Issues with KM content

IN SAP-nonProd-Technical:EP-Enterprise Portal,
What would be the possible error ,This is the error we are getting when accessing KM u201D ,
System Error: An exception occurred during the program execution,

Hi Ravi,
You need to check the server Default trace log file to identify this issue. It look like it might cause due to memory/database problem or portal/trex verison problem. take help from basis team.
Hope it helps

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    I am taking files intended for Print and copying them into the new pages. However I have converted all the artwork to RGB, the images are jpegs. Is there any chance there could be an issue with that somehow?
    Am I doing anything wrong in the creation of the files? I have followed the instructions and yet I still get this even with the tutorial assets.
    Any ideas?

    Hi, Ian:
    Have you got it to work now? If you'd like, you can share the folio with me ([email protected]) and I can give it a try.

  • Urgent-Issue with Technical Content.

    Hi experts,
    we have activated the technical content.Now we are Initilize and run deltas with Process Chain.
    Under one of the Infosource loading the datatarget(0BWTC_C02),i have the following standard delivered infopackages
    1) Delta - OLAP Transaction Data
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    5) Transaction Data OLAP - Delta Initialization
    I have checked all these infopackages,i dont see any difference when i tried to compare the selection conditions and datatargets.
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    2) Also do we need to create and delete indexes for the technical content cubes too?
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    thanks in advance

    Hi sunil,
    I appreciate your reply.
    Issue 1:My question was as i have 5 Standard infopackages with no differences.If you see my first posting.How should i consider which infopackage to choose for in my Process Chain?
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    Hope i am clear with my questions this time.
    thanks in advance

  • Apple should start to listen to customer issues with disappearing content.

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    Message was edited by: goofy69

    Winston Churchill wrote:
    I've never had any content disappear,
    I had it happen once, around the time we first got itunes store access in UK on AppleTV - everything inexplicably deleted from AppleTv not just some things.
    Fortunately the purchase I'd made a few hours before had synced to iTunes.
    I really feel there are a couple of weaknesses with the model for media purchase on AppleTV:
    1 - Things inexplicably disappear for some users - it MAY be user error in some instances - but if that's the case there is clearly no safety net warning in either iTunes or on the TV that the user is doing something that might cause the problem otherwise they'd remember.
    If you've purchased content and it disappears before it's synced back to iTunes or been watched, you're going to take some persuading to part with your cash again in this manner.
    2 - 'Reverse syncs' of purchases need to be avilable manually for AppleTV, possibly by a drag and drop within iTunes to override instances when the user has set up the wrong type of library, or the sync library fails to reverse sync content. Without being to move content back from AppleTV the user cannot use on other devices or make backups - a very unsatisfactory user experience, even if it only affects a few.
    Movies/video with DRM are protected anyway, so what's the problem?
    For iTunes plus material all that would be needed would be for the user perhaps to confirm their iTunes store credentials to allow the reverse transfer to happen to prevent opportunistic copies being made by nefarious individuals or those who have come into possession of stolen or 2nd hand AppleTVs.
    I have found to date that iTunes Store invariably are quite helpful with any purchases that develop issues, but it is not guaranteed they'd allow redownloads etc, and it takes so little to put consumers off a service when it doesn't live up to expectations.

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    Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate.
    Any ideas guys on why i'm encountering this issue. I've been battling this for 2 whole days.  Responses would be greatly appreciated as I am now a day behind the clock
    Note: I have created the app definition in the iTunes Connect for this app.

    Thanks Ali
    I am certain I had selected the distribution certs as I have them named very explictly. I have rebuilt the app....numerous times ensure the right cert.
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    Kind regards,
    Christian Staalby

    @Maksim :
    When user launch an URL like http://myserver:port/irj/portal/ import/*filename=C:\test.xml, he is requested to provide username and password; as this link is a shortcut for the upload xml page, there is a check of authorization and only portal admin that have authorization and permission on this page/iview will be able to upload xml file through the URL. Hope this clarify.
    @Kumar :
    thank you for your answer. What a pity to not be able to pass parameter through standard portal page/iview particularly knowing that we can pass paramater through many kinds of iviews (transactional iview, url iview, VC iview...). I explored some option on file but this was unsuccessful. However, thanks to this [link bellow|], I was able to upload through URL the XML file.
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    If someone could provide and idea/solution, I would be very grateful.

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    I started the download and it was nearly complete, but then alerted me that I was out of disk space. Garageband cancelled the download since it couldn't finish, but apparently it didn't release the rest of the download.
    If that is the case, you must be dangerously low on disk space on your system drive. Never let the free space drop below 10GB at least, better 20GB free spacce. Otherwise you may experience a considerable drop in performance, if teh disk space decreasing more, risk crashes and data loss.
    The unfinished update is somewhere on my computer taking up space and I have no idea where it is.
    Where does Garageband store these additional sounds? I'm trying to get rid of everything, I don't want any of the sounds on my computer anymore.
    GarageBand installs the instruments and loops in the Instrument Library and the Loop Library:  Check these folders:
    /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/
    /Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Instrument Library/
    If you delete any of tehse folders, GarageBand will not work any more. Are you sure you want to uninstall GarageBand completely?

  • Sharepoint 2010 Content Deployemnt Job issue with duplicate fields in User information List

    Hi friends,
    I am facing below issue with the content deployment job.
    It was working earlier. But now since from couple of days all the content deployment jobs in production environment are failing with below error.
    Field name already exists. The name used for this field is already used by another field in the list. Select another name and try again.
    ObjectName="User Information List".
    When I check the fields in User information list in targeted site, I found couple of columns are dupicate like "ask me about",first name","Last name" etc.
    Do i Need to drop target site collection or recreate with fresh content deployment job.
    Please suggest.
    Please help .

    According to your post, my understanding is that you got duplicate field error.
    Based on the error message, you can try to use the following code sample to remove duplicate records, and check whether it works:
    Here is a similar issue, you can also use the ‘RemoveDuplicateColumn64’ provided:
    What’s more, as you had said, you can recreate a site with a fresh deployment job.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • ZEN Xtra 40G has problems with protected content bought from MSN Mu

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    Basically When I am playing one of these songs and try to Fast Forward through the song I get a Playback error and the player locks up. Also If am playing one of these songs and shut off the player, when I turn it back on It says the song is playing and there is no music (It is locked up).
    Also I have another issue, although it may be by design it is pretty annoying.. If I try to play these songs through media source when I have my Zen extra connected with a USB cable media source returns with. "The selected file is protected and cannot be played in media source".
    Anyone else having similar issues with protected content?
    I have already upgraded my firmware and driver..
    BrianMessage Edited by bpfinch on 0-07-2005 05:22 PM

    I've never used WMAs, let alone those with DRM. At a guess the license probably prevents you from copying back to the PC i.e. it's a one way only transfer.
    I think you need to check with the music store you bought from as to whether you can download the tracks again to your PC. This is one of the irritating things about WMA and DRM, although perhaps there are methods to back the files and the licenses up. I don't know enough about the technology, but suffice to say for the moment I'm steering clear, buying CDs, and using MP3 to encode them.

  • Part 2: Flat files and Business Contents: Any issues with this scenario?

    I will appreciate some clarification on the some points made in response to my previous post "Flat files and Business Contents: Any issues with this scenario?"
    "’d better analyze those cubes for data redundancy and presence of data you’ll never use. " I will appreciate some clarification on the type of analysis you are referring to. Examples will help.
    "If you want to combine several found IOs in your custom dataprovider, then again you must know (or figure out) relationships between these IOs." I will appreciate some clarification on the type of relationship you are referring to. Examples will help.
    I am a bit confused with "..include into ODS structure ALL fields required for the cube" but you also noted noted that "...except navigational attributes and chars and KFs that are going to be determined in TRs or URs."
    If you exclude ALL these, haven't you excluded all the fields you included in the ODS structure?
    "Consider carefully the ODS’ key fields selection. Their combination should not allow data aggregation that you don’t need."
    I may be missing the point here, I understand that you need to select the fields which will form the unique ID for the records in the ODS under the Key Field (please correct me if I am wrong with the purpose of the Key Field), but I don't understand the discussion of "aggregation" in the context.
    Thanks in advance

    I try to give some exaplanation based on the previous answer.
    1. Data redundancy - make sure you do not store the same information. does not make sense to have data redundanty across you Data Warehouse. this is also a cost. just sotre the same information one time if you get all what you need.
    2. whatwhever you build you dp, which consist of IO, you need to know with kind of relation (1:1 or 1:n - n:n and so on) exist between them. that will help you when you model you infoprovider. For example I would never pit togheter IO (n:m) in the same dimension if you expect an high number of cardinality. Sometime an IO can be an attribute of another one (depend on relation. For example
    Business Partner and his Address. Usually you have a relation 1:1, in this case address is an attribute of BParten and store it in the Masterdata instead then DP
    3. Sometime when you load from ODS to CUBE, you can fill some IO (which are in the infocube and not in the ODS)through ABAP routine in TR-Start Routine of Update Rule. Does not make sense to include these IO in the ODS as they are NULL or Blank (the deault value). This can happen when for example, you first load in the ODS (Price and Quantity) and then you calculate Sell price later (Price * Quantity). of course it could be doen also in the Bex. Depends on other factors (Performance - Loaidng -Sizing)
    4. Make sure that the KEY definition of ODS is accordingly to the data otherwise you will aggregate the data and later maybe if you need the detail you miss it.
    for example: customer - product - Distr Chan - Sell Price
    if each Customer can buy each product for any Distrution Channel, then when you build your ODS(Customer - Product and Distribution must be KEY) otherwise (if you have only Customer - Product KEY for example) you will lose the details for Distribution Channel.
    I hope eveyrhting is clear

  • Font color issue with inserted HTML content in JTextPane (HTMLEditor)

    Hi everyone,
    I have a very serious issue with the HTMLEditor I'm developping. This editor is a little bit special since it is intended to edit blocks of HTML content that are loaded when the editor is initialized.
    You can in fact decide to keep this loaded HTML content or start a new HTML document from scratch. Alright, now my issue is the following :
    When text is loaded, it's properly rendered. I have a functionality which let's you see the HTML code from the HTML document used in the editor, so I can check and see if code is correct, and yes, it's correct.
    The problem is that when I try to change the color attribute of some text on my loaded content, nothing happens ! I don't know what's the matter with this bug, I only have it with the color attribute, with every other attribute everything's fine (font, size, etc.)
    The funny thing is that, after I change another attribute for loaded content, like font family, then changing color attribute funcionnality starts to work again !
    I've also noticed that I don't have any of these problems when I start my HTMLDocument from scratch (when I create a new HTML document and start typing text).
    Another weird thing, is that I have a feed-back feature in my editor which reflects attributes for text over which the caret is positionned. For example, if you put caret over red text, the color combo box displays a red value, you know, just like in MS Word. Well, with my loaded content if I have a red text color and I decide to put it in green, the color combo box displays the green value when I click over text for which I have changed color, but in my JTextPane it's still red !! And when I try to see the HTML code generated nothing has changed, everything is still red !
    There is something really strange here, this means that when I get the attributes of the loaded text from the HTMLDocument, color appears to be green, but when it gets rendered in the JTextPane it's still red and when it gets anlyzed to produce the corresponding HTML code, these changed attributes are not taken into account.
    But the most weird thing above all, is that I don't have this bug everytime, sometimes I start my HTML editor applet and it works fine, and some other times this color issue is bakc there. Is this a known bug for Swing API or not ?
    This is more or less my technique :
    //I declare a global reference to my HTMLDocument
    HTMLDocument _docHTMLDoc;
    //Create a JTextPane
    JTextPane _tpaEditor = new JTextPane( );
    //Set type content to automatically select HTMLEditorKit
    //Get a referene to its HTMLEditorKit
    HTMLEditorKit _kitHTMLEditor = (HTMLEditorKit) _tpaEditor.getEditorKit( );
    //I then have a function to create new documents
    void newDocument(){
      _docHTMLDoc = (HTMLDocument) _kitHTMLEditor.createDefaultDocument();
       //I do other stuff wich are not important to be shown here
    //I then have another function to load content
    void loadContent(){
       //I get content from a HashMap I initialized when I started my applet
       String strContent = (String)_mapInitParameters.get("html_content");
       //I set content for my editor
    //Notice.. I have tried many other ways to load this text : via HTMLEditorKit and its insertHTML method, I
    //have also tried to store this content in some reader and make HTMLEditorKit read it... and nothing,
    // I always get the bug
    //To change color it goes like this :
    JComboBox _cboColor = new JComboBox();
    //I correctly initialize this combo with colors
    //then I do something like this
    ActionListener _lst = new ActionListener(){
       public void actionPeformed(ActionEvent e){
          Color colSel = (Color) _cboColor.getSelectedItem();
          MutableAttributeSet mas = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    //Set Attributes goes something like this
    private void setAttributeSet(javax.swing.text.AttributeSet atrAttributeSet) {       
            //Get current 'End' and 'Start' positions
            int intCurrPosStart = _tpaEditor.getSelectionStart();
            int intCurrPosEnd = _tpaEditor.getSelectionEnd();
            if(intCurrPosStart != intCurrPosEnd){
                //Apply attributes to selection
                _docHTMLDoc.setCharacterAttributes(intCurrPosStart,intCurrPosEnd - intCurrPosStart,atrAttributeSet,false);
                //No selection : apply attributes to further typed text
                MutableAttributeSet atrInputAttributes = _kitHTMLEditor.getInputAttributes();

    hi, friend!
    try this:
    void setAttributeToText(JTextPane pane, int start, int end, Color color) {
    MutableAttributeSet new_att = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    HTMLDocument doc=(HTMLDocument)pane.getDocument();
    It works fine in my Application, hope will work in yours, too.
    good luck.

  • CS5 trial issues with ram and content aware issues.

    I run a vista 32 machine with 4 gigs.  I have tried just about everything including running the machine in minmum and loading only windows and adobe CS5.  I still get the error of "Could not fill because there is not enough memory (RAM)".  I have tried playing with the performce settings and GL settings to give adobe as much memory as it needed but it is still not working.
    I am working with a file that is 6.49mb which is the average of what my raw file convert to when I download them from my camera.  Now the only way I can get it to work is seriously downgrade the file in size and then the content aware fill works great or decrease the area that is going to be filled.
    So am I missing something or do I have to convert everything over to 64 bit and throw 8 gigs in this machine to get this to work with those tyoe of file sizes?

    Hi again everyone. I tried the original solution of turning off OpenGl support in preferances and that worked for me. Granted there are still some problems.
    To recap:
        I have an Intel Core i7 processor with 4GB RAM and Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit (didn't want to go down the 64bit route for compatability issues with other programs). Because Adobe do not support the Canon EOS 5D Mk II in CS3's camera RAW I upgraded to CS4 (that's were things began to become unstable). CS4 was flakey at best. Nice new feel (when it worked). Now I am no dummy when it comes to computers (I run my own IT company as well as photographic business - they kinda compliment each other). After loading CS5 (mainly for content aware feature and hoping it was a bit better than CS4 turned out to be - like most of you on this forum) the neat feature that Adobe had been raving about didn't work as advertised.
    Back to where I am up to now. I will not turn this into a Mac vs PC debate since we have aldready had earlier, someone with a "brand new MacBook Pro" complaining of the same issue. I can state that, of all the systems I work on with Windows 7 (which is alot), the only one I am having major issues with is my own. And the only piece of software giving me grief (if you saw my two screens you would have trouble counting the apps on my system), is Photoshop CS5! After turning off OpenGL I can now stitch 12 or more RAW 5D MarkII photos with no problem, generating a file 938MB in size. The first time I did this I still had to original files open and it would not let me do any content aware modifications. Fair enough. I closed all the source files, flattened the layers to produce a single flat layer to work with and then tried content aware. "Not enough memory". I had to bring the file down in size to under 50MB to get it to work on any decent sized area. Now I don't want to have to go out and buy "Blow up" to renlarge my photos because Adobe can not get their memory management working! Lets be clear about this. This is not a Windows problem. Photoshop assigns its own memory, its own scratch disk and interfaces with the Graphics card. So if I assign 1.5GB of memory to Photoshop, 400GB as a scatch disk and have 1GB of video memory why does it still have issues with a 50MB file!!!! Piss poor programming!
    Here are my issues. I was sold on CS5 due to a brilliant (if not misleading video) that showed "content aware" at work on Adobe's web site. There was no mention that I would need a super computer or 64bit operating system to work its magic. On purchasing the product as so many of you have discovered it does not work as promissed. In two days of posting to this site I have not seen one representative of Adobe making any comment as to even if they are working on this issue.
    Please ADOBE, you big multinational software company, PLEASE make us feel better for having purchased CS5 and not let it be the big white lemon it seems to be.

  • Content distribution issue with message "Found package properties updated notification for package '00000123'"

    I've got strange issue with 1 of my primary sites that started just recently.  I've updated the content of 1 package and this now needs re-distribution to all DPs.  I've got 3 primary sites and on 2 of those the update succeeded and my DP's got
    updated correctly.  One primary site it does not work and checking distrmgr.log I can see following message every xx minutes
    Found package properties updated notification for package '000008B7' SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 6/21/2014 12:00:31 AM 5836 (0x16CC) ==> 
    Checking Pkgxfermgr.log does not show anything either,  I've tried with 2nd application but again the same result it only shows the the notification message.
    I saw similar issue yesterday but with restart of the sms_exec service it eventually distributed the content, obviously this is not something I like to do too often.
    does anyone have idea what this could be, suggestions are welcome.   Thx.

    Jason,  I've checked the flow from the CAS down to the primary below is quick overview.  The package I'm testing is just small package that we use to check replication is working in our environment it's less then 1MB in size and we run it
    1/week basically update content and then check monitoring-content distribution that it has been received on our 260 DP's around the globe
    CAS (Located in the US EST Time zone)
    Distrmgr.log 11:25am update package and needs to be send to 3x primary sites (A00; B00; C00)
    sender.log  11:30am all 3 primary sites have received the content.
    C00 (Primary site in Singapore having the issue)
    distrmgr.log 11:27pm received notification of the package
    despool.log   11:32pm packaged content extracted successfully
    distrmg.log started to see message Found notification for package '000008B7' and followed by next message
    Package '000008B7' (priority 2) is already in queue.
    This goes one until 1:21am (Singapore time)
    Start updating the package 000008B7... SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 6/21/2014 1:21:45 AM 8296 (0x2068)
    The Package Action is 1, the Update Mask is 160 and UpdateMaskEx is 0. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 6/21/2014 1:21:45 AM 8296 (0x2068)
    Use drive G for storing the compressed package. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 6/21/2014 1:21:45 AM 8296 (0x2068)
    Successfully created/updated the package 000008B7 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 6/21/2014 1:21:45 AM 8296 (0x2068)
    STATMSG: ID=2311 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SITE=C00 PID=10132 TID=8296 GMTDATE=Fri Jun 20 17:21:45.848 2014 ISTR0="000008B7" ISTR1="" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7=""
    ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="000008B7"
    After that nothing anymore.
    When I check monitoring - content distribution I can see the package being updated/distributed to 80% of my DP's and last 20% are the dp connected below this Primary site.
    To add to the confusion, there was another package distributed around the same time, and then one actually made it to the remote DP's.
    This is first time I see this issue.

  • Issues with Creative Cloud for teams deployment workflow

    The Adobe Creative Cloud for teams IT Deployment Guide lists out steps for IT admins to deploy the CS6 applications and then have their end-users license the trial software with their Adobe IDs once they have been invited to the team. There are two major issues with this document.
    First, the media that is on the FTP is not for North American English. We are working to get that posted on the FTP site ASAP. In the meantime, you can find the CS6 MC media from:
    [Note: Getting media from that page requires the use of the Adobe Download Assistant which is very consumer focused. Sorry about that.]
    Second, in order to have the ability to login properly with a Creative Cloud for Teams account the system needs to have the latest copy of Adobe Application Manager installed. If you do not do this step the end user will be prompted for a serial number.
    Unfortunately the Adobe Application Manager can’t be packaged with AAMEE nor is it a native installer. I know, I know! Here are the links to the Adobe Application Manager installers:
    It can be installed from command line by:
    Win: <Path to Setup.exe>Set-up.exe –mode=silent –action=install
    Mac: <path to ASU> /ASU/ –mode=silent –action=install
    Jody Rodgers | Sr. Product Manager | Creative Cloud for Enterprise | Adobe Systems

    Hi Boncker,
    I see that you have an active Subscription under your account . Please launch any of the installed product and when you get the trial prompt , please click on License this software and then Enter the Adobe Id & Password for the account that you have accepted the invite .
    Please do let us know if that worked for you or not .
    Kartikay Sharma

  • Windows Easy Transfer (WET) Issues with External Hard Drive - "Can't read from the source file or disk"

    I work for Office Depot, in the tech department. Basically, one of our associates was supposed to do a data backup, and re-install Windows 7, then transfer the files back. He used Windows Easy Transfer and compacted everything into a 163 GB file. 
    Now comes the hard part. When we try to put it back on his computer ((drag-and-drop to the desktop) which has been wiped back to factory settings using the recovery partition), it stops at 79.5 GB remaining (you know how it doesn't give you a % of completion,
    it just shows how many GB are remaining) and then says "Can't read from the source file or disk" and gives you an option to try again, or cancel. It gets hung up on the same point each time.
    Normally, this wouldn't be a huge issue, but the contents on the drive are his wife's architect blueprints and interior design stuff, along with wedding photos, etc, which are the only copies they have. On top of those, they have court documents and other
    important files that we are unable to access now.
    I wasn't involved with this transfer, so I'm trying to clean up the mess as best I can. I remembered that the customer's wife was Russian, and had some files typed with a Russian keyboard, so on and so forth. I wonder if that's the issue? If not, I really
    have no idea how to manually extract things from a ".mig" file, or how to diagnose what area is potentially corrupted.
    In light of this situation, we tried using "Recuva" to recover the files post-wipe, but everything was corrupted or unable to be opened, and it also extracted and recovered all of the "useless" photos, such as the skype logos, up and
    down arrows for browsers, etc (it was 160,000+ photos).
    Trying to avoid a potential lawsuit, unhappy customer, and costing the company lots of money to see if professionals can get into this external hard drive.
    Other relevant information:
    We used a Toshiba 500 GB (465 GB) external hard drive.
    Customer's computer is an HP Pavilion P6000 Series (Model No. p6520y) running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Service Pack 1.
    Any other information that is needed can be provided, thanks in advance, and hopefully we can find a solution to this issue quickly!

    I think there's a lack of understanding somewhere.
    "If you even can't start the process, please unplug it from your new PC. Then head back to your new computer and plug
    the external drive back in to your new computer. "
    Unplug from new, head back to new, plug it back in? That doesn't make much sense! Haha.
    I knew what you meant though, somewhat. When I search through the drives after clicking yes (Has windows easy transfer
    already saved your files blah blah blah) I click on the transfer file and it says "Windows Easy Transfer could not open the file".
    Rather than drag-and-drop the file to the desktop, I now tried to double-click on the file itself while it was plugged
    into the computer. It opened, and it started transferring until it was about 70% completed, and then an error popped up saying "WET can't open the easy transfer file, make sure your USB device is plugged in or check your internet connection". 
    I checked, and the USB hard drive's light wasn't on. Now, I unplug it and plug it back in, and the light comes back on,
    so I click Retry, and it resets the bar back to nothing and says "Transfer time: 1 minute".
    Rather than continue trying, I clicked "Cancel" instead of Retry, and it says "Your transfer did not complete successfully."
    It says to click "view report" for more information, but there's no "view report button".
    At the moment, I am scanning the External Drive for bad sectors using the check disk tool in properties. It's frozen
    at "0 USN bytes processed".

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