[Issue] Track Stacks Bug When Hidden

This is pretty hard to explain, but I'll do my best!
When a track stack (folder) is hidden in the arrange page using the 'H' icon, upon unhiding, the arrangement of tracks is changed in the mixer. The Folder header track is placed at the end of the mixer, instead of to the left of the tracks within the stack (where it should be).
Hope that makes sense.

It happens in Tracks view. Here's what happens here: In this pic, I have placed my groups into a folder stack. Everything as expected.
In this pic, I have 'hidden' the groups in the arrange windows. However, on the mixer, the track order becomes scrambled and the group 'header' is placed on the far right.
I would've thought that stacked tracks sholud maintain their hierarchy whether hidden, or not!

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    Unfortunately the problem persists on OC4J904, so the alternative for you is to use OC4J902, you can setup a new container on a different port (other than used for 902) and register the provider using the direct URL of the OC4J902 container. This should solve the problem.

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    Unfortunately, when I click on the link I get "Error: you do not have permission to view the requested forum or category".
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    Hi Joe, check out the following links for solutions:
    cameron rautmann

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    <!-- /*Remove this */
    body {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        color: #000;
        background:url(Images/websitebackgroundhomee.jpg) repeat scroll 0 0;
        font-family: David;
        font-size: 15px;

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    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

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    Looks like a syntax error in a condition: a missing quote:  :p5_assigned_project = '%||'null%')
        should be
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    I also use CS5 (Design Suite) on a Mac. When I upgraded to Lion, Illustrator did not crash for me, but it (and Photoshop) was acting squirrelly and some of the features did not work at all. After six weeks, I reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled Snow Leopard. Now everything works perfectly.
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    I'm trying to learn, basically by following the steps to produce the Issue Tracker application from the Tutorials section in Apex 3.1. The application was written for Apex 2.x and at one point wants me to put the following query into a report:
    q VARCHAR2(32767); -- query
    w VARCHAR2(4000) ; -- where clause
    we VARCHAR2(1) := 'N'; -- identifies if where clause exists
    q := 'SELECT "ISSUE_ID", '||
    ' "ISSUE_SUMMARY", '||
    ' "IDENTIFIED_BY", '||
    ' "RELATED_PROJECT", '||
    ' "ASSIGNED_TO", '||
    ' "STATUS", '||
    ' "PRIORITY", '||
    ' FROM "#OWNER#"."HT_ISSUES" ';
    IF :P6_IDENTIFIED_BY != '-1'
    we := 'Y';
    END IF;
    IF :P6_RELATED_PROJECT != '-1'
    IF we = 'Y'
    we := 'Y';
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF :P6_ASSIGNED_TO != '-1'
    IF we = 'Y'
    w := w || ' AND ASSIGNED_TO = :P6_ASSIGNED_TO ';
    w := ' ASSIGNED_TO = :P6_ASSIGNED_TO ';
    we := 'Y';
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF :P6_STATUS != '-1'
    IF we = 'Y'
    w := w || ' AND STATUS = :P6_STATUS ';
    w := ' STATUS = :P6_STATUS ';
    we := 'Y';
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF :P6_PRIORITY != '-1'
    IF we = 'Y'
    w := w || ' AND PRIORITY = :P6_PRIORITY ';
    w := ' PRIORITY = :P6_PRIORITY ';
    we := 'Y';
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF we = 'Y'
    THEN q := q || ' WHERE '|| w;
    END IF;
    RETURN q;
    When I do, I get the error "PLS-00372: In a procedure, RETURN statement cannot contain an expression." I googled the error and got the simple advice to turn the query into a function. Simple to many, yes, but not to me. Also, 3.1 does not allow the selection "SQL function returning a query" or some such, only an anonymous PL/SQL block.
    Any help (at a very elementary level, please), please?

    the problem with your code is that it is designed as an PL/SQL body returning an SQL query not as an anonymous PL/SQL block.
    Which version of ApEx are you using? I have taken a look into version 3.1 and there is the possibility to select 'SQL Query (n PL/SQL body returning an SQL query)'.
    Regards, Tine.

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    select VALUE from NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS where parameter='NLS_TERRITORY';
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    create or replace
    v VARCHAR2(20);
    select VALUE into v from NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS where parameter='NLS_TERRITORY';
    RETURN v;
    END K_TEST1;
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    My relevant registry values are:
    In sqldev:
    Language: AMERICAN
    Territory: AMERICA
    -- kris
    No need for that in the title.
    Message was edited by:
    Kris Rice

    Have you tested under SQL*Plus?no probs here
    Basic or TNS?both have the same problem
    SELECT statement or an anonymous PL/SQL blockIssued through the worksheet (as SELECT statement or as anonymous PL/SQL block), there are no probs.
    Running the function through the main menu, the context menu in the navigator, the context menu on the code editor or the play/debug buttons in the code editor will use some system values instead of the NLS parameters.
    AddVMOption -Duser.country=USMagic!
    You've tracked the bug down! Don't know where you got the option from, but that's definitely it.
    Can someone from the team please log this nasty, nasty bug? There are regional oriented functions in Oracle which might (and in our case do) return wrong values! Having preferences and then not respecting them is a lot worse than not having them at all...
    Thanks to our furry friend,

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    Contact your application administrator.
    Error ERR-1016 Application "108" Page "0" not found (requested language="en-us")
    Can I change this to return to the original Issues page 6?

    Yes, you should be able to change this. Look for the branch that is associated with the Delete button.

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    - I created a Yah-Yah talking bass with the FM setting on the Retro Synth
    - used a bitcrusher to create the formant effect by downsampling
    - Then I created a new track for a sub bass sound seperate from the Yah-Yah
    - I put both the Yah-Yah and the Sub Bass into a Summing Track stack.
    - With the Track Stack selected I clicked Save in the Library Named and saved as a Patch, Yah-Yah Bass
    Then when I Create a new track and select my Yah-Yah bass Patch from the library The track stack pops up with some random channel strip settings with busses added and I'm confused as ****. I never had any buses on the original track stack to begin with so where'd they come from???

    It’s possible some of the open images were not in a folder being managed by Elements (normally a sub-folder of Pictures or My Pictures) and you did not notice that only add to Organizer was checked and version set was grayed out. That’s the reason you had to import them.
      If you always open from a sub-folder of the watch folder (normally My Pictures) your edits will get added automatically to a version set.

Maybe you are looking for

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