am using an iMac with two administrator accounts on it; myself and and partner.  We have a shared iPhoto libraru that resides in the /users/shared directory and we both have read write permissions for this library and the diretory.  I can sync my iPhone 5 with my iTunes and sync anumber of albums in the shared iPhone library.  However when she has syncinbg turned on for photos in her iTunes it says that her iPhone cannot be synced because she does not have sufficent privilages. If you turn off photo syncing it syncs fine.  We both have separate photostreams both going into the same iPhoto library with no issues.  Can anyone advise me on how to fix this?

Take the basic troubleshooting steps recommended in the User Guide.

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    You're welcome.
    You can't hurt anything by resetting the sync history on your Mac, and doing so may resolve the problem.
    Syncing contacts direct with a supported Address Book application and syncing calendar events direct with a supported Calendar app on your computer via the iTunes sync process has nothing to do with a MobileMe account - a trial account or otherwise. Completely separate and not related even if you are syncing contacts and calendar events over the air with your MobileMe account on your iPhone. If you are doing so with your iPhone, syncing direct with the Address Book and iCal via the iTunes sync process is not required.

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    Then it would appear to be an issue with your router. What router? Model? Is the firmware up to date?

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    Problem solved.
    I had to put the following lines in the specified "0000_any_80.my.website.conf" file:
            <Directory "/Library/WebServer/subdomain.domain">
                    Options All +MultiViews -ExecCGI -Indexes -Includes
                    AllowOverride None
                    # For Password protection
                    AuthType Digest
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    You would need to use the 'Create User' Workflow to create a user from Identity System.

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    Well, after hours of troubleshooting, I think I figured out the problem.
    First, the fix:
    Select all images in the "offending" album.
    While holding down the "Option" key, click right and select "Generate Previews".
    Then re-sync, and it works.
    My theory on why this works:
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    After 3.5 hours on the phone with applecare, I believe this problem of not syncing ical from ipod touch to the ical app is resolved. Here are the steps that made it happen for me:
    Log out of main account and log into root account. If you haven't set up the root user yet follow the directions in your Mac Help on your computer. Make sure you understand the implications of setting up the root user account. You may want to disable the root user after you are done with this fix.
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    Good Luck!

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    I just had the same problem and tried this:
    Step one worked for me!
    Hope this helps.
    iPhone 4 iOS 5.1.1 and Windows 7 64-bit


    I've been having a problem like this for a while now. Before, I thought it was my old computer (PC). But, recently I got a MacBook Pro and the same problem still occurs. I would be thinking that the computer isn't the problem, but the phone itself. My problem is that whenever my iPhone is connected to my computer and attempts to sync, it would either get close to done with backing up or disconnect on its own without even starting the sync. I have an iPhone 4S running iOS 5.1.1. My iTunes is also up-to-date as well. I have also tried restarting iTunes, my computer, and the iPhone itself. None of these resolved the issue.

    The driver is part of the iTunes installer, so it is best to uninstall and reinstall iTunes.
    1) Open the 'Add/Remove Programs' window from the Control Panel
    2) Remove/Uninstall iTunes but do not immediately restart your computer.
    3) Remove/Uninstall Apple Mobile Device Support if present
    4) Manually delete the OutlookSyncClient.dll file located in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin if it is present
    5) Remove/Uninstall QuickTime.
    6) Restart your computer when prompted by the QuickTime uninstaller.
    7) Download and install the newest iTunes build ( from http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/

  • IPhone sync problem

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    I have a MobileMe account and have over air syncing set up for contacts, calendars, bookmarks & mail. This seems to work just fine for contacts & mail but...
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    Syncing with iPhone will change more than 5% of your bookmarks on this computer
    Add 468, Modify 0, Delete 468
    This happens every time I connect the iPhone via USB... Any idea why?!
    Secondly, if I update my calendar on my iPhone it is reflected on my Power Mac but NOT on my Powerbook G4 (also OS X 10.5.8). I have tried resetting the data on the Powerbook by downloading from MobileMe but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
    As a result I can't rely on my Powerbook calendar (or any MobileMe data for that matter) when I'm away from my desktop Power Mac.
    I'd really appreciate some help, thanks

    Hi GnarlsEdmond,
    This is usually caused by a problem with a contact in the list being corrupted. Check out this post for the solution:

  • IPhone Syncing Problems (Windows Vista)

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    This article may help with your blue screens when you are trying to sync photos:
    Also, you can only sync to one computer at a time. Therefore, you will not be able to use the iPhone with 3 different libraries without erasing what's on the iPhone when you sync it with a new computer. You can find more information about syncing in this article:
    If you want all 3 libraries to have the same content, you would need to copy the content on each computer to all the others. For more information on how to transfer your iTunes content to each computer, check out this article:
    Good luck!
    Jennifer B.

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    Ahhh man mine is the only discussion without any replies! Any help or suggestions welcome please!

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    I have both devices set to show "all events"
    This is a recent problem.
    I have an iPad 1 and iphone 4s

    Many thanks, that was indeed true and it does answer part of the question. Do you happen to know why one event every now and then will not sync properly, but if you erase it and start again, it will? I am not joking....

  • Ipad and iphone syncing problems results in lost work

    Hello all,
    Sorry if this is treated elsewhere but i couldnt quite find it. I got pages for the flexibility of being able to use both the ipad and iphone to work on the same document and it worked fine at first but now the iphone is having trouble syncing automatically. Now it asks me to resolve a conflict and choose between different versions of the document. I chose the one with the latest timestamp but it wasnt actually the latest version of the document from the ipad. When i went back to the ipad it didn't give any option except to click ok to accept the changes and so reverted my document to an earlier state. I lost all the work i did today and the undo button did nothing but go back to the last changes made to that earlier version of the doc.
    I realize there is little hope for restoring my work. I use a webdav account to back up to but unfortunately hadnt done an upload today. From now on I'll be doing it every ten minutes but i really shouldn't have to.
    Does anyone have any advice for this? Or at least an email to complain to the developers about their syncing procedure?

    Looks like I had similar problem today.  I was working on my MacBook on pages and then about an hour later I made some changes on my iPad.  This morning it looks like I have to resolve a conflict of having two documents and I have to choose one.

Maybe you are looking for