Is it possible for an item to be both phantom and finished good?

We have a situation where the client needs a phantom item with bill of material. It is a subassembly and the way SAP explodes it on the higher level bom is perfect. However this same item is also sold when not used as a subassembly. The only answer I can find is to have two part numbers, but this does not help the client becase it is the same item whether it is used as a subassembly or is sold as a unit. Is there a way for it to be both? Or another way to manage this issue?

Why don't you duplicate the item and untick the phantom item and duplicate the BOM from the phantom item to the new item, so you can sell it to your customer.
This way, the phantom item is still in the BOM of the other item and you can sell the same product to your customer.
Kind regards,
Hendri Wessels

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      poheadx-comp_code  = c_x.
      poheadx-doc_type   = c_x.
      poheadx-creat_date = c_x.
      poheadx-vendor     = c_x.
      poheadx-langu      = c_x.
      poheadx-purch_org  = c_x.
      poheadx-pur_group  = c_x.
      poheadx-doc_date   = c_x.
      poitem-po_item    = iLineItem.      "1.
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      poitem-plant      = req_item-PLANT.
      poitem-quantity   = req_item-QUANTITY.
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      poitemx-plant      = c_x .
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      poitemx-shipping   = c_x.
      poitemx-preq_no    = c_x.
      poitemx-preq_item  = c_x.
      poitemx-acctasscat = c_x.
      APPEND poitemx.
      POACCOUNT-PO_ITEM = iLineItem.
      POACCOUNT-SERIAL_NO = iLineItem.
      POACCOUNT-GL_ACCOUNT = '0000211010'.
      POACCOUNT-SD_DOC = '0001001056'.       
      POACCOUNT-ITM_NUMBER = '000100'.       
      POACCOUNT-CO_AREA = '1000'.
      POACCOUNTX-PO_ITEM = '00001'.
      POACCOUNTX-SERIAL_NO = '01'." '01'.
          poheader  = pohead
          poheaderx = poheadx
        exppurchaseorder = ex_po_number
        expheader        = exp_head
          return    = return
          poitem    = poitem
          poitemx   = poitemx

    I  found the answer

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    Navigation--> OPM Prouduct Development/Formula

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    Welcome to Apple Communities
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    select ic.component_item_id raw_item_id, ci.segment1 raw_item_number,
    ci.description raw_item_desc, bom.assembly_item_id finished_item_id,
    bi.segment1 finished_item_number, bi.description finished_item_desc
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    bom_bill_of_materials bom,
    mtl_system_items bi,
    mtl_system_items ci
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    where organization_id = 82
    and segment1 in ('800800000', '800800001',
    '800800005', '800800006',
    '800800009', '800800020',
    '800800021', '800800022'))
    and (ic.disable_date is null or ic.disable_date > sysdate)
    and ic.bill_sequence_id = bom.bill_sequence_id
    and bom.assembly_item_id = bi.inventory_item_id
    and bom.organization_id = bi.organization_id
    and ic.component_item_id = ci.inventory_item_id
    and bom.organization_id = ci.organization_id
    order by raw_item_number, finished_item_number;

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    Hi ,
    In Inventory concepts, the table "MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B" holds the definitions for inventory items, engineering items, and purchasing items.
    So if you were not sure what the item type is of then check the following table for item description in 'Description' Column, set the language and source_language columns to your required language
    In specific to finished goods use the following query
    WHERE ITEM_TYPE = 'FG'; /******** Here FG = Finished Goods.
    In others ( like Raw Material received from ) use the following item_type whichever applies to your requirement,
    I - Inventory Type
    P - Purchased item
    SI - Supply item.
    Edited by: 995022 on Mar 21, 2013 10:55 PM

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