IPod emergency, please help!

my iPod will turn on fine, and run everything fine, but the songs are on constant shuffle, it'll start a song, pause, skip to the middle of another song, and then if i pause it, it'll wait a second and start up itself. and if i plug it in to charge, then try and shut it off, the music still goes, and the charging screen doesn't always come up.
3rd gen iPod in big trouble

well i put all my music on my iPod and then delete it off my computer
Very bad idea.
Don't do it, unless you can guarantee that:
* your iPod will never malfunction and lose its music
* your iPod will never be lost
* your iPod will never be stolen
* you will never accidentally auto-sync
* you have plenty of time to re-rip all your own CDs
* you don't care about losing your purchased music
An external HD is cheap compared to your time and music.

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    pairing record ?: Apple Support Communities
    A fix for those "Pairing Record Missing" errors | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

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    iOSSearch - search the iTunes store for compatible apps.
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    Apple Club - filter apps by iOS version.

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    Start with these articles and see if that gets you anywhere...
    iPod is not recognized properly by computer when USB drivers are not installed properly or are out of date
    iTunes for Windows: iTunes 7 doesn't recognize iPod
    iPod missing in "My Computer" or in iTunes for Windows
    Also you might try forcing the iPod into disk mode first, then connecting it to your computer and see if that makes it show up in iTunes...
    Putting iPod into Disk Mode
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    Like I said it is free.
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    Welcome to the discussions.
    It sounds like [this is the screen|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1275] you are seeing. I think that will help guide you through what to do.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                     

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    “Some of the videos in your iTunes library, including the video (Video Title) were not copied to the iPod (iPod Name) because they cannot be played on this iPod.”
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    Can someone Please Help Me?
    My Mac: PowerMac G4
    OS X: 10.4.10
    iTunes: 7.4.2 (4)
    iPod: 60gb 1.2.1

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