Is photo editing possible on Droid 4?

My daughter has sent me a photo of herself that I would like to associate with her profile in my contact list.  But the picture requires zooming in and cropping.  I see how to zoom in (by spreading fingers on photo in received messages), but how do I crop it down to just her face, and then how do I save it to somewhere where I can then get it to insert into the contacts list?   Thanks!

Yes you can, it's on page 34 of the user manual, which you can find here:

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    Thanks for any help.

    One has very limited photo editing capabilities in PrE. A much better program would be PhotoshopElements.
    In PrE for the Scale, you can apply the fixed Effect>Motion.Scale, by Selecting the still and choosing Edit Effect. It can also be used if you uncheck Scale Proportionally, and just Scale up the Width.
    You will get higher quality, however, if you do this work in an image editor, like PSE.
    Good luck,

  • Mac Mini for Parents (photo editing)

    Hello all and thank you in advance.
    My parents (for reference in their mid 60s) have finally decided to come to the mac universe.  They are asking for assistance in buying a computer. I was thinking of getting them a mac mini.
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    Various points:
    1. You can't really diy a fusion drive. You can build a logical volume that spans two physical drives, and HDD and SSD, but that doesn't make a fusion drive, so you don't get all the benefits. Also, be aware of the issues with TRIM on Yosemite with 3rd part SSDs (short version: Yosemite doesn't allow Trim Enabler etc to load the system extensions they need to work - Apple might change this in future, but who knows)
    2. For software, I recommend Aperture (even though it's being replaced by Photos). It has two big benefits: it handles storing the pictures, with all kinds of tagging and search options so you can find them again; and it does non-destructive editing - if you make a change to a picture, you retain the original in case you change your mind or want a different version. Pixelmator is fantastic value too.
    3. You can run a virtual machine fine on a 2013 mini (I do it - Windows 7 via Parallels). If all it is is some light online stuff, no issue. But it's true that the newer minis are somewhat slicker.
    4. In general, provided you have the RAM (8GB), any mini will do - assuming they have a decent monitor with the right connections. If they want to get serious with photos, they absolutely need a decent monitor.

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    hello everyone Firtly im sorry if i am posting in totally the wrong area but its the first time i have been on the site so not too sure of my way around lol
    Im in desperate need of some help with photo editing in cs3.
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    'I create a fill layer of a shade of the middle tone of the sikin colour reduce the opacity, then add a texture mask to bring back a bit more of the features and paint it on the areas .. then just sharpen areas such as eyes nose and mouth .. and highlights to the corners of the eyes and centre of the mouth .. and then select high pass as a mask and that makes the image pop out a little bit'
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    Thank you all in advance if you can help xx

    The description seems somewhat unclear in parts.
    'I create a fill layer of a shade of the middle tone of the sikin colour reduce the opacity, then add a texture mask to bring back a bit more of the features and paint it on the areas ..
    Nor sure what she means with »texture mask«, but possibly just applying heavy noise (Filter > Noise > Add Noise) on the Layer Mask.
    then just sharpen areas such as eyes nose and mouth ..
    One option is applying Filter > Sharpening > Unsharp Mask to a copy of the Smart Object and setting it to Blend Mode Luminance and painting on its Layer Mask.
    and highlights to the corners of the eyes and centre of the mouth ..
    This could be done with a Curves- or Levels Adjustment Layer.
    and then select high pass as a mask and that makes the image pop out a little bit'
    That seems more than a little unclear to me – making a Selection of a High Pass-result and using it as a Mask for what?
    One can use the High Pass Filter for sharpening.

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    No you can't delete the built in IOS.

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    1. Tap the crop icon
    2. Tap rotation icon (top right)

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    I've just gotten a Nikon D50 and am trying to figure out what software to purchase to use on my Intel Imac. Obviously something that runs natively would be ideal, but "good" performance would be enough. I'm just an amateur photographer looking to improve my pictures.
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    Photoshop Elements might be the ticket, though of course it won't run natively now. It will, I believe, allow for "spot" editing, something that the still-beta Lightroom won't do, and something I think I want to be able to do.
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    Is there something else I should be looking at?
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    I've just gotten a Nikon D50 and am trying to figure
    out what software to purchase to use on my Intel
    Imac. Obviously something that runs natively would
    be ideal, but "good" performance would be enough.
    I'm just an amateur photographer looking to improve
    my pictures.
    Aperture is pricey and has gotten mixed reviews.
    Nikon is coming out with new Capture software next
    month (NX I believe), but it doesn't look like it
    will run natively on the Intel Mac.
    Photoshop Elements might be the ticket, though of
    course it won't run natively now. It will, I
    believe, allow for "spot" editing, something that the
    still-beta Lightroom won't do, and something I think
    I want to be able to do.
    Should I consider Boot Camp and PSE for Windows?
    Would that be a better experience than running the
    Mac version on my Intel machine? Looks like there's
    better pricing on the Windows version (at least on
    Ebay) than the Mac version, but so far I have
    resisted Boot Camp...hoping to stay out of the
    Windows world as much as possible.
    Is there something else I should be looking at?
    I know I'm all over the map here...I'm kind of
    confused, and just want to get to work making some of
    these pictures look better. Thanks.
    I have a similar question. I don't think I need all the power of Photoshop CS or GIMP, but is there a photo editing package that can change backgrounds of photos? For example, change a black background to white? Can iPhoto do this? Can Photoshop Elements run on iMac Intel? Can PS Elements do this kind of editing? Thanks.

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    Further information and guidance can be found within this

    Have you set pse as an external editor?
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

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    I've used GIMP for years, which is a powerful photo editing program.

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    iPhoto is apples editing app, there are lots more to choose from.
    There is an adapter to let you connect cameras or flash cards for photo transfers to the iPad.

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    It remains to be seen how useable the new imac screen is. Certainly, on the whole, glossy screens are not at all desirable for any work where color accuracy is important. Most glossy screens have increased saturation and contrast, which makes movies look terrific, but is really **** for getting a decent calibration or doing fine adjustments to images.
    It's possible that Apple has figured out a way around this, but I do wonder why it was not mentioned during the presentation if so.
    I was all set to get one, but not now.
    EDIT, but yes, an external monitor would be a good workaround

  • Missing some function on photo editing on iphone5

    missing some function on photo editing on iphone5

    Hi crtravis55,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    It's possible that your iOS apps may have been moved.
    Page 139 of the iPhone User Guide will show you how to reset the Home Screen layout:
    Go to Settings > General > Reset, then choose an option:
    Reset the Home screen layout: Returns the built-in apps to their original layout on the Home screen.
    I hope this information helps ....
    Have a great day!
    - Judy

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    I don't think so, and I was surprised at that.  I found a basic photo editor (not interested in stickers, borders and special effects).  It's simply called "Photo Editor" by dev.macgyver and has a blue square camera icon.  It's pretty good, color adjustment, brightness and all the other stuff I used to be able to do plus a few more.  Takes a little to figure it all out, but it's a pretty good replacement.  You may of course find others but I like this one.  I just searched for "basic photo editor".

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    mguasch wrote:
    Also, one of my concerns is about the possible "breakability" of the MBA.
    Here's a lightweight, squishy "memory foam" sleeve for MacBook Air 13":
    ...If you're still in Austria, you can get it HERE.

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    Might as well add my my two cents worth...
    I used one of the original Graphires all the way through to when the Intuos4 came out, and have stuck with the Intuos4 since then.  I can't see myself changing it any time soon.
    The Express keys and touch wheel on the Intuos, are helpful, although I use the wheel (for brush size) way more than the keys).   I only use the tablet for laying strokes on the image, and I always use a mouse for selecting tools etc.  I also prefer a mouse when using the Pen tool, or with Free Transform, because I don't like that uncertainty when you almost, but not quite, have the pen touching the tablet.
    The rotate canvas feature that came in with CS4 (I think) is a huge help with the tablet.
    JJMack - do you use the Display Toggle button on the tablet?  It toggles between covering a) both monitors, b) main monitor only, c) second monitor.  If anyone has an Intuos4 and does not use that feature, then they are wasting a bunch of tablet area (unless they use the pen to select tools).
    A decent mouse is also a help, and adds to the pleasure of using Photoshop, as is a low friction mouse mat.  I use an MX Revolution, which is smooth as can be, and you soon start to rely on the extra buttons, and miss them when using someone else's system with a standard mouse.
    I also have a ShuttlePro V2 which apparently has some function in Photoshop, but I never ever use it as such (Only with Premiere Pro).  I just had a play with it to see if I could make any sense of it in Photoshop, and I am sure it would slow me down rather than be a help.  But if you get CS6 and use it for video, the Shuttlepro is only $90 and about as useful with video, as a tablet it is with Photoshop.

Maybe you are looking for

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