Irrational fear of scriptlets

Hey y'all, I'm just wondering if every on the forum is still afraid of using any scriptlets at all. Does anyone else agree that HTML and taglibs only is too idealistic and timconsuming. What's so wrong really with a for loop. Anyone care to comment?

You have definitely laid out the forces which play against each other in app design.
I agree that we should not be doing business logic in jsps. But there is logic called "display" logic (if the user is an administator show this button else don't show it.) This is just so easily accomplished with a scriptlet. I have also seen "if then" tags written for projects also. This just seems absurd to me.
I'm not for spaghetti code. I firmly believe in MVC. But many shops are adopting a "zero tolerance policy" towards scriptlets. It just seems that it's too much to say "no scriptlets at all" Is the extra work to be 100% scriptlet free worth it?
I've seen java be disparaged in professional environments in preference for Microsoft ASP, management feeling that Microsoft ASP applications can be developed fast, but java apps are always slow. But when you look at the code of the competing applications one can see that the asp application has crap architecture and is not even MVC. Where as we over in the java camp, (arguable better programmers), are bending over backward to workaround policies like "no scriptlets at all", causing, of course, our projects to run much longer. This is not java's fault. This is the architects fault.
Perhaps we're holding ourselves to too high a standard and losing our competive edge in the market place.
Also, all projects I've been on have java programmers also doing the html code. Budgets are becoming tighter and there's not enough cash to have experts for each tier. In that situation they hire java programmers who can also do html. And no java programmer should have a problem with a few scriptlets.
So while strictly in an academic sense it would be nice to be so puritanical. But we work in an industry where time is money. I guess as a developer I should be happy at projects that take longer for which I can charge more hours. But we need to keep competitive against other competitors, (companies, consultants, whatever) coming into our shop and saying "oh we can do that project in half the time" Without mentioning the crap of their architecture. And managers for the most part are idiotic. Hope your not an IT manager. It sound like you probably and architect type. Thanks for responding.

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  • Irrational fear of scriplets - revisited

    hey all this is a continuation of a very long thread that begins here (if you read it, remember to post any continuations on this thread.
    My basic contention is that small scriptlets which do things like get values from beans, or do simple conditionals are fine and that forcing people to use the tag libraries which do these things is not productive. For the record, I advocate MVC, I advocate good architecture, But the debate about tags vs WELL-DESIGNED scriplets usage (i.e. a line or two which call a bean or regular java class, or just does a loop over some collection)is not about architecture it about syntax, and the ethereal concept of readability. (And fear.)
    Why do they exist then?
    Managers want to make the sofware development process faster and cheaper. Architects somewhere along the line have sold them the notion that a syntax that has carets in it is somehow easier to learn (dumb manager says, "hey that looks like HTML, must be just as easy", sleazy tag salesman says,"oh yeah, it is. Your dog could do web apps now"). The management team then thinks about the savings they could reap with pound puppies. The big flaw in all this is that these tags are not easier to understand than the scriplet which would do the same thing. Why invest time in learning this library of arcane Collection management tags, when a scriplet would just be standard java. Standard Java is here to stay, the Expression Language (EL) and some of the more pointless libraries are a little more "iffy", and consequently not as big an asset to ones' skill set.
    Detractors of this argument would say that these tags are intended for "nonprogrammers" or "GUI Developers", but, I'm sorry, once your dealing with hierarchies of objects with the collections tags, your programming. Like it or not. So why not use a real programming language. When james gosling invented java why didn't he do the whole thing with tags, if they're so readable? Also remember that any decent html developer, also knows javascript. How far really is the leap from javascript, to the small amount of java required to call an java class from a scriplet? One of my good hearted compatriots in the original thread suggested that The leap is too far because java is a typed language and javascript is not. Come on, that just doesn't fly. So they should read the chapter on objects, types, and casting. And then come in the next day and get to work. Whatever mental facility would need to be in place to learn the small amount of java to access a class in a scriptlet also must be in place to learn EL and collections tags. Now they're becoming java programmers and maybe architects feel they must continually reinforce the notion in the minds of management that there is an unbending hierarchy of programmers and that some people could just never do certain things. This attitude is necessary to maintain the hierarchy at the top of which the Architect presides. I guess from the management perspective, I would be upset if I taught all my html developers, java and then they all wanted more money cause now they're java developers. But then again, from the human being perspective I don't like to see the careers of others actively stunted. And besides management should have the foresight to see the possible glut of new java programmers would force rates down. It's a win-win-lose, the loser is the Architect whose rate could drop due to more java programmers being around. But he was already a loser. This argument is almost a moot point. Every project I've been on has java developers doing the pages anyway.
    I realize that in spite of all these arguments, architects will still maintain the status quo, categorizing the potential of other people into hierarchies of their liking. It's like dealing with Liberals. The main argument always seems to return to readability assertion which is rarely ever challenged, except in private by those who don't want to appear "stupid" by challenging the orthodoxy of their industry. I, However have no problem appearing stupid. And do it quite well, sometimes. Maybe I'm doing it now. I do allow that I could be totally wrong. Someone convince me.
    I always held the Unix, Linux, Java world in high regard because they refused to participate in the "Dumb it Down", "Hide The Details" approach that their major rival sells. (Tags are not really even a dumb down in my opinion).
    And the parting question. Is there a way of objectively determining readability? Who determines readability?
    p.s. check out this thread about a developers frustration with EL and then think about how much easier the scriplet solution would be.

    Hi once again jfoltz2.
    Trying to raise this topic again I see. Good on you. As you know (from my postings on the original thread), I very much sympathise with you regarding the 'irrational fear of scriptlets' that seems to have infected a substantial number of JSP developers.
    It was a pity the original thread died, because while there were some quite strongly held beliefs that TAGLIBS were the bees knees. By the end there were a number of others expressing caution about blind adoption TAGLIBS (mostly from smaller teams/organizations I noticed). It's not so much that TAGLIBS are bad per se, but that they are not a panacea. I particularly enjoyed jlusk4's posting (the final one) which summarised many of my views and concerns too (hope you rediscover the thread jlusk4).
    The original thread also strongly re-enforced concerns I have about just how poorly integrated our web tools/languages are. While the details may be different for each user and application, I don't think it would be uncommon for developers of interactive web sites to use Java/JSP/TAGLIBS/XML/Databases/etc on the Server side and HTML/Javascript/DHTML/CSS/Flash/Java/etc on the Client side. Each with it's own quirks and limitations. They are far from seamlessly integrated.
    When you consider all the different browsers, browser revisions, differences in implementation between core browsers technologies (e.g. Javascript), container engines (e.g. tomcat), etc. It is clear that developing interactive web sites is difficult and not without pain, in fact it's rather surprising that it works at all. The multiplicity of languages and tools is, in my view, unnecessarily complex and cumbersome and breeds a culture of gurus and wizards (which isn't very helpful either). In short it wastes time, energy and money.
    Okay I've gone slightly off topic, so I'll try and bring it back on track. Clearly scriptlets don't help reduce the complexity of integration, but TAGLIBS don't add anything magical either. There simply represent an alternative band-aid/plaster to a more fundamental problem. We should keep this in mind when we're debating whether scriptlets vs TAGLIBS.
    Finally, from a sociological point of view, the original thread was interesting, because it demonstrated just how strongly people hold their beliefs about software design (myself included). Holding strong opinions is fine so long as you understand the others point of view and are willing to accept that you might be wrong. From that basis you can make a balanced judgement, for YOUR own work area. Being a zealot helps no one, not even yourself.
    Having said that I have to confess that I am a zealot in one way. I'm intolerant of the intolerant.
    Anyone want to take the bait ?

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    Contacts are included in the iPhone backup, but not syncing contacts with a supported application on your computer is foolish. No phone should be used as a storage device for important data. Doing so creates the real risk of losing ALL of your data. The iPhone is not designed as and should not be used as a storage device. You need to start syncing your contacts with a supported application on your computer & getting in the habit of backing this data up. If you don't, you run the risk of losing everything.

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    Welcome to the  Discussion Forums
    Sorry that isn't possible.

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    Murphys-Law wrote:
    Hi all, So I have fair credit (667TU/669Equifax) with ~5 years repayment history on 15 open student loan accounts (ugh), all in good standing with no bad marks on my report.  I want to refinance a few of my high-interest private loans, and before that I'm planning to boost my credit by opening up a credit card, my very first in my 27 years.  I have an irrational fear of credit cards, as I've seen too many family and friends abuse them and get into a lot of trouble, so it's taken a lot to work myself up to get this far.  I'm not sure which would be the best card for me to apply for, and I would be very grateful for any suggestions, but that is not why I am making this post.  My s/o approached me last night with a proposition to get a new livingroom couch that we really do need.  Apparently Bob's Furniture is having some amazing 4th of July sale that she wants to take advantage of, so she wants me to try to apply for a line of credit with the store in order to finance the purchase (since I don't already have a credit card, and she has literally NO credit whatsoever).  I have no doubt that the balance could be paid off within a few months, or even by the end of this month.   Would this be a good idea for me, keeping in mind my ultimate goal of getting a credit card and keeping a low balance on it in order to boost my score?  Would my application even be approved?  And if so, would it negatively affect my score or otherwise affect my chances of applying for another credit card at around the same time?  If she tried to apply instead of me, would she be denied (I'm thinking probably, she applied for a Kohl's card earlier in the year to get the discount on her purchase and was immediately denied)?  Basically, should I go through with this, advise her to try to open a line of credit herself and start rebuilding her own credit, or tell her to wait until they have another sale and I've had time to apply for a proper credit card?A furniture store card is essentially useless to you once you have the couch. I would apply for a card that you can use long term. You will get a score boost when you open a credit card, and it will further help build your profile and score. Unless the sale is insane, I would skip the store card and do some research on what credit card would work best for you (rewards structure). Are those scores FICO scores, or FAKO scores (CreditKarma etc)?

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    stgeorge wrote:
    In Creative Labs' defense, the *only* reason EAX and direct access to the sound buffers were removed was strictly due to DRM and the wishes of Hollywood studios due to their irrational fears that everyone is a criminal until proven innocent.
    But this was all known to every hardware manufacturer way back as early as WinHEC 2005 (about 20 months ago). Therefore, there is no excuse for not having non-beta drivers by now.
    What?! You've got to be kidding me! DRM is causing us this trouble? OMFG. First DRM (Digital Rights Management, for those who don't know) keeps us from playing music by requiring licenses downloaded. Then, they make plans for "trusted computing" which will eventually require ALL video & audio to be approved before playing because they want to assume we are criminals and pirated the material. THEN the groundwork for Trusted Computing is put into Vista and now DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT IS KEEPING US FROM ENJOYING AUDIO IN GAMES, BECAUSE THEY WANT TO KEEP MUSIC TO THEIR GREEDY SELVES! DAMMIT!
    Do you have any links discussing DRM & removal of the HAL (Hardware Acceleration Layer) from Vista? It would be an interesting read.
    It certainly isn't Creative's fault for removal of hardware acceleration for most 3D games. Wow, it's the greedy Hollywood *******s... BUT, creative still should of had a more complete driver for release. They should of had CMSS working, bass boost & bass redirect options, etc!Message Edited by Cornflake on 02-2-200706:9 PM
    Message Edited by Cornflake on 02-2-200706:20 PM
    Message Edited by Cornflake on 02-2-200706:20 PM

  • Flash CS6 Error 1

    Flash won't open because of an error. The error says:
    Configuration error
    "Please uninstall and reinstall the product.
    If this problem still occurs, please contact Adobe technical support for help, and mention the error code shown at the bottom of this screen.
    Error: 1 "
    What does error 1 mean, how did I start getting it all of a sudden and is there a way of fixing it without reinstalling? Please help! Thanks in advance.

    you have nothing to lose reinstalling so, reinstall.
    if you have an irrational fear of reinstalling you could try resetting your preferences:
    but, you'll probably need to reinstall.  if reinstalling fixes the problem, you're lucky.
    you may need to uninstall, run the cleaner ( and then reinstall.

  • Append String to Integer

    Hi Guys,
    I am trying to append a String to Integer like this;
    String areacode = 020;
    Integer phone_no = 21354214;
    Integer full = areacode && phone_no;My problem is how to join the two datatypes to a single Integer value. Do anyone know how to go about this?

    sabre150 wrote:
    Skotty wrote:
    Without debating the logic of doing such a thing...
    Concatenate them as Strings, then convert that String back to an Integer.Your are on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower and a man is trying to climb over the safety netting but having trouble climbing the netting. You ask him why he is doing this and he says he has to get down to the ground as soon as possible but he has an irrational fear of lifts. Do you help him climb the safety netting or do you advise him that this is not a good idea and try to stop him?I get him to use my camera to take my picture.

  • A trial question: to install or not to install?

    i downloaded and installed the premiere pro and aftereffects 5.5 trials about a week ago, LOVE'M!!!!
    i'm downloading the production premium trial as I type (i figure hey may as well go the distance and try out all the bells and whistles)
    so, what do i do - uninstall PP and AFX and then install the premium trial - if so, do i get 30 days with all the programs in the production premium bundle
    just thought to ask before uninstalling anything - as i'm knee deep into an edit that will extend itself beyond the 30 day trial - yup, i'll make a purchase - just unsure if it will be PP 5.5 or the complete production premium package...
    so, under the constraints I have identified above....please share your thoughts on what should i do with respect to my uninstall and install trail options

    ha ha - out of fear, I'll wait for another couple of weeks prior to an install of the premium production suite (YES! dynamic link looks like a great option)
    At the moment I'm really really really enjoying my edit on premiere and cringe at the thought of somehow screwing up my ability to work towards the finishline by uninstalling PP, cleaning the system, then installing the suite (even if this is an irrational fear - FACT:  today I have a working system and am choosing not to mess with that.)
    In retrospect, I should have simply downloaded the trail suite in the first place.
    Again, all good on this experience.
    I used to use premiere (for years) but switched to Avid MC 5 or 6 years ago.
    At the time Avid was simply as solid as a rock (which it still is today) but I must say that I have noticed zero trouble with premiere during my trail, and fully intend on using both Avid and Premiere in the future (as I am commited to a purchase of at least Premiere either when my trail runs out or when my project finishes up...whichever happens first - again, I wish to run the suite prior to deciding which purchase will be realized.)
    I'm travelling and attempted to run Avid 5.0 on a 2.4 core 2 duo -  ha ha - that didn't I downloaded the Premiere 5.5 trial, started my edit - and - WOW - everything works!! there's a lesson in there somewhere (ha ha...paise mercury!)
    Nice job on Premiere!!! Great to be back, eveything is quickly familiar....but this time a much more solid vibe/ride!!
    (can't wait until the latest audition toggles on midi controllers...but that's another forum!! ha ha)

  • Making head editable region in template

    What seems to be a new feature in DW 8.0.2 practically forces
    you to let "it" add a <noscript> routine so that Flash Text
    elements will be visible in IE6. In order for this automatic
    insertion to be done, apparently you must have the following line
    of code within the <head></head> region:
    <script src="../../Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    So I manually inserted the line into my template (because I
    couldn't figure out how to make the <head> region editable),
    then updated all my pages associated with the template. But somehow
    all those pages ended up with an absolute instead of a relative
    address, thus:
    <script src="file:///C|/Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    Now, my template is correct and the pages are incorrect, and
    I can't get the template to update the pages with the correct line
    of code (and I can't manually changes the code in the
    pages--because the region isn't editable). Consequently, the Flash
    Text objects are visible ONLY in IE6, and not in Firefox and
    Anyone? ....Anyone?

    You know you can talk me into anything (o;
    "Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I knew I could persuade you to update!
    > --
    > Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    > ==================
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    > - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    > ==================
    > "josie1one" <joleros[nospam]> wrote in
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> Ohh, OK, that was in 8 too. That explains why I had
    the occasional
    >> problem then. If it's still there I'll still use the
    copy and paste fix.
    >> Thanks Murray
    >> --
    >> Jo
    >> "Murray *ACE*"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> See the checkbox to Prompt the user to download
    Flash? That's it.
    >>> --
    >>> Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    >>> Adobe Community Expert
    >>> (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do
    >>> ==================
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    >>> - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    >>> ==================
    >>> "josie1one" <joleros[nospam]>
    wrote in message
    >>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>> Hmm, am I in the wrong place? This is what I
    >>>> --
    >>>> Jo
    >>>> "Murray *ACE*"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>>> There is a big textarea in the lower
    third of the setup panel for
    >>>>> inserting a Flash video - it's about
    adding the Flash detection markup
    >>>>> to the page, and it gives you an
    opportunity to specify the wording.
    >>>>> That's the one....
    >>>>> --
    >>>>> Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    >>>>> Adobe Community Expert
    >>>>> (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH
    when you do so!)
    >>>>> ==================
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    >>>>> - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    >>>>> ==================
    >>>>> "josie1one"
    <joleros[nospam]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>> OK, done it and swimming.
    >>>>>> Interesting though, I still don't
    see a Detection checkbox, only
    >>>>>> constrain.
    >>>>>> --
    >>>>>> Jo
    >>>>>> "Murray *ACE*"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>>> Please do!
    >>>>>>> --
    >>>>>>> Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    >>>>>>> Adobe Community Expert
    >>>>>>> (If you *MUST* email me, don't
    LAUGH when you do so!)
    >>>>>>> ==================
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    >>>>>>> - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM)
    >>>>>>> Technotes
    >>>>>>> ==================
    >>>>>>> "josie1one"
    <joleros[nospam]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>>>> I've had this irrational
    fear for years - don't until I have to!
    >>>>>>>> Oddly enough I'm just
    looking at it now... may take the plunge (o:
    >>>>>>>> --
    >>>>>>>> Jo
    >>>>>>>> "Murray *ACE*"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>>>>> >I have DW 8 and
    Murray's reference to unchecking Detect is not
    >>>>>>>>> >there, I suspect
    it's 8.0.2 specific.
    >>>>>>>>> Why on earth have you
    not updated?
    >>>>>>>>> --
    >>>>>>>>> Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    >>>>>>>>> Adobe Community Expert
    >>>>>>>>> (If you *MUST* email me,
    don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    >>>>>>>>> ==================
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    >>>>>>>>> - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM)
    >>>>>>>>> Technotes
    >>>>>>>>> ==================
    >>>>>>>>> "josie1one"
    <joleros[nospam]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>>>>>>I have DW 8 and
    Murray's reference to unchecking Detect is not
    >>>>>>>>>>there, I suspect it's
    8.0.2 specific.
    >>>>>>>>>> A workaround I use
    (yes, I have the same problem as you
    >>>>>>>>>> occasionally) is to
    create the video in a blank (non-templated)
    >>>>>>>>>> page, then copy and
    paste the code into a child page, save it and
    >>>>>>>>>> it works every time.
    >>>>>>>>>> Annoying to have to,
    but hey...
    >>>>>>>>>> --
    >>>>>>>>>> Jo
    >>>>>>>>>> "RyanJanus"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>>>>>>> Sorry. I
    neglected to do this before. It might be helpful if
    >>>>>>>>>>> you had a link
    >>>>>>>>>>> to the website
    I'm working on. It's
    >>>>>>>>>>> actually think
    the website works pretty well except for that one
    >>>>>>>>>>> little
    >>>>>>>>>>> annoyance with
    the Flash Videos.
    >>>>>>>>>>> Ryan

  • Considering Bootcamp, terrified

    Hi! Just for spec, I'm on a Pro 15", version 10.6.8, running in I believe Snow Leopard. Anyways, I'm considering bootcamping my laptop to be able to play games (Skryim, Mass Effect) and perhaps get paint tool Sai, but have an irrational fear of the prospect. Honestly, I cannot imagine having two operatings systems and NOT having it confuse my computer and make it blow up. You see, I still live in 1998, so I really want to hear the pros and cons of doing it, and if there is ANY RISK of losing information or breaking my poor computer. I've already been to the Apple Store ten times for this thing, so I don't want to go and have it be my fault...
    Speaking of, if at any point it gets super complicated or requires any knowledge of computers to set up, it might not be for me. So if any awesome person can humor me, give me advice or first-hand knowledge of what happens to a bootcamped computer, I would really really really appreciate it just so much.
    This is my first time visiting these forums, so I apologize if I commit any faux pas or anything like that. I'm just hoping to get some good info to help me make up my mind. Er, I'm also not sure what Category to put this in, so please don't get mad!

    I have installed Boot Camp on a MacBook and two MacBook Pros having used Windows XP, Vista, and 7. I am also a first person action game lover which is why I installed Boot Camp in the first place.
    I followed the directions explicitly and had no trouble at all. Many of the posters on this forum didn't read or follow the instructions which caused trouble.
    Before you do anything be sure you have a bootable clone backup of your Mac on an external drive. I use both Carbon Copy Cloner (donationware) and SuperDuper ($27.95) which are equivalent in my experience. The reason for a bootable clone is to have an exact duplicate of the Mac in case of problems not easily solved by software utilities. You startup from the external cloned drive and use CCC or SD to clone back to the Mac.
    Here are links to Boot Camp info from Apple which is a place to start your education. Also you can use the searchfunction in the upper right corner to bring up topics in these communities. And don't worry about asking questions as all we users started at zero at one time.

  • Extending an Airport Extreme (6th Gen) network with older Airport Express models

    I just purchased the latest Airport Extreme (6th Gen) base station to be my main wifi router.  I have two airport express models that I used in the past to extend my network with my (very) old retired Airport Extreme (2nd Gen): the 2nd Gen model A1264 (you plug into the wall directly) - I've had it for several years, and the newest 3rd Gen model A1362 (small square that lies on a desk or table) - I just purchaed a couple of months ago.
    My question is - will extending my network with either of these Airport Express models diminish my overall network speed (Especially the older model)? 
    I don't have any AC capable clients yet - so everything is running on the "n" band - and the older Express is an "n" model, but I just have this (perhaps irrational) fear that attaching older routers will slow everything down.
    Any thoughts or suggestions?

    will extending my network with either of these Airport Express models diminish my overall network speed (Especially the older model)?
    The A1264 model will be able to extend only one band of the new dual band AirPort Extreme. Normally, the A1264 will extend the 2.4 GHz band since it is stronger than the 5 GHz signal.
    The A1392 will be able to extend both bands since it is also a dual band model, providing that it is located where it can receive a strong wireless signal from the new AirPort Extreme.
    Here, I am assuming that you are asking about extending wirelessly.
    You might want to keep in mind that extending wirelessly always involves compromises and loss of bandwidth. The main reason for this is that an extending device can only "extend" the quality of signal that it receives.
    The wireless signal from the new AirPort Exterme will slow down and lose strength the further that it moves away from the main AirPort. So, the extending device gets a slower, weaker signal to extend. The result is signficantly slower wireless performance in the extended areas.
    The way to solve this is connect the extending AirPorts to the main AirPort using a permanent wired Ethernet connection.  There is no signal loss in a wire, so the extending AirPort receives a full bandwidth signal to broadcast. The result is higher and more uniform speed on the entire network.

  • T510 Constant Lockups

    I recently purchased a Lenovo T510 notebook and had an immediately apparent problem...  Within 5 hours the entire machine would lock up and become unresponsive (as though Explorer was crashing).  You can still move the mouse, but nothing else reponds...
    Updated all Windows 7 Professional drivers, no result.  Installed all available Windows Updates, no result.  Updated BIOS, no result.  After some playing I came to realize it ONLY seemed to lockup on AC power.  Disabled power management and adjusted power settings, no result.  Tested RAM, tested hard disk, ran system file checker, no problems found.  Within about 2 hours (sometimes as little as 5 minutes) after plugging the laptop in, it would hang...  Eventually I thought it was simply some software glitch (hey, it happens) and decided to completely format and reinstall from OEM media.  This COMPLETELY resolved all issues with lockups...  Now for the rest of the story:
    Over the last 2 months I have since purchased 3 more Lenovo T510 notebooks and each one has the EXACT same issue.  Out of the box they lockup when connected to AC power  (and very intermittently without AC power), but the problem can be resolved by completely formatting the hard disk, manually installing all drivers, and continuing on. 
    WHAT GIVES HERE LENOVO?  This product hardware/software build is clearly not being tested thoroughly before being shipped...!  Anyone else have any resolution to this issue?  I did use the hard disk partition to recover one time, but low and behold, the same problem resurfaced!  Something is definitely WRONG with the Lenovo software package that shipped on these machines...
    I am currently experimenting with disabling the "Lenovo Airbag" technology (by disabling it) to see if this might be the cause, but I cannot see how it would change when AC power is connected...
    Any comments?  I have seen the same issue listed several times with other T400/T500 models, but usually people just do not have the time to try everything systematically and come to the same conclusion(s).  Hope it helps someone!

    Your situation is difficult to troubleshoot - lots of variables.  I don't know how technically minded  you are, or how much you have in way of resources to fix this (both time and perhaps spare drives, etc.)  In case like this, my inclination would be to use a drive imaging tool to create exact image of your currently loaded system, saved to an external drive and then restore ThinkPad to factory load.  You could have bad hardware, but if you've already customized your system and installed programs, harder to identify. Either way, you can restore your current config exactly (and quickly) on the same system or a replacement system. (Note: if not familiar with imaging of drives, perhaps not the best time to try it, but I want to provide some overall info on this post for you as well as others.)
    Technical aside: On imaging software, for last 10 years I've used Acronis with great satisfaction, but their current offerings don't restore images back with the required partition alignment for SSD drives. (BIG issue with SSD drives, and important for people trying to move existing installations on traditional hard drives to SSD.)  I haven't tried Paragon yet, but they have backup imaging/restore software that preserves the SSD (and Windows 7) partition alignment.
    Having just set up a T510 4313-CTO and upgraded HDD to SSD after much research on the SSD subject, I want to comment on some of what you wrote, since there are a lot of opinions on "best" practices for SSD drives, and many are misguided, and far from "universal."  I upgraded the T510 with an Intel X25-M 160GB drive after research that helped me decide it was the "best" for my needs (and likely the most reliable.)  My thoughts:
     * Indexing:  While indexing certainly helps speed up searches for traditional HDD drives, there is nothing inherently wrong with using it with SSD. In fact, with documents etc. indexed, searches for those files is instantaneous with an SSD.  Windows 7 doesn't index the entire drive, just the user folders by default, and besides, customizing the areas to index is not that difficult.  Indexing will not slow down an SSD (however rebuilding an index from scratch or starting it up from non-indexed state will require time for Windows to build the index that first time. This process, however, is MUCH shorter with an SSD than with a traditional drive. 
    The historical reasons people believe indexing is either bad or unnecessary on SSDs are: 1) Belief a fast drive doesn't need it. > In fact, having content of documents instantly available for searches is a huge benefit, and trying to search for certain words, let's say, in thousands of documents, is far better than doing a 'manual' search this way.  I have indexing on with Windows 7, restricted primarily to areas of documents and photos, music, etc, and it's brilliant!  Indexing on makes having an SSD even more "mind blowing" in terms of speed, trust me I've tried it both ways! 
    The other reason people have claimed indexing is 'bad' is the fact that SSDs have a limited number of disk writes per cell, and this has led to a worry that you should have as few files as possible writing to disk, and additional "writes" are to be avoided. Personally I believe this came out of early adopters and system tweakers "obsessive compulsive" mindset, where they are more focused on comparing their benchmarks scores, or trying to foresee future but unproven reliability "issues".  Manufacturers have designed these drives to effectively deal with this, and with "wear-leveling" and the feature called Trim basically precludes a user having to worry about manual optimization (I'm simplifying here, I realize.)  The newest SSD drives are designed to be USED, but many people have this irrational fear that they need to watch out for every file written.  It's a very misguided perspective.  (And sure, SSDs don't have the monster capacities yet, so storing massive archived data files might not be the best use of that storage space, but turning off an incredibly useful tool like indexing is not the way to go.)
     * RE: System Restore:  What I wrote above applies here too, however with System restore there are a few other considerations.  Turning it completely off can fry your bacon when you one day need it to save your butt!  It's one of those features that operate in the background but can really be a lifesaver when you actually need it.  The 2 issues: "lost" storage space for restore points, and lowered "performance" when restore points are created.   Point 1 (no pun intended,) - decrease the space reserved from the default, and how much is a personal choice. I want System Restore available for the most recent past, since I know when something has screwed up.  I won't be restoring back to weeks or months in the past, because too many other programs might be impacted.  Thus, on a 128GB drive (in your case,) the default might be 10% but I would consider going down to 1-2%.  This way very little space is reserved, but enough to roll back the clock if you screw something up short-term. How much is up to personal choice, but definitely be skeptical of those "guides" that tell you to just turn it off completely!
    The other point - performance.  Once again, the time needed to store a restore point on an SSD is much less than a traditional drive, and they are only made when "needed" so you're not suffering any real-world performance hit.  I wish there were not so many "guides for best SSD performance" that miss the mark. 
    Oh, one important and not often publicized issue with System Restore and Norton:  Most Norton antivirus products have a feature (and option in settings to turn off) called Norton Product Tamper Protection.  If it is ON when trying to do a Windows System Restore, the restore will (fail) with message, "Restoration Incomplete. Your computer cannot be restored..."  You must turn off the tamper protection before restoring a restore point.  Symantec support article  Sorry to go a bit off topic, but that issue was a huge one for me, and wish I had known about it from the start.  Small thing to adjust when the time comes, but scary if you don't know that Norton is reason your System Restore was failing.
    I realize I have not perhaps directly helped in terms of why the T510 is locking up, but hopefully helped you NOT go in the wrong direction in terms of SSD choices.  Since SSD is from Lenovo, it's likely a Samsung.  You might check their site for any special info regarding those drives, and drive controller drivers updates etc that are recommended, although Lenovo support should have anything important in the matrix.
    Wishing you the best of luck  (or perhaps, since it's been a month, you've resolved it, but hope my SSD advice helps your overall knowledge.)

  • A better way to do this without scriptlets?

    I have an object passed to the JSP through the request.setAttribute(). I have to get a Collection from that object and use it in my custom tag. The problem is that it isn't elegant as I would like it (still too much scriptlets).
    The scriptlet code below already existed and there were loops done with scriptlets which my custom tag has replaced. But I am not sure of the most elegant way to replace the scriptlet code that was there while at the same time getting the Collection from an object from the request and having that Collection available in an efficient scope accessible by my custom tag.
    We are not currently using JSTL but I could possibly go in that direction.
    <% SomeObject o = (SomeObject)request.getAttribute("abc");
           Collection c = o.getCollection();
           //This line I added to the scriptlet to work with my custom tag
           pageContext.setAttribute("theCollection", c);
    <%-- This was done with a scriptlet before and now the custom tag below --%>
    <mycustom:select optionsCollection="theCollection" scope="page" ... />TIA

    I have an object passed to the JSP through the
    request.setAttribute(). I have to get a Collection
    from that object and use it in my custom tag. The
    problem is that it isn't elegant as I would like it
    (still too much scriptlets).
    The scriptlet code below already existed and there
    were loops done with scriptlets which my custom tag
    has replaced. But I am not sure of the most elegant
    way to replace the scriptlet code that was there
    while at the same time getting the Collection from an
    object from the request and having that Collection
    available in an efficient scope accessible by my
    custom tag.
    We are not currently using JSTL but I could possibly
    go in that direction.
    <% SomeObject o =
    Collection c = o.getCollection();
    //This line I added to the scriptlet to work
    to work with my custom tag
    pageContext.setAttribute("theCollection", c);
    <%-- This was done with a scriptlet before and now
    the custom tag below --%>
    <mycustom:select optionsCollection="theCollection"
    scope="page" ... />TIAUse JSTL's c:set:
    This gets the attribute named "abc" from the request, as if request.get("abc") was called, then calles the method getCollection() on the object retrieved, and stores it in the page scope (pageContext)
    <c:set var="theCollection value="${}" scope="page"/>
    <mycustom:select optionsCollection="theCollection" scope="page" ... />

Maybe you are looking for