Is signing Compulsory for midlets?

I am new to j2me i develop a network application its works fine in emulator nokia 6230i ,but when i install the same application in nokia 6230i , the application starts fine , and canvas screens are appear i am not getting any error ,but the data from the server is not came. i am not sign the midlet , any one plese tell me what i have to do (settings) before install
thanks & regards
Ravi varma

XI is a middleware from SAP that is needed to connect to other SAP systems like SAP R/3 or non SAP systems.
Now for SAP Auto ID Infrastructure scenarios where integartion is to happen to the SAP R/3, the config guides by SAP has taken XI as the middleware.
However, XI is not at all compulsory to integrate to R/3. Any other middleware that can map from AII to R/3 or other systems can be used with AII.
But if you are looking to configure the standard flexible delivery scenario from AII then its better to work with XI as SAP clearly details the steps needed to configure the solution in their configuration guides.

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    Please note that a realm is a domain for a set of security features. A
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    How security domains are supported and setup(weblogic 6.1)--
    Developer Relations Engineer
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    Wow, at age 76 I'm suppose to remember all I saw before and give you more details?
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    You are describing the way Skype accounts are set up since the beginning of Skype: No email verification is necessary. That's why we recommend new users to create their Skype accouns using Microsoft account instead which has all these security features.
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

  • A few questions before I buy a new iMac/Mac mini and sign up for Creative Cloud.

    Hello Everyone,
    I am looking to purchase a new Apple computer and sign up for Creative Cloud within the next week and I have a few questions that should be answered before I proceed.
    My wife and I own a business and we will be using the CS6 apps to create brochures, Constant Contact mailings, product package inserts, edit product photography for print and web use, and short HD how-to videos. We are not graphics professionals or power users and wont be doing anything too complicated.
    Any help and answers will be greatly appreciated.
    I will start with the hardware questions first:
    I am trying to decide between the iMac and the Mac mini.
    The iMac is a 2.7Ghz Quad-core Intel core i5 and comes with 4GB of memory that is expandable to 16GB, which I will do for sure. It comes with a Radeon HD 6770M graphics card with 512MB of GDDR5 memory(not upgradable), and a 1TB HDD that runs at 7200RPM. This unit meets the specs required.
    The 2.5Ghz Mac Mini comes with 4GB of memory that is expandable to 8GB, I will also do this. It has a Radeon HD 6630M graphics card with 256MB of GDDR5 memory(not upgradable), and a 500GB HDD that runs at 5400RPM. This unit meets all the spec(I think) except for the speed of the HDD.
    Question: Will the mini run the software without too much of an issue considering the speed of the HDD?
    Question: Will the iMac run the software significantly better to justify the price difference?
    I already have 1 mini(purchased 4 months ago, with the same specs listed above) and will be purchasing a second computer for my wifes desk. If the mini will run CS6 fine, that is great and we can save a few bucks. If my mini will not run CS6 well, I will get the iMac for her desk as she will be doing the bulk of the work in that regard anyway.
    Now a couple of software questions.
    After reading hundreds of reviews and forum posts over the last few days I have seen many people having this or that issue. It seems to me that most of the issues are because of upgrades from Lion to Mountian Lion after installing CS6 first or trying to open CS3,4,5 files in CS6.
    If you want to know what issues have me concerned take a look at just this one forum:
    Similar issues are discussed in the Apple forums as well as many other places around the web.
    I am not a computer professional but I know enough to maintain my systems and keep them running smoothly.
    We do not have any Adobe software installed on my mini and will not be opening any files from previous versions of Adobe product in the new CS6 software. These will be a clean installs on pristine systems running fully updated Mountian Lion OS's on both machines and creating new files from scratch.
    Question: Should I be expecting any issues like the ones I have read in the forums and blogs or are these just the normal things that happen when upgrading to new software with multiple hardware configurations?
    My feeling is that we will not be having too much of a problem due to the clean installs and no files from previous versions.
    Next up, the Creative Cloud(CC) FAQ states that you can install on 2 machines but can't open stuff at the same time.
    Question: Does this mean we can't be using any CS6 apps at the same time or just not using the same app at the same time?
    Example: PS and PS on both machines at same time = No, PS on one and Dreamweaver on the other at the same time=Yes?
    The CC FAQ page says Adobe will add Lightroom 4 later in 2012 while the main CC page lists it as available now.
    Question: Which is true?
    My mini is registered to me, with my name, iTunes account, Apple ID etc.
    Question: Do I need to do the initial set-up of the new machine with all my information to ensure the CS6 suite works on both machines? Do the computers need to be registered(as far as Apple configuration is concerned) to same person for them to work on one CC account or can I install CS6 on any 2 machines regardless of how they were initially set-up?
    This may seem like a silly question but I want to avoid any problems before they happen.
    Well, those are all of my questions at the moment. To anyone who made it this far in my looooong post, Thank You so much for your time. I appreciate your expertise and knowledge and hope that you can help me make this decision.
    Alex Bogdan

    I'll try and answer your questions as best I can.
    Qn 1 Which Mac.
    Ans:- As I understand it both units will run Adobe CS6.
              Which one really depends on what you wand from CS6. If you are looking for high end demand and performance, then I would go for the IMac
              Your Specs for the Imac are right. However if you buy your IMac straight from Apple there are even higher specs.
              You can get:-
                                  3.4 GHz i7 processor rather than the i5
                                   2GB video card as opposed to a 1Gb video card.
                                   Of course such a model will cost you more.
              In the end it is needs compared with money to spend. That is only a decision you cam make.
    Q2:- Will the higher cost for the Imac justify copst.
    Ans:- Again it depends on what demands you intend to make on the hardware and software.
              But I note you have a business and if that businees expects to high demand and high speedy performance then I suspect the Imac would be more able to provide your needs.
              Again only you will know the answer to that.
    Q3:- Questions about CS6 reliability
    Ans:- I have been with Adobe for way over 10 years.
             Speaking, only for myself, it is the most reliable software on the market.
              It is true that if you look down this form, like any other and I am thinking about the Apple discussions forum, you will find numerous instances of problems.
              Again this is only my opinion, but although all these problems are real for the individuals:-
              First it is not clear why they have the problem e.g. what have they done or not done.
              Second, they are in the minority of the total users using the hardware / software.
              The only problem I am aware of with CS6 is Acrobat X. I understand it has been sorted Adobe, however it cost me so much work I have removed it from my system and reverted to Acrobat 9
              So what I am saying is that there are only two comapnies I rely 100% on: They are Adobe and Apple.
             So if you are happy with my opinion I would not worry about Adobe CS6
    Qn 4:- CS6 0n 2 machines.
    Ans:- Yes you will not be able to run the same program similtaneosly.
               I believe, if it is important that you do run the same program together, that you can acquire a further licience from Adobe to do that.
               You would need to contact Adobe about that.
    Qn 5:- Lightroom 4
    Ans:- Lightroom is now available as part of Creative Cloud.
    Qn 6:- Set up for individual machines
    Ans:- I do not believe you do. Once you have set up your Creative Cloud account you go to the apps site and download the apps for each machine.
              Each machine downloads the apps and your machine and the apps are registered by Adobe.
             Here is something that you may want to know:-
              Because I was so unhappy loosing all the Acrobat data with Acrobat X I ended up deleting Acrobat X
              However as far as Creative Cloud is concered Acrobat X is still on my machine.
              It is not a problem for me because I am happy with Acrobat 9, it fullfils my needs and has not crashed and lost me all my bookmarks.
              However here is the point:-
              Adobe, when there was a problem with Acrobat X requested that no-one deletes the application.
             Though I do not know for certain I believe registration of the apps you have with Creative Cloud are registered with Creative Cloud in their database. Therefore were you to delete an app, it will still be registered with Creative Cloud and you will not be able to download a further copy even though the app is no longer on your    machine.
              Therefore it maybe not a good idea to delete an app when you no longer have a use for it. If you want it back I suspect you will have to contact Adobe Support
    Personal Comment:-
              It is true many unfortunately have had all sorts of problems, including me with Acrobat X.
              That said, Creative Cloud in my view has been a major advance in how Adobe delivers software. I have no regrets with signing up to Creative Cloud and I expect to remain with it.
    Hope all of that goes some way to answering your questions.

  • Have others experienced a nightmare in signing up for 3 computers on Creative Cloud?

    Have others experienced a ridiculous nightmare, wanting to register 3 computers for Creative Cloud? I signed up for TWO subscriptions.  Spoke to supporton the phone to do this.  Got all signed up on my Adobe ID.... and have been charged for the second month now.
    I only just realized that I couldn't use Photoshop on my laptop, because I have "exceeded my limit" of reigstered devices.  ON the phone with support, obviously in India, I spun my wheels, and spent an inordinate amount fo time, trying to figure out how to fix the issue... with the agent we couldn't even figure out how to FIND my two serial numbers on the computers, to determine which computer was registered with which computer.
    After more than an hour of this, and the agent consulting his senior manager, he comes back on the line and informs me that I cannot register two subscriptions on one Adobe ID and email!!!
    Then I insist on speaking with the manager.  He tells me the same.  I say why then did they even ACCEPT my two subscriptions on my ONE Adobe ID and email??  When I go to MY ADOBE account, it clearly shows the two orders, and the two subscriptions... and on my singel Adobe ID and email.
    This is clearly ridiculous.
    The manager has now asked me for 48 hours, for him to "discover who gave me the misinformation and when".  I told him that that is their internal issue.  I could care less about WHO and WHEN.  I only care about this issue being resolved, and as quickly as possible.  I will also insist on a refudn of the two months charged for a second subscription that was fraudulently accepted.
    Has anyone else experienced this story, wanting to register for 3 computers (or more)?  What was your coutcome?
    Adobe needs to fix this.

    Just wondering why you didn't take the Creative Cloud for Teams route, rather than take out two subscriptions.  But do you the Application Manager installed on each machine?  If so, that should show who is signed in on each computer.  It sounds like the same user is signed on with all three computers, in which case sign out from the one with out your apps installed on, and sign in again using the other subscription ID.
    If this proves problematic, uninstall the Application manager from the third machine, and sign in on the Adobe CC site with the new ID and start from scratch.
    But surely it would be better to sort out the mess you are in, and swap your two subscriptions for a 'Team Subscription'.   Go ask in the Creatice Cloud Forum, and make it clear in the thread subject window that you need help from an Adobe staff member.  We frequently see Adobe staff step in on these forums, to fix complicated issues.

  • Photoshop CS6 asks if I want to continue trial although I am signed up for Creative Cloud 1 year mem

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    I too am having this problem. I believe I have verified the licence, but still keep getting the same error message:
    I've also been locked out of Acrobat, as described by the last user.
    I have the CS6 Cloud subscription and am running Windows 7 professional.
    I am finding this whole situation very frustrating.

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    It is a bit annoying     when Verizon , ATT and T mobile are all using the same service with Softcard.  But if Google wallet is working for you keep it. 

  • Since last software update, pre-paid internet does not work anymore. Get "you have not signed up for a data plan" message. Pre-paid acct is in order! What's up???

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    Mobile Data Account
    You have not signed up for a data plan.
    Would you like to set up a new account?
    If you don’t, you can do it later in Settings.
    …with the options of ‘Later’ or ‘Now’ to press. If I press Now, I get a screen “Please wait while the page is loading – this should only take a few seconds to complete.” But it never does, the ball just keeps spinning and spinning and spinning….
    To my mind, with pre-paid internet I should not HAVE to set up a Mobile Data Account in the first place. I’ve checked with KPN, and my account is completely in order. I’ve checked with the local Apple store, and the geniuses say they’ve never seen this. Can anyone help me?

    I updated to 3.6.4 and when I went to NetFlix to watch the next show of a series, it said
    something like
    Installation complete, restart your browser.
    I restarted browser, same problem. Restarted comp. Same problem.
    I updated Adobe Flash 10.1, still same problem.
    But able to watch some vids on other sites, but full screen gave me the big blank white screen with audio only, had to click around in the dark ( so to speak) to find the minimize button.
    I did a System Restore to before the Firefox and Adobe updates.
    I then did not update Firefox as recommended and went to NetFlix and wellah, i can view the movies again.
    And Full Screen is fine.
    I then experimented and updated Firefox only, went to NetFlix and got same msg with no viewable shows.
    So did a System Restore once more.
    Staying at 3.6.3 for a while longer until I know I can watch my movies.
    I don't own a TV, so this is my only form of an occasional escape.
    I do hope this is figured out soon.
    With what I have done, it seems to be Firefox, Not Flash.
    Good Luck to us all.

  • Verizon Reps incorrectly led us to sign up for edge, now unable to use more everything plan

    I have a family of 5, 3 people on one account and 2 of us each with our own accounts.  We have all been loyal customers for 5+ years.  With the data pricing changes and new plan options being rolled out, we decided we wanted to take advantage of the More Everything Plan.  We also wanted to use Edge plans to upgrade our devices while getting the most cost effective discounts to make the plan work for everything.  The main key to the plan is you pay ~$25 a month for your edge phone but your monthly line cost per phone drops from $40 to $15.  This main all of our bills more economical.
    Sounds great right? So we are in the store, we go through all the options and the rep edges up all of our phones and tells us to call next billing cycle during the week (not open on weekends) the "Transfer of account liability" line to then combine everything into our 10GB shared data plan on one account. 
    So we all left happy with our new phones and the 2 of us on our own accounts called the "Transfer of account liability" line when our next billing cycle began.  We were then told YOU CAN NOT TRANSFER AN ACCOUNT WITH AN EDGE AGREEMENT
    Wow...completely misled by the reps in the store.  Now we are all stuck with double sized bills that would make no sense for us to ever sign up for on our own.  The store has said this issue has been raised up to corporate since it was fully their fault but it has been over a month now and they still say they have no answer for us.  THIS NEEDS TO BE RESOLVED.
    The only option they suggested is maybe we could pay off our edge agreement in full (~$600 each) and then do the transfer.  But the one question they can't even answer in this scenario is will we still receive the $40 ---> $15 discount on the monthly line cost for having an edge plan phone.  If not, this would not make any sense and we would still be paying double what we signed up for. 
    This issue needs to be resolved ASAP as we have already paid multiple months since this started of exta high bills.  I used to speak highly of Verizon but this has changed my mind completely.  I'm coming to this forum as a last means of help as no other person in store or on the phone has been able to help.

    How To: Direct Message  and  ArnettH_VZW

  • HT204053 I am trying to sign up for icloud using windows 7. When I enter my apple id it says "this is a valid apple id but is not an icloud account". Where do I create an icloud account?

    I am trying to sign up for icloud using windows 7. When I enter my apple id it says "this is a valid apple id but is not an icloud account". Where do I create an icloud account?

    I already quoted the minimum requirements, look in the post before yours.
    You will have to upgrade your Mac to at least 10.7.5, upgrades are not free, you buy them from the App Store. Mountain Lion is the best but your Mac must be compatible.
    Here is a list of compatible machines.
    Also note that some older apps (Office 2004, Appleworks) will not run on Mountain Lion.

  • Does anyone know either the default password for the YouTube app or how to sign up for googles 2-step verification? Any help would be appreciated.

    I have a YouTube/google account, but when I tried to sign in it said I had an incorrect password. I tried again and it gave me the same message. However, when I sign in using safari, it works just fine. Then I found out it was because of the new 2-step verification of googles. But when I tried to sign up for two step verification, I couldn't see how, nor did it give me a default password to YouTube.

    Check out Wordpress.  You can either use the website at or use the Wordpress software installed on your site to run it.  A lot of companies (not so secretly) use Wordpress as the backbone of their website with a custom "theme".  Take a look at this YouTube video and it will give you a little more background than I can just typing an answer.  Although it focuses on blogging, it can just as easily be used for another kind of website with a different free theme:
    And if you wnated to install it on your own website, check out the info from

  • I have signed up for adobe conversion to microsoft word and i can't get it to work - can you help me

    I have signed up for adobe conversion to microsoft word and I can not get it to work -  can you help me?

    Hi Mike,
    I've checked your account. I see that you just purchased the subscription this morning. The order is still pending processing, which is why you haven't yet been able to log in an use your subscription. It can take 24-48 hours for a subscription to process fully. Once it does, you'll be able to log in and convert files.
    I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Someone is using my personal email address for their apple ID and I'm sick of it! I can't sign up for my own itunes account or anything using MY OWN email address. My email address is my property, not theirs.

    Someone is using my personal email address for their apple ID and I'm sick of it! I can't sign up for my own itunes account or anything using MY OWN email address. My email address is my property, not theirs.
    I'm using their account and will continue to reset their password and settings until they either get the message or Apple do something about it and disable or migrate their account so that I can use MY OWN email address for my own purposes.
    I don't want to be informed about Apple products and services for someone else on my email account.
    I want to be able to use it MYSELF for iTunes
    All I am asking you to do is migrate their apple ID to their alternate email account settings and free up my email address so that:
    A. I can use it and B. I stop getting messages about their account history.
    Either that or just cancel their account as they have no right to use my personal details.
    Yes I could set up a new email address but WHY THE **** should I? I've been using this email account for years for personal stuff, it's not mu fault if someone can sign it up as an AppleID without me being able to confirm their sign up process!
    Your move Apple, make it count.

    Hi Sister Kate,
    If you change the Apple ID you are using on an iPhone or other iOS device, there are several places you need to change it on the device. See this article -
    Apple ID: What to do after you change your Apple ID
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

  • How can I get my G5 OSX 10.5.8 to quit trying to handle my mail? I have yahoo and when im on a site the computer wont ley me contact them unless i sign up for mail plus which you have to pay for. Is there a way to make it stop?

    when I'm on a web site and I need to contact them the Mac wont let me do it.  I have Yahoo mail but It wants me to sign up for yahoo's mail plus account which cost money so it can communicate with them. I dont want  mail plus and I dont want to have to use different mail then my yahoo account. Is there a way to bypass this internal mail handler, Let me know soon please becuz I have important business that I cant do because of this. Thanxz a Million,,,,Bruce.

    Hi Bruce,
    The only way with what you desire & have is to Right click or Control+click on the eMail link on the site, choose Copy Email Address, open Yahoo Mail in your Browser, New Message, then Paste in the To: bar.
    WebMail is a real pain, Yahoo is a pain... are you sure you wouldn't like to modernize & streamline things with a new free POP or IMAP accont like HotMail/, or GMail?

  • I bought a 1:1 training package for one year. I'm trying to sign up for multiple training at multiple stores. Is one limitation the fact that you can't book a second group or open training until you have finished the first one? Even if it's different stor

    Hi Everyone:
    My name is Mark. I'm new to the Mac World. I purchased a MacBook Pro with Retina Scan, as I'm going to make multi media self help books (I'm an author and psychotherapist). I have been getting a number of inconsistencies in answers to the same questions.
    1 - Can I do a 1:1 by phone? When I bought my 1:1 the salesperson told me yes.
          Now I find out the answer is no.
    2 - I've started signing up for group, individual, and open training.
    It seems that I cannot sign up for a second one until I have taken the first of any of these trainings.
    So if I want to sign up for 3, 1:1's in 3 different stores, on 3 different days I can't (if I read the terms and conditions properly.) until I have my first 1:1, open, or group training.
    I was told when I purchased my 1:1 that I could have as many trainings as I wanted to, and as much as I wanted. I could even spend a whole day going to different training at the same store on thew same day.
    Have others found inconsistencies in what you are told by sales people and what the rules are?
    Thank you for any help you can give me.
    Mark Dworkin LCSW P.C.

    1) The One-to-One program is in person in an Apple Store. I've never heard of any phone-based training. Perhaps the salesperson was confusing that with AppleCare which extends the phone support on your product.
    2) Here is the relevant part from the official terms:
    Members may have no more than one (1) Personal Training, one (1) Group Training and one (1) Open Training session reserved at any given time. After the completion of your session, you may schedule your next.
    If the saleperson gave you incorrect information that makes the One-to-One service unusable, talk to the store manager and tell him or her what information you were given incorrectly, and ask about a refund of the cost of the program.

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