Issue while installing WCS using omii.ini: Database ping failed

I am trying to install WCS on local linux VM. I am following the document 'Oracle WebCenter Sites: Installing on Oracle WebLogic Application Server".
Following are the things I have been able to do successfully:
Install Oracle DB, create a database and then create a user for this database
Install WebLogic server, create domain, create admin server, managed server, and finally create a datasource. THe datasource connection to the DB created in step 1 above is successfull.
I downloaded the WCS installer from Oracle Website 'WebCenterSites_11.1.1.6_bp1'. I am installing using silent installer using omii.ini file.
During installation, on receiving the prompt to install CS and CAS applications, I installed them successfully via WebLogic console.
I tested the URL 'http://localhost:7001/cs/HelloCS' and it showed me the Oracle WCS 11g page.
Now, when I go back to the wcs installation terminal and hit Enter, it gives following error:
[2013-07-11 01:32:21.861][CS.INSTALL][INFO] 1. If your platform requires you to manually deploy the Sites application, deploy Sites now. Otherwise, continue with step 2 2. Restart your application server. 3. Test the URL http:////HelloCS to see if application is deployed successfully 4. If the test is successful, press ENTER. URL http://localhost:7001/cs/HelloCS [2013-07-11 01:41:16.841][CS.INSTALL][INFO] CSSetupEngine.testConnectionAction:  Testing user configuration and database connectivity. [2013-07-11 01:41:17.118][CS.INSTALL][INFO] CSSetupEngine.postURL:  PostURL success for http://localhost:7001/cs/HelloCS [2013-07-11 01:41:17.118][CS.INSTALL][INFO] CSSetupEngine.testConnectionAction:  Web Server and Application Server Configuration test finished successfully. [2013-07-11 01:41:17.118][CS.INSTALL][INFO] CSSetupEngine.testConnectionAction:  Attempting to Ping the Database. [2013-07-11 01:41:17.459][CS.INSTALL][ERROR] CSSetupEngine.doPing:  Database Ping Failed. Make sure your application server and web server are running. Response received = HTTP/1.1 200 OK HOST_SERVICE: FutureTenseContentServer: Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 20:11:17 GMT Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=vpMNRd1Fwb1NJyb5NH1pXx5dfmPhzzyJL2S3yYry3FwQqL8hFVJ6!1994306862; path=/; HttpOnly Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1 [2013-07-11 01:41:17.459][CS.INSTALL][ERROR] CSSetupEngine.doPing:  Database Ping Failed. Make sure your application server and web server are running. Response received = HTTP/1.1 200 OK HOST_SERVICE: FutureTenseContentServer: Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 20:11:17 GMT Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=vpMNRd1Fwb1NJyb5NH1pXx5dfmPhzzyJL2S3yYry3FwQqL8hFVJ6!1994306862; path=/; HttpOnly Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1 [2013-07-11 01:41:17.460][CS.INSTALL][ERROR] CSSetupEngine.testConnectionAction: Database Ping was attempted with WCSDataSource as the DSN. The URL that was passed in = http://localhost:7001/cs/CatalogManager. Please Check your connection and property files settings. [2013-07-11 01:41:17.460][CS.INSTALL][ERROR] CSSetupEngine.testConnectionAction:  Install was unable to ping the database. Installation has halted. [2013-07-11 01:41:17.461][CS.INSTALL][ERROR] Install failed.                Please check log file.                          Click Yes to modify your install choices      and re-try install.                             Click No to terminate application. 
It looks like DB ping is getting failed.
But I am not sure how to resolve this error.
Please help. I am pasting the content of my bea_omii.ini file that I have used. (Please view as HTML, as formatting is getting lost on this page.)
Do let me know if any other information is required from my end.
#ContentServer install properties #Thu Apr 17 12:03:27 IST 2008 # Content Server Information # Specify the directory where you want to install Content Server i.e on windows C\:/csinstall on unix /opt/csinstall CSInstallDirectory=/home/oracle/WCS # Path to the Shared Directory i.e on windows C\:/csinstall/Shared on unix /opt/csinstall/Shared CSInstallSharedDirectory=/home/oracle/WCS/Shared # For delivery installation set Development to false Development=true # CSInstallType single/upgrade/cluster default is single only needed for upgrade or cluster #CSInstallType=single # This is to select APPSERVER Note: PORTALSERVER is not supported CSInstallPlatformType=APPSERVER # Set the application/portal server you want to install # Possible options are: wls92 for ( weblogic server), websphere60 (for webshpere), tomcat5 (for tomcat) CSInstallAppServerType=wls92 # Set the path to the server directory ex. For weblogic, on windows CSInstallAppServerPath=C\:\\bea\\wlserver_10.3 # on unix CSInstallAppServerPath=/u01/software/bea/wlserver_10.3 CSInstallAppServerPath=/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3 # [WEBLOGIC ONLY] Set the path to the weblogic domain i.e. on windows CSInstallWLDomainPath=C\:/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain # on unix CSInstallWLDomainPath=/u01/software/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain CSInstallWLDomainPath=/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/WCSDomain # [WEBLOGIC ONLY] Set the weblogic domain name i.e. base_domain name from path C\:/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain CSInstallAdminDomainName=WCSDomain # Option for manual deployment (Should always be set to true) CSInstallbManual=true #Manual deployment needs to set the path where installer has to explode the war CSManualDeployPath=/home/oracle/WCS/deployment # Set the context path for your web application for example /cs/ sCgiPath=/cs/ # Set the database type Possible options #CSInstallDatabaseType=  [SQL Server, DB2, Oracle10]  CSInstallDatabaseType=Oracle10 # Set the data source name CSInstallDBDSN=WCSDataSource # By default it is installed as a primary cluster member. To install as cluster member make CSInstallType=cluster. CSInstallType=single #WEM installation IsWEMInstall=TRUE #hostname where cs is installed CASHostName=localhost # port number of cs installation CASPortNumber=7003 #Server HostName of internally accessible CAS CASHostNameLocal=localhost #Server PortNumber of internally accessible CAS CASPortNumberLocal=7003 #Server HostName where CAS is actually deployed CASHostNameActual=localhost # Select the default logger name (possible values com.fatwire.cs.core.logging.StandardLog, com.fatwire.cs.core.logging.TraditionalLog # com.fatwire.cs.core.logging.StandardTraditionalLog , org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger LoggerName=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger # Set the host name where the application will be running CSInstallWebServerAddress=localhost # Set the port number where the application will be running CSInstallWebServerPort=7001 # Set this property to true if you are installing Spark CSInstallSpark=false # Sample Sites Information # Set this true if you want to install Avisports sample site. Avisports=true # CS-Direct and CS-Direct Advantage properties. Please don't touch them ContentCentre=true CatalogCentre=true # Set this true if you want to install CS Engage otherwise false MarketingStudio=true # Set this to true if you want to install Commerce Connectors CommerceConnector=true # Set this to true to install Structure and Navigation for FS2 this is only installed if this is development mode FSCore=true # Set this to true to install Engage Extensions for Structure and Navigation. This depends on Development and FSCore FSEngageCore=true # Set this to true to install Store Schema. This depends on Development and FSCore FSStoreSchema=true # Set this to true to install Engage Extensions for Store Schema. This depends on Development, CommereceConnector and FSEngageCore FSEngageStoreSchema=true # Set this to true to install Document Schema. This depends on Development and FSCore FSDocSchema=true # Set this to true to install Sample Visitors. This depends on Development and FSCore FSLocalUser=true # Set this to true to install Pretty URL Package. This depends on Development and FSCore FSPrettyURL=true # Set this to true to install Store Demo Data. This depends on Development and FSStoreSchema FSStoreDemoData=true # Set this to true to install Document Demo Data. This depends on Development and FSDocSchema FSDocDemoData=true # Set this to true to install Engage Store Data. This depends on Development,FSStoreDemoData,FSEngageStoreSchema and FSStoreSchema FSEngageStoreDemoData=true # If you want to install First Site II Site View set it true otherwise false. This depends on Development and FSStoreSchema FSSiteView=true # Set this to true to install Analytics. This depends on Development,FSCore,FSEngageCore,FSStoreSchema,CommerceConnector and CatalogCentre FSAnalytics=true # Set this to true to install Legacy (core) asset types (Article, Linkset). This depends on Development and ContentCentre CCSampleAssets=true # Set this to true to install Burlington Financial asset types. This depends on Development and ContentCentre CCSampleAssetsBF=true # Set this to true to install Engage and Analytics extensions for Burlington Financial. This depends on Development,MarketingStudio and ContentCentre MSSampleAssetsBF=true # Set this to true to install HelloAssetWorld asset types. This depends on Development and ContentCentre CCSampleAssetsHW=true # Set this to true to install GE Lighting asset types. This depends on Development and ContentCentre CatCSampleAssets=true # Set this to true to install Hello World sample site.  This depends on Development and ContentCentre CCSampleSiteHW=true # Set this to true to install Burlington Financial sample site. This depends on CCSampleAssets and CCSampleAssetsBF CCSampleSiteBF=true # Set this to true to install Burlington Financial Extensions sample site. MSSampleSiteBF=true # Set this to true to install GE Lighting sample site. MSSampleSiteGE=true # Spark sample site components # Set this to true to install Document Management sample asset types DMSampleAssets=false # Set this to true to install Content Management sample asset types WCMSampleAssets=false # Set this to true to install Base Components SparkSampleSite=false # Set this to true to install Sample Data SparkSampleData=false # Set this to true to install Sample Portlets. Set this true if this is a portal server SparkSamplePortlets=false

Thanks for your reply Yct.
I got the ping issue resolved today, there was an issue in the data source. Finally I was able to complete the installation successfully.
But there is one more issue now. After completing the installation, I am trying to access the URL to get to the WCS login page, but with no success.
Below, I am mentioning few URLs that I tried, and the outcome:
http://localhost:7001/cs/HelloCS ,           This URL gives me a page with some static content messages like 'Welcome to Oracle WebCenter Sites 11gR1'. Then there are some text lines in blue color. I think this page is working as expected.
http://localhost:7001/cs/login , this URL automatically gets redirected to the URL 'http://localhost:7003/cas/login?service=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A7001%2Fcs%2Fwem%2Ffatwire%2Fwem%2FWelcome' and I get an error message 'Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:7003.'
http://localhost:7001/cas/login, this takes me to login page, where when I enter fwadmin@xceladmin credentials, I am taken to JASIG Central Authentication Service page, which is again static, and I can't do anything on this page
http://localhost:7001/cs/Satellite?c=Page&cid=1327351719456&pagename=avisports%2FPage%2FHomeLayout1 , this takes me to the Avisports site, which is functional
http://localhost:7001/cs/Satellite?c=Page&childpagename=FirstSiteII%2FFSIILayout&cid=1124747609916&pagename=FSIIWrapper, this takes me to he FirstSit page, which is again functional
Issue: I am not getting the main login page, where I would get 3 sites(Avisports/FirstsiteII) in the dropdown.
Looks like there is something wrong going on.
Following I am pasting my omii.ini file, if it helps:
#ContentServer install properties
#Thu Apr 17 12:03:27 IST 2008
# Content Server Information
# Specify the directory where you want to install Content Server i.e on windows C\:/csinstall on unix /opt/csinstall
# Path to the Shared Directory i.e on windows C\:/csinstall/Shared on unix /opt/csinstall/Shared
# For delivery installation set Development to false
# CSInstallType single/upgrade/cluster default is single only needed for upgrade or cluster
# This is to select APPSERVER Note: PORTALSERVER is not supported
# Set the application/portal server you want to install
# Possible options are: wls92 for ( weblogic server), websphere60 (for webshpere), tomcat5 (for tomcat)
# Set the path to the server directory ex. For weblogic, on windows CSInstallAppServerPath=C\:\\bea\\wlserver_10.3
# on unix CSInstallAppServerPath=/u01/software/bea/wlserver_10.3
# [WEBLOGIC ONLY] Set the path to the weblogic domain i.e. on windows CSInstallWLDomainPath=C\:/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain
# on unix CSInstallWLDomainPath=/u01/software/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain
# [WEBLOGIC ONLY] Set the weblogic domain name i.e. base_domain name from path C\:/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain
# Option for manual deployment (Should always be set to true)
#Manual deployment needs to set the path where installer has to explode the war
# Set the context path for your web application for example /cs/
# Set the database type Possible options
#CSInstallDatabaseType=  [SQL Server, DB2, Oracle10] 
# Set the data source name
# By default it is installed as a primary cluster member. To install as cluster member make CSInstallType=cluster.
#WEM installation
#hostname where cs is installed
# port number of cs installation
#Server HostName of internally accessible CAS
#Server PortNumber of internally accessible CAS
#Server HostName where CAS is actually deployed
# Select the default logger name (possible values com.fatwire.cs.core.logging.StandardLog, com.fatwire.cs.core.logging.TraditionalLog
# com.fatwire.cs.core.logging.StandardTraditionalLog , org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger
# Set the host name where the application will be running
# Set the port number where the application will be running
# Set this property to true if you are installing Spark
# Sample Sites Information
# Set this true if you want to install Avisports sample site.
# CS-Direct and CS-Direct Advantage properties. Please don't touch them
# Set this true if you want to install CS Engage otherwise false
# Set this to true if you want to install Commerce Connectors
# Set this to true to install Structure and Navigation for FS2 this is only installed if this is development mode
# Set this to true to install Engage Extensions for Structure and Navigation. This depends on Development and FSCore
# Set this to true to install Store Schema. This depends on Development and FSCore
# Set this to true to install Engage Extensions for Store Schema. This depends on Development, CommereceConnector and FSEngageCore
# Set this to true to install Document Schema. This depends on Development and FSCore
# Set this to true to install Sample Visitors. This depends on Development and FSCore
# Set this to true to install Pretty URL Package. This depends on Development and FSCore
# Set this to true to install Store Demo Data. This depends on Development and FSStoreSchema
# Set this to true to install Document Demo Data. This depends on Development and FSDocSchema
# Set this to true to install Engage Store Data. This depends on Development,FSStoreDemoData,FSEngageStoreSchema and FSStoreSchema
# If you want to install First Site II Site View set it true otherwise false. This depends on Development and FSStoreSchema
# Set this to true to install Analytics. This depends on Development,FSCore,FSEngageCore,FSStoreSchema,CommerceConnector and CatalogCentre
# Set this to true to install Legacy (core) asset types (Article, Linkset). This depends on Development and ContentCentre
# Set this to true to install Burlington Financial asset types. This depends on Development and ContentCentre
# Set this to true to install Engage and Analytics extensions for Burlington Financial. This depends on Development,MarketingStudio and ContentCentre
# Set this to true to install HelloAssetWorld asset types. This depends on Development and ContentCentre
# Set this to true to install GE Lighting asset types. This depends on Development and ContentCentre
# Set this to true to install Hello World sample site.  This depends on Development and ContentCentre
# Set this to true to install Burlington Financial sample site. This depends on CCSampleAssets and CCSampleAssetsBF
# Set this to true to install Burlington Financial Extensions sample site.
# Set this to true to install GE Lighting sample site.
# Spark sample site components
# Set this to true to install Document Management sample asset types
# Set this to true to install Content Management sample asset types
# Set this to true to install Base Components
# Set this to true to install Sample Data
# Set this to true to install Sample Portlets. Set this true if this is a portal server

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    Hi RajendraP,
    Please also make sure Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) must be installed as a prerequisite on computers running Windows 7. To install SP1, go to
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    If there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Hi Binay,
    You might want to consider instead installing it using JDK 1.6.
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    Hi Melanie, Thank you very much for replying me so soon!!
    I am using this version:
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    (Version, approx. 113.36 MB)11 Feb 2008
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    Thanks in advance !!!

    Can you please explain what you mean by 'install' in this context? Memory size is not an installation time option with TimesTen. It sounds to me like you mean 'am not able to configure a TimesTen database to use xxx MB/GB of memory' rather than 'unable to install TimesTen'?
    With a 32-bit operating system the largest TimesTen database you will be able to create is 2 GB. If you need a larger TimesTen database then you need to run 64-bit TimesTen on a 64-bit OS.
    It general it really isn't a good idea to run TimesTen on the same machine as the Oracle database. Perhaps you can share what your overall objectives are? WHat are you looking to achieve by using TimesTen? If we understand that we can give better advice.

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    During the installation of CS, I faced an issue while integrating with LDAP. In log it showed "Could not connect to the application server.Error in creating LDIF file.
    I had given the valid credentials.
    Have anyone faced this issue previously, if so please guide me thorugh.
    And also, Is it mandatory to use LDAP ?
    Rahul Nair

    It sounds like the application server was turned off whilst you were running the LDAP configuration tool. The tool needs the application server to be running.
    It's not mandatory to have LDAP integration with CS, from what I have seen most existing customers don't use it. There are also some performance benefits to avoiding LDAP integration.
    If you do want LDAP integration then you don't need to configure it immediately after install. The LDAP configuration tool can be run separately, e.g. after you are happy the fresh install is working as expected.

  • Issue while installing

    HI All,
    I am getting this error while installing.
    I tried to modify the task file by changing from err to ign.The problem is that the taks sapview.tsk contains many entries i cannot change one and then try sapinst because i dont know what all views were created.Is there a way to check all the views created in the system.
    I have changed from err to ign as it is a view and no data in it.How can we find out what all views are created.Thanks.
    DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    DbSlExecute: rc = 102
      (SQL error 955)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    /usr/sap/ONW/SYS/exe/run/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
    /usr/sap/ONW/SYS/exe/run/R3load: END OF LOG: 20111123090308

    Please make sure you have all the views created else there will be issues in the system . These even though are only definitions , but are extremely important as they are referenced.
    Some of the views have been created , so its not able to create a duplicate view in the SAP schema.
    What you can do is change all the status to err in SAPVIEW.TSK and retry with the import.
    That should drop and re-create all the views.
    You should not manually change .TSK files unless you are very confident of the consequences .
    Edited by: Ratnajit Dey on Nov 24, 2011 9:20 AM

  • Issue while Installing Oracle Data Access Software for Windows

    Iam getting the following error while installing Oracle Data Access Software for windows. Iam installing in WindowsXP, with Oracle 9i release DB and client in the same Box.
    It shows
    The Specified Key key was not found while trying to GetValue
    * Stop installation of all Products
    * Stop installtion of this componenent only.
    Kindly let me know why this error is showing up.

    Most probably you have hit this issue:
    "If you have more than one Oracle Home installed on the same machine (e.g. Oracle8i client and Oracle9i Release 2 client), use the Oracle Home Selector to run your applications with Oracle9i Release 2 client. "
    As documented on the Oracle Data Access Software for Windows. Release
    ~ Madrid.

  • Issue while generating report using web.show_document with https

    Hi All,
    I am facing some issue while seeing the report using web.show_document as shown below:
    In this case the report opens directly without asking for me to save or open or cancel option
    whereas if I hit
    it asks for save or open or cancel option
    so that I can save the report to my machine and open in wordpad format
    The report generated in the first case is not coming in proper format
    Below are my forms.conf mappings:
    # Name
    # forms.conf - Forms component Apache directives configuration file.
    # Purpose
    # It should include the weblogic managed server (routing) directives for
    # the servers where Forms applications are deployed and other miscellaneous
    # Forms component OHS directives.
    # Remarks
    # This file is included with the OHS configuration under
    # $OI/config/OHS/<OHS Node Name>/moduleconf sub-directory.
    # virtual mapping for the /forms/html mapping.
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^/forms/html/(..*) /workaroundhtml/$1 [PT]
    AliasMatch ^/workaroundhtml/(..*) "/ucrmap1/weblogic/bea/ucrms/config/FormsComponent/forms/html/$1"
    RewriteRule ^/ucrms/icons/(..*) "/workaroundicons/$1" [PT]
    AliasMatch ^/workaroundicons/(..*) "/ucrmap1/weblogic/bea/ORA_PFRD/forms/java/$1"
    RewriteRule ^/forms/help/(..*) "/workaroundhelp/$1" [PT]
    AliasMatch ^/workaroundhelp/(..*) "/ucrmap1/ucrrgbg2/help/$1"
    <Location /forms>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicCluster kauh0079:9001
    DynamicServerList OFF
    Please let me know what needs to be done additionally if we are trying to hit https because in the second case we were hitting http with similar mapping in diff environment and it was generating report successfully.

    Thanks for answering,
    I changed the URL from
    and the same problem occured
    the file is located on my local C drive in:
    seems as though I am missing something else as well
    any ideas?

  • Issue while starting AdminSerever using wlst commands

    Hi, I am facing issue while trying to start the AdminServer and Managed Server via nodemanager using wlst commands. I have installelled WebLogic 11g on windows 2008 R2. Mentioned below are the steps that I followed:
    1) In files I set following parameters to true. I did this, so that nodemanager can start the server in case of crash.
    2) started nodemanager and then started AdminServer from the command prompt as follows:
    I dont see any errors but it seems the AdminServer do Not start properly as in the cmd window I don't see any 'started successfully' message - the message remains as *"Starting AdminServer..."*
    However in the adminServer logs I see that the status is Running (refer logs at the end) and I can also see it as Running in weblogic console.
    I really didnt care if its not giving a success message in cmd window but the problem occurs when I start the managedServer. After starting the managed server in about 10 minutes, there is a stuck thread. (I guess it is 10 mins because Stuck Thread MaxTime value is 600).
    If I set StartScriptEnabled=false, and start by directly running the startweblogic.cmd then it works fine.
    I am struggling with this for last 1 week, appreciate any help.
    Starting WLS with line:
    E:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK16~1.0_2\bin\java -client -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:CompileThreshold=8000 -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dweblogic.Name=AdminServer\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3\server\lib\weblogic.policy -Xverify:none -da -Dplatform.home=E:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3 -Dwls.home=E:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3\server -Dwli.home=E:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3\integration -Dweblogic.home=E:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3\server -Dwlw.iterativeDev=false -Dwlw.testConsole=false -Dwlw.logErrorsToConsole=false -Dweblogic.ext.dirs=E:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\patch_wls1035\profiles\default\sysext_manifest_classpath;E:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\patch_ocp360\profiles\default\sysext_manifest_classpath weblogic.Server
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:30 PM CDT> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090905> <Disabling CryptoJ JCE Provider self-integrity check for better startup performance. To enable this check, specify>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:30 PM CDT> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090906> <Changing the default Random Number Generator in RSA CryptoJ from ECDRBG to FIPS186PRNG. To disable this change, specify>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:30 PM CDT> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting WebLogic Server with Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Version 20.2-b06 from Sun Microsystems Inc.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:31 PM CDT> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141107> <Version: WebLogic Server Fri Apr 1 20:20:06 PDT 2011 1398638 >
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:32 PM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STARTING>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:32 PM CDT> <Info> <WorkManager> <BEA-002900> <Initializing self-tuning thread pool>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:32 PM CDT> <Notice> <Log Management> <BEA-170019> <The server log file E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\IMDomain\servers\AdminServer\logs\AdminServer.log is opened. All server side log events will be written to this file.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:36 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090082> <Security initializing using security realm myrealm.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:37 PM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STANDBY>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:37 PM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STARTING>
    Mar 14, 2012 3:16:39 PM com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener contextInitialized
    INFO: Initializing Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_03-b04-FCS) for context '/console'
    Mar 14, 2012 3:16:39 PM com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener contextInitialized
    INFO: Completed initializing Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_03-b04-FCS) for context '/console'
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:40 PM CDT> <Notice> <Log Management> <BEA-170027> <The Server has established connection with the Domain level Diagnostic Service successfully.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:40 PM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to ADMIN>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:40 PM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RESUMING>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:40 PM CDT> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default" is now listening on for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:40 PM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000329> <Started WebLogic Admin Server "AdminServer" for domain "IMDomain" running in Production Mode>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:40 PM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RUNNING>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:16:40 PM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090171> <Loading the identity certificate and private key stored under the alias DemoIdentity from the jks keystore file E:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3\server\lib\DemoIdentity.jks.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090169> <Loading trusted certificates from the jks keystore file E:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3\server\lib\DemoTrust.jks.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090169> <Loading trusted certificates from the jks keystore file E:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK16~1.0_2\jre\lib\security\cacerts.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Alert> <Security> <BEA-090152> <Demo trusted CA certificate is being used in production mode: [
    Version: V3
    Subject: CN=CACERT, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization, L=MyTown, ST=MyState, C=US
    Signature Algorithm: MD5withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4
    Key: Sun RSA public key, 512 bits
    modulus: 9550192877869244258838480703390456015046425375252278279190673063544122510925482179963329236052146047356415957587628011282484772458983977898996276815440753
    public exponent: 65537
    Validity: [From: Thu Mar 21 14:12:27 CST 2002,
                   To: Tue Mar 22 15:12:27 CDT 2022]
    Issuer: CN=CACERT, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization, L=MyTown, ST=MyState, C=US
    SerialNumber: [    33f10648 fcde0deb 4199921f d64537f4]
    Certificate Extensions: 1
    [1]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
    KeyUsage [
    Algorithm: [MD5withRSA]
    0000: 9D 26 4C 29 C8 91 C3 A7 06 C3 24 6F AE B4 F8 82 .&L)......$o....
    0010: 80 4D AA CB 7C 79 46 84 81 C4 66 95 F4 1E D8 C4 .M...yF...f.....
    0020: E9 B7 D9 7C E2 23 33 A4 B7 21 E0 AA 54 2B 4A FF .....#3..!..T+J.
    0030: CB 21 20 88 81 21 DB AC 90 54 D8 7D 79 63 23 3C .! ..!...T..yc#<
    ] The system is vulnerable to security attacks, since it trusts certificates signed by the demo trusted CA.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090898> <Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2,OU=(c) 2009 Entrust\, Inc. - for authorized use only,OU=See,O=Entrust\, Inc.,C=US". The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090898> <Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G3,OU=(c) 2008 thawte\, Inc. - For authorized use only,OU=Certification Services Division,O=thawte\, Inc.,C=US". The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090898> <Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 3,OU=T-Systems Trust Center,O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH,C=DE". The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090898> <Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2,OU=T-Systems Trust Center,O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH,C=DE". The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090898> <Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=GlobalSign,O=GlobalSign,OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R3". The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090898> <Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "OU=Security Communication RootCA2,O=SECOM Trust Systems CO.\,LTD.,C=JP". The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090898> <Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority,OU=(c) 2008 VeriSign\, Inc. - For authorized use only,OU=VeriSign Trust Network,O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=US". The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090898> <Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=KEYNECTIS ROOT CA,OU=ROOT,O=KEYNECTIS,C=FR". The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:20:53 PM CDT> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090898> <Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3,OU=(c) 2008 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US". The loading of the trusted certificate list raised a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
    <Mar 15, 2012 11:41:41 AM CDT> <Error> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000337> <[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' has been busy for "650" seconds working on the request "weblogic.kernel.WorkManagerWrapper$1@68a3f7ed", which is more than the configured time (StuckThreadMaxTime) of "600" seconds. Stack trace: Method)
    com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readFragment(Unknown Source)
    com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readRecord(Unknown Source) Source) Source)
    <Mar 15, 2012 11:42:41 AM CDT> <Error> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000337> <[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)' has been busy for "710" seconds working on the request "weblogic.kernel.WorkManagerWrapper$1@68a3f7ed", which is more than the configured time (StuckThreadMaxTime) of "600" seconds. Stack trace: Method)
    com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readFragment(Unknown Source)
    com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readRecord(Unknown Source) Source) Source)

    Hi chamila,
        I never tried the example. Exception is not clear. Could you please post more stack trace from log files.

  • Configuration Issue while Installing 10g

    I am trying to install 10g (
    But while in configuration step am getting error
    ERROR :
    Failed at "Could not get DeploymentManager".
    This is typically the result of an invalid deployer URI format being supplied, the target server not being in a started state or incorrect authentication details being supplied.
    More information is available by enabling logging -- please see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for details.
    My System configuration :
    OS : windows 7 64-bit
    Processor : i3
    Can anyone please advise me on how to do this?

    Please verify if we can install SOA 10G on Windows 7, also its 64 bit,
    so make sure you are not using 32 bit software's there.
    Windows XP is recommended for Oracle SOA development.

  • Issues while Installing SOA 11g in windows 8

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to install SOA Suite to my laptop which have windows 8. Data base and RCU and Weblogic everything is completed successfully with out any issues.
    I have used oepe-wls-indigo-installer- for weblogic . When i am trying to  run the G:\SOA_Software_Downloads\SOA_11g_64bit\unzip\ofm_soa_generic_11. of2\Disk1>setup -jreLoc C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS6\jdk160_29, i am getting issue like on Prerequisite Checks 3 of 8 step is giving Checking operating system certification and Checking service pack status are in red with cross symbol but Checking physical memory status is checked.
    I try to install generic weblogic as well wls1036_generic, which is giving error like The Java Run Time Environment was not found at C:\Program\bin\javaw.exe. Hence, the Oracle Universal Installer cannot be run. Please visit heep:// and install JRE version 1.3.1 or higher and try again, but i have installed jdk1.6.0_35 from oracle, still same issue.
    I uninstalled weblogic and tried different options all are facing similar issues, can any help me what is doing wrong here? what is missing

    Hi Sahil
    I am using Win8 64bit OS. And I'm trying to install and after the jdk-7u51-windows-x64.exe and wls1036_generic.jar were installed in my pc successfully. Below are the setup in my PC:
    JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51; which is correct location in my pc;
    PATH = PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\jre\bin;D:\ProgramFiles\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin;
    A foler 'jre7' in the same forder with JDK was generated after install JDK. That means there are two folders under folder 'C:\Program Files\Java' after JDK installation.
    I ran the command setup.exe -jreLoc C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\jre under SOA folder disk1 foder 'D:\Tools\SOA\Disk1'. Oracle Universal Installer error shows: The Java RunTime Environment was not found at C:\Program\bin\javaw.exe. Hence, the Oracle Universal Installer can't be run. Please visit and install JRE version 1.3.1 or higher and try again.
    I checked there is no folder Program under C drive in my pc. so I don't know which part is wrong. Please advise, thanks.

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