Is it possible to direct which drive you send your downloads to?

i.e. my comp is getting pretty full so I want them to go to my external drive but am not sure if I can do this or not.

Hi Penny,
You have a couple options:
1 - You can indeed edit the text that appears next to the button using the states panel and then just edit the text.
2 - If you need to add more info that such as going to a full thank you page with perhaps a download or some other information; you can select another page to be redirected to after submitting in the form properties panel.

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    Allan, my first post was responding to you, and your assertion that there was a prompt to defeat app transfer.
    I realize that, and although I recalled such a prompt the first time I transferred an app to my iTunes library that was acquired with my iPhone, you provided there is no such prompt - so case closed in that regard.
    The fact that the OP didn't even mention that he had synched the phone suggested a good possibility he hadn't - no psychic powers needed.
    There is a possibility he did not sync his iPhone after acquiring apps with his iPhone, but just because he didn't mention that he had not synced his iPhone after doing so does not mean he didn't, which is why I asked the question. And until I know the answer *+for certain+*, without assuming he had not, there was no point in bringing up I have seen it reported here a number of times that apps acquired with the iPhone are not transferred to the iTunes library when syncing. You corrected me providing there is no prompt for not transferring apps, and you are also assuming the OP must not have synced his iPhone with iTunes after acquiring apps with his iPhone since the apps are not in his iTunes library. I responded to you in this regard because I have seen this reported here a number of times recently. You seem to be insinuating that I must be making this up for some reason because you don't specifically recall any of these threads.
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    Until the OP answers the question knowing if he didn't sync his iPhone with iTunes for certain, *+there is no point in doing so.+* I mentioned this to you being relevant to your assertion that all apps acquired with the iPhone are transferred to the iPhone when syncing 100% of the time for all users who have installed firmware version 2.1 or later, which is not the case.
    I'm far from perfect. I make mistakes from time to time the same as you and as everyone else does. I made a mistake providing some info that is incorrect, but until you become a top user in any category here, I suggest you avoid critiquing my posts with "oddly", "no relevance", and what I'm "inferring" regarding what I include with my posts.

  • Please read before you send your iPod to repairing

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    Before you do anything I suggest that you should read the following carefully..
    Most problems came from the iPod not being recongzied by the computer (mainly PC and I find it less often with Mac). Second issue is iPod not being charged for quite some time.
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    Secondly, do a reset of your iPod when it hangs, it is simple just press "Select"+"Menu" keys, which will not erase your data of your iPod.
    In case the above both do not manage to fix your iPod problem then you may force to do the following, but it will erase all your data therefore it is always to be wise to have a backup before your iPod got problem.
    1. Reinstall the latest iPod updater after the reset
    If 1 still not able to recongize your iPod by the computer then you have to put your iPod to DiskMode i.e. plug your iPod to the AC charges, do a RESET and press "Select"+"Play" keys, you will see the message "Disk Mode" in few sec. Then you need to connect your iPod with your computer, and hope that it will be recongized. If you are lucky to reach this stage then you simply need to restore your iPod updater, and your iPod should be back to normal.Please note that You may need to plug and unplug few times in order to let your iPod to be recongized.
    If your iPod still not able to be recongized then you have to format your iPod while it is in a Disk Mode, you need to use the Disk Utility software (for Mac - I am not sure about PC) to erase the Partition of your iPod then do a formatting and disk verify straight after. Then you should able to reach the final stage i.e. restore the latest iPod updater and sysc your iPod with your iTune.
    Additional hints which may help your during the fixing ..
    1. Try to do few attempts, which could take you as long as 1 hour
    2. Try to exchange cables to connect with your computer i.e. USB and Firewire
    3. If you fail to solve your iPod with your PC then try to fix it with Mac and vice versa. Surprisingly, I do have experience that the iPod got recognized by my Mac after I connected it with a PC
    Above are my experience and I am glad that more than 90% chance I am able to solve the iPods' problem with only one iPod Mini needed to be repaired.
    Good luck and hope it works in your case

    I am one as well.
    I've been trying for days to get the infamously dreaded frowny faced 'pod off my screen, but, to no avail. I've tried charging it with computer and plug, reset and rereset for hours on end, taking it on and off disk mode for ages . . . you get the drift. My computer hardly reconizes it (it reports at start-up that I have a Unidentifyed Plugged in Object in my computer, and System Profiler admits it perfectly). Now, when I go to the last resort (sending the dear away, for the second time no less, is not one) of erasing the thing, it declares it's self impossible! Like I've said before, I've honestly tried every trick in the book (though if you have a new one I;d be more than will to give it a shot) and am seriously considering an exorcism.

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    The standard 1-year Apple Care warranty only covers defects in materials and workmanship, not damage due to accidents.
    Apple's Limited Warranty for iPad excludes coverage for damage resulting from accident, disassembly, unauthorized service and unauthorized modifications.
    Out-of-Warranty Service
         If you own an iPad that is ineligible for warranty service but is eligible for Out-of-Warranty (OOW) Service, Apple will replace (Apple doesn't repair) your iPad with an iPad that is new or equivalent to new in both performance and reliability for the Out-of-Warranty Service fee listed below. (The replacement will most likely be a refurbished iPad in a brown box, however, it has a new screen, back and battery.)   
    iPad model
    Out-of-Warranty Service Fee
    iPad mini
    iPad 3rd, 4th generation
    iPad 2, iPad
    A $6.95 shipping fee will be added if service is arranged through Apple and requires shipping. All fees are in US dollars and are subject to local tax.
    Certain damage is ineligible for out-of-warranty service, including catastrophic damage, such as the device separating into multiple pieces, and inoperability caused by unauthorized modifications. However, an iPad that has failed due to contact with liquid may be eligible for out-of-warranty service. See
    Make a Genius Bar Reservation
    You may can get the iPad repaired at 3rd party repair sources for less $, however, any remaining Apple warranty will be voided.
    iPad Repair & Screen Replacement Services
    RepairZoom iPad Repair
    Mission Repair
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi Penny,
    You have a couple options:
    1 - You can indeed edit the text that appears next to the button using the states panel and then just edit the text.
    2 - If you need to add more info that such as going to a full thank you page with perhaps a download or some other information; you can select another page to be redirected to after submitting in the form properties panel.

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    At the time, there is no option to show in which other albums an image is just by selecting it. Since an image only live in a specific project, there is a way to show which project. Here's how you do it:
    In the Metadata pane, select "Tooltips" from the drop down list.
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    Paul K

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    You're welcome. You need to purchase that adapter, along with a generic HDMI cable (assuming your TV has an HDMI input - almost all due nowadays). Then, simply plug in the iPad 2 to the adapter > adapter to HDMI cable > HDMI cable to HDMI input on your television.
    Then, your ipad will be effectively mirrored on your TV. Both audio and video.

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    You can arrange online service here.
    Service request.

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    They dont go in in order. In the "arrange by" window, i cant find the option that makes the photos in the order that i put them in, in... please help!!!

    The order that photos appear in iPhoto on the Mac is controled by the iPhoto sort options - in events under the view menu ==> sort events

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    Usually around 3-5 bussiness days.

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    I am not a big fan of using beta-Software, and i do not need the newest state-of-the-art features. Right now i also do not need Connection-Pooling.
    Only a few SQL SELECT/UPDATE-Statements nothing more.
    But maybe in not far away future, Conn-Pooling and Procedure-Calls could be interesting. And i think Type 3 or 4 would be the best decision.
    The Software will run on NT, but i do not want to use the JDBC/ODBC-Bridge, because it is so unbelievable slow.
    I am interested in WHICH DRIVER you USE, AND especially which drivers you DO NOT USE ANYMORE, and why.
    It would be great, if anyone could help me, finding the best solution.
    P.S.: The price of the driver: It would be good, when it is for free. But if you know a good commercial driver i am also interested in.
    P.P.S: Yes, i have searched for drivers under But there are 37 different Type 3/4 drivers.

    You can try the jtds project .Search for it in It is derived from FreeTDS JDBC driver. Both of them are Type 4 JDBC drivers. So far I have tried both of them a few years ago. And jtds is more updated (during those time, not sure what the status is right now)
    Or, you can get Microsofts own JDBC driver

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    When catching Exceptions, is/should it be necessary to look at the message String for deciding what action should be taken or is the message just for humans?
    What is the generally accepted use of Exception messages - user messages, or for deveopers and program parsing?
    Exceptions generally contain some kind of 'useful' message.
    As we are developing our programs we, as developers, might be able to use this message to help diagnose problems.
    But once we've finished development and come to deploy our program we will, of course, be catching all possible Exceptions so that the user does not get thrown out of the program in a very undignified manner.
    When catching these Exceptions, what 'should' be done with it?
    Wrap it up as a neat little Error message for the user?
    Or are they there for programs to 'read' themselves and decide what to do next depending upon the potentially dynamic message String?
    ([email protected])

    In addition, when you start thinking about parsing exception messages to further determine the facts behind the exception, it makes me wonder if you aren't forgetting to check your variables to further determine the problem, and also to take advantage of defining your own custom exceptions to further refine your handling of the errors that are unique to your program.
    Let me give a cheesy (and purely conceptual) example to describe what I mean.
    Your program is simulating cooking pizza's, let's say. At the end of the baking process, you catch an array index out of bounds exception as a basic beginning.
    Now, upon finding something unexpected wrong with the array of pizzas that you were expecting from the oven (within the catch block), you check for the conditions that help you refine your understanding of what went wrong.
    So, you test 'was the array null?' ...which means nothing at all came out of the oven, in which case you throw your custom "OvenWayToHotException", with a warning for the cook to turn down the heat. If the array was NOT null, but just had less values than you expected can then throw your "PizzaLeftBehindInOvenException", with a warning for the cashier to go check the oven because someone forgot a pizza inside. These further refined exceptions are then thrown up the chain to the portion of your code that presumed to cook the pizzas properly before giving them to the customer.
    In the end, the message to either �check the oven for missing pizzas� or �apologize to the customer while they wait for you to redo their whole order� will be a lot more informational than �ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at method cookPizzas()�
    I realize this might be a cheesy example, but maybe it demonstrates a technique for using base exceptions as a beginning point for determining programmatically what went wrong, and then handling it from there. Further inspection of variables is more likely how your program will figure out what went wrong rather than parsing the message in the rare case that it contains unique information. You, who wrote the program, usually know exactly what it means when certain groups of variables are found in certain states. Exceptions are a way to avoid doing a bunch of unnecessary tests until you get an indication that these tests are actually required in the first place.
    Of course, having said that, you are also free to be creative when you design code if what you are doing works better than any other approach you can think of ...then using any idea you can cobble together is probably better than throwing the program in the trash bin, wouldn't you say?

Maybe you are looking for