IPhoto does not work on my mac

Everytime I try to open my iPhoto on my 15' Mac Book it gives me the same message - The photo library needs to be upgraded to work with this version of iPhoto. Your photo library will not be readable by previous versions of iPhoto after the upgrade. The upgrade process for very large libraries may take an hour or more to complete.
I have restarted - requested the upgrade - it can run for hours and nothing changes. It has been like this for well over three months.  Please help. I would really like to view photos on my mac

With the amount of information you've provided it's impossible to offer a potential solution.  We can't see your computer so we need to know the details of your problem and setup, i.e.:
what version of iPhoto are you using?
what system version are you running?
when you get that message do you give the go ahead to upgrade the library?
what fixes have you tried?
where is your library located?
did you apply any updates or upgrades just prior to the problem occurring?
are you running a "managed" or "referenced" library?
what type of Mac?
how much free space on your boot drive?

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    Which version of iPhoto do you have?
    If your version of iPhoto is not an iPhoto '11 version but iPhoto `09 or earlier, you cannot update iPhoto but need to buy the upgrade.
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    Clearly state the Troubleshooting Steps you have tried to Resolve it.

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    Go to the App Store and check out the Purchases List. If iPhoto is there then it will be v9.6.1
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    I am really running out of ideas on what else i can do to get this resolved.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
    Message was edited by: Changren Yong
    The audio and video chat portions of iChat work fine.

    I managed to make some headway in my attempts to troubleshoot this problem. I did a fresh Leopard install on one of the drives in my Mac Pro. I then proceeded to update it to 10.5.6. After that, i launched iChat and attempted screen sharing with my Powerbook. The first few attempts failed, with the following symptoms:
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    With the amount of information you've provided it's impossible to offer a potential solution.  We can't see your computer so we need to know the details of your problem and setup, i.e.:
    what version of iPhoto are you using?
    what system version are you running?
    what do you mean by not working properly? Explain in detail.
    what fixes have you tried?
    where is your library located?
    did you apply any updates or upgrades just prior to the problem occurring?
    are you running a "managed" or "referenced" library?
    what type of Mac?
    how much free space on your boot drive?

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    Any ideas

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