Is it possible to Datamosh using AE?

(Two questions in the same week, feel kinda ashamed)
Hello, i was wondering if somebody can help me with some details in how to do the datamosh effect on AE. Datamosh is some kind of transition glitch effect where, putting it vaguely, the movement of the second clip takes the last pixels of the first one. Should look something like this:
I've seen several tutorials on youtube, but most of them are using differents softwares and when the video is finished, I can't use it on AE or Premiere because of it's extension or format.
On AE i know it has something to do with playing a little bit with the displacement map effects but i can't quite make it nearly similar. Besides, the Displacement map works as an effect on one clip but i don't know how to make it a transition. Any kinda of suggestion and help would be really appreciated.

Layers.... you have to separate the area you want to apply the effect to on a separate layer, then apply and animate your effect. You just can't do in with one layer. Layering, roto or masking, and opacity transitions are some of the most basic skills you need to develop if you are doing visual effects. This brings up the question, are you new to AE?
AE will not show you only i frames or only p frames, but you can use motion, displacement mapping, and other effects to simulate this, IMHO, extremely hard to watch and not very creative way to tell a story.

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    First, the battery. The recalled battery replacements have not held up well, and, unfortunately, feedback on the Apple site isn't what I would call complementary about their batteries. When I replaced mine, I got a Newer Technology battery from OWC at . Mine has 104 cycles on it and 4113 mAh capacity.
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    in fact, I don't really need any aggregation done at all, but I want the ability to use slicers, connect to SQL, etc.
    Hello Richie,
    The main task and the great power of
    PowerPivot is in aggregate
    data. But if you want you can use it as a plain reporting tool. You can import data into a workbook and create relations between tables.
    In Internet there are several examples available, the most base on the sample database "AdventureWorks", which is a ERP database for products/customers/orders and so on. Some examples can be found here:
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    Message was edited by: Sunnnz
    Message was edited by: Sunnnz

    One option is to use standard C calls to execute other command line tools, such as system(), fork()/exec(), popen()/pclose().
    But if your intent is to build full fledged GUI applications then you probably will need to learn some of the other APIs and frameworks. Cocoa gives you NSTask that wraps much of the complexity of executing other tools into an Objective-C class.
    AppleScript (using Script Editor) provides a "do shell script" command that can be used to execute shell scripts or command line tools from within your AppleScripts. However, plain vanilla AppleScript doesn't give you very much versatility for creating a GUI interface for your application.
    But, you can also use AppleScript Studio (within Xcode). AS Studio merges AppleScript with Cocoa interface components and allows you to easily create fairly complex GUI applications that wrap calls to command line tools (using "do shell script").
    One drawback of using "do shell script" within AppleScript or AS Studio is that you can't create an interactive session with the tool you launch. In other words, "do shell script" expects the tool it runs to run to completion before the "do shell script" call returns control to your AppleScript. In many cases this is not a problem since you can pass the tool or shell script all the command line options it needs and then get the result of the execution back into an AppleScript variable. But if your app truly needs to interact with the other process while it's running then you'll have to use something like Cocoa's NSTask or the lower level C functions mentioned above.

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