IR column Header value not displayed entirely during filteration

I have a IR, when I click any column Header and it shows the list of values as a dropdown.
some of them (which are larger) get cut off.. means the the entire content/value are not displayed within the dropdown. [width of dropdown is fixed and no of characters in the content/value is more..]
how can we fix this?
Also.. is there any we can increase the width of the Select List window when we click any column header in IR.
Edited by: DeepakJ on Sep 15, 2011 4:08 PM

jQuery is not included to Apex 3.2 by default.
If you have not include jQuery library's to e.g. your page template or page header, then it is not "installed".
You can run your app and inspect HTML source to be sure.
You can download jQuery and jQuery UI and place files to your HTTP server folder. Then load those in e.g. page template header.
Or use jQuery files from Google by placing to page template header.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>Regards,

Similar Messages

  • Column Heading are not displayed in ALV Report using CL_SALV_DISPLAY?

       I am using CL_SALV_DISPLAY class to display data. I Created an Internal Table Dynamically based fieldcatalog which was prepared based data at run time. When i displayed data using CL_SALC_DISPALY data is display in output but column headings are not displayed.
    can anyone suggest me how to display heading in ALV using CL_SALV_DISPLAY class, My code is
          CLASS lcl_report DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_report DEFINITION.
          display  IMPORTING l_table  TYPE string
                             l_fcat   TYPE string.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_report DEFINITION
          CLASS lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION
      METHOD display.
        DATA: gr_table   TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.
        DATA: gr_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
              gr_column  TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table,
              ls_fcat    TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
        DATA: gr_display TYPE REF TO cl_salv_display_settings.
        DATA: l_o_functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions_list,
              l_field    TYPE string.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_table>    TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
                        <ft_fcat>     TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
    Get the ALV object refering to the output table
        ASSIGN (l_table) TO <fs_table>.
        ASSIGN (l_fcat)  TO <ft_fcat>.
                r_salv_table = gr_table
                t_table      = <fs_table> ).
          CATCH cx_salv_msg.                                "#EC NO_HANDLER
    Add basic default functionality in the ALV report
        l_o_functions = gr_table->get_functions( ).
        l_o_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
        gr_columns = gr_table->get_columns( ).
        gr_columns->set_headers_visible( abap_true ).
    Display the list
        gr_table->display( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "extract
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION
    *& start-of-selection declaration
      PERFORM :
      get store codes
        get_storecodes    USING      p_stfile
                          CHANGING   it_t001w,
      fetching mard data
      preparing fieldcatalog for Final Data
        create_filedcat   USING      it_t001w
                          CHANGING   it_fieldcat,
      preparing structure & internal table for Final Data
        create_final_table_structure  USING  it_fieldcat,
      prepare output data
    *& end-of-selection declaration
      PERFORM :
      display data
        display_data    USING l_table
    *&      Form  get_storecodes
    FORM get_storecodes  USING    p_p_stfile
                         CHANGING p_it_t001w  LIKE it_t001w[].
      DATA  :
    internal table for RAW
      lt_raw    TYPE truxs_t_text_data,
      rs_site   LIKE LINE OF rt_site,
      l_index   LIKE sy-tabix.
    field symbol for it_t001w
      <fs_t001w>   LIKE LINE OF p_it_t001w.
    calling function module to get Stores Data from File
          i_line_header        = 'X'
          i_tab_raw_data       = lt_raw
          i_filename           = p_p_stfile
          i_tab_converted_data = p_it_t001w[]
          conversion_failed    = 1
          OTHERS               = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      SORT p_it_t001w BY werks.
      CLEAR rs_site.
      rs_site-sign   = 'I'.
      rs_site-option = 'EQ'.
      rs_site-low    = p_dccode.
      APPEND rs_site TO rt_site.
      IF it_t001w[] IS NOT INITIAL.
        LOOP AT p_it_t001w ASSIGNING <fs_t001w>.
          l_index   = sy-tabix.
              input  = <fs_t001w>-werks
              output = <fs_t001w>-werks.
          MODIFY p_it_t001w FROM <fs_t001w> INDEX l_index.
          IF <fs_t001w>-werks GE s_site-low AND <fs_t001w>-werks LE s_site-high.
          append site to ranges
            CLEAR rs_site.
            rs_site-sign   = 'I'.
            rs_site-option = 'EQ'.
            rs_site-low    = <fs_t001w>-werks.
            APPEND rs_site TO rt_site.
        SORT p_it_t001w BY werks.
        SORT rt_site.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_storecodes
    *&      Form  create_final_table_structure
    FORM create_filedcat   USING    p_it_t001w      LIKE it_t001w[]
                                    p_it_site       LIKE it_site[]
                           CHANGING p_it_fieldcat   LIKE it_fieldcat[].
    field symbol for p_it_t001w
      <fs_t001w>     LIKE LINE OF p_it_t001w,
    field symbol for p_it_site
      <fs_site>      LIKE LINE OF p_it_site.
      DATA :
      l_fieldname    TYPE slis_fieldname,
    workarea for site ranges
      rs_site        LIKE LINE OF rt_site.
      CLEAR : l_fieldname, rs_site.
      l_fieldname    = p_dccode.
    prepare fieldcatalog
      build_fieldcatalog USING :   'MTART'      'CHAR'        '5'  ,
                                   'MTBEZ'      'CHAR'        '25' ,
                                   'MATKL'      'CHAR'        '6'  ,
                                   'WGBEZ'      'CHAR'        '20' ,
                                   'MATNR'      'CHAR'        '18' ,
                                   'MAKTX'      'CHAR'        '30' ,
                                    l_fieldname 'CHAR'        '17' .
    create header for excel
      PERFORM create_excel_header USING  : 'Division',
                                           'Divsion Description',
                                           'MC Code',
                                           'MC Description',
                                           'Article Description',
    loop for creating fieldcatalog
      LOOP AT it_site ASSIGNING <fs_site>.
        READ TABLE it_t001w ASSIGNING <fs_t001w> WITH KEY werks = <fs_site>-werks
                                                                  BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0           AND <fs_t001w> IS ASSIGNED AND
           <fs_site> IS ASSIGNED  AND <fs_site>-stock GT 0.
          CLEAR : l_fieldname, rs_site.
          l_fieldname    = <fs_site>-werks.
        prepare fieldcatalog
          PERFORM build_fieldcatalog USING : l_fieldname    'CHAR'   '17'.
        create header for excel
          PERFORM create_excel_header USING  l_fieldname  .
      l_fcat  = 'it_fieldcat[]'.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_final_table_structure
    *&      Form  build_fieldcatalog
    FORM build_fieldcatalog  USING    p_fieldname      TYPE slis_fieldname
                                      p_datatype       TYPE datatype_d
                                      p_length         TYPE intlen.
      DATA : ls_fieldcat    LIKE LINE OF it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  : ls_fieldcat.
      ls_fieldcat-fieldname   = p_fieldname.
      ls_fieldcat-datatype    = p_datatype.
      ls_fieldcat-intlen      = p_length.
      APPEND ls_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " build_fieldcatalog
    *&      Form  create_final_table_structure
    FORM create_final_table_structure  USING    p_it_fieldcat.
    Create dynamic internal table and assign to FS
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = it_fieldcat
          ep_table        = t_table.
      ASSIGN t_table->*  TO <ft_final>.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_final_table_structure
    *&      Form  create_excel_header
    FORM create_excel_header  USING    p_p_fieldname.
      DATA : ls_header  LIKE LINE OF it_header.
      CLEAR ls_header.
      ls_header-col_name  = p_p_fieldname.
      APPEND ls_header TO it_header.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_excel_header
    *&      Form  prepare_final_data
    FORM prepare_final_data .
      DATA          : l_matnr       LIKE g_matnr,
                      l_werks       LIKE g_werks,
                      l_index       LIKE sy-tabix.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_mard>     LIKE LINE OF it_mard.
    Getting No. of Lines in IT_MARD internal table
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_mard LINES g_lines.
      LOOP AT it_mard ASSIGNING <fs_mard>.
        l_index    = sy-tabix.
        IF l_matnr IS INITIAL.
          l_matnr  = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          CLEAR : l_werks.
          l_werks    = <fs_mard>-werks.
          UNASSIGN : <fs_value>, <fs_final>.
        Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
          CREATE DATA t_line LIKE LINE OF <ft_final>.
          ASSIGN t_line->*   TO <fs_final>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATNR'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT l_werks  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_value> + <fs_mard>-labst.
        getting Article Type,MC & its Descriptions
          PERFORM get_other_data    USING     l_matnr
        ELSEIF l_matnr <> <fs_mard>-matnr.
          APPEND <fs_final> TO <ft_final>.
          CLEAR l_matnr.
          l_matnr  = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          CLEAR : l_werks.
          l_werks    = <fs_mard>-werks.
          UNASSIGN : <fs_value>, <fs_final>.
        Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
          CREATE DATA t_line LIKE LINE OF <ft_final>.
          ASSIGN t_line->*   TO <fs_final>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATNR'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT l_werks  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_value> + <fs_mard>-labst.
        getting Article Type,MC & its Descriptions
          PERFORM get_other_data    USING     l_matnr
          CLEAR : l_werks.
          l_werks    = <fs_mard>-werks.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT l_werks  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_value> + <fs_mard>-labst.
        IF l_index = g_lines.
          APPEND <fs_final> TO <ft_final>.
      l_table  = '<ft_final>[]'.
    ENDFORM.                    " prepare_final_data
    *&      Form  get_other_data
    FORM get_other_data  USING    p_l_matnr
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_mara>     LIKE LINE OF it_mara,
                      <fs_t023t>    LIKE LINE OF it_t023t,
                      <fs_t134t>    LIKE LINE OF it_t134t,
                      <fs_makt>     LIKE LINE OF it_makt.
      READ TABLE it_mara ASSIGNING <fs_mara> WITH KEY matnr = p_l_matnr.   " BINARY SEARCH.
      IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_mara> IS ASSIGNED.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MTART'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
        <fs_value>        = <fs_mara>-mtart.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATKL'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
        <fs_value>        = <fs_mara>-matkl.
        READ TABLE it_makt  ASSIGNING <fs_makt>  WITH KEY matnr =  <fs_mara>-matnr   BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_makt> IS ASSIGNED.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MAKTX'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_makt>-maktx.
        READ TABLE it_t023t ASSIGNING <fs_t023t> WITH KEY matkl = <fs_mara>-matkl  BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_t023t> IS ASSIGNED.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'WGBEZ'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>      = <fs_t023t>-wgbez.
        READ TABLE it_t134t ASSIGNING <fs_t134t> WITH KEY mtart = <fs_mara>-mtart  BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_t134t> IS ASSIGNED.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MTBEZ'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>      = <fs_t134t>-mtbez.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_other_data
    *&      Form  display_data
    FORM display_data  USING    p_l_table
    Variable for Object Creation
      o_report TYPE REF TO lcl_report.
      CREATE OBJECT o_report.
      o_report->display( EXPORTING l_table = p_l_table
                                   l_fcat  = p_l_fcat ).
    ENDFORM.                    " display_data

    I don't know how to read the code you pasted or I would have checked this myself.
    Do your fields in the internal table reference dictionary objects or elementary types? If not using dictionary types, the column names will be blank by default. If you can't change your fields to be dictionary types, you can try this to change the column names:
    I made a method inside my local class to add the names:
            call method set_colname
              EXPORTING iv_tab = alv_tab
                        iv_colid = 'xxxx'  "fieldname from the table
                        iv_stxt = text-t54
                        iv_mtxt = text-t55
                        iv_ltxt = text-t55.
    METHOD set_colname .
              alv_cols type REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
              alv_col type REF TO cl_salv_column.
      TRY .
    *... Change fieldnames
            call METHOD iv_tab->get_columns RECEIVING value = alv_cols.
            call method alv_cols->get_column EXPORTING columnname = iv_colid RECEIVING value = alv_col.
            IF iv_stxt <> ''.
              CALL METHOD alv_col->set_short_text EXPORTING value = iv_stxt.
            IF iv_mtxt <> ''.
              CALL METHOD alv_col->set_medium_text EXPORTING value = iv_mtxt.
            IF iv_ltxt <> ''.
              CALL METHOD alv_col->set_long_text EXPORTING value = iv_ltxt.
       CATCH cx_salv_not_found.
    ENDMETHOD. "set_colname

  • JTable column header is not displaying

    Here I have the sample code which is not displaying the header names of each row (Names, Size, Status).
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class sample extends JFrame
        JTable table;
        String names[] = {"Names","Size","Status"};
        TableModel model = new AbstractTableModel()
            public Object getValueAt(int row, int col)
                return "Data";
            public int getColumnCount()
                return 3;
            public int getRowCount()
                return 5;
            public String getColumnName(int col)
                return names[col];
        public sample()
            Container cp = getContentPane();
            table = new JTable(model);
        public static void main(String a[])
            new sample();
    }Anybody can give idea for me.

    Read the JTable API. It shows you how to do this. In addition it has a link to the tutorial on "How to Use Tables" which contains many examples.

  • Column Header Text not displaying for multi-set column block

    I have assigned a key figure set to a column block in a report writer report in ECC 6 using table FAGLFLEXT with both additional text functionality use and without use of additional text.
    I can't get the column headings text for these key figure sets in the column block to appear on a report writer report.
    Your assistance in getting the column headings text to appear will be greatly appreciated.
    Michael Hamp

    For more clarity, and to make sure that the error is not in my database or series query, I have replicated the error online here:
    I plotted 3 series in the first region, including one series with no data for one period.
    I plotted the fourth series in the second region, which has no data for 2 months. When I try to plot this in the first chart, nothing is displayed.
    I can't understand why this is happening, I hope that there is a solution for this. I can share the workspace password where the above application is, if some one wants to take a look.

  • Header condition type value not displayed in sales order output

    Hi gurus,
    I have observed a strange issue regarding a header condition in a sales order.
    we have a set up like following:
    1. If the Header condition XXXX is used in sales Order then this value should be printed on sales order output.
    2. If the Header condition mentioned in above point is not maintained in sales order it should print the total price of all line items.
    Though i have maintained the header condition value in Sales Order Header its not displayed in SO output.
    That is , I have a sales order and it has one HEADER condition type entered with 3500 USD.
    In fact this value is used for some business purpose and is being printed on the sales order output for a specific output type.
    But where as in a sales order this header condition value is not getting printed on the output though I am using same data as of the sales order which is having the header condition value printed on its output.
    According to business,we must have the header condition value printed on  sales Order output.
    Please suggest how to proceed.
    Thanks in advance.

    Not sure if you are using costom smartform to print invoice, if yes then ask developer to debug and find the root cause and fix it.
    You might need to give him condition when it shuld be printed and when not.
    You can take reference of another output type for which it is printing

  • Substitution string used in custom Report column name does not display in PDF version of report

    I am using Apex, Apex Listener 2 via Glassfish4 and have set up all my applications and reports on this system.  We previously used Oracle 10.2, with Apache with a custom fopping document.
    My issue is that I have a report that has custom column headings using a substitution string to pull in the begin or end date for the report.  When the report is run and displayed, the column headings appropriately display the date.  However, when I try to set up the Print to PDF option, the column headings are not displaying correctly.
    Is it possible to use a substitution string in the column heading?  I am able to use the substitution string in the Page Header and Page Footer and those display correctly.
    In the Report Attributes setup I have set the "Strip HTML" to Yes and I have four columns that are using the &"ITEM NAME". string.  See below for actual display:
    The report column headings in APEX displays correctly (bold is the substitution detail): 
    Fund    Account Description          Balance 07/01/2014     Budget/Goal FY 14-15     YTD Actual 02/28/2015         Ending Balance 02/28/2015
    In the Print Attributes setup, when I get to the Report Columns section, the Heading column displays the headings as set up in the Report Attributes custom and I am not able to edit these names.  See below:
    In the version of the report that is Printed to PDF I get the following for display:
    Fund           Account Description           Balance %26amp;P347_BEGIN_DATE.     Budget/Goal %26amp;P347_FY.     YTD Actual %26amp;P347_END_DATE.     Ending Balance %26amp;P347_END_DATE.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    First, the misspelled word is a test object and not data.
    Second, all data display correctly.
    Third, text object is displaying the old misspelled word.
    Fourth, I have eliminated the possibility that problems in of my pdf export routine cause this issue by exporting directly from Crystal Reports Viewer. I print the report to the crystal report viewer. The report looks good. The text object is spelled correctly. Then I click the Crystal Reports viewer's export button in the left upper corner and I export to both EXCEL and PDF. The excel export looks good. The pdf export is misspelled. All the export occurs internally in Crystal reports.
    Fifth, I found outthat all users who have this problem have the ADOBE PDF writer installed. I am just suspicious that ADOBE writer is interferring with Crystal export
    Sixth, I cannot recreate this problem on any of our development and test machines. It only happens on end-user laptops.
    Seventh, I changed the name of the report that had this problem and created a new version and installed on end-user laptop. The behaviour still persists. User saved the report as both RPT and PDF. RPT export looks good. PDF version has the spelling problem. Data on both reports is up-to-date and good. I copied the same RPT export to my PC and exported it to PDF, the pdf looks good. That is why I think something on the end-users laptops is causing the export to use some cached template.
    One more thing I did was to change the report name in VB.NET project, recreated a new package and installed on end-user's laptop. The same exact problem is still there.
    I have worked with Crystal Reports more than 15 years and I have never such a weird behaviour before. I know this sounds very weird. We are all baffled by what is happening.

  • Div header tag - not displaying correctly

    I thought I had resolved an issue with a div header tag, but - as per a reply in my 'text as gif' thread, possibly not!
    The header contains three images; a logo, a banner (text), and a picture of a castle.  These should display in a  line.
    When I first set it up, I realised that the castle picture was normally ending up below the other two on smaller screens etc. 
    So I changed the dims for my div container from min 760px/max 1260px, to a set width (960px).  I then rejigged the three images so the widths were within 960px, with some to spare for the spacing (total widths of the three are 900: hspacing another 20 pixels).  There is no padding/borders defined.  Therefore the total should be well within the 960 width (?).
    It looks fine on my PC (widescreen); in 3 browsers, using the restore down menu command (ie to make it not full screen), and by  using the Dreamweaver multiscreen preview (phone, tablet, smaller desktop).  It wasn't ideal (as scrolling required), but at least meant the header (and the rest of the screen) displayed correctly, ie in a horizontal line (and then sidebar - content - sidebar).
    If I set my container width much smaller, most of the screen will be green (the body) in big screens.
    If I rejig the dimensions, it's all a bit hit and miss (and why don't the current dimensions work?).
    Do I need to define the width of the header (as well as the container)?
    Help!  Thank you

    Hi there, I started off using one big image, but it didn't look right with regards to size and placing (ie I wanted the logo on the left edge, the castle on the right edge, etc). When you say slice, what do you mean?  One image in from fireworks, and then ... ? Thanks again
    Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 01:37:10 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Div header tag - not displaying correctly
        Re: Div header tag - not displaying correctly
        created by osgood_ in Dreamweaver - View the full discussion
    Datafan55 wrote: I thought I had resolved an issue with a div header tag, but - as per a reply in my 'text as gif' thread, possibly not!  Why not just use one big image  then you wont have a problem of with the alignment. Certainly don't use 'vspace' and 'hspace' to position the images. If you want to use 3 seperate images start by setting them us as one complete image then slice it into 3 images. Then use the following css to position the images side by side. #header img If the total sum of the width of the images is the same or does not exceed 960px then the images should be in a nice row side by side. They will actually sit side by side without using 'float' but you'll get a small gap between them which will be added to the sum of the width which will exceed 960px causing the third image to drop onto the next line.
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
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  • Value not displaying in report whereas it returns in plsql developer


    Duplicate post.
    value not displaying in report whereas it returns in plsql developer
    value not displaying in report whereas it returns in plsql developer

  • Total Amount value not displaying while executing print progrm for PO form.

    Hi All,
               I created the PO form, for this i written a print program.After executing this print program everything s displaying & populating, but only the Total Amount  not displaying r not populating.
              But, if i run the PO n tcode ME23N the Total Amount is displaying, after assigning the form n NACE.
    So help me to get the Total Amount to be displayed n main window, while executing the print program.
    Like this i declared n smartform,                    Total net value excl. tax           &is_ekko-waers& &is_pekko-netwr&......
    The print program as follows,
    report zpo.
    tables: ekko,pekko,ekpo,ekpa,eket,ekkn,ekek,komk,nast.
    data: fm_name type rs38l_fnam.
    data: is_ekko type standard table of ekko with header line.
    data: is_pekko type pekko occurs 0 with header line.
    data: it_ekpa like standard table of ekpa,
          it_ekpo like standard table of ekpo,
          it_pekpo like standard table of pekpo,
          it_eket like standard table of eket,
          it_tkomv like standard table of komv,
          it_ekkn like standard table of ekkn,
          it_ekek like standard table of ekek,
          it_komk like standard table of komk.
    selection-screen: begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
      parameters: pr_ebeln like ekpo-ebeln obligatory.
    selection-screen: end of block b1.
    select * from ekpo into table it_ekpo where ebeln = pr_ebeln.
    select * from ekko into is_ekko where ebeln = pr_ebeln.

    code as follows,
        FORMNAME                 = 'ZPURCHASE'
    *   VARIANT                  = ' '
    *   DIRECT_CALL              = ' '
        FM_NAME                  = fm_name
    CALL FUNCTION fm_name  "'/1BCDWB/SF00000060'
    *   ARCHIVE_INDEX              =
    *   ARCHIVE_INDEX_TAB          =
    *   ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS         =
    *   CONTROL_PARAMETERS         =
    *   MAIL_APPL_OBJ              =
    *   MAIL_RECIPIENT             =
    *   MAIL_SENDER                =
    *   OUTPUT_OPTIONS             =
    *   USER_SETTINGS              = 'X'
        IS_EKKO                    = is_ekko
        IS_PEKKO                   = is_pekko
    *   IS_NAST                    =
    *   IV_FROM_MEM                =
    *   IV_DRUVO                   =
    *   DOCUMENT_OUTPUT_INFO       =
    *   JOB_OUTPUT_INFO            =
    *   JOB_OUTPUT_OPTIONS         =
           it_ekpo                   = it_ekpo
           it_pekpo                  = it_pekpo
           it_ekkn                   = it_ekkn
           it_ekpa                   = it_ekpa
           it_ekek                   = it_ekek
           it_komk                   = it_komk
           it_eket                   = it_eket
           it_tkomv                  = it_tkomv.
    *   FORMATTING_ERROR           = 1
    *   INTERNAL_ERROR             = 2
    *   SEND_ERROR                 = 3
    *   USER_CANCELED              = 4
    *   OTHERS                     = 5
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.

  • Table values not displayed properly

    I am trying to display the data from a bapi in a table. But my problem is that it is truncating the 0s from the values. Like if the values in the column Amount are 145.50, 85.00, 74.20,61.88 in the Bapi, the values are displayed as 145.5, 85,74.2,61.88 in the table.I want to display the values along with the 0s.
    Can anyone please tell me why it is displaying like this and how to resolve this?

    My Requirment was to display values in specific format i.e. 12,555.55. coz for long value i m getting exponetial format of data.
    i have used this code to achieve this
    /******format for Calculated value********/
    public String formatCal(double val,IwdMessagemanager mgr) {
    String dd2dec = null;
    try {
    DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("#,###,###,##0.00");
    dd2dec = df2.format(val);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    return dd2dec;
    in that case context data type need to be string.
    Hope that may help you.
    If not then try to work on the data type for the context.

  • Display extra values not displaying extra value

    I have a SQL query that returns a LOV. I have "Display Extra Values" set to Yes. However, I don't see my "extra value" in the Select List. ?? Yet, when I check the session state, the value in the session state is the extra value. So how come I don't see it in my Select List?
    Thank you.

    This is from the on-line docs:
    To define a value that does not display in the list of values:
    a) From Display Extra Value, select Yes.
    The extra value is used if the actual column value is not part of the LOV. In that situation, the actual value is shown. If you do not display extra values, you may end up with the wrong value and unintentionally update your data incorrectly.
    b) In Null Value, specify the value that displays.
    c) If you have not selected a Named LOV, enter the query used to display a select list in the LOV Query field.
    Hope that helps.

  • Null values not displaying in the LOV on the parameter form.

    My report works perfect while in Oracle Reports 10g, however when I move it to our menu (Oracle Forms 10g) it does not display the null in the LOV on the parameter form.
    This report allows the the user to select by inspector or district or everyone for certain dates.
    Ex: I have 4 parameter fields. The user must enter the start & end dates and either the Inspector or the district or leave the inspector or district null to run for everyone.
    The district LOV is :
    select dnr_section_code, description from dnr_section_code where dnr_section_code in ('29', '38','52')
    select null, 'All' from dual
    order by 2 asc ;
    The inspector LOV is:
    select null , 'All' from dual
    select person_seq, first_name||' '||last_name inspector from vw_eng_inspectors
    order by 2 asc
    In my Data Model query I use the :
    My select
    from tables
    where clause
    ----by inspector
    and (prod_fac_inspections.person_seq_inspector =
    ---by district
    (d.dnr_section_code = nvl(:district,d.dnr_section_code)
    and d.person_seq = prod_fac_inspections.person_seq_inspector)
    Again, it works perfect in Reports! It eliminates having 3 reports on the menu. This one report gives the user the option of selecting dynamic parameters.
    Also, I got so frustrated, that I went a different route of using a default where.
    I am stuck with the error of ORA:00933 SQL command not ended properly
    I set the initial value to 1=1 and it does not like it.
    I am stuck!
    DB = Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release

    Hi Krishna,
    I'm not sure I understand the probelm.
    A progress bar control only displays numeric values. When do you mean by "unassigned values"? What would you expect to be presented?
    Best regards,

  • SMS text message header does not display sender information

    When I receive a text message the only header information that displays is the date and time.  The senders information does not display.  The lines are not even there.  There is no way to reply to a text message or tell who the sender is.  This problem is only with SMS messages.  Regular email headers display just fine.  I have done a wipe, reset, reload, everything possible with no luck.  I am the only one in my office with this problem.  I have not been able to find any information or postings from anyone having the same problem.  I can read the text message, but there is no header (except for the date and time).  Any thoughts?
    Blackberry Curve 8350i

    I was able to resolve the problem by uninstalling the Blackberry desktop manager software and reinstalling it selecting Internet Email vs. Blackberry Enterprise Server.  If you get to the screen that asks you to choose which type of email service you use and you accidentally choose the wrong one your phone will work but will do strange things, including sending all sorts of redirect emails.  For me, this seemed to do the trick.

  • Column heading is not coming while generating a .csv file from .sql file

    Hi all,
    Now since I am able to generate a .csv file by executing my .sql file, the column heading is missing in that. Please advise. I have used the following parameters in my query:
    set linesize 1000
    set colsep ','
    set echo off
    set feedback off
    set pagesize 0
    set trimspool on
    spool /path/file.csv
    select ...... from .... where .....;
    spool off

    set pagesize 0 <-- your problem
    you must set it into a high value (max value 50000)
    SQL> select * from dual;
    SQL> set pagesize 0
    SQL> select * from dual;
    SQL> set pagesize 50000
    SQL> select * from dual;

  • In query, turkish column name is not displayed correctly?

    In my characteristic and key figure infoobjects , i used turkish characters for explanation but in Bex they are displayed as illegal characters for column names.
    How can i correct this or where would i make a mistake?

    Hi Tuncer,
    I am dealing with the same problem you had.
    Turkish characters in the column names, infocube names are not displayed although in BW turkish characters are displayed properly. Did you solve your problem about Turkish characters in column names.
    If you could solve, I would be glad to hear your solution.
    Thank you.
    Mehmet Cekdemir

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