IPhoto faces cork board doesn't show faces

I am running iPhoto version 9.6 on my 2009 iMac with OS X Yosemite.  The pictures on my cork board are almost all blank.  If I look at individual pictures they are all properly tagged.  When I run Find Faces the computer seems to see the faces in the blank pictures and asks me to confirm that the blank picture is who it believes it is.  I recently had to have my hard drive replaced by my local Apple store AND they upgraded my OS when they did.  I suspect that the cork board is not finding the correct file but it appears to just be the cork board.  Furthermore, the area to the right of the cork board says 617 faces and 6,853 photos, 21 videos, 12.5 GB so it's referencing something.  When I run Find Faces it will show about half of the pictures and when I tag faces they DO show up in my cork board.  Thank you in advance for any solutions or help you can provide.  I am only reasonably computer proficient so please provide a clear roadmap to the solution if you have one.

That sounds promising.  Where do I find the iPhoto library?
If you only have one iPhoto Library, you can simply launch iPhoto while holding down the options-command keys. Keep holding down both keys until you see the Library First Aid panel.
iPhoto will then repair your current iPhoto Library.
By default you will find your iPhoto Library in your Pictures folder. It will show with an icon like a fan of Pictures.

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    Try the following::
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    That won't work for the OP's problem.
    Basically, iPhoto does 2 things for Faces. Initially it scans your entire collection for any faces. Some people have reported that trying to mess around with iPhoto during this phase screws up the process. My advice would be to leave it alone.
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    The first thing to do:  Make a backup of your iPhoto Library. Don't update iPhoto without having a backup of your iPhoto library.
    When I tried I received the following message This update is not available for this Apple ID either because it was bought by a different user or the item was refunded or cancelled.
    This error message means, that you did not yet associate your copy of iPhoto (preinstalled on your Mac) with your AppleID by clicking the "accept" button at AppStore "Purchased" page.
    First try to "Accept" iPhoto on the Purchased tab and try, if you then can update iphoto from the Updates tab.
    Now check the "Purchased" tab. Is iPhoto among your Purchases to "Accept" or "Install"? Then accept and/or install.
    If it is not possible, delete iPhoto from the Applications folder .
    (don't empty the Trash).
    If it is not among your Purchases, open the AppStore main tab, search for iPhoto using the Search field, and buy it from the AppStore. If you already owned any version of iPhoto '11, this purchase should be free, from earlier versions it may be a paid upgrade.
    If all fails there is no help but contacting the App Store Support to sort out the AppleID. Use this link: http://www.apple.com/support/mac/app-store/contact/
    I can delete the existing software and re-install but I don't want to lose all my photos.
    Your photos are in your iPhoto Library in your Pictures folder and not in the iPhoto application. Just back up the iPhoto Library as a precaution, but reinstalling iPhoto will not delete your iPhoto Library.

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    iPhoto does not identify all the faces and know that there are a certain number of people. It may assume that one face may be person A or it may be person B. It may think that several faces of person A may be different people. This makes it difficult to put the faces on the cork board.
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    Ain't it always

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    do you have a default "managed" library (the iPhoto preference to "copy imported items to the iPhoto library is in its checked state) or a referenced library (that option is unchecked)

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    Go to your Pictures Folder and find the iPhoto Library there.
    Right (or Control-) Click on the icon and select 'Show Package Contents'. A Finder window will open with the Library exposed.
    Look there for the iPod Photo Cache. Trash it. Start iPhoto and try sync again.

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    I've set up ML with an clean-install.
    I also set up iPhoto 11 (Mac-App Store updates installed directly after installing iPhoto 11) with my existing picture-library (upgrade of the library on first run was successfully).
    My problem: I cannot select any faces from iPhoto anymore. In Lion, I was able to set a Addressbook-picture from iPhoto, this doesnt work anymore
    Next, Messages is not showing my Addressbook-picture (currently set one) - but Mail does!
    If I try to select a new profile picture over Messages, Iam still not able to select something from iPhoto.
    So, where is the iPhoto-Faces integration?
    Thanks for help

    After setting up the iPhone and the Mac they should remain in fairly close contact as the Mac uses the iPhone's Carrier service to send the SMS.
    Whilst the setting up does not mention it the procedure looks a lot like Pairing Blue Tooth devices which gives you a range of 30 feet or so depending on surroundings.
    Having said that the specs say they two should be on the same WiFi Network (or network that the iPhone is WiFi Connected to be be correct) which would also limit coverage somewhat but  larger area than Blue Tooth.
    You then have to decide if it is possible your son went out of range of a suitable carrier service or whether your phone was moved too far form your Mac.
    If both your Mac and the iPhone are not maintaining the connection it would seem it is at the far end that the issue is happening.
    Is your son's phone maintaining:-
    1) Connection to a suitable service ?
    2) an SMS ability during that connection ?
    9:42 PM      Saturday; December 6, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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