Issues publishing links to Office 2010 applications

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 with SharePoint 2010 installed, Windows 7 64Bit Enterprise clients, Office 2010 x86.  It has been in production for close to 2 years.  At first, the main function was to archive email with vital documents for projects,
RFPs and legal information.  Now, we are moving closer with another department using it straight from Word/Excel and wanting to save from Office applications.  I have been working on getting the links published but I have not had much luck. 
I got it to work once several months ago when I had to re-build the User profile service and Mysites.  Now, getting it to work again is my problem.  The links that was published at first only went to me and a couple other people and they were still
there today.  This is my problem now:  When I use the All Site Users audience to publish a link to either a site or doc library, nothing is pushed.  I can create a new audience and test with it and nothing happens.  When I go in and clear
out the registry key on my client machine that has the Mysites personal page information in it, reboot the machine and then delete the "SharePoint Sites" folder from my user profile and then publish the link, it works.  I cannot publish any
NEW links.  If I publish something new, it never shows up in the folder.  Also, I have read that Desktop Experience needs to be turned on for this to work.  DE is not turned on but yet I can still publish the one link and I can also use the
"Open in Explorer" button in SP with IE11.  Also, the Web Client service is running on the client machine if that makes a difference. 
Why can I not make more than one link?  Do I really need to turn on DE on the server? 
David Hood

For a shorter question, why does only the first link that I publish work and none after that?
David Hood
UPDATE:  I have re-tested this and it seems that I cannot get a new link to show up in my list unless I either delete the registry keys, restart and then delete the Sharepoint List folder and go back to MySites for it to ask to connect to Office, or Manually
adding another document library through the web browser.   When I manually add another library/list to Office via the Connect To Office button, my other links that I published from the server show up. 

Similar Messages

  • SharePoint 2013 Published links to Office client applications - Registry key for MySite is missing on client

    how is the Registry Key HKCU\Software\AppDataLow\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Portal
    for "PersonalSiteURL" supposed to be set in SharePoint 2013 / Office 2013?
    Or is there another way to tell the Office Clients where to look for the user profile / published links? In SharePoint 2007 there was a button "Set as default MySite" which creates the Registry key as far as I know.
    How is Office 2013 supposed to get this Information?
    Any kind of help will be appreciated.

    Hi Dennis ,
    Thank you for your posting!
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to get the Published links using  Office 2013 on client.
    Yes, you can get the Published links using Office 2013 on client. For achieving your demand, you need to have the 15.0/Common/Portal registry key setup with a PersonalSiteURL defined . For detailed information,
    you can refer to the article and note that everything is 15 instead of 12 now:
    Also  the comments of the blog is helpful:
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Cannot see Business Objects LiveOffice menu in MS Office 2010 application

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    Can you please suggest a solution? Does BO liveOffice work with MS Office 2010 applications?

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    BusinessObjects LiveOffice for MS Office 2010

  • Office 2010 applications frequently Not Responding

    Desktop config: Windows XP SP3 + Office 2010 + SP1 activated via KMS
    We seem to be getting a large number of cases where the Office 2010 application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) locks up and just displays 'Not Responding'
    The only clue we can see if that in ALL cases just before the Not Responding issue occured the following was logged in the clients event log - there are no other event logged such as application hangs.
    Type : Information
    Date : 22/02/2012
    Time : 10:24:51
    Event : 900
    Source : Office Software Protection Platform Service
    Category : None
    User : N/A
    Computer : XXXXX
    Description: The Software Protection service is starting.
    Type : Information
    Date : 22/02/2012
    Time : 10:24:51
    Event : 1066
    Source : Office Software Protection Platform Service
    Category : None
    User : N/A
    Computer : G15-16
    Initialization status for service objects.
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPOBJS.DLL, msft:rm/algorithm/phone/1.0, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPOBJS.DLL, msft:rm/algorithm/pkey/2005, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPOBJS.DLL, msft:spp/TaskScheduler/1.0, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPOBJS.DLL, msft:spp/volume/services/kms/licenserenewal/1.0, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
    Type : Information
    Date : 22/02/2012
    Time : 10:24:51
    Event : 902
    Source : Office Software Protection Platform Service
    Category : None
    User : N/A
    Computer : G15-16
    Description: The Software Protection service has started. 14.0.370.400
    Type : Information
    Date : 22/02/2012
    Time : 10:24:52
    Event : 1003
    Source : Office Software Protection Platform Service
    Category : None
    User : N/A
    Computer : G15-16
    The Software Protection service has completed licensing status check.
    Application Id=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
    Licensing Status=
    1: 191301d3-a579-428c-b0c7-d7988500f9e3, 1, 0 [(0 [0xC004F014, 0, 0], [(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)])(1 )(2 )]
    2: 6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c, 1, 1 [(0 [0x00000000, 1, 0], [(?)(?)( 1 0x00000000 30 0 msft:rm/algorithm/volume/1.0 0x00000000 249335)(?)(?)(?)])(1 )(2 )]
    3: fdf3ecb9-b56f-43b2-a9b8-1b48b6bae1a7, 1, 0 [(0 [0xC004F014, 0, 0], [(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)])(1 )(2 )]

    Max - 
    No offense intended, but while I agree that this could be the case, your answer is for XP and I find it lacking a good solution with a rather bland explanation.
    I'm seeing this problem with Windows 7, but we are not using a KMS, however the OPPSVC does run rather frequently, as seen in the Event Logs.
    When opening Word documents in Office 2010, the computer will "hang" and applications show the "Not Responding" message for several minutes before returning, if at all. It will not happen every time the application is opened, and happens regardless of whether
    or not Word is already open at the time the document is opened. It almost seems as though the Office Platform Protection Service is the CAUSE of the problem, and when looking at the process in SysInternals Process Explorer, I don't see anything out of the
    ordinary that would explain why the system resources are being tied up by that service, although I admit I have not been able to capture the problem when it's occurring because it happens pretty randomly. 
    I'm less convinced that there is a third-party software causing the problem and more convinced that if the OPPSVC is already running, and you happen to open a document at the exact same time that the service fires off to do it's check, it enters a minor
    race condition of some kind and either never responds, or takes a long time to resolve/timeout.
    This issue is having a major impact during sales demonstrations that my organization does because it causes the entire demonstration to pause or crash and is totally unacceptable. All of our licenses are in order and I can't shut off the OPPSVC to verify
    if it's causing the problem because Word will not start if the service is disabled.
    A better solution would be much appreciated.  

  • 2010 Publishing Approval Workflow not triggered from Office 2010 application

    I have a peculiar situation to which I have been Googling for weeks now but to no avail.
    Basically, I have configured a publishing approval workflow to fire when the user checks in a word document as a Major version. I tested it and all was fine. I later found that on a select few PC's on the office network the prompt (workflow initiation
    form) was not popping up when checking the document in via the office 2010 word client and therefore the workflow wasn't being initiated.
    I have gone down many avenues of group policy, SP permissions, AD settings, even reinstalling office but nowhere nearer to solving the issue.
    Please bear in mind I have it configured correctly from a SharePoint point of view i.e. checked the box to allow workflow to be manually started & start to approve publishing on major version.
    This might be a clue: it works when checking in via SharePoint but not when checking it in via word, therefore indicating a desktop client or office issue. 
    Does anybody have any knowledge of what triggers the initiation form to fire and what might block it or not register its existence from an office app point of view? Any general comments would be welcome.
    Spec of problem machines: - Windows 7 (x32/64), Office 2010 Std, SharePoint 2013 server (but using 2010 workflow in this case).
    Marc Grocott

    Hi Marc,
    Based on your description, my understanding is that when you check in a major version from word, the workflow initiation form not appear.
    In order for Document Approval workflows to work seamlessly with word, you can tick the option: "Allow this workflow to be manually started by an authenticated user with Edit Item Permissions".
    Here is a detailed article for your reference:
    Approval workflow does not start from Microsoft Word
    Best Regards
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • All Office 2010 Applications Slow To Produce "OPEN" or "SAVE AS" Dialog Box ONLY When PC Connected To Network

    Hello all,
    Frustrating problem: ALL Office 2010 apps require a 45 second delay to produce an "open" or "save as" dialog box when the computer is connected to a LAN (wireless or wired, domain or workgroup). When the computer is NOT connected to a LAN (wireless or wired,
    domain or workgroup), then Office 2010 "open" or "save as" dialog boxes open normally (and quickly).
    I suspect a network search/survey function internal to MS Office is at fault.
    This is NOT the infamous mapped network drive problem associated with Office 2007/2010. There are no mapped drives (nor have there ever been) on the PC, although there might exist a related solution. Additionally, there is no 45 second delay when opening
    a file by double-clicking on the file itself which will launch the application.
    Other information:
    1. PC runs Windows 7 Pro 32 bit - PC is a relatively new Lenovo T400 laptop, all updates from Lenovo and MS installed, running clean and nicely otherwise, no spyware, no viruses, no previous software or hardware issues requiring assistance. Event log is
    2. Absolutely fresh installation of Office 2010 Pro Plus (MS Action Pack)
    3. Running Office apps in safe mode does not alter problem behavior (ie, "windword.exe /a" or use CTRL key and double-click to launch app)
    4. Running Windows 7 in safe mode with networking and then subsequently testing Office apps is not possible: "license not able to validate" issue. This is a known problem and is not related to the slow dialog box response behavior.
    5. A desktop PC with the same MS Office 2010 installation, same volume license key, on the same network does NOT produce this problem.
    6. Full uninstall, reboot, and re-install of Office 2010 does not alleviate problem
    7. Disabling ALL startup items and services (including, of course, ALL Lenovo management software) does not alleviate problem
    8. SMB v2 bug is not the problem: ie, disabling mrxsmb20 service does not alleviate symptoms.
    9. I have isolated "Client for Microsoft Networks", "QOS Packet Scheduler", "Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver" (and Responder), and "Printer and File Sharing for MS Networks" in the network adapter properties are NOT causing the issue.
    10. Using Sysinternals Registry Monitor, I was able to determine that Office apps evaluate certain properties of your Internet Explorer settings before attempting to launch the "open" or "save as" dialog box. Altering the way intranets are detected, for
    example, does not alleviate the symptoms.
    11. Turning off Antivirus software (Avira Personal) does not alleviate the issue.
    This issue is causing a huge loss of work efficiency. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you for your time.

    Hello Rick,
    Through all the research I have done so far and talking with a few other coworkers what the common issues that cause this are is:
    1. Antivirus: disabling the antivirus is not good enough it needs to be totaly uninstalled and retested.
    2. startup programs: these need to be disabled through either Safe mode with networking or the start menu or MSconfig.
    3. Office addins: Disable all of them see if that helps. Then turn them back on one by one to see which addin is causing the issue.
    To disable addins: 1. open up regedit and navigate to this key. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Addins and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins
    Then change the LoadBehavior to 0 this will disable the addin. 3 lets it run. Since this affected only one user HKEY_LOCAL_USER might be your best bet but don't rule out the other location.
    To verify there are no addins running go to the File tab>options>Add-Ins make sure nothing is listed under Active Application Add-ins.
    I hope this helps
    Paul Slaathaug Sr. Support Engineer - Microsoft Word

  • All Office 2010 applications (except Access) Fail to Open - Operation has been cancelled error

    I have a strange issue on a Win 7 PC with Office 2010 Pro Plus 32bit installed. All applications except Access fail to open with the following error 'The operation has been cancelled due to restrictions on your computer'. 
    This is whilst logged on as the domain administrator. I have seen forums mentioning this effects hyperlinks within Outlook and the fix is to make IE the default and reinstall Chrome. I have tried this to no avail.
    I have tried running a repair and completely re installing Office.
    Any advise would be greatly received.

    You have a completely different symptoms, even though the error message is the same.
    Could you please try to right click and run Office application as administrator?
    If it works in this mode, this issue is caused by permission setting. Double-check whether your account gets the enough permission to read/write the C drive. If no, add your account to Administrators group or directly add the security permission for your
    account on Drive C.
    Ethan Hua CHN
    TechNet Community Support

  • Saving/Opening documents to SharePoint 2013 from within Office 2010 applications

    I was hoping that Office 2010 would work nicely together in terms of saving to and opening documents from SharePoint 2013. Alas, I was disappointed and somewhat surprised to see that opening/saving documents in SharePoint from within Office still
    involves copying, pasting and hacking the URL of the document library in the Save or Open dialogue box. I was fully expecting that Office 2010 would have display some sort of SharePoint navigation so you could view your sites and document libraries in a similar
    way to folders. A mature document management system this ain't!
    Anyone have any advice on how to improve the Open/Save to/from SharePoint experience in Office 2010? I'm open to the idea of Office add-ins whether third party or official Microsoft.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for the reply, but that's from within SharePoint, not Office?
    An example scenario: I create a new document or receive a document, I'm in the document, and I want to publish the document to a document library in SharePoint. At the moment I would have to save the document, load up SharePoint, navigate to the document
    library and then go through the upload process.
    I should really be able to, from within Word, select File - Save to SharePoint (say) and then be able to navigate to the document library I want to publish to. Really basic DMS stuff that I'm surprised isn't there!
    Similar thing to opening a document. I should be able to Open from SharePoint, navigate to the document library via some sort of navigation box, and open it.
    Thoughts appreciated.

  • "An Unexpected Error occured" While opening links from office 2010 Word document on windows 8.1

    We are on windows environment as below - 
    Server -
    - Win2k8 Std R2,
    - SQL 2008,
    - SP 2010 Foundation SP2
    Client -
    - Win 8.1 64 Bit OS,
    - Browser - IE 11
    - MS Office - 2010  - 14.0.4763.1000
    Problem - 
    While Opening links from word document(Ctrl+Click) , get error message "An Unexpected
    Error had occured". And link is not opened.
    We are using this client using remote desktop.
    Any ideas on this?
    Does Microsoft provided any fixes for this?

    Have you tried the hyperlinks in other Office programs like Outlook and PowerPoint? Do they work well?
    You may need to run the Fix it in this kb below:
    You can also try the steps in the section "Let me fix it myself". Although this kb is written for Outlook, it may help in your scenario as well.
    I hope this is useful.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Need assistance creating applications with superseedence to uninstall Office 2010, Lync 2010 and then install Office 365 click to run 2013

    We are getting ready in a few months to uninstall our locally installed Office 2010 and head to the cloud with Office 365 2013. I have created applications to uninstall Office 2010 and Lync 2010 and then added them to the supersedence tab for Office 365
    office 2013 click to run with appv5.
    When deploying the office 365 2013 application it does not uninstall office 2010 or lync 2010 with the supersedence.  I am able to manually uninstall Office 2010 and Lync 2010 with the command lines I am using in the applications.
    The application uninstall for Office 2010 is:
    The application uninstall is an exe so I created an application, created a deployment type with the location of our Office 2010 admin point, installation program and uninstall program are set with the same line as I have tried to deploy it separately and
    also as a supersedence in the Office 365 application setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config "\\sccmserver\share\Office2010\ProPlus.ww\silentuninstallconfig.xml.  The silentuninstallconfig.xml was created from the original config.xml file and edited
    to these settings:<Configuration Product="ProPlus">
     <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="NO" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />
     <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="Never" />
     <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="NEVER" />
     <OptionState Id="ProductFiles" State="Local" Children="force" />
    The detection method is the folder path to see that office 14 exists.  When I deploy this the machines finish with success showing this exists, but does not uninstall Office 2010.
    running the command line manually mapped to this location on a machine uninstalls office 2010 without issue. 
    Lync 2010 uninstall:
    Lync is an exe so I am using the LyncSetup.exe /silent /uninstall.  The application is in the supersedence tab for Office 365 2013. This never installs.  If I create a softare distribution and deploy it on its own it uninstalls without issue. 
    We are going to use Lync 2013 with our office 365 2013 installation so we need to uninstall this.  The detection method for lync is file system folder and the Microsoft lync folder for detection.
    MS Office 15 (Office 365) was created with the click to run tool.  I can install this with the application I created using the appv5 package created with the click to run tool.  The issue is we need Office 2010 and Lync 2010 uninstalled first. 
    Having both versions of Office installed in test has caused issues where Office 15 365 will not list in add and remove programs and cannot be uninstalled even with the fix it article to remove office 2013. 
    I have looked at many articles and so far it is not working for us.  Any help appreciated to get us to the cloud.

    The applications I have for uninstall of office 2010 and Lync 2010 for some reason do not uninstall. Manually testing the command lines they do.  The detection method seems to be hanging things up.  On the lync uninstall detection method I have
    the setting type of file system, type folder, path c:\program files\ folder name Microsoft Lync.
    I highly recommend using something other than a file/folder "exists" detection method. Installers are constantly leaving things behind due to environmental inconsistencies. It may leave files/folders behind with a schedule to delete files on next reboot.
    These things are unpredictable and very hard to use. I just use the "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" Registry location. There you can actually key off the "Product Version" DWORD as well which gives you an even more accurate method
    to determine if the application you are trying to deploy (or expect to exist) is truly there. This, of course, being if you are not using an MSI. If you have MSI technology ALWAYS use the product code unless the person writing the MSI chooses to use the same
    product code for every version release of their product. In which case, Use the registry method.
    As far as getting the supersedence and everything working. You need to start from the basics. Create Applications for all of the apps you want to remove. Make sure they install and uninstall properly (seems like overkill but it isn't that hard). Once you
    have working install/uninstall applications then you can easily apply supersedence to your new applications with a setting of Uninstall on the superseded apps you should have no problem getting rid of them. I have done this for numerous things.
    For example, I did this with Cisco Jabber to replace older versions of jabber, older versions of cisco unified personal communicator and lync and OSC. All of these replaced versions had to have an Application but once it was in it took two seconds to apply
    all the supersedence rules and now I know when I push that software out no matter version is running on any machine it will pull all the old apps off and put the new one on.
    Dustin Estes - MCP |

  • Office 2010 - Opening Network Files causes crashes

    Our users documents are mapped to network storage via a Home folder location. Our treasurer has began encountering an issue with Office 2010 with Word (this is where I've been putting most of my effort) and Excel, other programs not tested. 
    Upon going to 'File->Open' it automatically redirects to his Home folder on the Network drive, and Office goes through it's various stages of crashing (encountered an issue, etc.) I've copied the contents of one specific folder he does most of his work in
    to his desktop, but this is not optimal. Opening the contents from the desktop yields no issue.
    As far as troubleshooting goes, I first tried doing a repair, then reinstall, and finally an advanced uninstall with Revo figuring it may be a corrupted registry key. None of this worked. I Googled some info on it and found add-ons commonly caused an issue.
    I went as far as recommended by a MS support article, ultimately removing both the entire add-ins folder in Program files and in the registry. Still an issue. I progressed through various other support articles, removing various further keys (settings, toolbars,
    etc.) Still occurring. I landed upon a technet article with nearly an exact issue, and it recommended updating as MS had fixed this various issue. (duh!) Update-wise, it was pretty far behind because all of our updates are signed through SCCM, regardless,
    I have it fully updated up to Office Service pack 2. It's doing selective startups through msconfig as well, down to only Microsoft services. Finally, I've tried sfc /scannow, as well as safe mode, and neither had promising results (it was the first time I
    was really hoping for sfc to find an error!
    Just for further reference, I've tried all fixes in this article (before realizing it was only on network docs.)
    As well as everything here:
    I attempted the crash dumps in this thread but was ultimately unsuccessful 

    Have you found anything in event Viewer?
    Press Win + R and type “eventvwr” in the blank box, then press Enter.
    You may find some information to determine the issue and post the information here to let me know more about this issue.
    You can learn how to user event viewer from this link:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem opening documents from SharePoint (2013) libraries with Office 2010 and 2013 components installed

    I've been encountering the problem of Office files failing to open from SharePoint 2013 libraries with the prefix of 'ms-excel:ofv|u|' etc. in the url. Following the
    helpful questions and answers in the forum, I've identified the likely cause as the fact that my main Office installation is 2010, but I also have installed OneDrive for Business 2013 (which I need in order to sync document libraries with my local drive).
    The solution I've seen suggested elsewhere of deactivating the SharePoint integration of Office 2013 components fails for two reasons: there is no way (or at least, I can't find one) of deactivating SharePoint integration probably because, deactivating
    SharePoint integration would likely stop the syncing of libraries/folders.
    One thing that I have noticed in my case that I've not seen mentioned elsewhere is that if I right-click a document and select 'open in new tab/window' the required
    document opens directly in the relevant office package. I don't know if this is a useful observation, but it seems to be new information.
    My question is, is there a way I can continue to sync libraries and open Office documents directly in Office 2010? My thoughts are possible changes to registry settings
    (which I can do, but don't know enough to find the correct ones myself) or (re)installation of software in some appropriate order to leave the correct settings.
    I have 'repaired' my Office 2010 installation without any observed affect on behavior.
    (I've just seen a suggestion that Office 2010 SP2 may fix this issue. I've requested to test this, but whilst this may fix my problem, rolling it out to
    other users may be more problematic. In the meantime, other suggestions of solutions are welcome)

    According to your description, it is a good way to do a test about office 2010 SP2, here is an article about this issue- limitations of using the OneDrive for Business sync app with Office 2010 applications , it may help you.
    Paul Shui
    Microsoft Online Community Support
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer?on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer?if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread

  • Can't print to PDF from MS Office 2010 using Acrobat X Pro

    This is not the PDF Addin problem. When I try to print to PDF using the printer dialogue in any MS Office 2010 application I get the save to dialogue box, but when I choose a location and file name and print save nothing happens. No indication of printing activity, no file shows up in the location I chose, etc. I'm using Acrobat X and working in Office 2010 64bit on a Windows 7 64 bit system.

    Use OFFICE 32-bit. I am surprised the print option does not work, but there has been a lot said on the forum about the compatibility of OFFICE 32-bit and Acrobat X.

  • Osa.exe Missing From Office 2010

    Has osa.exe been removed from Office 2010? I can't seem to locate it. My installation was done as a custom install and selecting all options except for Access and Visio Viewer. Office is installed on Win 7 Enterprise x64.
    I tried to copy osa.exe from a machine with Office 2007 but when I run it with -n I get an error that says, "The operating system is not presently configured to run this application"
    John Marcum | |

    Nevermind, I found my own answer. I really like having "create new office document" pinned to my start menu. I guess that just no longer an option.
    Office Startup Assistant
    Although turned off by default in 2007 Microsoft Office system, the ability to create a new Office document from the
    Start menu, or Office Startup Assistant (OSA), is completely removed in Microsoft Office 2010. Users can no longer manually turn on the feature in the
    Start menu through Office 2010 setup or open a dialog box to create a new document in an Office 2010 application.
    This feature is replaced by the ability to create a new Office document for each Office 2010 application from the Microsoft Office Backstage by clicking
    New and then creating the document. In addition, the improved functionality is compatible with the 64-bit version of Office 2010.
    John Marcum | |

  • Acobat XI: PDF's will not open in Office 2010.

    I have recently installed Acrobat XI om my computer With Microsoft Office 2010. PDF's on internett in Office 2010 will not open, why not?

    In fact, none of the Microsoft Office 2010 applications have any capability of opening PDF files.
    For Microsoft Office 2013, Word does have an ability to open PDF files, creating a Word document from same. That having been said, the fidelity of such conversions is very poor, especially when any graphics are involved.
    Alternatively, Acrobat does provide a means of exporting PDF files to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint formats with the caveat that you will likely need to do editing of the result for meaningful use. The results are certainly much better than can be achieved by Word 2013's PDF opening capability!
                - Dov

Maybe you are looking for