IPTC - Tags & Keywords

I am planning to switch from PhaseOne/MediaPro (MP) to Adobe PS13/LR. Before doing so I did some test, i.e. using PS13 I added places, people, events and ratings. I then looked at the image in PhotoMe and found the following:
* People, Places and event are all added to Field = Keyword, Tag Name = Keywords
* I could not find ratings in the list of IPTC fields
So here are my questions:
* Shouldn't "people" go under the field "Person Shown" in the IPTC Extensions?
* Shouldn't places go into the fields "City", "Province/State", "Country", etc of Location Created in the IPTC Extensions?
* Shouldn't events go under Event in the IPTC Extensions?
* Where does ratings end up? I believe it should be under "Urgency" (depreciated, is there an alternative?) but can't find it anywhere.

Sigurd den Haan:
Welcome to the iView Forum. Where are you importing from? Another application? Are you adding keywords in that other application? If not, then where?
No knowing the answers to those I will suggest that you do not use the auto-rotate in the camera. It has caused different problems in iPhoto, specifically the use of those images in other applications that do not read those auto-rotate tags.

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    Why does cs3 bridge not import all the tags/keywords in my jpg files.  I can see all of the tags/keywords using windows explorer (win 7 64 bit), but about 2500 of 3000 don't have the tags/keywords in bridge.
    Bridge is primarily a file browser and reflects the files and the contents of their metadata. You can import a keyword list to the keyword tab and you can choose to add keywords from that list to your files. Then Bridge saves those data to the file IPTC data.
    If Bridge does not show content that you can see in an other application then make sure the data is in the right place. Open a file in Photoshop and then use menu file / file info (also able to use in Bridge) and see if the keywords are in the keywords field in theIPTC section.
    If so then in Bridge point to that file and with right mouse click choose 'purge cache from selection' and after the file has been recached check if the data shows.
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    Not to my knowledge, just tried to add a couple of hundreds (copying from the exported text file keyword list) and pasted directly in the metadata panel IPTC field keywords and they all showed without problems.

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    No.  The two apps are different and independent from each other. 
    However, you may be able to export your photos out of your Mac's iPhoto library to a folder on the Desktop with the options to include keywords, titles, and other metadata, and the transfer that folder via iTunes to your iPhone.  The metadata might get read.  You can ask in the iPhoto for iOS forum if that workflow would work.

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    Just wonderin' if I have missed something in Mail as it is.  I love the program, but I just need a little more.
    Thanks in advance. 

    Are you using Tiger Server? Are the other mail systems using LDAP? If so, see here: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=serveradmin/10.4/en/c7od21.html

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    Have a nice day. Eric

    1) I don't understand the distinction between your two choices, but in general the answer would be "do whatever works the best in your situation"
    2) There are lists of tags available on the internet, some for free and some for a small fee, but again, what works best in your situation may be a list you yourself create.
    As a side issue, you can always add or change or modify your keyword list at any point in the future if you decide you need something different than what you have already created. I have done that myself, when I started taking pictures, I didn't have a lot of railroad pictures, so I really only had one tag for it "Railroad". But as the years went by, I took a lot of railroad pictures, and I had to add more detail under "Railroad".

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    Keywords are placed in your text and will be picked up by the spiders when they crawl your site as long as you create, publish, enter and verify a sitemap.
    You can easily add tags using iWeb SEO Tool. See this section for more details...

  • IPTC tagging

    Hi Folks
    an acient user of PSE 6 and I have written IPTC tags to some 20000 plus photos - on re-loading pse6 Organiser I find the data is in the properties but I cannot use the find to pick up the vaiurous Tags and Albums - Abobe have been extremely helpful by stating 'up grade to our latest version (8) but fail to state if the function is missing in 6 and has been installed in 8 - it is there in 6 and I simply have failed to find it or it is not in 6 and not in 8 either.
    Either way having catalogued over 20000 twice - the first time not saving via write key word before the year crash of windows xp I don't want to go through the process a third time
    any suggeston would be appreciated
    Jim Allen

    Backing up XP would be a continuous process as with all microsoft programs,
    something tried in the past and never found successful, since windows 3.1
    Easier to keep the data separate from the programs on separate physical disc
    then in theory you don't loose your data and you only spend time reloading
    all the programs
    Disagree, strenuously. If your separate physical disk crashes, then you have no data. Any disk can fail; having your data on a separate physical disk is not protection. If you value your data, regular backups are mandatory. These forums are filled with people's stories who have lost all their photos or the tags because they don't back up properly or regularly.
    The problem is they are all meta tagged already, I just can't get at the
    tags as a group in any function of Organiser
    All the photos are backed up only the *.psa files are missing - from the
    backup the *.tly file within the back up won't behave either..... so that
    was a waste of time... surprise surprise - never have managed to
    successfully retrieve backed up data.... in 20 plus years
    Did you try the Organizer command File->Restore Backup? The .tly file can only be restored this way. "Won't behave" doesn't really explain anything.
    Further what good is an organiser which can't pick up the meta tags, unless
    it already knows about them before hand.....
    Disagree, strenuously. The Organizer will pick up tags that are in the files prior to import.
    I'm looking to build the catalogue from the meta tags themselves. While
    I agree the tags would be powerful if I could actually pick them up. But a
    program which restricts the user to what the programmer wants you to do as
    opposed to what the photographer wants and the computer naturally does is
    dare I say next to useless in the real world....
    Disagree, strenuously. If the tags are in the file, the Organizer will pick them up on import. Are you sure the tags are in the file before you import them? If so, how did they get there? Can you see the tags using Windows or freeware Irfanview? Most people know when they put tags into files, so please explain. Furthermore, PSE does not restrict you. It provides a command that writes the tags and other metadata to the files themselves so this information can be communicated to other applications, and to the "real world". You have to specifically tell PSE to do this, it doesn't do it automatically, but that is not restricting you in any way. It just adds a step.
    I'll have a look see if I can find a program more suited to my cataloguing
    needs for If I half to re-sort 27,000 photos then I may as well get one
    which is not reliant on a separate file to exist.
    While your needs may not be suited to PSE, everything you have said indicates that you haven't used PSE effectively, and that PSE actually does meet all your needs.

  • IPTC data, keywords and captions

    I used lightroom 4 for all my tagging/labelling and uploading work at sporting events.
    It has always worked flawlessly and I was very happy with it, however, I just had to reset my laptop due to a harddrive failure so have had to download Lightroom 5 instead.
    I cannot seem to get the IPTC template to attach to the files when I import them.
    I usually setup a preset for the game I am at with some general keywords but most importantly the IPTC data for copyright and payment purposes.
    Today I was not able to get this data to copy to any of the imported files at all and had to do it all manually which is extremely frustrating and time consuming.
    To get the template into lightroom in the first place I used to save the .xmp file in a new folder.  Then I would copy a jpeg image into that same folder and name them the same file.  Then when I import the jpeg into lightroom I could see all the IPTC data and create a new template for each game/event from that.
    Can anyone advise please?!

    Hi Pete,
    Thanks for the email.
    Yeah I created the same template I would have done in lightroom 4. I usually save it and then apply it automatically to all images upon import but it simply wasn't attaching anything to them.
    I even tried syncing it across from other photos and it wouldn't copy.
    Do you have any suggestions or even a guide on how to make the iptc template from scratch?!
    I'm not shooting this weekend because I don't have it sorted yet but have a rugby match next weekend and the north east derby (Newcastle vs Sunderland) so need to sort it by then or I'll need to get photomechanic which I don't want to do!
    --- Original Message ---

  • Tags / Keywords PSE6 -- Bridge CS3 how???

    sorry to cause inconvenience to you but i can´t find an answer to my question here in the forum.
    I read a lot of similar threads, but no one answerd my problem BridgeCS3 <-> PSE6.
    What i have:
    Bridge CS3 / Photoshop CS3 / Photoshop Elements 6.0
    What i want to do:
    At this time i organize all my photos with the Organizer of PSE6 and put keywords
    with the Tags-function from PSE6 to my photos.
    Now i want to change to the bridge to organize my photos.
    What i need:
    Now i need a functionality to import all my keywords/tags from PSE6 into the bridge.
    What i have done until now:
    In PSE6-Organizer i export all my keywords to a file. The automatic generated file
    from PSE6 is named: stichwort.xml . I can´t change the format or name in PSE6 to write the Tags
    to a file.
    In the bridge i tried to import the "stichwort.xml"-File, but that doesnt work.. There are no structures
    and useable Keywords coming into the bridge.
    So... is it general possible to import the Tags/Structure form PSE6 into the BridgeCS3 ??
    And when... what´s my fault? Can you give me a hint?
    Thanks for help.

    There was a post some time ago that I will try to recall - hopefully not too inaccurately. I have never used PSE so don't really know what you are trying to do.
    The way I remember it PSE uses some sort of a table for the keywords. Bridge does not, but embeds the information as metadata to each file. Apparently this is more of a standardized format for the data and can be used by other applications.
    For a clearer explanation on how the information is handled go to Bridge Help and type in metadata. It does say something about ability to export metadata so maybe that would work for you.
    Before you go to all that effort you might investigate how PSE Organizer may handle the data in the future. Can never tell - the next upgrade may change that feature also. Perhaps PSE forum?

  • Newbie question on file tags / keywords

    Over the last few years I have taken a few thousand pictures and have them organized with tags using Vista Photo Gallery.  This application worked great, but I how have purchased Photoshop SC5 and would like to start working with Bridge.  I can see the tags that I set in Photo Gallery, but not sure how I can utilize them in Bridge to sort/locate files. Does anyone have any suggestions, since I don’t what to have to manually create a keyword for every tag. Is there any way for me to select all my images and import the data into the Bridge database structure?

    keyword/tags in most cases are written to
    the image.  When you open the image in Bridge and you see the keyword
    it should show up in the keyword panel.
    If it is italicized it means it is temporary, and will be gone when you shut down bridge.  It you want the keyword to be permanent right click on it and select "make persistent" from the fly out menu..

  • Restoring tags & keywords in PSE 7

    My wife's hard drive was full so I installed a new one and reinstalled PSE7 & and dragged all the photos back to my work.  I can plug in the original hard drive on a temporary basis and would like to know what files I need to copy and replace so that all the taging and keywording can be restored.  Any guidance would be appreciated.

    You should take a backup of the catalog after plugging in the original hard drive. Once the backup is taken, you can restore the catalog on new hard drive. This way the tags and keywords will remain intact and they will remain attached to the images.

  • Smart Albums and Search ignoring tags / keywords

    Why is it that once images are imported into PE7, and if their keywords and tags are edited in an external editor (eg. Picasa, Photoshop), PE7 doesn't seem to recognize these new keywords/tags in Search or Smart Albums?!
    The weird thing is, if I open/activate these newly edited files, I can see in thier properties that the new keywords/tags can be read by PE7, but these descriptions don't show up as matching results when we do a search box or smart albums.
    What is going on?
    On the other hand, Picasa will read, update and pick up any tags and keywords that have been entered in PS7, almost instantly. Why can't PE7 do this???

    It's a design limitation of PSE.  When you first import an image into PSE, it will read the metadata from the image's file (keyword tags, date/time, caption, notes, star rating) and store it in your catalog (the database where PSE stores all of its information about your images).  Once the image is imported into your catalog, PSE will never read that metadata again, so if you change it with an external tool, PSE won't see those changes.
    As you've observed, a number of other programs will track changes made to a file's metadata, including Windows Live Photo Gallery and Adobe Lightroom.

  • Meta tag keyword

    Is there a limit to the number of words you can put within
    the keywords section of the meta tags? What other ways can I
    promote good recongition by search engines?

    Not that it really matters, though....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
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    "Ken Binney" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:e4covb$q4p$[email protected]..
    > The limit is measured by characters rather than words. I
    give my
    > customers
    > this tool to keep track of the character count.
    > "l00pyl00" <[email protected]> wrote in
    > news:e4cmo8$n6q$[email protected]..
    >> Is there a limit to the number of words you can put
    within the keywords
    >> section of the meta tags? What other ways can I
    promote good recongition
    >> by search engines?

Maybe you are looking for