Is there a possibility of creating a template in flash?

I hope someone can help me. I have build a flash page which contains a complicated drop-down menu. This menu will be in 20 different pages (slideshows). If I change something in this menu (movie) I have to change it in 20 different pages (copy / paste). Is there a possibility of creating a template like in Dreamweaver. So that when I adjust the template, it will automaticaly adjust all 20 pages containing this particular template? Thank you very much for your advice. Sarosa

Thank you all for your tips. Yes all of the 20 pages will be each a different flash file with this same movie in it.
To Ross: Unfortunately I have not yet learned XML. So I don't know how to do that.
To doghouseJim: This sounds good. I think I know what you mean, but I don't exactly know how to do it. But I will try this out tomorrow and also check out your link. Thanks

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    Currently, that's not possible. It is however a feature request that has been asked for a lot. There also is a feedback page here where you can vote for features, including the feature you are asking for.
    Kind regards,
    Freek Berson
    The Microsoft Platform
    Wortell company website

  • Is there a way to create Timecard Templates from backend?

    Hello Folks
    Is there a way to create Timecard Templates from backend? I tried to create one with the following steps, but did not work. Throws a HXC_HXT_DEP_VAL_ORAERR
    The Oracle error is: &ERROR
    1. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE scope BB using hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb
    2. Create Template_Name Attribute on the above BB
    3. Create DAY BB
    4. Create DETAIL BB for DAY BB
    5. Create Attribute BB for Hours Worked element on the DETAIL BB above
    6. Call hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    --p_retrieval_process   => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => hxc_timecard.c_yes
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Application Release is 12.0.4, those notes do not help. Here is the complete script.
    l_tbl_timecard_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_tbl_attributes_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tbl_messages hxc_self_service_time_deposit.message_table;
    --l_token_table                  hxc_deposit_wrapper_utilities.t_simple_table;
    l_blocks hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_attributes hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tc_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_day_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_detail_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_existing_tc_id hxc_timecard_summary.timecard_id%TYPE:= NULL;
    l_deposit_process hxc_deposit_processes.NAME%TYPE:= 'OTL Deposit Process';
    l_count_building_block PLS_INTEGER;
    l_message fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
    l_approval_style_id NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_id NUMBER;
    l_tc_days_counter NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_ovn NUMBER;
    l_resp_id NUMBER := 50597; -- Responsibility US Employee Services
    l_application_id NUMBER := 809; -- Application HXC
    l_user_id NUMBER := 118189; -- FLORESR
    -- 1. Set Apps Context
    fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id);
    -- 2. Get Approval Style ID
    l_approval_style_id := TO_NUMBER(hxc_preference_evaluation.resource_preferences(411669,'TS_PER_APPROVAL_STYLE',1,SYSDATE));
    dbms_output.put_line('l_approval_style_id = '||l_approval_style_id);
    -- 3. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE BB similar to the logic in hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb passing the scope as TIMECARD_TEMPLATE instead of TIMECARD
    -- We are starting with a new timecard so clear the global tables
    -- hxc_self_service_time_deposit.initialize_globals;
    -- Also clear the local PL/SQL table
    -- hxc_timestore_deposit_util.clear_building_block_table(p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info);
    l_count_building_block := l_tbl_timecard_info.LAST;
    -- PROCEDURE clear_building_block_table (
    -- p_app_blocks IN OUT NOCOPY hxc_block_table_type
    -- 'generate' a TBB ID
    IF (l_count_building_block IS NULL)
    l_tc_bb_id := -2;
    -- never start at -1 because that has a special meaning in the deposit
    l_tc_bb_id := - (l_count_building_block) - 2;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Timecard');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb (p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/26 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/10/09 23:59:59')
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => hxc_timecard.c_person_resource
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    ,p_comment_text => 'Come on start working'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb (p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_type => hxc_timecard.c_range_type
    -- p_measure => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    ,p_unit_of_measure => NULL
    ,p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/12 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/25 23:59:59')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => NULL
    -- Timecard Template does not have a parent -- May need to check on this parameter
    ,p_parent_is_new => NULL
    ,p_scope => hxc_timecard.c_template_scope -- Template Scope
    -- p_object_version_number => DEFAULTS TO 1
    -- p_approval_status=> p_approval_status
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => 'PERSON'
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    -- p_date_from => DEFAULTS TO SYSDATE
    -- p_date_to => DEFAULTS TO hr_general.end_of_time
    ,p_comment_text => 'Template Trials'
    -- p_parent_building_block_ovn => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    -- new => DEFAULTS TO 'Y'
    -- changed => DEFAULTS TO 'N'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    dbms_output.put_line('After creating Timecard l_tc_bb_id = '||l_tc_bb_id);
    -- 4. Create PRIVATE TEMPLATES Attribute Category and Template Name passed from UI
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Name Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Name'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'Trial Template from Code'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Type Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Type'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'PRIVATE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- Below will be in a loop later
    -- 5. Create the DAY BB
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating DAY BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_day_bb(p_day => fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2011/09/26')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id -- returned by create_timecard_bb
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DAY BB l_day_bb_id = '||l_day_bb_id);
    -- 6. Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift
    dbms_output.put_line('Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 06:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 65172');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'65172' -- 02 Unpaid Lunch
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 14:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- 7. Deposit the Template
    dbms_output.put_line('Deposit the Template ');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    -- ,p_retrieval_process => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => 'Y'
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    dbms_output.put_line('l_new_timecard_id = '||l_new_timecard_id);
    IF (l_tbl_messages.COUNT <> 0) THEN
    i := l_tbl_messages.FIRST;
    EXIT WHEN (NOT l_tbl_messages.EXISTS (i));
    l_message := fnd_message.get_string (appin => l_tbl_messages (i).application_short_name,
    namein => l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_message);
    i := l_tbl_messages.NEXT (i);
    END IF;

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    On the iPhone it's only possible to create a new contact (of person). Is this function not available?

    Hi Ralph9430
    Thank you very much for your quick answer.
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    Hi everyone,
    Here is my novice question of the day.
    Say I would like to create a table which will describe the attributes of a set of tables. Each table in the set will have exactly the same field names, datatypes, etc..., but each table will represent a completely distinct data set. Is there a way to designate a table as a 'template' and then create tables which are instances of the table?
    I know I could do something inelegant like TableA_Version1, TableA_Version2. But that just seems very clunky for the 21st century. I also do not wish to inter-mingle the data from TableA_Version1 and TableA_Version2 by putting a field in TableA called version.
    Say, for example, my database contains information on different financial models. TableA would be the template or parent describing the characteristics which all of the models have. But each model would need to have its own 'version' of TableA.
    Time may also logically separate the tables into different 'snapshots'. Again, TableA_DateStamp1, TableA_DateStamp2, seems unwieldy. What would be your suggestions here?
    Thank you again for helping me with my beginner questions! I very much appreciate your time!
    Holly (I was set up with the wrong name... Oracle is fixing that...I hope!)

    The object stuff was pretty poor in Oracle8/8i. It's gotten a lot better in 9i but it still isn't as rich as (say) Java or Python.
    OO vs relational is the type of topic that starts holy wars. How one feels about it is often a matter of where one started out from. What I will say is this: relational data modelling has a firm logical basis in mathematics, particularly set theory. Everything in an RDBMS is mathematically provable. OO has no similar mathematical underpinning.
    I think OO has many advantages as a tool for building front-end applications but I wouldn't really want to trust my data to it.
    Where does that leave Oracle's object implementation? Well, PL/SQL objects can be quite useful for building complex user-defined datatypes. It is at least a partial way of implementing the DOMAIN functionality that RDBMS ought to have and Oracle lacks. The problem is that it is difficult to normalise an object-based data structure, so they tend to have lots of duplicate data, with all the maintenance issues that follow.
    Let's take a concrete example from the Oracle documents:
    The following example shows that you can nest object types:
       street_address VARCHAR2(35),
       city           VARCHAR2(15),
       state          CHAR(2),
       zip_code       INTEGER
       first_name   VARCHAR2(15),
       last_name    VARCHAR2(15),
       birthday     DATE,
       home_address Address,  -- nested object type
       phone_number VARCHAR2(15),
       ss_number    INTEGER,
    Now what happens if you have two instances of PERSON living at the same home_address? You have two instances of ADDRESS. If you get the zip code wrong you have to change it twice. If they both move house (they're married) then you have to give them both a new ADDRESS. Furthermore, because you have two instances of ADDRESS you have no way of telling that these two people live at the same address, except by scanning all the instances of ADDRESS in all the instances of PERSON.
    The relational implementation is a lot simpler and cleaner. Two records in the PERSONS table each with a foreign key to a single record in the ADDRESSES table. It doesn't always happen, of course, but in this instance the relational implementation maps much more closely to the real world than the O-O implementation (two people, one house) . If you get the zip code wrong you only have to alter the ADDRESSES record, you don't touch the PERSONS table. If they move you create a new ADDRESES record and change the foreign key in PERSONS. Finding multiple occupancies is as easy as
    SELECT add_id, count(person_id)
    FROM   persons
    GROUP BY add_id
    HAVING count(person_id) > 1What could be simpler?
    But then I would say that, I started out from the relational world. People from the O-O world look at things differently.
    Cheers, APC

  • I know how to create a PROJECT template, but is there a way to create SLIDE templates?

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    What I would love to do is create a set template for each page type (a template for text&graphic, a template for tab page etc) as I have numerous instances of the same pages throughout all the modules (and also for continuity as well).
    It would be great to create placeholders for slide templates just like the application in project templates, and then be able to drop these slides into different projects to have the same foundation to start adding data.
    Project templates is a good start, but only if i want to use the same template throughout the entire module.
    Any one know how to do this?
    Thank yo

    If you're using Cp5/5.5 you can create multiple master slides to them apply to the applicable slides (I don't remember if it was in Cp4).
    Master slides are portable, also, you can copy all the elements and paste them onto new slides in the same project or a different project.
    Insert > Master Slide
    Which should create a new blank slide in the Master Slide panel.  You add items to the slide like backgrounds, captions, rollover captions, highlights, shapes, animations (buttons/click boxes are not allowed).  You use the timeline as you would with a 'normal' slide, but you can't adjust the length of the master slide (this doesn't impact the length of a 'normal' slide).
    On your content slides you select the master slide in the Properties panel, general, master slide dropdown.

  • Is it possible to create a template in keynote that includes more than just the layout?

    I have a keynote document that I use daily.  It contains a combination of slides that do not change and blank ones where I add custom content.
    I would like to make this into a template, so that I do not have to duplicate the original every time I want to use it (several times on most days). It is too easy to just open it, edit it and forget to duplicate it. (In .ppt, I could just save as. No such option with iWorks. This has always been a pet peeve of mine with Apple. (I prefer to decide myself what my workflow should look like!).

    Create your design on one or more  master slides:    View > Edit Master Slide
    delete unwanted master
    then save as a Theme:    File > Save Theme
    Save as;  is achieved by pressing the option key then File > Save as...

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    My client is in SAP 4.6C version want's to devlop some SAP ABAP webdyn pro application for their end user requirement.
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    As per my understanding WebDynpro for ABAP is dependent on current  R/3 version. For that one should have mySAP ERP 2005 I guess.correct me if i am wrong .
    Need your suggestion ..
    How to achive ABAP webdyn pro application in SAP 4.6C Version.

    Note 1098009 - Limitations for Web Dynpro ABAP
    SAP System Prior to SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (NW2004s)
    Web Dynpro ABAP is not released for official use in systems prior to SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (NW2004s).
    Hope that helps.
    edit - hmm hope I'm not taking a liberty quoting an SAP note ... If any mod's object - please remove quote - but I can't really see the harm in this case!
    Edited by: Chris Paine on Apr 30, 2010 2:12 PM

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    I'm creating a flash website and is this possible without using any kind of server side language, if so how do you do it,
    if not how do i integrate my code in my flash?
    tnx in advance...

    You will need server-side support, most efficiently in the form of MySQL (or similar DB) and PHP (or similar server-side scripting).  You can probably find some tutorial info if you search Google using terms like "AS3 PHP MySQL tutorial".

  • Is there a way to create a Cairngorm "template" Project?

    Would it be possible to create a template for Cairngorm-based Flex projects, since they all have the same general architecture?:
    I basically want to create this folder/file structure, and then start a new project in Flex Builder using this template. I know I can simply copy and paste the structure from a random folder, but I was wondering if there is any way to do this in Flex Builder.

    FYI, when I try "Import... > General/File System", it only imports folders with files in them (it ignores /control/events, /control/commands, /view, and /valueObjects).
    On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Eric Belair
    [email protected]> wrote:
    A new discussion was started by Eric Belair in
    Cairngorm Development --
      Is there a way to create a Cairngorm "template" Project?
    Would it be possible to create a template for Cairngorm-based Flex projects, since they all have the same general architecture?:
    I basically want to create this folder/file structure, and then start a new project in Flex Builder using this template. I know I can simply copy and paste the structure from a random folder, but I was wondering if there is any way to do this in Flex Builder.

  • Is there a way to create a dropdown menu template for metadata entry in Bridge?

    For certain categories such as keywords, I would like to create a set of standard terms to use for my department. Is there a way to create a template for a dropdown menu within the metadata window?
    Currently running CS5.1

    This was discontinuted in CS5 howerver you could migrate that plugin to CS5.  I don`t know if you can do this with CS6.
    To my knowledge they only provided a revised Contact sheet II script for CS6. In my opinion a very bad idea because they should have put all efforts and resources to enhance the Output Module PDF contact sheet that has far more options.
    Still not using web galleries but the goal for web gallery was also to use this in the Adobe Output Module, maybe that provides you the options you want?

  • Creating a template for multiple forms

         Is it possible to create a template to use in multiple forms

    Hi Roger,
    FormsCentral does not currently support user-defined form templates. However, there are a couple of options available that you might find useful.
    To define/use a template for an entire form:
    1. Create a form that will act as your template.
    2. To create a new form based on that template simply click the "Duplicate" button in the My Forms dashboard.
    The new form will contain the same set of form items as the template form.
    To define/use a template for one or more form items that are common to many of your forms:
    1. Create a form containing the template form items.
    2. To use the fields in different forms you can:
         i. Open the template form.
         ii. Select the form item(s) and type Ctrl+C.
         iii. Create or open the target form.
         iv. Type Ctrl+V to paste form items into the target form.

  • Can I create a template and that will allow me to add a region when i use i

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    You cannot add regions on a page that uses a portal template.

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    please send me the solution for my problem..
    thank you..

    The loop counter is a built-in variable that you cannot control. It will always increase.
    For your purpose, you must create a seperate variable that contains your index as you want to use it.
    The attached VI shows a possible solution. Let me know if this makes sense to you.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Attachments: ‏26 KB

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