Isolation of components in PDS while ciffing

What is the feasible way to isolate certain components in PDS while ciffing from ECC?
To be more precise, there are 10 componets in BOM in ECC and require only 5 components out of these in PDS while ciffing.

I assume your requirement as out of 10 components in BOM, you want to plan only 5 components in APO. In that case, you should set the MRP type of your header and only the 5 components as X0. Other 5 components may have different MRP type.
Also, make sure that you transfer only those 5 APO relevant components material masters. not all.
Then, while transferring PDS, this will automatically transfer only those 5 APO relevant components to APO.
If this requirement is not correct, please elaborate your requirement.
Manimaran M.

Similar Messages

  • Error while CIF'fing Sales order to APO

    While I tried to CIF a Sales order from R3 to APO, there is ablicked Q in SMQ1 which reads
    "Too many parameters specified with perform" in the FM /SAPAPO/CIF_SL_DOC_INBOUND.
    Any ideas on what mightbe causing this issue and how to resolve this issue ?

    In SMQ1 I had executed blocked Q (F6) and system shows an information at the bottom left hadn corner as "Function module does not exist or EXCEPTION raised"
    Even deleting Q and Reciffing SO didnt work..Application log in CFG1 doesn't show any exceptions. As the Q is blocked, I didn't see any meesages in APO log.
    R3 SMQ1 log is displayed as below.
    Function Module                 Queue Name                Status                                    
    /SAPAPO/CIF_SL_DOC_INBOUND      CFLDERPCLNT020_3316       Too many parameters specified with PERFORM.
    CFG1 extended Log for FM CIF_SL_DOC_INBOUND while Ciffing SO to APO
    Parameter: IS_APOINF
    Table: IT_REQX Entries:                   4
    No.,U,U,U,U,M,U,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,Schd,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,
    1   , ,X, ,X,N,X,0000057680  ,000010,0001,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, ,
    2   , ,X, ,X,N,X,0000057680  ,000010,0002,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, ,
    3   , ,X, ,X,N,X,0000057681  ,000010,0001,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, ,
    4   , ,X, ,X,N,X,0000057682  ,000020,0001,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, ,
    Table: IT_SDDOC Entries:                   3
    No.,Pmnt,P,Matl No. ,Matl No.                                ,Matl Grou,Prod.Hier.        ,Ma,Ac,Re,Co,Val. Type ,Profit Ctr,Mat
    1   ,DCLF, ,MATERIALXYZ  ,                                        ,100   ,                  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,          ,Z001DU
    2   ,DCLF, ,MATERIALXYZ  ,                                        ,100   ,                  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,          ,Z001DU
    3   ,DCLF, ,MATERIALXYZ  ,                                        ,100   ,                  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,          ,Z001DU
    Table: IT_ATPFIELD Entries:                  83
    No.,Number      ,MRP it,Field    ,Char                                    ,
    1   ,0000057680  ,000010,LTIMEZONE     ,EST                                     ,
    2   ,0000057680  ,000010,LZONE     ,0000000001                              ,
    3   ,0000057680  ,000010,UEBTK     ,X                                       ,
    4   ,0000057680  ,000010,PRREG     ,AE                                      ,
    5   ,0000057680  ,000010,QNTY     ,31.000                                  ,
    6   ,0000057680  ,000010,RESMOD     ,X                                       ,
    7   ,0000057680  ,000010,RESMOD_BATCH     ,B                                       ,
    8   ,0000057680  ,000010,SCHED_BWLPROCESS     ,E                                       ,
    9   ,0000057680  ,000010,EXT_MATNR     ,MATERIALXYZ                       ,
    10  ,0000057680  ,000010,UNAME     ,USERV                                 ,
    11  ,0000057680  ,000010,/LPRIO     ,01                                      ,
    12  ,0000057680  ,000010,POSGUID     ,                                        ,
    13  ,0000057680  ,000010,BOP_FLAG     ,N                                       ,
    14  ,0000057680  ,000010,BOP_SUPPORT     ,Y                                       ,
    15  ,0000057680  ,000010,LREGIO     ,NC                                      ,
    16  ,0000057680  ,000010,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    17  ,0000057680  ,000010,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    18  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_GID_EXT0001GOISSUE_DATE,20081002195959                          ,
    19  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_GID_EXT0002GOISSUE_DATE,20081010200000                          ,
    20  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_WMENG0001     ,31                                      ,
    21  ,0000057680  ,000010,BPROC     ,ZAP1                                    ,
    22  ,0000057680  ,000010,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    23  ,0000057680  ,000010,LOGSYS     ,ERPCLNT020                              ,
    24  ,0000057680  ,000010,LLAND     ,US                                      ,
    25  ,0000057680  ,000010,LAND1     ,US                                      ,
    26  ,0000057680  ,000010,KZAZU     ,X                                       ,
    27  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_REQ_EXT0002RECEIVE_DATE,20081012140000                          ,
    28  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_REQ_EXT0001RECEIVE_DATE,20081006040000                          ,
    29  ,0000057680  ,000010,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    30  ,0000057681  ,000010,LZONE     ,0000000001                              ,
    31  ,0000057681  ,000010,BOP_FLAG     ,N                                       ,
    32  ,0000057681  ,000010,PRREG     ,A                                       ,
    33  ,0000057681  ,000010,UEBTK     ,X                                       ,
    34  ,0000057681  ,000010,SCHED_BWLPROCESS     ,A                                       ,
    35  ,0000057681  ,000010,RESMOD_BATCH     ,B                                       ,
    36  ,0000057681  ,000010,RESMOD     ,X                                       ,
    37  ,0000057681  ,000010,QNTY     ,21.000                                  ,
    38  ,0000057681  ,000010,BOP_SUPPORT     ,Y                                       ,
    39  ,0000057681  ,000010,EXT_MATNR     ,MATERIALXYZ                       ,
    40  ,0000057681  ,000010,UNAME     ,USERV                                 ,
    41  ,0000057681  ,000010,POSGUID     ,                                        ,
    42  ,0000057681  ,000010,/LPRIO     ,01                                      ,
    43  ,0000057681  ,000010,LTIMEZONE     ,EST                                     ,
    44  ,0000057681  ,000010,APO_SD_GID_EXT0001GOISSUE_DATE,20081014195959                          ,
    45  ,0000057681  ,000010,APO_SD_WMENG0001     ,21                                      ,
    46  ,0000057681  ,000010,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    47  ,0000057681  ,000010,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    48  ,0000057681  ,000010,BPROC     ,ZAP1                                    ,
    49  ,0000057681  ,000010,APO_SD_REQ_EXT0001RECEIVE_DATE,20081015040000                          ,
    50  ,0000057681  ,000010,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    51  ,0000057681  ,000010,LREGIO     ,NC                                      ,
    52  ,0000057681  ,000010,LOGSYS     ,ERPCLNT020                              ,
    53  ,0000057681  ,000010,LLAND     ,US                                      ,
    54  ,0000057681  ,000010,LAND1     ,US                                      ,
    55  ,0000057681  ,000010,KZAZU     ,X                                       ,
    56  ,0000057681  ,000010,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    57  ,0000057682  ,000020,LZONE     ,0000000001                              ,
    58  ,0000057682  ,000020,/LPRIO     ,01                                      ,
    59  ,0000057682  ,000020,POSGUID     ,                                        ,
    60  ,0000057682  ,000020,BOP_SUPPORT     ,Y                                       ,
    61  ,0000057682  ,000020,BOP_FLAG     ,N                                       ,
    62  ,0000057682  ,000020,PRREG     ,A                                       ,
    63  ,0000057682  ,000020,QNTY     ,11.000                                  ,
    64  ,0000057682  ,000020,UNAME     ,USERV                                 ,
    65  ,0000057682  ,000020,UEBTK     ,X                                       ,
    66  ,0000057682  ,000020,SCHED_BWLPROCESS     ,A                                       ,
    67  ,0000057682  ,000020,RESMOD_BATCH     ,B                                       ,
    68  ,0000057682  ,000020,RESMOD     ,X                                       ,
    69  ,0000057682  ,000020,EXT_MATNR     ,MATERIALXYZ                       ,
    70  ,0000057682  ,000020,LTIMEZONE     ,EST                                     ,
    71  ,0000057682  ,000020,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    72  ,0000057682  ,000020,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    73  ,0000057682  ,000020,APO_SD_GID_EXT0001GOISSUE_DATE,20081007175230                          ,
    74  ,0000057682  ,000020,APO_SD_WMENG0001     ,11                                      ,
    75  ,0000057682  ,000020,BPROC     ,ZAP1                                    ,
    76  ,0000057682  ,000020,APO_SD_REQ_EXT0001RECEIVE_DATE,20081006040000                          ,
    77  ,0000057682  ,000020,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    78  ,0000057682  ,000020,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
    79  ,0000057682  ,000020,KZAZU     ,X                                       ,
    80  ,0000057682  ,000020,LAND1     ,US                                      ,
    81  ,0000057682  ,000020,LLAND     ,US                                      ,
    82  ,0000057682  ,000020,LOGSYS     ,ERPCLNT020                              ,
    83  ,0000057682  ,000020,LREGIO     ,NC                                      ,
    Table: IT_REQ Entries:                   4
    No.,M,EinkBeleg   ,Positi,Eint,MatNr                     ,Werk                ,AT,Charge    ,,Offen              ,Menge ,Pla
    1   ,N,0000057680  ,000010,0001,MATERIALXYZ                      ,LOC10                ,BM,       ,    ,31.000
    2   ,N,0000057680  ,000010,0002,MATERIALXYZ                      ,LOC10                ,BM,       ,    ,0.000
    3   ,N,0000057681  ,000010,0001,MATERIALXYZ                      ,LOC10                ,BM,       ,    ,21.000
    4   ,N,0000057682  ,000020,0001,MATERIALXYZ                      ,LOC10                ,BM,       ,    ,11.000
    Table: IT_QUOT_VB Entries:                   0
    No.,Number      ,MRP it,PlanObj no            ,TSTAMP             ,ConfirmQty       ,Uni,ConfirmQty      ,Item ind.
    Table: IT_CCV Entries:                   0
    No.,Table                         ,CharValObj                                   ,Class    ,Char.                         ,Valid
    Table: IT_DOC Entries:                   3
    No.,M,EinkBeleg   ,Positi,V,,
    1   ,C,0000057680  ,000010,C,TA  ,
    2   ,C,0000057681  ,000010,C,ZOR,
    3   ,C,0000057682  ,000020,C,ZOR,
    Table: IT_GID Entries:                   0
    No.,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,GUID                  ,
    Table: IT_DOCX Entries:                   3
    No.,M,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,
    1   ,C,0000057680  ,000010,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,
    2   ,C,0000057681  ,000010,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,
    3   ,C,0000057682  ,000020,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,
    Table: IT_ENQUEUE_ARGS Entries:0
    No.,Cli,Model     ,LogSystem ,APOAppl   ,Created on,Changed ,ObjectType,Segm,S,BlockN,Created by  ,A,Lengt,Vector
    Table: EXTENSIONOUT Entries:                   0
    No.,Structure                     ,Data
    Table: IT_DOC_TPDS Entries:                   0
    No.,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,Location            ,API ,Purc,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,
    Table: IT_DOC_CUS Entries:                   0
    No.,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,
    Table: IT_REQ_CUS Entries:                   0
    No.,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,Schd,Date      ,
    Table: IT_QUEUE_NAMES Entries:                   0
    No.,Q Name                  ,Dest.           ,
    Table: IT_SD_MON_ITM Entries:                   0
    No.,M,Number      ,Item  ,G,CustFacLoc          ,CusF,Location            ,Loc.,Re,RJ,NO,RE,HighLe,Numera,Denom.,Uni,Numera,Deno
    Table: IT_SD_MON_SCH Entries:                   0
    No.,M,Number      ,Item  ,Schd,GI Dt/Time,UE,
    Edited by: SCM_Func on Oct 6, 2008 7:19 PM

  • MCOD system  -  Isolation of components

    Dear all,
    I am having a query in isolating the components in MCOD database. Let me clearly explain the scenario.
    Existing Landscape : Sql 2000 , ECC 5 , BW 3.5 and XI 3.0 -- 32 bit
    New landscape       : Sql 2005  , ECC 5, Bw 3.5   and XI3.0 -- 64 bit
    In One database we have installaed the 3 instances like ECC , BW  and  XI. Now we are going to isolate the components from mcod and going to install seprate instances with seprate databases.
    My question is that.  1. Is that posssible to isolate the component individually from Mcod.? is
                                        possible how it can be done?
                                   2. what are the steps we need to consider?
                                   3. Is that possible to attach the exported from mcod?
            Note: this is the production server so we have down time very less,
    Please suggest me with your valuble points

    Hi markus,
    I am trying to export the component in test  and then in production server.
    In test server the empty screen is displaying like
    *This is r3trans version 6.13 (Release 6.40 -12.12.05 - 14:24:12 )
    Unicode enabled version*
    In production server its displaying the below
    *This is r3trans version 6.13 (Release 6.40 -12.12.05 - 14:24:12 )
    Unicode enabled version
    2EETW169 no connect possible: u201C connect failed with DBLI_RC_LOAD_LIB_FAILEDu201D*
    In test server I have applied the recent patches of  all the below ones,
    *In production trans.log contanins
    4 ETW000 r3trans version 6.13 (release 640 - 12.12.05 - 14:24:42).
    4 ETW000 unicode enabled version
    4 ETW000 ===============================================
    4 ETW000
    4 ETW000 date&time   : 23.12.2008 - 10:29:04
    4 ETW000 control file: <no ctrlfile>
    4 ETW000 R3trans was called as follows: r3trans -d
    4 ETW000  trace at level 2 opened for a given file pointer
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Tue Dec 23 10:29:04 2008                                  0.000000
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  db_con_init called                                        0.000000
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  create_con (con_name=R/3)                                 0.000000
    4 ETW000  [dbcon.c     ,00000]  *** ERROR => Invalid profile parameter dbms/type (or environment variable dbms_type) = <undef>, cannot load DB library
    4 ETW000                                                                                0.000000
    2EETW169 no connect possible: "connect failed with DBLI_RC_LOAD_LIB_FAILED."
    In default profile,, we are maintaing the following variables and i hope you can understand what i am trying to do from my earlier post.
    dbms/type = mss
    dbs/mss/server = Careview-db
    dbs/mss/schema = bwp
    dbs/mss/dbname = PRD
    In test trans.log
    4 ETW000 r3trans version 6.13 (release 640 - 12.12.05 - 14:24:42).
    4 ETW000 unicode enabled version
    4 ETW000 ===============================================
    4 ETW000
    4 ETW000 date&time   : 23.12.2008 - 11:29:16
    4 ETW000 control file: <no ctrlfile>
    4 ETW000 R3trans was called as follows: r3trans -d
    4 ETW000  trace at level 2 opened for a given file pointer
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Tue Dec 23 11:29:18 2008                                  0.000000
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  db_con_init called                                        0.000000
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  create_con (con_name=R/3)                                 0.000000
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Loading DB library 'dbmssslib.dll' ...                48  0.000048
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  load shared library (dbmssslib.dll), hdl 0          8512  0.008560
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]      using "E:\usr\sap\BWA\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll"
    4 ETW000                                                                              85  0.008645
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Library 'dbmssslib.dll' loaded                        29  0.008674
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  function DbSlExpFuns loaded from library dbmssslib.dll
    4 ETW000                                                                              25  0.008699
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Version of 'dbmssslib.dll' is "640.00", patchlevel (0.100)
    4 ETW000                                                                            1254  0.009953
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  function dsql_db_init loaded from library dbmssslib.dll
    4 ETW000                                                                              40  0.009993
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  function dbdd_exp_funs loaded from library dbmssslib.dll
    4 ETW000                                                                                0.009993
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  New connection 0 created                             228  0.010221
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = -000000001 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    4 ETW000                                                                              39  0.010260
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  db_con_connect (con_name=R/3)                         37  0.010297
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  find_con_by_name found the following connection for reuse:
    4 ETW000                                                                              24  0.010321
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = 000000000 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    4 ETW000                                                                              32  0.010353
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Thank You for using the SLOLEDB-interface           7392  0.017745
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Using dynamic link library 'E:\usr\sap\BWA\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll'
    4 ETW000                                                                               7  0.017752
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  dbmssslib.dll patch info                               6  0.017758
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    patchlevel   0                                       6  0.017764
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    patchno      103                                     5  0.017769
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    patchcomment MSSQL: Error in explain with run time (903705)
    4 ETW000                                                                               4  0.017773
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  np:(local) connection used on CARETEST-DB            423  0.018196
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  CopyLocalParameters: dbuser is 'acc'                  22  0.018218
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Tue Dec 23 11:29:19 2008                           30554  0.048772
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Provider SQLNCLI could not be initialized. See note #734034 for more information.
    4 ETW000                                                                              51  0.048823
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Using provider SQLOLEDB instead.                     163  0.048986
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  OpenOledbConnection: MARS property was not set.      349  0.049335
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Provider Release:08.10.1830                        34245  0.083580
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Provider SQLNCLI could not be initialized. See note #734034 for more information.
    4 ETW000                                                                            1086  0.084666
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Using provider SQLOLEDB instead.                      16  0.084682
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Cache sizes: header 68 bytes, 100 names (157600 bytes), 100 dynamic statements (567200 bytes), total 724868 bytes
    4 ETW000                                                                           19476  0.104158
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Initializing private procedure name cache.            17  0.104175
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  procedure cache created/attached                      43  0.104218
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Connected to db server : [CARETEST-DB] server_used : [np:(local)], dbname: ACC, dbuser: acc
    4 ETW000                                                                              38  0.104256
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  pn_id:CARETEST-DB_ACCACC                              11  0.104267
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Not using MARS (on sql 8.0)                           15  0.104282
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Connection 0 opened (DBSL handle 0)                  418  0.104700
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  The IRow interface is supported by this OLEDB provider
    4 ETW000                                                                           76280  0.180980
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Provider SQLNCLI could not be initialized. See note #734034 for more information.
    4 ETW000                                                                            1681  0.182661
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Using provider SQLOLEDB instead.                      16  0.182677
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  DbSlBegRead[2]: ##Y3CARETESTacc00000063320000000002112919
    4 ETW000                                                                           22170  0.204847
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Tue Dec 23 11:29:22 2008                         2853361  3.058208
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: Structure of NTAB on DB is VERS_B              433  3.058641
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: standalone processing                           87  3.058728
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: read profile                                    22  3.058750
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: rsdb/ntab/entrycount 1000.                      16  3.058766
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: rsdb/ntab/ftabsize 500.                         15  3.058781
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: rsdb/ntab/irbdsize 100.                         15  3.058796
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: rsdb/ntab/sntabsize 100.                        20  3.058816
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: compute_hash_card: 2003.                        48  3.058864
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: maxcnt 1000.                                    26  3.058890
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: hfactor 2003.                                   13  3.058903
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: mem_protocol_size 104                           14  3.058917
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: hdr_backpack_offset 0                           14  3.058931
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: hdr_backpack_size 0                             13  3.058944
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: header_size 44.                           14  3.058958
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: item_size 36.                             14  3.058972
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: item_cnt 1000.                            14  3.058986
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: unit_size 4                               14  3.059000
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: unit_cnt 128000.                          48  3.059048
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: data_size 512000.                         15  3.059063
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: header_size 44.                           14  3.059077
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: item_size 36.                             14  3.059091
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: item_cnt 250.                             14  3.059105
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: unit_size 8                               13  3.059118
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: unit_cnt 12800.                           14  3.059132
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: data_size 102400.                         14  3.059146
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: header_size 44.                           14  3.059160
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: item_size 36.                             14  3.059174
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: item_cnt 250.                             14  3.059188
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: unit_size 4                               13  3.059201
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: unit_cnt 25600.                           14  3.059215
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: data_size 102400.                         15  3.059230
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: header_size 148.                          14  3.059244
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: item_size 24.                             14  3.059258
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: item_cnt 1000.                            14  3.059272
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: unit_size 256                             14  3.059286
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: unit_cnt 1000.                            13  3.059299
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: data_size 256000.                         15  3.059314
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: hh_p 2347eb8, hh_len 44                 3816  3.063130
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: aa_p 251c590, aa_len 8012                 39  3.063169
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: ia_p 251e4e8, ia_len 36000                15  3.063184
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: dat_p 252a008, dat_len 512000             14  3.063198
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: hh_p 2346b58, hh_len 44                   14  3.063212
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: aa_p 2527190, aa_len 8012                 13  3.063225
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: ia_p 25a7010, ia_len 9000                 13  3.063238
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: dat_p 25a9340, dat_len 102400             14  3.063252
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: hh_p 2346b90, hh_len 44                   13  3.063265
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: aa_p 25c2348, aa_len 8012                 13  3.063278
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: ia_p 25c42a0, ia_len 9000                 14  3.063292
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: dat_p 2a90048, dat_len 102400                 3.063292
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: hh_p 2344718, hh_len 148                   1  3.063293
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: aa_p 2aa9050, aa_len 8012                     3.063293
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: ia_p 25c65d0, ia_len 24000                    3.063293
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: dat_p 2aaafa8, dat_len 256000                 3.063293
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: ntab_mem_protocol 2344718, ntab_mp_p 2344718, ntab_proc_id 0
    4 ETW000                                                                               1  3.063294
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: FTAB: hh_p 2347eb8, ha_list 251c590, hi_list 251e4e8, buffer 252a008
    4 ETW000                                                                             196  3.063490
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: IREC: hh_p 2346b58, ha_list 2527190, hi_list 25a7010, buffer 25a9340
    4 ETW000                                                                              50  3.063540
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: STAB: hh_p 2346b90, ha_list 25c2348, hi_list 25c42a0, buffer 2a90048
    4 ETW000                                                                              27  3.063567
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: TTAB: hh_p 2344780, ha_list 2aa9050, hi_list 25c65d0, buffer 2aaafa8
    4 ETW000                                                                              25  3.063592
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: mem_handler: alloc for 500 elems, task 0, art 0
    4 ETW000                                                                               8  3.063600
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: mem_handler: alloc for 500 elems, task 0, art 1
    4 ETW000                                                                             139  3.063739
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: mem_handler: alloc for 500 elems, task 0, art 2
    4 ETW000                                                                              95  3.063834
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  NTAB: mem_handler: alloc for 500 elems, task 0, art 3
    4 ETW000                                                                              72  3.063906
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Found proc Y3I000003A7G1FK0612DDNTFi1o4ns on db - doesn't exist in cache
    4 ETW000                                                                           19102  3.083008
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  DbSlBegRead[0]: Y3I000003A7G1FK0612DDNTFi1o4ns        52  3.083060

  • I/O CDP relevant input components in PDS with wrong quantity

    Dear Experts,
    In my PDS, I  have 2 components which are I/O type CDP relevant input. Problem is that in the PDS, these CDP component quantities are wrong in comparison with quantities maintained in the R/3 BoM Master Recipe.
    Components are classified with a class type 023 in R/3 - batch specific unit of measure, and product master is classified with a class type 400 (CDP classification) in APO.  Configuration schema is CDP in APO and as mentioned, I am using PDS instead of PPMs. Note that finish product, father, is not using any CDP class, it is only some of the components.
    So problem is basically that the quantities are not right, it looks like it is not doing right the conversion of units of measure however for the non CDP components, it is doing it OK.
    Component BoM quantity is 46 Kg and PDS component quantity is 46 BRL. Note that base unit of measure is BRL.
    But  If  I check material master units of measure, I see that 1 BRL(Barrel) --> 1 BRL  and then  75Kg --> I  BRL (Barrel). Same for in the Product Master units of measure tab.
    Am I missing something?
    Thanks in advance

    Any clue of why components quantities are not being transferred right.
    Thanks a lot for your feedback

  • Components Quantity Increased while doing the costing second run in 2011

    While doing the second costing run in same year (2011), we found there was a change in components quantity (increased) and this is not exaptable / wrong.
    dispite the fact that we did not make any change in the BOM of this SKU between the two calculations and there is no cost lot changes. There is no Price change also.
    Can any one explain, What are all the possibilities to increase the component quantities.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Kumar
    Check if there is % Consumption scrap in material master data and BOM item.
    I believe this is the only way you can increase consumption without changing the quantities in BOM.

  • Reading all input components from PDS

    Hi experts,
    My requirement is--- based on a manufactured product (procurement type-F) , I have to retrieve  corresponding distribution product (procurement type-E) .
    For this purpose , I think I will have to read the PDS for that manufactured product (procurement type-F).
    How to read the PDS in the z-program?
    I have found a BAPI called BAPI_PDSSRVAPSIF_RECEIVELIST which reads PDS , but I am not able to use the BAPI. In other words , I am not able to get the proper data to use it , example, where to give the F type material,and where to get the corresponding E type materials..Please help..
    If you know any table in APO which contains all PDS input and output components, please suggest it..

    Can you please give me the link to APO Forum , from where I can get quick replies..

  • WebdynproJava Components giving error while migrating from NWDS SP03 toSP09

    The original DC's were developed in lower NWDS patch level, currently i have upgraded the patch level of NWDS to 09 and importing the Wed Dynpro components from NWDI; but some of the DC's are proper but some are giving error.
    I tried Project build, DC build and Repairing the DC's but nothing worked.

    Hi Siarhei,
    The constructor WSTypedModel(String, String, QName, String, Map, String, IWSTypedModelInfo, Map<String,QName>) is undefined
    Versions of '' are different.
    Versions of '' are different.
    Versions of '' are different.
    Forgot to mention i am working on CE7.1

  • Error while CIF the PPM - PPM has no activities

    Dear Experts,
         When i am trying to CIF the PPM from ECC, i am encounter with the following error:
    The PPM could not be created because no activity could be generated from the master data upon which this is based.
    The PPM is not transferred.
      Please guide me how to resolve this error.
    For kind information i maintained production version with routing in the material master.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Babu,
    Please Check on the following things.
    1) All operations and activities in Bom & routing are maintained
    2) Processing time & set up time are maintained
    3) The resource under the ppm is maintained in all respects
    R. Senthil Mareeswaran.

  • User Exit or BADI in APO to change sales order relevant data while CIF

    Hi Everyone,
    I require User exit or BADI at APO side to change customer field kunnr of sales order after it enters APO through CIF.
    My requirement is to replace KUNNR field with KDGRP field of sales order.
    The data will pass through CIF in APO.
    Is there any user exit or BADI for the same?
    Sample code will be of great help.

    Hi ,
    Resolved myself.
    customer exit APOCF010

  • Business Components not available while using Model Configurator in ID

    In ESR:
    I created a ProcessIntegrationScenario PIS_myScenario (and completed with sender and receiver components, actions etc)
    In ID:
    I created and activated two BusinessComponents: BC_A and BC_B
    I created a new Configuration Scenario: CS_Test, and selected Type of ES Repository Model:"Process Integration Scenario".
    and launched "Model Configurator".
    Now in the step "Assign Components" i see a tab "Assign Business System Components for A2A Configuration" , in that for "Communication Component" value, when i tried to select from the value list, it is only showing the Business Systems and not the Business Components BC_A and BC_B.
    By using the "Model Configurator" how can we create scenarios using the "Business Components" instead of "Business Systems".
    as i am trying the test scenarios, i want to use Business Components, i.e business services in earlier versions.
    I also opened the Business Components BC_A and BC_B and added the corresponding inbound and outbound service interfaces in the receiver and sender tabs.
    after that also, the Business Components are not visible for selecting from within Model configurator.
    let us know if its possible

    thanks abhishek for your reply.
    as mentioned in the reference link given by you, i edited the Process Integration Scenario in ESR, i ticked the checkbox "External Party with B2B Communication", and activated.
    In ID, in Model configurator, i can now see and select the Business Components BS_A and BS_B.
    but when i try to generate the configuration objects, it says: Not Configurable: Component view only contains external application components.
    so cannot proceed with Model configurator with Business components, in my scenario.
    seems i need to use only Business Systems.

  • Random file corruption with SSHFS, while CIFS is fine

    I'm not sure what is happening, but it seems that sometimes, files read from a  sshfs mount come up corrupted. I have checked my filesystem and my RAM for errors on both ends, everything comes up clean.
    I'm currently mounting my shares as
    fuse.sshfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,idmap=user,_netdev,identityfile=/home/azure/.ssh/id_rsa,allow_other,default_permissions,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=0,reconnect,cache=yes,kernel_cache,ciphers=arcfour,compression=no 0 0
    I tried copying several 300MB files, and different file(s) ends up partially corrupted. Checking the same file repeatedly does not make the checksum change as it usually happens with faulty RAM.
    Only hint I have is that apparently it is always a block of exactly 2048 bytes that gets corrupted. It's filled with some data, so it's not getting "lost". My hunch is that either the encoding or decoding with arcfour is the culprit. Small files (~40mb) don't seem to be affected, else I'd get decoding errors/glitches on my music. Mounting the same share as cifs makes the problems disappear. Any ideas what might be causing this?

    It just happened again. The file is fine on the other side, but I only see the "cached" state of it on my side. I will try removing "cache=yes" from the mount parameters, but if it's what causing it, then it's some shitty cache if it can't detect the file changed on the other side.
    edit: setting "cache=no" seems to have cleared the cache and is showing the updated file content. The question now for me is, is that a bug in ssh, sshfs or dolphin?
    Last edited by Soukyuu (2015-06-06 19:53:36)

  • Exclusion of Dumps while ciffing

    When pushing planned orders from ECC to APO, source invalid error is showing for some orders in queue. Simultaneously dumps are also generating with RAISE_EXCEPTION.
    Could you please help how we can restrict SAP from generating these dumps occuring due to  Exception condition "SOURCE_INVALID" raised.

    Hi Prasanth
    As long as CIF Queue enconters an exception error during processing, it will result into dump. You may try to fix route cause or save the error queues so that they are segregated and do not generate repreated dumps.

  • SQL error while CIF

    Hi ,
    I am getting following error while CIFing from R/3 to APO "SQL error in the database when accessing a table" what will be the issue?

    Hi Rajesh,
    Activate the Queue block entries in /SAPAPO/CQ and this will clear the block.

  • How to check PDS after CIF

    Hi All:
    I activated a Intergration model with PDS and BOM, but how do I see them in APO.
    I did try in SCE but couldnt find them.
    Help requested. Thank you

    hi mono
    you can see it in the masterdata> PDS> display PDS
    you cant see it in the SCE without assigning it to a model

  • CIF issue :PDS components are not transfering to APO

    i am not getting input components in PDS. only master output compnent available in PDS.
    why i am not getting input components in PDS? i checked R/3 PV, BOM , routing....everything fine... everything moved correctly to APO except input components( BOM components)
    any setting  or config i am missing  ??

    Check the below:
    1.  FG Materials and all the Component Material to be in APO in a Active Integration Model.
    2.  BOM & Routing and Production Version setup  correctly.
    3.  The Routing Operations have to Relevant to 'SCHEDULING'.  
    4. Try deleting the existing Integration model for materials & re-create new IM & activate. (In my case, this have solved the issue)
    5. If this still does not work ... if your Integration Model is already Active ... try if recreate the IM for PDS from ECC ... to see if it sends. 
    Hope this helps.

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