Is it possible to disable opt+cmd+space shortcut ?

opt+cmd+space is very close to opt+cmd+m which is a shortcut I use often and everytime it just miss it the window animates down to minimised which is infuriating. Can I kill this "feature"?

You mean the "Show Spotlight window" cmd-opt-space key sequence?  If so, open your keyboard system preferences, keyboard shortcuts, select spotlight in the left panel, and double click the cmd-opt-space sequence there to allow you to select it and replace it with a different key sequence or no keys at all.

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    Try taking the code that is in the MaxLBackup.cmd and stick it into the root script just to remove that area of complexity. If that works, you might also try removing CALL from the line. Although I thought the point of CALL was to run another script and then return control to originating script.
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    In the top menu bar, where is says:      Finder   File   Edit   View   Go   Windows   Help
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    Not really. Just disable it manually when you run that application. Then, send off a bug report to the app's developer and tell him to update it for the latest Tiger. Alternatively, use another newsgroup reader.

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    The iPhoto Library can be backed to to any external HD as long as it is formatted OS X Extended (journaled).  So make sure you WD SmartDrive is formatted as such.  You don't need any WD software to access such a HD drive if it's formatted correctly for Macs.
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