Is auto flv conversion available

Can I use Acrobat XI to convert an HTML page that contains a flash (.flv) movie to PDF and have it automatically include the flash movie, or must that be added after the initial conversion?

Using Dreamweaver CS6 to make a minimal HTML page with one line of text and a .flv movie. The movie was embedded in the page using the automatic functionality of Dreamweaver. Then used Acrobat Pro XI to convert the HTML page to PDF with "Embed multimedia content when possible" selected. The .flv file does not get placed in the PDF page; there is nothing present where it should be.
I conclude that "when possible" does not apply in this case, unless there are settings needed on the html page that are missing (although the page works fine on a browser), or additional settings needed in the conversion process. Perhaps something other than .flv coded movie is needed?

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    You might try the adobe forums (there is probably even one for flash).
    o| TOnyTOny |o

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    Shift select to add the bad color in swatches
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    here is a guide to use Adobe media encoder.
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    Flash CS4 will do that for you.
    1. Open Flash CS4, select new AS2 or AS3 file, your choice.
    2. Open File... Import... and select the first .mov or .wmv file.
    3. Flash will open the Import Video window.
    4. Select Embed FLV in SWF and play in timeline
    5. Click the Launch Adobe Media Encoder button
    6. Follow the instructions and select the options as you like
    Repeat as needed
    Or, the Media Encoder will do that for you.
    1. Launch the Adobe Media Encoder
    2. Drag the .mov and .wmv files into the window
    3. Set the options as you need

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