Ipod blank after sync

I had my 30G ipod on pc now i am on a macbook pro. I went to disk util and erase my ipod. now when i sync with my itunes on my macbook pro, it seem to transfer all my songs to my ipod, but when i go to play back my ipod it is blank. Iam i missing somthig?

Try restoring your iPod. Restoring will erase the iPod's hard drive, reload the software and put it back to default settings. Once the restore is complete follow the on screen instructions to name the iPod and automatically sync your songs and videos onto the fresh installation. Press Done and the iPod will appear in iTunes and start to sync. If you want to update manually or using selected playlists uncheck the box beside the sync automatically instruction and press Done, it will default to manual mode and you can choose whatever setting you like: Restoring iPod to factory settings with iTunes

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    seems your iPod 10G and 40G working fine, but not 80G - it makes me feel that it is either a problem of 80G or there are some corrupted files on your iTunes library e.g. movies

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    If it's a one-time "glitch," you can try restarting your computer with the iPod still connected.  Try ejecting again after the restart.
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    One you syncing computer, go to iTunes>Preverences>Devices and check the box that says "Prevent iPods...syncing". Then connect the iPod to the computer and restore from backu.
    iTunes: Backing up, updating, and restoring iOS software

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    Temp: Current 35c
    Temp: Min 66c
    Temp: Max 255c
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    Those 2,400 pending reallocations are a bad sign. Add that to 13,976 sectors that have already been reallocated, and the corrupt thermal data, and I think it is safe to say your classic is toast.
    See Corrupt iPod classic for more information.

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    That's how it's supposed to work.
    When auto sync is finished it dismounts.
    If you wan to stay connected, select the iPod in iTunes, then tick Enable Disk use.
    You will have to Eject the iPod when you are thru.

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    Using your wife's account, have you tried not syncing any photos? For a lot of us, it's the photo syncing that causes a -50 error. This is, apparently, caused by music in the slideshows that get synced.
    Currently, until Apple fixes this (again, by the way...it broke some time ago, Apple fixed it with an update...now it's broken again), you have a couple of options (assuming it's photos that are causing this issue):
    1. Don't sync photos to the nano.
    2. Disable music in any of your slideshows via the slideshow setting for each one.
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    If the On This iPod tab shows a list of songs, then they are being synced to the iPod.  Not being able to play them there (from that tab in iTunes) is normal, if you use automatic syncing. The list is probably grayed out.
    I'm not sure why the songs to not appear when the iPod is being used.
    Try this test.  Do a Restore again.  If it asks if you want to sync your library to the iPod during thre Restore process, decline doing so.  Also, show the iTunes sidebar, so that iTunes operates like it did before this version.  From the menu bar, under View, select Show Sidebar.  You can change that back later.
    Select the iPod in the sidebar, under DEVICES.  On the Summary tab, check the box for Manually manage music and videos, if it is not already.  Apply this change, if needed.
    In the sidebar, "drop down" the iPod's content list and select Music there.  To the right, is the list of songs on the iPod, which should be empty at the moment.  NOTE:  This is equivalent to the "On This iPod" tab.
    Go to the iTunes Music library in the sidebar.  Using the manual method to load the iPod, drag a small number of songs from the Music library to the iPod.  When you go back to Music under the iPod, you should see those songs on the iPod's Music list.  The list should no longer be grayed out, although you still may not be able to play the songs from there (in iTunes).
    Now, try the things that did not work before...  Eject and disconnect the iPod, and see if those songs appear on the iPod and are playable.

  • Ipod blank after updating?

    help please!
    so today I update my Itunes to the latest and had my 60GB photo Ipod connected while doing the update. After the update my Ipod is basically blank--no songs at all are showing up although the device still shows that I have used approx 43 GB of memory. So the memory is still being used but still nothing shows on the Ipod itself (songs, albums, artists, etc...nothing).
    I did the Ipod software updater, plugged into the AC power supply (wall socket) according to what the screen says and still I have nothing showing up?
    Any suggestions on what to do next? I suppose I could 'restore' and erase everything and fill up the Ipod all over again, but would like to try and avoid it.

    Try here:
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on

  • IPod resets after syncing?

    About every second or third time I sync my iPod Classic (120GB), after the white progress bar goes across the screen, the iPod resets itself. Why does it do this? Is this an iTunes problem? I've never seen my old 5G iPod do this before.

    No, after you sync an iPod then disconnect, it reverts to the main menu.

  • Ipod erased after sync

    after disconnecting from mac, ipod was erased. 

    from my experience, the music is still there. the database is screwed up when itunes recognizes the music, but the ipod doesnt see it.
    what ive discovered, after the database crashes and everything is gone, see if you can find this info out. anytime ive had this issue, there are normally a few songs that wont copy over and itunes says "could not convert"(i have itunes setup to convert songs of high bitrate to aac 128kbps). when i go to delete those songs(because they show up on the ipod, but are greyed out), thats when the database crashes, and everything vanishes.
    my fix for this issue is this:
    unplug ipod from computer and turn off
    close itunes
    restart ipod
    open itunes
    plug in ipod
    sync ipod with itunes
    copy over one or two of failed songs
    watch itunes start to sync, sit at "waiting for changes to be applied" for a few minutes
    watch all my missing music reappear(over the course of about 10 hours, takes a few minutes to recopy 4000 songs)
    annoying and frustrating, but until apple can recognize this issue and put a fix in, this is the best solution i can think of besides throwing my ipod at the wall and fix the solution permanently. but that wont get me very far because of my lifeproof case.

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