Isdba attribute for sys_context

The isdba attribute always returns a value of
FALSE, even when the dba role is enabled. Is there a known problem with it or is there some nuance I'm unaware of? Thanks.

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    You can create a new class and define all of the Attributes at the time the class is created - this is the preferred way of creating classes. Use the addAttributeDefinition() method on ClassObjectDefinition. If you need to add attributes to existing classes, you can only add them one at a time (using the addAttribute() method on ClassObject).

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    Hi Sujai ,
    As you have specified the problem that we face when we use  static attributes, when end users are using the application .
    Static means i  have n number of objects but the static variable value will remain same every where.
    when it is context attribute for every object i.e nth object you have a nth context attribute i mean nth copy of the context attribute.
    so every user has a unique Iview parameter , when context is used and
    when static is used  , assume you have userA , his iview is set this intially  and u have another user B , when he is using  , since the variable is static and when you access this variable you will get the value of userA.
    Govardan Raj

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    Hi All,
    Thanks for your support...
    I check the T-code:BBP_ATTR_CHECK & BBP_BP_OM_INTEGRATE.
    I also checked the attributes for the CP are ok,still i had the error appearing in the WEB.
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    The CP has been deleted from the org plan.
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    Thanks and Regards,

  • Error - The attributes for user could not be determined

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    <b>Please go through these links -></b>
    The attributes for user could not be determined --
    'Error in writing attributes' when using function tab
    Company code for system missing in user attributes
    BBP_POC not working in SRM 5.0
    Re: urgent: regarding ATTRIBUTES
    - Atul

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    You cannot add custom fields and do provision or recon for it.I have opened the SR with Oracle and this facility will be available in 9.1. which is launching after 4 months.You need to request the source code and modify it to get the custom fields.

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    HI Sundar you should follow the following steps.
    1. Create a target group in the segment builder selecting all the business partners that meet your criteria.
    2.  Go to the Expert tools (transaction CRMD_MKT_TOOLS)
    3. Select the Deletion of an Attribute for All BP Assignments to a Target Group  option.
    4. enter in the name of your target group, the attribute set and attribute you want to remove.

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    Points will be rewarded


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                wait   = 'X'
                return = s_return.
    add the marketing attributes
            objectkeynew      = i_objectkey
            objecttablenew    = i_object_table
            classnumnew       = i_class
            classtypenew      = i_class_type
            status          = '1'
            classif_status    = s_status
            allocvaluesnum    = eit_values_num
            allocvalueschar   = eit_values_char
            allocvaluescurr   = eit_values_curr
            return            = it_return.
                wait   = 'X'
                return = s_return.

    You can not use the BAPI_OBJCL* function modules directly. Try to use function module CRM_MKTBP_SAVE_BP_LIST. If it does not work try CRM_MKTBP_PUT_OB + CRM_MKTBP_SAVE_OB.
    There are some posts that talk about CRM_MKTBP_SAVE_BP_LIST. Try this one
    [Reg: CRM Marketing attributes for CRM 7.0;

  • An error occured while creating the original attribute for message no26 296

    Hi All,
              I am new to DMS , we are trying to store PM documents on content server , created a storage category and while assigning files to storage category then on saving the document i get the below error :
    An error occured while creating the original attribute for
    Message no. 26 296
    An error occured while creating an original in the Knowledge Provider.
    System Response
    The original could not be created.
    Contact the systems administrator and check the log file (transaction Evaluate application log, object SDOK).
    Please let me know what configs i am missing ...
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Pushpa,
    Which enhancement package are you on currently? This is observed in cases where originals in DIR's are invisible and sometimes error message 26296 occurs in transaction CV01n. Hence,please check your entries in the table SDOKPROP to avoid such a problem in your system.
    Further,suggest you explore if the below resolutions can be adopted in your case.
    Pradeepkumar haragoldavar

  • Can´t create a date attribute for basic asset

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    <PROPERTY NAME="imagedate" DESCRIPTION="Image date">
    Then, when I create a new instance of this asset, this attribute appears with this error:
    Date: Unable to find element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/AssetType/Oportunidade/ContentForm/imagedate
    But the element (imagedate.xml) is there!!
    I request help.

    It seems that the table does not have the entries, maybe b/c we are on R3 4.7.  Could you tell me what the entries are suppossed to be to allow the Asset and Cost Center lookup?  The search does work for WBS element though and I don't see anything specific to WBS element in that table.  In any case if you know the entries that would be great, also this table is not modifiable via SM30, here are the entries that I have in that table.

  • Attribute for user contains errors. Inform system admin

    We've got an issue with shopping carts created by a user that was deleted from system. When trying to see in Monitoring Shopping Carts header or item details of a given sc. A web error occurs:
    The URL! was not called due to an error.
    The following error text was processed in the system SRP : Attribute for user contains errors. Inform system admin.
    The error occurred on the application server srm-pro_SRP_00 and in the work process 2 .
    The termination type was: TH_RES_FREE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    We've cheked SAP NOTE 312058-BBPPU99: Error: Attribute for ... is missing. Inform ...
    But it seems that none of the information applies to us, since this issue is only present for Shopping carts that were created by this deleted user.
    So we tried to re-assing one of this sc, chaning PARTNER_NO,ADDR_NR    
    ADDR NP data in table CRMD_PARTNER according to a new given user, but it didn't work. So we need to know how to re-assing this sc or perhaps how to find what specific attribute is missing.
    Any advice is welcome.
    Thanks in advance.

    <b>Which SRM version are you using ? This is an SRM error message.</b>
    The manager role should be enough to change user attribute. The transaction is BBPATTRMAINT. Employee role should have BBPUM02 or BBPAT05 to change their own attribute.
    <u>Please check whether the User ID you are using to Log into BBP_PD (and seems to be assigned in the org structure also)is consistent and has no errors in tcode USERS_GEN.  You should check the user, it's not set up properly in USERS_GEN Transaction, Else repair the user.
    To maintain the user attributes you must have the Administrator role.. Your user should have role SAP_BBP-STAL_ADMINISTRATOR and be integrated in the org structure. your user must be integrated in SRM organizational structure. To see which attributes are missing, you can click on the user in PPOMA_BBP to see details, and go to last tab "Check". This will list all required attributes depending on used scenarios (so you may not require all of them). You can also use transaction BBP_ATTR_CHECK to check user's attributes for a particular scenario.</u>
    <b>Please go through the following links as well -></b>
    bbp_mon_sc attributes
    Re: FM for attribute's value assignation in PPOMA ?
    Note 751022 - Monitor Shopping Cart: Item deletion causes termination
    Re: User Settings are not saved
    Re: Not able to generate user users_gen
    Re: SRM organization plan...
    Re: User creation error
    <u>Hope this will definitely help. Do let me know.</u>
    - Atul

  • Interface not found in implements-attribute for MXML component

    I am trying to use the "implements" attribute for an
    MXML-component in order to implement an interface from a library
    like below (Flex 3). I get the error "Interface IClonable not
    found". The compiler does not complain about " import;", so the library is installed
    correctly. I use the library in many places in my project, it just
    does not find it in the "implements" tag. How can I fix this
    without reimplementing the component in ActionScript?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""

    "mavdzee" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gldjg8$js8$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I am trying to use the "implements" attribute for an
    MXML-component in
    > order
    > to implement an interface from a library like below
    (Flex 3). I get the
    > error
    > "Interface IClonable not found". The compiler does not
    complain about "
    > import
    >;", so the library is
    installed correctly. I
    > use
    > the library in many places in my project, it just does
    not find it in the
    > "implements" tag. How can I fix this without
    reimplementing the component
    > in
    > ActionScript?
    > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    > <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""
    > implements="">
    > <mx:Script>
    > <![CDATA[
    > import;
    > ]]>
    > </mx:Script>
    > </mx:VBox>
    I don't see anything where you're actually _implementing_ the
    interface, but
    I'd expect to see a different error if that's the problem.
    Still, I'd go
    ahead and implement the properties and methods in the
    interface, just to
    make sure.

Maybe you are looking for

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