Ipod won't play these tracks?

here is my problem. i have two albums i can think of right off hand that will not play on my ipod, no matter what i do. they work just fine in itunes and on my phone [android os]. they USED to play on my ipod, but now everytime i go to play them on my ipod, it brings it to the screen that illustrates that the song is playing, but only plays for like, a split second before immediately jumping to the next song, which does the same thing, all the way until the album is out of songs. i've tried to uncheck the songs contained in these albums when syncing and re-syncing them with no success. all the tracks still skipped. i've looked at the property data on the songs and everything seems to be in order there. like i said, both albums work fine in itunes.
any ideas, guys?

Need more info to help
Which version of iTunes are you using?\
What is the iPod software version as shown in the iTunes summary page?
What is the format of the somgs that is giving problem?
Have a nice day!

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    Did you ever get a sensible answer to this problem, I have a similiar problem on my Mac. I have one track from iTunes Store, which refuses to play on my iPod......have downloaded stack of music before, this has never happened previously!
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    iPod 1st gen black nano   Windows XP  

    Here is the URL for the picture of the copper cable. The dark part at the end of the copper cable is a piece of silver metal mesh that is glued on one side of the copper cable. You can see that it is glued at the other end to the back of the click wheel underneath where the battery was glued down. I vaguely remember that it was connected to something else, but I don't remember disconnecting it because I was so intent on getting the ribbon cables disconnected without damaging them.
    1st gen ipod nano   Windows XP  

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    Do the headphones work in another device?
    Does the iPod play any sound?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:
    - Reset . Nothing is lost.
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory defaults/new iPod.

  • IPod won't play purchased music after upgrading.....

    Help -
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    Can anyone please give me some advice for what else to try? If all else fails he would like to just restore his IPod and go back to ITunes 6.0. I tried this by uninstalling ITunes 7 and then installing 6 again but when I open 6 it says it can not be opened because the library was created by a newer version of ITunes. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
    Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!!!
    Dell   Windows XP  

    I have this exact same problem since I bought my new 80GB iPod.
    All purchased songs play fine in iTunes on my Mac but they just skip past each track when I try to play on my iPod. As mentioned above I have tried the advice Apple give and have restored my iPod and recreated library but I still have the same problems.

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    Converting my songs from MP3 to AAC.
    Restarting my iPod.
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    If it helps I have an iPod Touch (4th Generation)

    Well, then the answer seems to be that you've got corrupted music files in your library. This is why attempting to convert to AIFF fails in some instances. The only likely fix is to delete then re-import the tracks - assuming you have the CDs. If you do this, you should sync your iPod between deleting and re-ripping. I have over 12,000 songs in my library (all compressed - though MP3), and more than 90% were ripped from CDs using iTunes. The occasional issues I have experienced have been resolved by re-ripping.
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  • Songs from 1G ipod won't play on 5G ipod

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    I'd guess about 1/5 of my songs won't play, and so far I haven't been able to find a way to predict which tracks will or will not play, based on bit rate or any other specs.

    ive had that issue, even tho i didnt transfer songs
    this one time i deleted my itunes library files from my documents/mymusic by accident, and my itunes library was blank
    i re added all my stuff back in, and then i plugged in ipod and like ur case, half the songs didng play. and plus, every song had the same album art. every single song that had an albumb art showed a ludacris red light district artwork.
    i restored the ipod with the ipod software, and reloaded my whole library again.. took forever but it worked

  • IPod won't play mp3 files

    Recently had to reset my iPod & reload iTunes incl my whole library. Now all of the mpeg song files won't play on my 80g iPod. They will xfer but won't play. B4 the reset all of my files played. I would convert them to AAC but i have over 11k songs-- i shouldn't have to as the player supports these files. It has played them all before.
    The imports setting on iTunes is already set to convert to AAC but it never physically does it. It has never mattered before.
    What settings, resets, changes can I make.

    Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

  • IPod won't play complete Podcast

    I have a 20GB iPod. Once in awhile I'll find a Podcast file that won't play to the end on the iPod. It's fine in iTunes. I've tried checking and unchecking the specific Podcast file (and re-syncing). Nothing seems to work.
    This seems to coincide with times where my iPod won't update properly. I get the "Do Not Disconnect" on the iPod even though the iPod says its OK to Disconnect. I've set my iPod to allow disk use so I now have to eject my iPod manually but I still have the same problem with an occassional Podcast.
    Any suggestions? Is it just a poor quality Podcast?

    I'm having the exact same problem with my new iPod Nano.
    It's happened with the Feb 19 and Feb 26 editions of this podcast: http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/podcast.html. There is no problem with these podcasts in iTunes 7. They are each a little over 50 minutes long, and on my Nano, somewhere in the early 20s of minutes, something happens (I think each time I've been fiddling with the volume control, but I'm not sure) and the podcast stops. When I try and play it again, one of two things happens:
    1) The screen for playback slides about halfway on and then disappears and then nothing plays.
    2) It starts to play from the beginning, but if I try and fast forward through it then the iPod instantly skips to the next item in the playlist.
    I don't want to listen to the first 20 minutes again to find out if it would play past that point without fast forwarding, but given that it's happened with these two long podcasts that seem fine on their own (they're ordinary chapterless MP3s), I'm not eager to go through the frustration of getting further through long interesting podcasts and not getting to hear the rest.
    I've tried deleting and re-syncing at least the first of those two podcasts, to no avail - the same effect happens again.

  • IPod won't play certain songs

    I old iPod died during a firmware upgrade and I went out and bought a fifth gen video iPod. I thought it was great but it is having problems.
    1) When playing through playlists it comes to certain songs that it just won't play. The clock says 0:00 and doesn't advance. One can simply skip the song by moving forwards or backwards or going back to the menu. The songs play just fine in iTunes. However more and more songs are now not playing on the iPod.
    They are not purchased from iTunes but are loaded from CD. So this is not the same problem previously reported. I have started loading songs back from the CDs but I do not want to go through this again a thousand times.
    2) If I listen to songs on the iPod (the ones that work) and assign ratings, the ratings are not transferred back to the iTunes library. Neither does the play count get update. I do not have it set on manual sync.
    I have tried everything in the articles I have found. No luck. I still think the last software for the iPod is a bit flaky...
    Grateful for any ideas.

    I have almost the same exact problem. The songs play fine on my computer (on iTunes) but some will be skipped on the actual iPod. When I attach my iPod and look at its library, the songs don't appear "ghosted" out but some have the little next to them.

  • Ipod won't play any files!

    I am using a fully updated ipod and itunes.This morning my son accidently disconnected my ipod while it was flashing do not disconnect.I was using Anapod explorer 8.9.6.
    Now none of my files will play at all. When I cue them up the ipod just cycles through all of them.In itunes my ipod is no longer called the name I gave it it is now named my ipod.
    But wait it gets better, there is a playlist called the name I first gave my ipod with all my songs in it only they also won't play.
    The files are still there when I open anapod but it won't let me move them or play them either. I don't want to restore my ipod cause I don't have a backup yet !
    Please somone help me!
      Windows XP  

    Aren't the songs on your computer?
    As long as the songs are on your computer, you can
    restore your iPod. Or, are the songs not on your
    No the songs are not on my computer.I only have a 40gb hard drive and my ipod is 60 GB. I have a new hard drive in the mail but I don't have a good backup as of yet.

  • Ipod won't play any songs

    Ok, had this problem for a couple of week's now and am at my wit's end on it. My 5th Generation video Ipod will not play anything. With both songs and videos, I select one and it shows the play icon but just sits there with the time at 0:00 almost as if it were paused. I can fast forward through the song but wherever I tell it to play it just sits there. No sound or anything.
    The weird thing is that I can play the songs off of my Ipod in Itunes or hooking it up via USB to another device like my xbox 360 just fine. It's just the Ipod itself that won't play anything.
    I am using the latest version of Itunes and have tried both resetting and completely restoring my Ipod several times, all with the same result.
    Has anyone else run into this or have another solution that might help me?
    PC   Windows XP  

    I had my ipod little over 2 years and now it will only charge!!!
    the songs dont play at all on my ipod and it makes a weird sound when it wants to play then after a while of skipping songs it wont play and just freezes..
    When i come to restoring the setings on the computor it just says that it is being used by another application and wont allow me to restore..
    any suggestions?
    would be much appreciated x

  • My iPhone 4's ringer or alerts, texts emails videos on YouTube or iPod won't play sounds however when I get a call the sound is loud an clear. I know it's not a problem with the speakers. It once said that it was connected to a tv when connected to dock.

    Recently my iPhone 4's sounds are going haywire. I have a Jensen radio iPod dock that I hooked it up to earlier on in the week(first time too) and when it played a song, my iPhone said that this video was being played on a television. Since then the ringer(at times) along with my texts, you tube videos and iPod on my iPhone won't play music through the speakers. However sometimes my ringer comes through. Same as alarms. When I try to adjust the volume settings it doesn't do anything. My speakers work fine. It's just getting it to recognize its not being played on a tv anymore that is annoying.
    Does anyone have any clue what to do?

    DaVBMan, thanks for that post. That clears up something for me. I think I have experienced that funny noise as well. It sounds like a Morse Code message. I have heard that same noise while at Church on it's PA speaker system. When I heard this, I figured the speakers were picking some radio frequency noise, but I couldn't understand what exactly it was. When I purchased my iPhone, I already had an old cable, stereo jack on one end and RCA plugs on the other. I noticed the same noise on my speakers. So, I am figuring if I replace the cable, I should be fine.

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