IPod Classic display bit rate?

Is it possible to view the bit rate for individual songs on the latest iPod classic? If not is this possible by any third party plugin or something? It would be really useful.
Many thanks

Sorry, the answer to your question is no.

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    Thank you for the info, with formatting my iPod I managed to connect it to iTunes again.
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    Hello dhhatfield,
    After reviewing your post, it sounds like you have a red x on the iPod. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help the issue.
    iPod Displays a Red "X" Icon - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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    Mike Boedicker wrote:
    Anyone know why different DVD players would display drastically different
    bit rates as a DVD is playing?
    Any system measuring real-time performance is probably doing an estimate.
    Doing an accurate measurement would take so much processing power that
    the performance itself would be affected. So it's quite possible that
    the numbers you're seeing are somewhat inaccurate.
    That said, you seem to be pushing the limits of your test systems,
    so maybe you should back off on your Compressor settings.
    Check out hanumang's advice and silal's links here:

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    Apple...please go back to your previous iTunes layout and get my album artwork back.
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    *Why is artwork not showing on my iPod when it's there in iTunes?*
    iTunes will display a cover in many of it's views provided at least one track from the album has embedded artwork. The iPod appears to load only the artwork from track one to create the cover flow and album views which means that it can sometimes fail to display art for albums even when you can see the art in iTunes. Further, when tracks are played on the iPod, artwork is displayed if and only if it exists in the currently playing track, so track one may show art while track two does not.
    *How to find tracks without artwork*
    To find all the tracks without artwork so that you can update them you can try http://www.stum.de/itunes-find-tracks-without-artwork/ for Windows or http://dougscripts.com/itunes/scripts/ss.php?sp=trackswithoutartwork for Macs. Use Google, Amazon, Discogs etc. to locate relevant images. Ideally these should be square, 320x320 pixels or above and borderless to give the best results in the various menus. If you have artwork for some tracks of an album, but not others, find the album in the main music folder, select a track with artwork, right-click (Option-Click for Macs) on the art & click copy, then select all the tracks of the album, use CTRL-I or Command-I to *Get Info* and then paste the image into the artwork box.
    I say 320x320 because I believe (from using TouchCopy) that it's the size used in the iPod cache so if you're going to crop or resize you might as well work to that size. Otherwise 200x200 is probably good enough. iTunes store art seems to be generally 600x600.
    *Rebuild artwork cache*
    Sometimes the artwork cache becomes corrupt and fails to show correct artwork, even when this is properly set up in iTunes. To rebuild the artwork cache, connect your iPod to iTunes. Locate the iPod in the Sources pane on the left-hand side, then select the Music tab. Remove the tick from *Display album artwork on your iPod*, sync the iPod, reselect the option & sync again.

  • My iPod Nano 6th Gen, Crashes whilst performing "Convert Higher Bit Rate to 128 AAC" in iTunes.

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    I have a 6 week old iPod Nano 16Gb.
    I have about 2500 songs, which would be coming up to 18Gb, so instead of selecting which albums I want, I've taken the lazy approach and ticked the "Convert higher bit rate songs to 128 AAC".
    As you all know, it does the coversion on the fly, roughly about 8 sec on average per song. Being a slow Core Duo T2500, it takes its time and I have to leave it over night whilst it does it.
    Come back in the morning and the watch had the 'White Screen of Death', displaying on the screen like the Apple IIe days of "OK to disconnect"
    Then it goes blank and then it says iTunes (picture of a plug), under that, connect to restore.
    Plug it into iTunes and it does a full restore with nothing in it.
    I hope I explained it ok.
    Im kinda think its not the Nano, as I've filled it up with music and photos to its capacity and works fine.
    Would it be something to do with "Enable disk use", to stop it from connecting and disconnecting after syncing?
    Any ideas?
    Thanks Guys.

    I have the same problem and can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I rebuilt my iTunes library and still my 6G nano crahes whenever I load an AAC tune onto it.  MP3s and podcasts all work fine, it's just the AACs... 
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    After assistance from ‘b Noir’ (and losing--then finally regaining--my DVD/CD reader in the process), I finally installed the iTunes Version 11.1.4 update on my Windows 7 64-bit PC.  So I am again able to import music from CDs, play music on my PC with iTunes, and burn CDs as I could do with previous iTunes versions.  Then, however, I purchased some new music and tried to sync iTunes with my iPod Classic for the first time since the update to 11.1.4.  So far, I have been spectacularly unsuccessful.  Can anyone help me?
    With previous iTunes versions, sync was automatic when I connected iPod to a USB port.  Now when I connect iPod Classic to PC's USB port (I've tried two different ports), iPod’s screen says “Connecting” but iTunes doesn’t open.  And while iPod is connected to the USB port, I can't open iTunes by right-clicking its icon and selecting “Open.”   (ITunes, however, always opens OK if iPod is NOT connected).  With the iPod connected to a PC's USB port, I opened Windows 7 “Devices and Printers.”  Devices shown included both (a) the “Apple iPod USB Device” and (b) “Apple Mobile Device USB Driver.”  I right-clicked each of these device icons in turn and selected “troubleshoot.”  Both times, the report was “Troubleshooting couldn’t identify the problem.” 
    I am also unable to properly “eject” the iPod.  I tried ejecting (a) from the Windows taskbar's Notification Area, (b) from Windows “Devices and Printers” and (c) by right clicking the iTunes icon and selecting “Eject.”  Nothing worked, so I reluctantly pulled the cable out of the iPod without ejecting.  That causes a yellow triangle with an exclamation point to appear in “Devices and Printers” for my PC—which disappears after shutting down and rebooting the PC. 
    If I start iTunes and THEN connect the iPod Classic to the USB port, iTunes does nothing and almost instantly freezes (shows as “not responding” in Windows Task Manager and I have to close it via Task Manager). 
    Suggestions, please, on what I need to do?  My iPod Classic continues to work just fine, but I can't put any of my newly purchased music on it and I guess it will become an expensive paperweight if the battery happens to run down.  If nothing else, is there an old version of iTunes I can download somewhere that likely will work with the iPod Classic and my PC setup? Thanks so much!

    Hi turingtest2,
    Thanks so much for your response--yes, I've seen the TS1363 document.
    I was able to open iTunes, start the iPod Diagnostic Device Connectivity Test, and connect the iPod when prompted to do so.  The only problem reported by the diagnostic program was "No iPod, iPhone or iPad found." So it does seem as if the TS1363 document should apply.  But I have tried connecting the iPod after executing each of Steps 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 9 shown there and nothing has worked so far.  Details follow:
    --Went through the iPod Classic troubleshooting assistant--except I did not "reset" the iPod (because having all my "old" music available on the iPod has value to me).
    --Restarted iPod Service.
    --Restarted Apple Mobile Device Service.
    --Verified that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed.  There is no down arrow or question mark or other indication of problem with it.
    --Tried two different USB ports (I assume that is what is meant by "change your iPod's drive letter"?).
    --Temporarily disabled Norton Antivirus.
    For some reason, there are 368 files and 60 folders in the Temp folder under my user name, and it looks like at least some are "read-only."  Windows wouldn't let me delete or move the folder, even after I turned off Norton AntiVirus and closed the programs in the "Notification Area" that I could figure out how to close.
    I'm very reluctant to get into messing with Config files or registry keys.  And I have already tried uninstalling/reinstalling iTunes 11.4.1 so many times.  I'm not sure what to do but am considering uninstalling all of the Apple products (again) and try installing an older version of iTunes.  Or maybe I should try to install iTunes 11.4.1 on our Windows 8 laptop and see if the iPod will connect to that (although I really need to be able to sync to my desktop PC).  Probably won't have time to do either for a few days--too many other things to do.  But please let me know if there's something more that's relatively simple and low-risk I could try.  Thanks again!

  • My ipod classic 80G is displaying the error message "this accessory is not supported" when placed on my Altec Lansing dock

    Ipod is 80G Classic and displaying no other unusal or faulty behaviour. In the couple of days between the dock working fine and the error message appearing, there were no software updates. The ipod is actually a couple of years older than the dock- what's going on?

    So the iPod worked previously on this particular dock? Does Altec's support website state that it supports your particular model iPod Classic?
    Have you tried a hard reset of the device with it still connected to the dock?  To do this, first make sure the hold switch is in the Off position, then press and hold both the Select (Center) and Menu buttons together long enough for the Apple logo to appear.
    It wouldn't hurt to also check the dock connector on the iPod for any signs of debrisa and bent or corroded pins that could be blocking the connection between the dock and iPod.

  • Ipod classic compatible with Vista Home Premium 64 bit

    Is the Ipod Classic compatible with Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit?
    I found out the hard way that the Itouch is not!

    If I could I would answer your question.
    But I do not know how I did that.
    Itunes has been working since day 1 on my 64 bit machine, only problem is that it takes half a minute to copy album cover art to song in itunes, the computer is hanging for 15 seconds before the album cover art is copied.
    I just took the Ipod out of the box and connected it to the computer and it worked fine.
    Only problem that I had yesterday is that when I'm intergrating album cover art my hard disk is doing strange things.
    Just yesterday, my RAID 1 was corrupted by Itunes, first hard disk 1 was failing and an hour later hard disk 2 also crashed.
    Was able to reconnect them into RAID 1, luckilly.

  • IPod Classic trouble with 64 bit Windows 7

    Just got a new (generation 7?) iPod Classic.  I am running Windows 7 64 bit.  When I plug the iPod into any of the USB ports, it does not show up as a drive.  When I go into the device manager, it shows up as Apple Mobile Device under the USB Controllers, as opposed to under the Disk Drives, which is where it shows up on my 32 bit machine (which I should note shows up as the E drive on that machine).  It says the device is working properly, and claims to have the latest drivers.
    Any thoughts?

    Re-install, using the latest, iTunes for Windows 7 64bit, from Apple web-site.
    if you want your iPod to be used as an External Hardisk in Windows, then you got to put iPod in diskmode by
    Press Menu and Center button till the Apple Logo comes ON (about 10 secs)
    The release the Menu button and move your finger to the reverse button |<< while still press the Center button.
    The iPod screen will show diskmode.
    Connect the iPod to the USB port and the PC will recognised it as a portable hardisk.
    Of course, if you want to load songs into iPod and use it as a music player, then you got to use iTunes and Sync it.
    Additonal steps needed for this, as your iTunes would  sometime hang and not show the iPod on the device folder.
    Let me know if you need further help.

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