Iphone5 and washing machines

I put my iphone5 in the washing machine. Having dried it out it still does everything it should but will not accept charge so will be not long for this world without a fix.
Any suggestions?

How did you dry it?
Do not turn it on.  Leave it in rice or some other desiccant for DAYS - 5 days to be safe.
A hearing aid dryer should work well if you know someone who has one.
Then and only Then try turning it on.
If it doesn't work it is time to pay the piper for an out of warranty replacement.

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    Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for $149. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price              
    A third-party place like the following maybe less. Google for more.
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    Hmm.. I would have taken the back off right away (when it was still wet). I have fixed many battery operated items by blowdrying it dry right away.. and I have seen (in discussions) someone who laundered their ipod and managed to get it working again by letting it airdry (with the back off). Your ipod may still have some water in it which is causing it to malfunction... although the poster above worried me slightly with the exploding story.
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    Hello kpratta,
    There is some hope. I have heard of someone putting the ipod in a bag of dry rice and putting the bag in a dark place for a 4-5 days. After that they used this:
    This has the best chance. The rice absorbs any liquid in the ipod.
    Hope this helps.

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    Please Help,
    And thanks in advance,

    Thanks for your help...
    I Sent it off to Apple for 'repair' using the OOW service you mentioned. Still waiting for it to be returned/replaced however i would just like to point out how efficient and easy it was with them. Just called up and within minutes i was ready to send it off for 'identification of problem'.
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    The battery is dead, permanantly pretty much.
    I had this happen to an old nano, 2nd gen or 3rd i forgot which it was.
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    Go to Solution.
    PROYECTO3erpar.vi ‏23 KB

    yes, follow what she had suggested....the secret behind door number 2 is...think about how to pull info from the arrays using your front panel controls to feed the elapsed timer and indicators
    Spoiler (Highlight to read)

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    I just found my daughter's Ipod in the dryer. I quesss that's what I get for trying to do her laundry. Thinking I would need to buy her a new one to replace the one she had just got at Christmas. I thought "why not try to charge it" I plugged it in to my Notebook. The power charging light came on. I thought I couldn't be this lucky, but thank goodness the Ipod shuffle is on sale right now. (which I'm thinking that they are about to come out with a newer one, so trying to sell off the old?), So I decided to unplug it from the charger and try it. YES it works just fine, and it has a nice Fresh dryer sheet smell to it now. I had to untangle the headphones but they also work. I just wanted to let you know don't give up. I don't know if I would recommened puting your shuffle into the dryer, but at least some where warm to dry out. I'm impressed with Apple, and will continue to suggest to my friends to buy Ipod before other MP3s.

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    Most likely it has suffered hardware damage in which case you'll need to take or send to Apple and pay for replacement, either under your AppleCare+ plan if you purchased the plan or by paying Apple's standard out-of-warranty replacement charge:

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    We ordered a washing machine online on Sunday that was to be delivered today (Tuesday). when the delivery guys showed up they said they could not install our new washer because we didn't buy a new pedestal.  THey would not put on our existing pedastal because they were a "contractor" of Best Buy, but they said to call a store and schedule a service technician to come out to install it for us and assured us that would work.  My wife spent 2 hours on the phone with various team members of Geek Squad and then I took over as they needed to talk to the "purchaser."  I was on the phone with them for another hour and after a lot of back and forth I finally got a Geek Squad 4th level support person (Tony P)  that said he talked to the warehouse and that if I called back after 4 or 5 p.m. that they would schedule someone to come out.  I called back at that time and I was transferred to the warehouse.  The gentleman I talked to at the warehouse said there was no way that anyone would come out. I told him that I am getting the run around and I am not satisfied and someone needs to get this elevated.  He was very rude and did nothing...I called back to the Geek Squad line to try and reach Tony P, but he was gone for the day so someone else started to help me....she called the warehouse and the warehouse personnel were rude to her too.  she was going to file an internal complaint.  I apologize for the long message, but we are most likely going to return the washing machine and not buy anything from Best Buy again. 

    Hello mdog,
    I apologize for the apparent tardiness of my reply. We do our best to address our customers' concerns as promptly as possible and in the order in which they are received. 
    I was disheartened to read about your washer delivery experience. and your subsequent numerous attempts to have your installation completed. In similar circumstances, I know that that I would be very aggravated as well. Were you given an explanation by the warehouse staff or the delivery team as to why your new washer could not be placed on the existing pedestal?
    While I understand why you might have chosen to do so, I was very dismayed to read that you have elected to make your purchase through a competitor and return the washer you've already received. It is my hope that you will one day give Best Buy another chance to win you over.
    Please know that I'm very grateful that you took the time to share your concerns with us. 
    John|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

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