IPhoto book connecting....

I'm extremely frustrated. I made a card on iPhoto last week, sent it in, and worked out fine. Today, I created a photo book, but trying to order it, it just shows "connecting" and won't change. It'll just hangs. My internet connect is fine so I dont understand whats wrong.

Your responses are wrong for the most part and extremely condescending.
1 - Re-entering your information often helps, but it does not get past the "Assembling" part where iPhoto then freezes. I have ordered two photo books and am in the process of trying to order a third, but it does not work. A gentleman from Australia suggested that the Map feature causes the iPhoto Freeze. I don't want to sacrifice the maps yet at this point, but will do if I can't get them to work. I have tried being connected via ethernet, wireless, and uploading at various times of day. Furthermore, I have deleted the Keychain access Nelnet or whatever the Apple Rep told me to do. But alas, no uploads have worked. But primarily, LarryHN if you're here to help, don't be a jerk in responding to people's post. (I have seen you in multiple discussions and you're always sour and never offer anything new and insinuate that people are below your intelligence for not using your directions and making the book load immediately. Well I tried your suggestions and they don't work.)

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    Try again. If it still does not work boot into safe mode and try

  • How to fix lost connections to original high-resolution pictures in iPhoto and how to import an iPhoto Book from one iPhoto library to another

    Hi there,
    I am using a MBP Pro with 8 GB cache and 1 TB HDD from beginning of 2011 with OS X Yosemite and iPhoto version 9.6 (910.29).
    I created an iPhoto Book to print which contains my best pictures of 2013 and 2014. Then I got an error message when I wanted to print the book, saying (translated from German):
    Book could not be created.
    With photo p233432343.jpg there was an error. The original version of that photo with full resolution could not be found or is damaged. Please replace the photo or delete it from your book.
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    I would REALLY appreciate your help on the two questions:
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    2- Do you know if there is a way to export and import a book project created in iPhoto from one library to another ?

    1 - Select  the thumbnail of one of the problem photos and use the File ➙ Reveal in Finder ➙ Original menu option.  This will take you to the folder containing the original file with that file selected by the Finder. 
    You can also use Find Any File to search for that file (get the file name from the Info pane in iPhoto). You will find the thumbnail version and maybe an edited version also.  Made sure what is found is the large, original version and note were it's located.  Search all of your drives with FAF just in case.
    If you don't fine the full sized version then the only recourse is to use a file recovery application like   SubrosaSoft FileSalvage on your drives to see if any of your full sized photos can be recovered.   If you find enough files to make the purchase of the software worthwhile buy it and recover the files.  However, since it may have been quite a while since you discovered the missing originals it seems unlikely you'll be able to recover any due to being overwritten.
    2 - book projects are just entries in the library databases and can't be exported to another library. 

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    I get an error message that I cannot connect.  Instructs me to try again later.
    Try again later?

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    Things I've tried/confirmed so far:  I have the up to date versions of iOS and iPhoto, I have it connected to wi-fi and plugged in, I have closed down all other apps on the iPad
    You have covered most issues, but you do not mention how much free memory you are having on your iPad. Submitting a book for printing need plenty of free memory on your iPad, about the same amount as the combined size of your photos. Could it be, that you are running out of memory?
    Another reason might be an unprintable, corrupted photo in your book.
    Is there a way to upload it from my computer instead? -- I have a PC but have been unable to find the 'book' or photos in iTunes or elsewhere on the computer to even try this...
    To order a photo book from Apple you need an Apple computer or an iOS device.
    To transfer the photos to your PC see:

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    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Here's the site to post your problem, request a refund, etc: http://www.apple.com/support/iphoto/customerservice/orderbooks/.
    That's the only direct connection to those who manage book orders.
    Do you Twango?

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    Five Steps to a Great Book / Cards / Calendars - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2536.
    How To Preview a Book / Card / Calendar Order - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1040.
    First preview the book to ensure that all the pictures appear fine in the preview. 
    What is the exact error you are getting, as this may help determine what you need to do for a resolution.
    Also, try to connect to the internet direct wire instead of wireless for best results. 

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    Thanks a million in advance.

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    Solutions anyone?

    I was experiencing this same problem:
    1. Upload goes very quickly (a few seconds whether 10 Mb or 33 Mb).
    2. Then I'd get an error message indicating "An error occurred while uploading one of your files. Please check your network connection and click Retry to resend your file"
    3. I'd click the Retry button and it would indicate a successful transfer.
    4. Shortly thereafter, I'd receive the cancelled order e-mail from Apple.
    I am using iPhoto 5.0.4.
    After a lot of scouring of the Apple KnowledgeBase and mostly of this forum, I tried many things, none to any avail.
    I suspected finally that there may be some kind of network interference or interrution, so first I quit all apps that might access the Internet (e.g., Mail, Safari, iChat). Still no success.
    Then I realized I had Earthlink TotalAccess and WeatherBug running in my menu bar. I quit both of these "mini" apps and voila! My upload of my 33 Mb book was successful (it took about ten odd minutes with a DSL connection over old clunky phone lines).
    My suspicion is that it was Earthlink TotalAccess which is constantly sending out and receiving a lot of Network info. It's a very old app and not very "Mac-ish" anyway.
    It may be that any high data transfers (i.e., photos) can be sensitive to this kind of frequent network traffic. Some have blamed Apple, but now that I think of it, I have had similar problems uploading large quantities of photos to the major services (KodakGallery, Shutterfly, and Snapfish). I even was trying sharedink.com as an alternative and had the same problem with a failed upload of my iPhoto book pdf file.
    Hope this helps!
    iMac PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    And you need to set the "Print Products Store" in the iPhoto Preferences "Advanced" to the country you are in. The credit card you will be using with your AppleID needs to be valid in the country your AppleID is registered to. Will you be staying permanently in Australia? Maybe it wuld be simpler to create a second AppleID just for the time of your stay there.


    I have been going at it with Apple now for over a month! I ordered a book and it came back with blank pages and with photos not scaled properly. (This was my second iPhoto book. The first one also had several minor printing flaws which we overlooked) I sent three emails via the iPhoto support page and received no replies. Apple promises a response within 48 hrs. Then some two weeks later they had the nerve to send me a survey thanking me for using the web support function and please rate "how we did!" You can only imagine how I responded. I next tried contacted a live person at Apple Care to help me out. I provided them my order number. They indicated that was not a valid order number. Turns out that Apple Care cannot track orders made through iPhoto! No one at Apple Care was even familiar with what an iPhoto book was. I then called Apple corporate hq's and spoke to a "customer care" rep. She assured me I would be contacted within 48 hrs (sound familiar) and my problem would be resolved. I heard nothing for over a week. Calls back to Ms. Graser of customer care were met by voice mail. Finally this week I received a canned response back from Apple. They noted that they would credit the charge back to my card. They also asked if I were interested in reordering my book and if so they would "assist" me. I replied that I was interested in trying to reorder the book. So what does Apple do? Without any further contact to find out why the book came back incomplete (such as a corrupt file or incomlete file transfer), they reprinted the same screwed up book and recharged my credit card for the full amount (including $15 for express shipping)!
    BUYER BEWARE! Apple provides no support or quality control for this product. DO NOT BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome to the forums, and I'm sorry about your book. I too have ordered a book very recently and also found several photos to be on the dark side, and several too red as well.
    But I believe that there's a "but" here.
    I don't know your professional background -- I work in the print industry (I design pages) and I know how hard it is to get the color correction on images just right, EVEN if your monitor is calibrated and your particular version of image processing software is optimized for use with your specific output device. And that's when a professional is behind the wheel, which I am not.
    My iMac's monitor is not calibrated, I am not trained to make images look their best for reproduction, and I am using a consumer-level application. With a little bit of research on these forums (which you have done), anyone can find out that the reviews on the iPhoto books' quality are mixed... At the very least you'll know you're taking a calculated risk -- as you said yourself.
    I would consider myself a picky customer, but I am not disappointed with the quality of these books, especially considering the price, and knowing how difficult and unpredictable color correction can be. If you have some photos that are good (even if it is only 25 out of 142), then I would suspect the problem is with the "pre-pressing" of these images, not the printing. If the printing was to blame, they would ALL be bad.
    That said, I am still sorry about your negative experience. We anticipate these books to be great, and it's a bummer when they aren't.
    Full disclosure: I am in fact asking for a refund as well on my recent book, and I too don't like the fact that there is no phone support for iPhoto orders. I sent my e-mail 24 hours ago, so it hasn't been 48 hours yet. The reason I am asking for a refund is not due to print quality (I think I am responsible for the color/darkness thing), but because my $57 softcover 8.5x11 book arrived in a flimsy envelope and got bent during shipping. The (cheaper) calendars I ordered the same day arrived in sturdy boxes, so the logic behind that escapes me.
    Anyway. For the future, if you've got a project you really care about, I'd recommend spending a little extra and ordering a "test book" with the minimum amount of pages, using only your most challenging photos, so you'll know how to tweak them for the final book. If it matters that much, the extra money will be well-spent, and in the end, the price/quality factor of these one-of-a-kind books will still be more than acceptable.
    Just my thoughts.

  • HT204655 How can I access a iPhoto book from time machine without it being modified by Photos?

    When I updated to Yosemite I didn't realize the ramifications for iPhoto (silly me). When I migrated my iPhoto library to Photos I have somehow lost a couple of iBooks I had created. I have a number of older iPhoto books under projects, just not the most recent ones. I have checked my other libraries and they are not there. I realized that Apple might have the book in their system from the print order I made a few weeks ago, which they did. And I was able to reorder the book from my invoice for the last order and with help from some very nice Apple support people. However they cannot migrate the book back to me. So now I need to try and find it so I don't have to recreate it. I think it must be in Time Machine somewhere but I am afraid if I find it and try to reinstall it, Yosemite will do something with it. I have noticed when I opened another book that Yosemite said the format was no longer available and reformatted it to another template. Help.

    So when I try to uodate iPhoto from my applications folder I am told to uplate IT from the App Store and when I go there I am told the updae is not available in Canada.
    You can no longer buy iPhoto from the appStore anywhere, and also not update it from the "Updates" tab of the AppStore. You can reinstall it, if it is showing among your Purchases at the App Store and associated with your AppleID.
    Sign into the AppStore look at the Purchases tab.  If you do not see iPhoto there, try to unhide your Purchases as described on this page:   Hide and unhide purchases in the Mac App Store - Apple Support
    If iPhoto shows on your Purchases tab, reinstall as described in this User Tip:
    Get iPhoto 9.6.1 if you didn't update before OS... | Apple Support Communities
    The main idea is to move the iPhoto app to the Trash, so Spotlight does not see it as installed, reload the AppStore, and then to try to download again from the App Store - from your Purchases tab, not from the main page, since you can neither buy iPhoto nor update it, but you can reinstall, if your AppleID is associated with it.
    You may need to unhide your Purchases, if you do not see iPhoto on the Purchases page when you sign into the AppStore with your AppleID:
    See this link:  Hide and unhide purchases in the Mac App Store - Apple Support

  • I made an iPhoto book and the file is on my husband's macbook pro.  How do I copy that file so I can have it on my iMac?

    I recently made an iphoto book on my husbands macbook pro and want to move the file to my imac.  How do I copy the file and place it on my imac?  Thank you in advance.

    You can not. You can only move the entire library. Books do not exist seperate from the database. You can duplicate the library and delete very thing except the book to make it smaller

  • How can I copy an iPhoto book from one Mac to another?

    I'm wanting to copy an iPhoto book from one MBP (OS 10.7.3) to another (10.8.3). Is there an easy way to do it?

    You will have to copy the entire iPhoto Library to the other Mac as the library is a virtual entity in the library recorece in the database files.
    Once it's been copied launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and select the libary in the window that appears.  I
    NOTE:  if the new Mac has  newer iPhoto version than the old Mac check to make sure it has the same theme that you used in the book.  There were some changes in themes from iPhoto 8 (09) to iPhoto 9 (11).  If your new iPhoto doesn't have the same theme you may want to complete the book on the old Mac.

  • How can i transfer a iphoto book created on one mac to another mac.

    how can i transfer an iphoto book created on one mac to another mac. i am aware of pdf saving but it doesn't help! need to see the iphoto book on other mac.
    and how can i view in slide-show double pages instead of single pages?
    anybody has an idea?

    If you want to be able to view the book with iPhoto on the other Mac you'll have to copy the library containing the book to the other Mac. You won't be able to import that book into the other library.
    Make a duplicate copy of the library containing the book and rename the folder "Book Library". Open it with iPhoto and delete all of the files that are not in the book. Then copy the Book Library folder to the other Mac and open. You can also burn the Book Library folder to a CD as a way to archive the book in case you decide to order another copy at a later date. I create a separate library for each book I create and order and archive it to CD when I've ordered.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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