Issues with Canon HV20?

I am on the verge of purchasing a canon HV20 and iMovie '08. My biggest goal is to watch game film of my kids sporting events in HD. I've heard that some have complained about 1080i using this camera. Can anyone comment?

I just did not think that I achieve as much of the look as I expected. I am not sure about the shutter speed. It is supposed to be 1/48 or something like that to achieve the maximum film-like appeareance. When you put this camera in "P" & modify to 24p with cinema mode you are not able to verify what the shutter speed is.
I am not sure if it is in the proper speed to achieve the maximum effect. Do not get me wrong, there is a slight difference with your standard HD mode, however, it was a little less than I expected.
Again, I am not sure if the shutter speed sets itself when you have it on "Cinema mode" @ 24p
Message was edited by: gusluz

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    So far I have been unable to get to the bottom of this issue. I have spoken to Apple and they are saying that while the Canon Vixia HF20 (NTSC Version) is on the official list of cameras supported by iMovie, the Canon Legria (PAL Version) isn’t, although they couldn’t say whether this could have something to do with the issue I am having.
    Therefore, I was wondering if anyone could confirm whether they have experienced this issue. Can you please confirm that you are using the Legria version and not the Vixia version of the Camera.
    I would really appreciate your help.
    Message was edited by: Casho3

    Well, it seems to me that it looks the same. I am not an expert here, but it occurs to me that you can either shoot in 25p or de-interlace it from 50i. I think it gives the same quality but the latter is more complicated unless you have the Final Cut.
    Here I got an intersting link on that matter:
    About de-interlacing in iMovie:

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    ... it certainly makes me wonder about your compute setup. Do you have any other Firewire devices connected to your computer when you are trying to make the video transfer? I know some earlier Canon DV camcorders wanted to be the only Firewire device on the bus during transfer.
    Macintosh: FireWire Issue With Some Canon Mini-DV Cameras at
    iMovie: Cannot see or control camera at has a lot of good information!
    F Shippey

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    So why does my HV20 only have 25p in the menus and manual ?
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    Also how do you deal with it when using FCE/FCP ? Do you treat it exactly as you would 1080i50 HDV and use the same Easy Setups etc.?
    Actually it is not called "25p" but "HDV(PF25)"
    Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

    I think it's like most things, you can _Crash and Burn_ or _Crash and Learn._
    Jump in and try everything.
    Thankfully we use PAL and _Not The Same Colour_ twice.
    What's (PF25) stand for? 25 Progressive Frames??
    BTW: I doubt if your camera will or Mac will catch fire under normal test conditions.

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    Try capturing with HDVsplit.

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    Thanks for your assistance.

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    I did some experiments this morning, and Richard's method worked. Thank you!
    However, I didn't follow Richard's steps 2 & 3.  When importing, I let FCP copy the files to the FC Events folder. It still worked.  In step 1, I did not copy the .THM files to the new folder on my HD.
    I did a second experiment that did not work:
    1) Copy .mov files (only) from CF card to new folder on HD.---no .THM files
    2) "Create Camera Archive" with FCP - Store new archive in its own folder on my HD
    3) Tried importing from the new Camera Archive -  This crashed just like before.
    This tells me FCP is OK with importing individual media files to a FC Event.  It seems to crash when it thinks there's a camera involved.
    Later today I'll try to import some AVCHD files and see if it crashes on import.  For AVCHD footage, you need to rely on FCP's "Import from device" capability.  Those files need to be transcoded to be usable at all.
    More later.

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    Again, any input greatly appreciated and many thanks!

    Hi lgldsr,
    Based on the error you are receiving, it looks like the software thinks you are still connected with a USB cable.  In the IJ Scan Utility window, what appears for the Product Name?
    You should see something similar to Canon MX920 series Network....  If not, click the dropdown arrow to see if other devices are listed here.  Select the Network printer and attempt the scan again.
    Check your print settings as well to ensure that the USB connection for your printer is not selected as the default device.  In your Print and Scan window,  verify what printers are installed.  If you see multiple instances of the PIXMA MX922 (or MX920 series), perform a test print with each device to determine which connection is using the LAN for communication, and which is still set for the USB. 
    If this didn't work, or if you have any other questions, please feel free to Contact Us!
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

  • New to apple, not a techie. importing problems with canon hv20 - new imac

    hi team
    i'm just starting out, and have honestly tried to look through the boards, but its just to much stuff to read.
    i'm trying to import minidv tapes from canon, newer tape recorded on the canon imports ok on manual.
    older tape recorded on an older canon around 2004-6, which plays in my new canon ok, apart from its not wide screen in the lcd, wont import.
    what's the difference between my new wide screen tape, and my older recorded tape?
    my imac is great, but the tutorials to get started with are smooth and basic, and assume you have no porblems.
    thanks in advance

    thank you for your time team.
    why isn't imovie clever enough to receive my older tape which i guess isn't digital? its hardly ancient technology or tape. if my hv20 plays it, why doesn't imovie just receive it?
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  • Rendering issues with Canon G11 and h264

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    1/ Should I use the 640 X 480 (4:3) setting in Streamclip or the 640 X 480 (unscaled)? Or another one?
    2/ What should the sequence preset be in FCE since there is none for 640 X 480?
    3/ And what is the difference between setting the codec in East Setup and in setting it by clicking on the Sequence 'Settings' dropdown menu and going to 'Load Sequence Presets? Which one of those should I choose?
    4/ Also, I am for the moment having to work off the MacBook's hard drive since the person who purchased the LaCie external Firewire drive purchased the one that encrypts and has a fingerprint swipe and not the orange regular one we asked for. So they have to send it back. Might working off the hard drive be causing any rendering glitches?
    Thanks for any hand-holding.

    The Apple Intermediate Codec is only for HD media. You need to use the DV NTSC Codec.
    1. You should use 720x480 at 29.97fps with uncompressed 48k audio.
    2. See 1.
    3. None. They go to the same place.
    4. No, but you might have dropped frame issues.

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    G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   G4 Powerbook

    I found a forum posting that claims that after calling Canon technical support, the problem persists. The posting installed Mac OS X 10.4.6 on a separate partition in order to use the Canon capture software. Below is a link to the forum thread, as well as the attempted solution.
    Canon EOS Capture and 10.4.7 update
    After updating to 10.4.7 Canon EOS Capture stop working, it was running fine on 10.4.6 this is on a G5 D2.0, I called CANON support and I followed the step to try to fix the problem.
    1) Remove the Canon App folder inside Applications
    2) Remove preferences on Users/USER_NAME/Library/Preferences related to Canon app.
    3) Re-install Canon appz again.
    No luck after all this, I'm sure it's 10.4.7 - but believe it or not I also own a MacBook, Canon EOS Capture was not working on 10.4.6 after the update to 10.4.7 works perfect!!!
    Solution: I installed 10.4.6 in my G5 DP2.0 on a separate partition, just to use it for EOS Capture.
    End Quote----------------
    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1GB RAM, nvidia 6800 ultra, Apple 30" Cinema Display

  • Camera RAW issues with Canon T4i

    I have many, many cameras and have used Photoshop and Bridge for years.  Even though the latest updates for Camera RAW says it can handle the T4i, I tried opening these files on two separate computers, both running Win 7 64 bit, and my having Photoshop Extended 5+ 64 bit on both computers.
    I tried reformatting the camera card, wanting to eliminate that as a possible problem, and the same problem exists.
    Camera RAW will recognize all of my other cameras, the D Mark III, T3i, Nikon D2x, D3, D3X, so on and so forth, but not the T4i.
    I stopped short of doing an image restore on that machine, thinking my installation of Photoshop must have been corrupted when I removed Elements and Preimere Elements, but no...I'm now on an IBM W701 with the same software and I have the same probem.
    If someone from Adobe would like me to send them a file from the T4i, I will.  If I shoot in jpeg, there are no issues.  But I do not shoot in jpeg.  I only did it to see if perhaps it were the SD card.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    With Photoshop CS5 (I think that's what you said) you no longer have access to the latest updates for Camera Raw.
    Photoshop CS5 can only take up to Camera Raw 6.7 (latest version is 7.1, which goes with Photoshop CS6 only). 
    You'll either need to upgrade to Photoshop CS6 or download the free DNG converter and go through the extra step of converting your T4i images to DNG before opening them in Camera Raw 6.7.
    You can see what versions of Camera Raw support what cameras here:
    And you can see what versions of Camera Raw go with what versions of Photoshop here:

  • IDVD not working with Canon HV20

    I am trying to do a one step DVD with iDVD and my HV20 camera. When I click on the one step DVD it gives me the message to connect my camera an put it in VCR mode and insert a DVD and press OK. No I have the HV20 in Play mode and after I click on the OK put it goes back to the iDVD startup screen. I launch iMovie and it sees my HV20 no problem. Any ideas?

    I sure hope so. But don't hold your breath. (Apple seems to be on the fast lane toward streaming video as opposed to burning it to Dvd-R or to a blu-ray disc).
    Btw, You might have better luck with Roxio Toast 10 Pro. I don't think the folks over at Roxio have ever heard of a bag of hurt. Their software simply works.
    Disclaimer: Apple does not necessarily endorse any suggestions, solutions, or third-party software / products that may be mentioned in this topic. Apple encourages you to first seek a solution at Apple Support. The following links are provided as is, with no guarantee of the effectiveness or reliability of the information. Apple does not guarantee that these links will be maintained or functional at any given time. Use the information above at your own discretion.

  • Log & Transfer issues with Canon HF200

    I'm trying to import about 150 short videos from my canon HF200 camera. Although it doesn't have a firewire connection (it's through USB), it does record AVCHD. When I plug the camera in to my computer, it is recognized in the finder window. However, no options show up to allow me to import from the camera. And, when I open FCE, the camera is not registering in the FCE Log and Transfer window. The clips aren't even there. I have been reading forums all night and I'm at my wit's end.
    I'm using Snow Leopard, FCE 4.0.1, and everything seems adequately updated. Please help me figure out what I'm going wrong!

    Hi -
    1) Are you confident that your footage on your camera is in the HD format? Log and Transfer does not work with footage that is shot as Standard Definition.
    2) Have you tried to navigate to the camera manually using the Add Volume Button on the upper right?
    3) Have you tried removing the memory card and attempting to access it through a memory card reader?

  • Digital camera raw 3.2 issue with Canon 1000d

    Hi all,
    When I install the digital camera raw 3.2 update, Aperture 3 (3.0.3) gives me the indication to reprocess all master files. After that my images become darker and the colours like red, orange and skin tones become very saturated and strange compared with the previous version.
    To solve this problem I revert to the previous version of digital camera raw and everything is ok now.
    Follow the tip in the link above.
    My English isn’t very good, however my experience could save some troubles and time to other users.

    You need to reprocess them in Aperture. Ap3 has a better more advanced raw processor/converter than ap2 It is far superior and the first thing i noticed on ap3. Try on an image you thought was at it's best and could not be improved. I will be surprised if you can not make it better in ap3.
    My suggestion is to process them one at a time, before you want to make some image adjustments.

Maybe you are looking for

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