Ipod lost all it's tunes!...

I was rocking out to nickelback and then poof...all my tunes on the ipod just disappeared with no warning!.. What caused this, and will restoring the songs back on the pod correct the problem?... The pod isnt that old to be having problems...
G3 Ibook.. 15G & 40G Ipods... G4 PowerMac   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer for just such an occasion.  Use your backup copy to put everything back.
If for some reason you have failed to backup ( not good), then you can transfer itunes purchases from the ipod:  File>Transfer Purchases

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    Maybe you've had a stroke. Might want to see a doctor about that.

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    sarath  de silva.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option at the bottom of the screen of the iTunes app (or video app) on your iOS device.

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    For iTunes version 7 or later, then you can transfer purchased iTunes store music from the iPod to an authorized computer by using the "file/transfer purchases from iPod" menu. Note that the maximum of 5 authorized computers applies here.
    Find out how to do that here.
    How to copy iTunes purchases from an iPod or iPhone to a computer.
    For all other non purchased content (your own CDs etc) try this method which works on some Windows PCs.
    Enable your iPod for disk use.
    See: iPod Disk Use.
    Open iTunes and select edit/preferences/advanced/general. Put a check mark in the box marked "copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library" and also "keep iTunes music folder organized", then click 'ok'.
    Connect the iPod whilst holding down the shift/ctrl keys to prevent any auto sync, and if you see the dialogue window asking if you want to sync to this itunes library, click 'no'.
    Then go to file/add folder, open 'my computer', select your iPod and click 'ok'.
    The music files should transfer to your iTunes.
    If this doesn't work (and it may not because officially it's not supposed to), check out the instructions/suggestions here.
    Music from iPod to computer (using option 2). This a manual method using "hidden folders" and although it works, it is a little more involved than other methods.
    Much easier ways are to use one of the many 3rd party programs that copy music from the iPod to the computer.
    One of the most recommended is Yamipod. This is a free program that transfers music from iPod back to the computer. However, it does not transfer playcounts/ratings etc.
    Other free programs are Pod Player, SharePod and Floola.
    If you want to recover just the structure of playlists from the iPod (and not the actual song files themselves), there's iRepo for Windows. which I understand has this feature along with all the standard features for these programs.
    iPodRip also has the feature enabling you to reconstruct playlists.
    There is also CopyTrans. This does preserve ratings/playcounts etc if those are important to you but this program is not free. It also supports video transfer.

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    You cannot use iTunes to transfer song files from iPod to computer, except for songs purchased from the iTunes Store.  However, there are third-party methods and utilities that can transfer from iPod to computer.  If you do an Internet search on something like "ipod transfer," you should get some links.  (The CNET article seems to be popular.)
    Once the songs files are on your computer's drive, you can add them to the current iTunes library and then sync your iPod to that library.

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    You should have backed up to iCloud and restore backup after the sync or update.
    Re-download your apps from App Store>Purchased

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    Trying to find out if I can regain complete sync of my Itunes library and my Ipod Classic.

    Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device: Apple Support Communities

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    Create that playlist again.
    Or, change your iPod update options to use a
    different playlist that still exists.
    i tried that and i dont recall the exact name so it didnt work. how do i change my update options?

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    Hi, who can save me...?
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    Dell Latitude   Windows XP  

    Did you move the entire 'iTunes' folder or only the 'iTunes Music' folder.
    If you moved the 'iTunes Music' folder, your playlists would have shown up, but the songs would have exclamation marks in front of the name.
    When your library was empty after moving, I suspect you moved the entire iTunes folder.
    If so, put it back at it's original location.
    Run iTunes and you could have all your playlists and ratings again.
    Then move your music using the instructions in this article:
    iTunes: Moving your iTunes Music folder
    Additional info about the important library files can be found here:
    What are the iTunes library files?
    Hope this helps.
    17' iMac fp 800 MHz 768 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Several ext. HD (backup and data)

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