Ipod mobile device support

I'm getting low on my disk space. I noticed an "ipod mobile device support" on my programs. If I have an ipod classic, do I need that file? Can I delete it & not harm anything?

I have fixed this myself by logging the install of the applemobiledevicesupport64.msi using the command msiexec /package applemobiledevicesupport64.msi /l* error.txt. Loking at the error, the issue was with the files here:
This was the error in the msi log:
DIFXAPP: INFO: Installing INF file 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\NetDrivers\netaapl64.inf' (Plug and Play).
DIFXAPP: INFO: Could not open file C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\netaapl64.infamd64_neutral26aa9fb28983e9b5\netaapl64.inf. (Error code 0xE0000100: The style of the INF is different than what was requested.)
DIFXAPP: ERROR: PnP Install failed. (Error code 0x3EE: The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.)
DIFXAPP: INFO: Attempting to rollback ...
Then the install would roll back.
I extracted the itunes64setup using winrar into msi files. I then used uniextract to extract the applemobiledevicesupport64.msi into files. THen I copied all the driver files from the netdrivers folder into the file repository folder above. I then ran applemobiledevicesupport64.msi and it installed without error, no rollback.. EUREKA!! Then plugged in ipod and all is well
It did initially say that the driver install failed when I plugged ipod in, I then removed device from device manager, scanned for hardware changes and it installed the correct driver and everything works. Hope that this helps someone as I was almost being recommended to reinstall windows 7 by apple.. you don't need to. This has worked.
Also, search your computer for anything containing the word apple and delete them. Do the same for the registry, deleting keys. Permissions may be an issue though on some keys.
Use the above with caution, I accept no responsibility if it trashes anything.
Now at last I can install IOS4.. hope that goes OK...

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    Use this window to navigate to the following folder:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.
    Note: If using a 64-bit version of Windows, this folder may be stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.
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    Thank you in advance.

    Hello tgraul,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Best of luck,

  • IPod Nano 6g not syncing - Apple Mobile Device Support can't install

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    but that didn't help. i tried plugging the iPod into the USB ports at the back of the computer, but nope.
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    i first tried a simple complete uninstall then reinstall of iTunes, but i noticed during the install that when the installer got to the stage of installing Apple Mobile Device Support, it would stop and then say 'rolling back action' and the loading bar would move backwards, before installing the rest of iTunes as normal. hence, AMDS was still uninstalled and my iPod still wasn't being recognized by iTunes.
    On rare occasions on Windows XP systems, I've seen that effect produced when there are old files/folders for the netaapl.sys and usbaapl.sys drivers stuck down in your Windows Operating system folders. If that's afoot, the following (somewhat involved) procedure may be of some assistance:

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    Did you follow this article for Vista users?

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    The AMDS install roll-back (on XP) can be caused by old driver componentry "stuck" in the bowels of your OS. If that's what is going on, we can get past this ... but I'm afraid it's a bit of a performance.
    First, go into "My Computer". Go "Tools > Folder Options". Go to the view tab.
    Make sure "Show hidden files and folders" is selected.
    Make sure "Hide extensions for known filetypes" is unchecked.
    Make sure "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" is unchecked.
    Click OK.
    Now in "My Computer", open "Local Disk C:" or whichever drive your Operating System is installed on.
    Open the "Windows" folder.
    Open the "system32" folder.
    Open the "DRVSTORE" folder.
    In there look to see if you have either of the following two folders:
    If you find either of them, drag them out onto the desktop. (Don't touch any other files or folders you see in there.)
    Now go back into the "system32" directory.
    Open the "Drivers" directory.
    Look for either of the following two files:
    If you see either of them in there, drag them out onto the desktop. (Again, don't touch any other files or folders you see in there.)
    Now restart the PC. Uninstall iTunes again, and then try reinstalling it again. Does Apple Mobile Device Support install this time?

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    Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

    Hey thanks for replying.
    Here's what I did:
    First I tried the Winsock reset in the Command prompt. Nothing changed.
    Next, I tried the instructions on http://http://support.apple.com/kb/TS4123. The only other program that came up on the 'Winsock Providers' tab on the program was 2 Windows Live applications, which I can do without. So I deleted all Windows Live Applications.
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    Again, I've repeated the steps I mentioned in my previous post. Does ANYONE know when the new version of iTunes is set to be released?! This one is driving me INSANE, to say the least!!

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    I uninstalled iTunes and it did not work when I reinstalled. When I tried to uninstall Apple Mobile Device Support, it told me there was a "fatal error" and the uninstallation was unsuccessful.
    That can sometimes relate to damage to HKEYCURRENTUSER registry keys in your usual user account.
    Create a new user account on your PC with full administrative rights. Log out of your usual account and log into the new account. (Don't use fast user switching to move between accounts.)
    In the new user account attempt again to uninstall and reinstall iTunes and related components as per:
    [Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP|http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1925]
    (You didn't tell us what operating system you are using ... if it's not XP, follow the link in the article to equivalent instructions for Vista/7.)
    If you successfully manage to uninstall/reinstall iTunes/AMDS etc in the new account, log out of that account, and log back into your usual account. Does iTunes launch without the error message now?

  • Apple Mobile Device Support Doesnt Seem To Be Installing With Itunes

    Title says it all really, i have been doing troubleshooting on installing itunes on my computer which is running windows 7 ultimate (64bit) once i got it installed finally and plugged my ipod (touch) in it came up with the message "this ipod cannot be used because the required software is not installed" (i have reinstalled many times) & from previous troubleshooting i figure i should be re-installing mobile device support or something, but it is not located in my add or remove programs, which suggests that for some reason it is not installing with itunes and i desperately want to update my ipod.
    Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

    Huh. Well, might be a bit stumped here. Here's one last thing to try.
    1. Plug-in your iPhone and uninstall the driver (Right-click it in device manager and choose "Uninstall")
    2. Uninstall iTunes and all apple software.
    3. DELETE the two registry entires we created earlier:
    HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Apple Mobile Device
    HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple Inc.\Apple Mobile Device Support
    4. Reboot
    5. Re-download and Re-install the latest iTunes
    6. Follow the steps in my Blog again, but this time, just put it in the same directory I had C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple
    7. Reboot and try again.
    Like I said, who knows, I'm not sure on this since I don't have a 64-bit version to test it on, but it's worth a shot, right?

  • ITunes 8.2 Apple Mobile Device Support does not install

    I am unable to complete the full 8.2 install on my machine - the AMDS component fails to install, although the rest of the packages go in successfully. Unfortunately, without AMDS, I can't sync' my iPhone 3G, nor my iPod.
    Having broken out the AMDS package from the 8.2 installer .exe, and tried to run it separately from the command line with logging enabled, the error appears to occur while trying to install the USB drivers themselves - the relevant lines are inserted here:
    DIFXAPP: INFO: ENTER: DriverPackageInstallW
    DIFXAPP: INFO: Installing INF file 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers\usbaapl64.inf' (Plug and Play).
    DIFXAPP: INFO: Could not open file C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\usbaapl64.infamd64_neutralb6bcda7a7950fa43\usbaapl64.inf. (Error code 0xE0000003: The syntax of the INF is invalid.)
    DIFXAPP: ERROR: PnP Install failed. (Error code 0x3EE: The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.)
    DIFXAPP: INFO: Attempting to rollback ...
    DIFXAPP: INFO: No devices to rollback
    DIFXAPP: INFO: RETURN: DriverPackageInstallW (0x3EE)
    DIFXAPP: ERROR: encountered while installing driver package 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers\usbaapl64.inf'
    DIFXAPP: ERROR: InstallDriverPackages failed with error 0x3EE
    DIFXAPP: RETURN: InstallDriverPackages() 1006 (0x3EE)
    CustomAction MsiInstallDrivers returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    Action ended 21:16:25: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
    Action 21:16:25: Rollback. Rolling back action:
    Rollback: MsiInstallDrivers
    Rollback: MsiRollbackInstall
    I'm unable to break open the .msi fully because it is apparently 'corrupt', although that doesn't seem to stop Windows having a go. That said, the little that I can peer into it, the relevant .INF file mentioned in the log appears to be zero length.
    Backing out the full install and downgrading to 8.1.1 seems to work fine, except that now MobileMe won't work because it's keyed to iTunes 8.2!!
    Has anyone else seen this problem? Has anyone else got a valid AMDS .msi file I can try?!

    Maybe a little bit of forum necromancy going on here, but I thought it was worth posting for W7 RC users. aclc's post got me thinking about this tonight when I had issues updating my iTunes, and after some hard work investigating the issue, I figured out what has to happen. Basically aclc is exactly right with the root of the issue - I'm simply expanding the idea to involve instructions for those who can't afford to or won't be bothered with finding out the details of the solution.
    Please note that these instructions were written assuming you are using an administrator-level account on a 64-bit Windows 7 Release Client installation, but should help 32-bit users if they have the same experience - I have not tried this solution on a 32-bit box. This fix has been administered using iTunes 9, so I have personally verified this will work with that version of iTunes.
    iTunes 9 issue: iTunes requesting that you uninstall and reinstall for Apple Mobile Support after trying to install iTunes 9 on Windows 7 RC x64
    By now you've already gone through the failed install on Apple Software Update, and may or may not have manually downloaded iTunes...I'm going to start from the beginning for the benefit of anyone who doesn't want to waste the hour and a half that I did to figure this one out (actually i detoured to read up on a few things for most of that time to feed my inner nerd, but I digress). Plus, this should help with retail Windows 7 users (provided Apple and MS haven't worked this out amongst themselves).
    1 - TURN OFF UAC
    a) Hit Windows Key + R to open the Run command box, type "msconfig", and hit enter or click OK.
    b) Go to the Tools tab, highlight Change UAC Settings and click the Launch button.
    c) Move the slider all the way down to the bottom to turn off UAC.
    d) Reboot your PC for the changes to UAC to take effect.
    a) In Apple Software Update, go to Tools | Open Downloaded Updates Folder... (if already downloaded and the installation has failed)
    Use the Download and Install Manually feature of the Tools menu (if you have not already tried to install via Apple Software Update)
    b) Locate the iTunes installer and the Apple Mobile Software Update installer. For me they were called:
    c) Right-click one of the files identified in 2a. Select Properties, and go to the Compatibility tab. Check the "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" box and select "Previous Versions of Windows". Click Apply. Repeat for the other file in Step 2a.
    d) Run the Apple Mobile Device Support installer identified in 2a. With UAC and compatibility mode both turned off, you should have a clean install.
    e) IF YOU HAVE ALREADY INSTALLED iTUNES AND GOTTEN THE MESSAGE THAT YOUR MOBILE DEVICE SUPPORT IS NOT COMPATIBLE, DON'T PANIC - HERE'S THE FIX: Right-click the iTunes installer identified in 2a and select Repair. You should see a progress bar but will not have to go through a full install. Voila! Open iTunes, plug in your iPhone, and you should be good to go.
    IF YOU HAVE NOT YET ATTEMPTED TO INSTALL iTUNES, simply run the installer for iTunes identified in 2a.
    There you have it - this should do it for you and save someone the aggravation of figuring this out on their own.
    Don't forget to turn UAC back on if you need/want it on.
    Hope this helps!!
    PnT forever.
    Message was edited by: Nightborne

  • Errors with Apple Mobile Device Support- won't install!

    I've been grappling with getting iTunes 9 to recognize my iPhone for a month now (BUT iPod mini is syncing fine.) After multiple troubleshooting efforts with this forum, Apple Support articles, and actual Apple employees, I finally realized the error is with AMDS. In the times I've tried reinstalling iTunes, everything except AMDS was fine. For AMDS, it would always say "Rolling back action".
    So I decided to extract the iTunes setup file, access AMDS.msi and repair/reinstall. Didn't work because it rolled back again. Took more tips reading other threads by uninstalling, rebooting, and installing AMDS, but STILL rolling back. I even renamed the Apple file (ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/Apple I believe) and it's still rolling back! I have no idea why.
    Plus in my Common Files I have multiple Apple files. There's Apple, Apple(2) and Apple(5). I tried renaming all of those and still get the rolling back and error message from AMDS. Any ideas?

    Okay ... so it's not (or at least, vastly less likely to be) shonky AMDS installation configuration information that we're dealing with here.
    Right ... let's try making some forward progress again. (Best to print out a copy of the instructions ... you won't be able to use a browser at one point in proceedings.)
    First, navigate to the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\ folder. If it is present, delete the *Mobile Device Support* folder.
    Now, uninstall your iTunes.
    Now, download and save a copy of the iTunes installer to your hard drive. (Don't run the install on line, and don't install from the downloaded file just yet.)
    Reboot the PC. Don't open any applications. Disconnect from your network and/or the internet. Disable your Security Software (antivirus, firewall, antispyware).
    Now start the iTunes install by doubleclicking the iTunesSetup.exe you downloaded earlier.
    After the install attempt, you can reenable your Security software and then reconnect to the internet.
    ... Any better luck with that install attempt?

  • How to uninstall apple mobile device support & upgrade to newer version?

    For my ipod touch, every time i plug it into my laptop itunes says "itunes requires a newer version of apple mobile device support. please uninstall both apple mobile device supprt & itunes then install itunes again" ive uninstalled itunes & all of its properties & exta files twice & the message still pops up! I dont even know what the apple mobile device support is.. Im out of options.

    When you removed and reinstalled iTunes and other APple software did youdo it this way:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Next I would try posting in the iTunes forum

  • Apple Mobile Device Support won't install, keeps rolling back..

    I'm using Windows 7 64bit and i have everything updated. Since I've upgraded my iTunes to version 10.1, I can't sync my iPod Touch with it anymore.
    Each time I plug my iPod in,
    - the iPod could be detected by windows but not iTunes, and I keep getting the same error message " "This iPod cannot be used because the required software is not installed. Run the iTunes installer to remove iTunes, then install the 64bit version of iTunes""
    - my iPod shows up as "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" in devices and printers
    After searching through the internet, I've tried many fixes but none of them worked. I've tried,
    - downloading the latest iTunes and uninstalling it and reinstalling it again and again
    - uninstalling step by step and completely removed everything as guided by this website (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1923)
    - extracting the AMDS MSI file from the iTunes64setup and run it separately
    - copying the registry files and the whole Apple Mobile Device Support folder from a Vista machine as recommended in some websites
    - creating a new user account with admin rights and reinstalling iTunes again after completely removing everything
    I've read a post (http://discussions.info.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2531860) in which the user encounters a similar problem as well, and apparently the user solved this problem by replacing the files in C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\netaapl64.infamd64_neutral26aa9fb28983e9b5
    with files he had extracted from the CAB files within the AMDS MSI installer from the iTunes64Setup download.
    But the problem is, whenever I try to extract the netaap164 and usbaap164 files from the AMDS MSI installer, using WinRAR, it says that the archive is corrupted and thus I won't be able to extract these files out.
    Can anyone give me any suggestions or teach me what to do? I'm really stucked and lost now. Thanks in advance. =)

    After a couple days searching the internet for a solution I pieced togetherwhat my problem was from several forums and fixed it; maybe my solution/problemis similar to all of yours. (NOTE: I’m running Windows XP Professional, 32-bit,with Service Pack 3 – so you’ll have to translate my issue into your Windows 7format because I have no idea how to operate things is that version of Windows.)
    I traced the error to the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver under"Universal Serial Bus Controllers" as others have too (everything inthe iTunes installation would install perfectly well except for Apple MobileDevice Support). However, my problem wasn't with the driver itself -- I had amissing .dll file on my computer for the Hardware Update Wizard (whenever Iwould 'right click’ any USB driver and select "Update", HardwareUpdate Wizard would not open; nothing would happen).
    So, I went searching for this problem next, and I found this website: http://kf.livejournal.com/208963.html?view=2699587#t2699587
    The page suggests that the problem is a missing .dll file called “newdev.dll”that should be located in “C:\WINDOWS\system32\” (again, I don’t know theequivalent folder for Windows 7, so someone else will need to find out where “newdev.dll”belongs) – I did a search of the .dll file on my computer and found it missing.However, I found another copy of it on my computer using “Seach Everything” (foundhere: http://download.cnet.com/Everything/3000-2379_4-10890746.html)– but, you can also use the Windows Search tool. There were copies located in “C:\Windows\system32\dllcache”and “C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles\i386”. (I would suggest searching for itrather than locating it manually in Explorer in case its in a hidden folder.)
    I copied one of the preexisting files of “newdev.dll” and pasted it into “C:\WINDOWS\system32\”.Then I tried re-installing Apple Mobile Device Support and it worked (norolling back installation). When I plugged my iPhone back into my USB “AppleMobile Device USB Driver” reappeared under “Universal Serial Bus controllers”in “Computer Management” – all I had to do was “Enable” it again and I hadaccess to my iPhone in iTunes again.
    Also, I had copied a preexisting file of AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi to mydesktop prior to uninstalling everything, so when I tried to reinstall iTunesand Apple Mobile Device Support failed to install all I had to do later when Ifound the solution was reinstall AMDS. If you do not have a copy of “AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi”try completely uninstalling everything (like so many other forums suggest, asdoes Apple, here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1925),and reinstall iTunes with the Hardware Update Wizard .dll file replaced. (I can’tsay if this entire reinstallation will work since I only had to install AMDS.)
    Hope my problem was your problem as well.

  • Apple mobile device support failling itunes install

    how do i get the mobile device support to install because it make itunes failing because i went to show package contents on the itunes 9.2 dmg which i downloaded from the apple site and i clicked on apple mobile device support i get this
    Jul 15 00:27:13 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Resources/shove[2796]: [source=file] failed _RelinkFile(/var/folders/zz/zzzivhrRnAmviuee+++++++++/Cleanup At Startup/PKInstallSandbox-tmp/Root/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DeviceLink.f ramework/Versions/A/_CodeSignature/CodeResources, /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DeviceLink.framework/Versions/A/_CodeSignatur e/CodeResources): Operation not permitted
    Jul 15 00:27:13 installd[2789]: PackageKit: Install Failed: (null)\nError Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=120 UserInfo=0x1001b3ab0 "An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination." Underlying Error=(Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation not permitted") {\n NSLocalizedDescription = "An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination.";\n NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. Operation not permitted\"";\n arguments = (\n "-f",\n "-s",\n "/var/folders/zz/zzzivhrRnAmviuee+++++++++/Cleanup At Startup/PKInstallSandbox-tmp/Root",\n "/"\n );\n}
    Jul 15 00:27:14 Installer[2757]: Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
    Jul 15 00:27:14 Installer[2757]: Displaying 'Install Failed' UI.
    Jul 15 00:27:14 Installer[2757]: 'Install Failed' UI displayed message:'The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.'.

    Do a Software Update from the System prefs panel. My new MBP would not recognize my iPod touch or iPhone. There was additional file that needed to be installed.

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