Is there a way to use old templates from Pages '09 in Pages 5.0?

Another surprise in Pages 5.0:  When I choose one of the (many) templates I used in Pages '09 (v4.3), I get a message saying that the template is old and has to be used in Pages '09. So it looks like I'll need to redo all my templates if I want to use them in Pages 5.0. Is there an easier way?

Thank you for your reply, Peggy. Sorry about the delay in this response.
I opened P09>P09 Menu>General Preferences>For New Documents>Show Template Chooser>My Templates>chose old document (in this case, an envelope)>File>Save>entered a new name. I closed P09. Opened P5>chose to open with Show Document Chooser>My Templates>the new Template was not there. I went to Finder>Library....My Templates> the new document (envelope) was there, but it showed as an envelope, not like the other Templates (which showed the p5 logo with a small blue ruler at the bottom).
I was able to open a lot of my previous (newer) templates with P5 if I opened P5 to Show Template Chooser. But...when I Open P5>File>there is no "New from Template Chooser" in that File menu. That menu starts with New, Open...,  and Recent. There is no "New from Template Chooser". In P09, I could be working on a Pages document, and could go File>and "New From Template Chooser" would be there. As I said, it's not present in P5.
Concerning the re-saving of an old template, is there anything else I should be doing? Secondly, is there a solution to my missing File choice for "New from Template Chooser"?

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    Is there a way to create Timecard Templates from backend? I tried to create one with the following steps, but did not work. Throws a HXC_HXT_DEP_VAL_ORAERR
    The Oracle error is: &ERROR
    1. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE scope BB using hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb
    2. Create Template_Name Attribute on the above BB
    3. Create DAY BB
    4. Create DETAIL BB for DAY BB
    5. Create Attribute BB for Hours Worked element on the DETAIL BB above
    6. Call hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    --p_retrieval_process   => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => hxc_timecard.c_yes
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Application Release is 12.0.4, those notes do not help. Here is the complete script.
    l_tbl_timecard_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_tbl_attributes_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tbl_messages hxc_self_service_time_deposit.message_table;
    --l_token_table                  hxc_deposit_wrapper_utilities.t_simple_table;
    l_blocks hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_attributes hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tc_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_day_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_detail_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_existing_tc_id hxc_timecard_summary.timecard_id%TYPE:= NULL;
    l_deposit_process hxc_deposit_processes.NAME%TYPE:= 'OTL Deposit Process';
    l_count_building_block PLS_INTEGER;
    l_message fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
    l_approval_style_id NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_id NUMBER;
    l_tc_days_counter NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_ovn NUMBER;
    l_resp_id NUMBER := 50597; -- Responsibility US Employee Services
    l_application_id NUMBER := 809; -- Application HXC
    l_user_id NUMBER := 118189; -- FLORESR
    -- 1. Set Apps Context
    fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id);
    -- 2. Get Approval Style ID
    l_approval_style_id := TO_NUMBER(hxc_preference_evaluation.resource_preferences(411669,'TS_PER_APPROVAL_STYLE',1,SYSDATE));
    dbms_output.put_line('l_approval_style_id = '||l_approval_style_id);
    -- 3. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE BB similar to the logic in hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb passing the scope as TIMECARD_TEMPLATE instead of TIMECARD
    -- We are starting with a new timecard so clear the global tables
    -- hxc_self_service_time_deposit.initialize_globals;
    -- Also clear the local PL/SQL table
    -- hxc_timestore_deposit_util.clear_building_block_table(p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info);
    l_count_building_block := l_tbl_timecard_info.LAST;
    -- PROCEDURE clear_building_block_table (
    -- p_app_blocks IN OUT NOCOPY hxc_block_table_type
    -- 'generate' a TBB ID
    IF (l_count_building_block IS NULL)
    l_tc_bb_id := -2;
    -- never start at -1 because that has a special meaning in the deposit
    l_tc_bb_id := - (l_count_building_block) - 2;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Timecard');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb (p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/26 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/10/09 23:59:59')
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => hxc_timecard.c_person_resource
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    ,p_comment_text => 'Come on start working'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb (p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_type => hxc_timecard.c_range_type
    -- p_measure => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    ,p_unit_of_measure => NULL
    ,p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/12 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/25 23:59:59')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => NULL
    -- Timecard Template does not have a parent -- May need to check on this parameter
    ,p_parent_is_new => NULL
    ,p_scope => hxc_timecard.c_template_scope -- Template Scope
    -- p_object_version_number => DEFAULTS TO 1
    -- p_approval_status=> p_approval_status
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => 'PERSON'
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    -- p_date_from => DEFAULTS TO SYSDATE
    -- p_date_to => DEFAULTS TO hr_general.end_of_time
    ,p_comment_text => 'Template Trials'
    -- p_parent_building_block_ovn => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    -- new => DEFAULTS TO 'Y'
    -- changed => DEFAULTS TO 'N'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    dbms_output.put_line('After creating Timecard l_tc_bb_id = '||l_tc_bb_id);
    -- 4. Create PRIVATE TEMPLATES Attribute Category and Template Name passed from UI
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Name Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Name'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'Trial Template from Code'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Type Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Type'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'PRIVATE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- Below will be in a loop later
    -- 5. Create the DAY BB
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating DAY BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_day_bb(p_day => fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2011/09/26')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id -- returned by create_timecard_bb
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DAY BB l_day_bb_id = '||l_day_bb_id);
    -- 6. Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift
    dbms_output.put_line('Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 06:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 65172');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'65172' -- 02 Unpaid Lunch
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 14:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- 7. Deposit the Template
    dbms_output.put_line('Deposit the Template ');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    -- ,p_retrieval_process => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => 'Y'
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    dbms_output.put_line('l_new_timecard_id = '||l_new_timecard_id);
    IF (l_tbl_messages.COUNT <> 0) THEN
    i := l_tbl_messages.FIRST;
    EXIT WHEN (NOT l_tbl_messages.EXISTS (i));
    l_message := fnd_message.get_string (appin => l_tbl_messages (i).application_short_name,
    namein => l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_message);
    i := l_tbl_messages.NEXT (i);
    END IF;

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    Unfortunately there is no way to do that current stage , you would need to add the tags manually.

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    iChat and Messages 7 (Mountain Lion) had a pane in the App Menu > Preferences  called Alerts.
    This could see the Sounds in iChat (or Messages), the System Sounds defaults and anything you had stored in ~/Library/Messages and you could set any of these Sounds to any of the 17 actions as a global choice
    As in Maverick if you highlight a Buddy in a Buddy List and then use CMD + i (Get Info) you could similarly set sound to individual Buddies.
    You cannot do this in Mavericks/Messages 8 as the Alerts Pane have disappeared.
    You cannot turn Off the sounds the app makes for the various different actions such as Video Invite or File Transfers.
    You can no longer set individual Buddy sounds either.
    There has not been a way to do this for iMessage Contacts.
    9:28 pm      Sunday; December 8, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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    Can anybody think of a way to do this?

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    Yes except i would like it to look like the itunes album artwork screen saver does.  the itunes album artwork screen saver shows a bunch of squares and when one of the boxes changes it spins and goes to the next album artwork
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    Hi, Phnxbane, and welcome to the Community,
    You may certainly remove all profile data by leaving those settings as "blank" or "not specified."  I find the easiest way to do this is to open the profile settings from within the Skype "client" software.
    Removing/deleting an account name from the Skype search directory closes the account.  More details about this can be found here: 'Can I delete my Skype account?' 
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

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    Is there a quick and simple way to populate this content into a Keynote presentation without having to manually create a page for each?

    If you have Microsoft Office you can export a Word outline saved as .rtf , import it into Powerpoint and then open the Powerpoint from inside Keynote. It might work saving the Pages file in Word format and going from there.
    It is a little complicated but once I worked out how to do it worked every time.  It is a little different for Keynote 6 and 5.
    In your Word document you need to apply styles so that when you import the text into Keynote they map like this:
    Heading 1 = Title
    Heading 2 = Body level 1
    Heading 3 = Body level 2 etc
    The system reads the file and wherever it finds a Heading 1 it makes a new slide. So for every new slide there must be a Heading 1 element, even if it is just a placeholder which you change or delete later.
    Keynote 6:
    Prepare a Theme with the styles you want and drag the slide Master that most slides will use to the top of the list of Masters. Save the Theme (Save/Save theme). It will appear under My Themes in the Theme chooser.
    1 Save Word outline as .rtf (important!)
    2 Open Powerpoint
    3 Choose menu item Insert/slides from outline
    4 Save the Powerpoint file
    5 Open Keynote
    6 Select File/Open and open the just saved ppt or pptx file. (You can open Powerpoint files directly into Keynote)
    7 Choose the Theme you want (File/Change theme)
    8 The slides will now all have the first Master in the list; apply different Masters to slides you want to change
    Keynote 5:
    1 Save Word outline as .rtf (important!)
    2 Open Powerpoint
    3 Choose menu item Insert/slides from outline
    4 Save the Powerpoint file
    5 Open Keynote
    6 Select File/Open and open the just saved ppt or pptx file. (You can open Powerpoint files directly into Keynote)
    7 Copy some slides from another presentation with the format you want into the Keynote file (or construct new masters as you wish them)
    8 select all the new slides you have just imported and apply the master you want (the fonts, etc, won't be as you want them.)
    9 select all slides and then select Format/Reapply master
    10 By default if you open a Powerpoint file it may copy videos and audio into the file and you can't then change this. If you don't want this, copy slides back into a file which has been saved with external audio and video.

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    Not easily. It's not a single display. The "moving parts" are separate.
    The basic background is at:
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Backup.framework/Versions/A/Resources/vortex.p ng
    You could select and right-click it, and select it as your desktop picture, but it won't move.
    Or display it with Preview, save it as a jpg, import it into iPhoto, make an album containing it, then select the album as your screen saver.

Maybe you are looking for

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