Is the USB going to be as fast as FireWire was for backing up?

Totally in shock (as was the top salesman at the Fort Worth Apple Store) that there is NO FIREWIRE on the NEW MacBook. (They kept looking - didn't believe it. One guy said he would now NOT purchase a new MacBook and he is a top Apple sales pro at the store!!)
How about backing-up? With a LaCie FW800/400 and USB External HD, I believe backing-up a 250 gb internal via USB will take 7+ hours the first time, vs about 3-4 hours with FireWire - using SuperDuper! for example--- RIGHT?
I just don't understand this. Is there any cable, any external box or anything that one can purchase to rectify this situation? Is FW such an expensive, space-hording extra that it needed to be removed?
My MacBook purchase (money in hand) is now indefinitely ON HOLD until I get this resolved...
Thanks for any comments,
Wednesday 15 October 2008

Many users in other threads have reported that backup programs like SuperDuper are an order of magnitude slower on USB 2 than on either FW400 or 800. I think they are exaggerating, but USB 2 bus negotiation is handled by the computer, not by the interface, so it takes more CPU; also, large files which might be able to stream on FW will not be able to on USB 2; so if you put video files on a USB 2 drive, there is a reasonable chance that you'll get dropouts on playback.
Note also, that there is no tape based video camera (DV, HDV, or DVCPRO) which can transfer video over USB 2: the asynchronous nature of it's bus mastering will cause dropouts. There is not the possibility (from an engineering standpoint) of a USB to FW adapter of any sort.
If you need firewire, and most audio / video users do because we have extant equipment investments, keep your old Mac, buy a iMac, or a MBP or MacPro where firewire exists.
And send feed back to apple asking them to include FW on future MB's, either as a direct port, or at least include an ExpressBus card slot like the MBP.
There will probably be future developments in Gigabit ethernet which may provide a new interface for synchronous transfers; encoding technology may improve so that avchd becomes equal to at least HDV in video performance (too many motion artifacts for serious videography). All of the M2T devices (hard drives which store HDV equivalent video files) are ... FIREWIRE drives.
This will all sort itself out eventually. I just hope it is not a signal that Firewire is dead. At least a migration path needs to be available; and it is for MacPros and MBP since they have card slots. MB does not, and if FW disappears from a future iMac, there are no slots there, either.
Eddie O

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    Check out the article below for troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue. One would be to try a different cable or adapter to test with the television.
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    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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