It  is possible that on Refresh..

It is possible to get values from Web.xml using application.getInitParameter(name); when we do "refresh" ..

no but you can use the tomcat manager application to reload the webapp which should reload the initial parameters.

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  • Is it possible to automatically refresh a report at 15-minute intervals?

    I have a user who doesn't want to have to manually refresh his onhand inventory report throughout the day. He would like, instead, for the report to automatically refresh at 15-minute intervals. I cannot find anything in the Desktop, Plus, and Viewer user guides that allow for this. We're currently using Desktop and are deploying Plus and Viewer CP8 after the first of the year.
    I have suggested that the user insert the date/time into his report title so he can have a clue how current the data is and then manually refresh the report if he needs to. However, he would still rather have the report refresh itself.
    Is this possible?

    No you cannot automatically refresh a report. Your best option is to use Viewer. You can run a report by posting a URL to the viewer report from your browser. You then create a web page that automtically refreshes the report.
    To be honest though, I wouldn't use Discoverer to do this. You should look at Apex which has automatic refresh as an option for the reports and is very quick and simple to set up (and free to use!).
    Rod West

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    maybe if you can post some sample data and output will help us analyze more youre requirement.

  • Is it possible that a document (in this case an Appleworks or Movie Magic Screenwriter) can be lost forever, but it's contents somehow remain as other file types elsewhere? I have an old hard drive and I need to locate the contents of these files.

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    toddisalive wrote:
    Additionally, I have found an AppleWorks file that could be the script, but it is ZERO bytes in size, and Pages won't even open it, saying that it is not a valid AppleWorks file.
    if the size of this file is really ZERO bytes, either the original file contained an empty data fork and a resource fork which was stored elsewhere (*) or the file is too damaged to retrieve anything. Moreover, as AppleWorks never generates file with empty data fork, at least to my knowledge, ....
    Concerning the Movie Magic ScreenWriter files, the application seems to exist for Yosemite ( but it seems "expensive"  and I do not know if it accepts to import old files )....
    (*) maybe in .TOTO or __MACOSX/.TOTO if the filename is TOTO

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    I have spent 2 hour-long sessions with technical support and although they were very nice, it is still not fixed.
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    Is it possible that the age of the phone will affect its ability to receive calls?

    I am truly sorry to hear that your are unable to receive calls on your device. Thank you tbo27 for providing great troubleshooting steps. Making sure call forwarding is not active by dial *73 is great. Have you already reset network settings also? Are you able to make calls fine? Make sure Do not Disturb is not active. Settings>Do Not Disturb
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Annoying bug in is possible that this thing was not noticed?

    I can understand that is not possible to see all the bugs, but this is kinda bothering me, because is not exactly a bug that require a lot of efforts at we go, maybe you know about it so iw ould love to know when it will be fixed.
    format an USB disk as "apple partition map" (not GUID or boot), now copy a lot of stuff on it (20-30-50 Gb, doesn't matter once that you have more than 5 Gb and you are dealing with a lot of files or packages, and you will see that everything goes fine.
    Now copy FROM the USB drive to anywhere else... now start to cry, because you will see messages from finder, saying that an error has occurred and the file is unreadable (-36); then the bar of the copy window stay stuck on the screen and you need to restart finder to make it work again.
    a workaround is to copy small quantity of data...but if you deal, like me, with big data moving and stuff like that you wikll understand that is not possible to loose hours to copy stuff one by one, instead of select the entire folder and wait that it will copy.
    It works from USB to USB (apple partition map), same from computer to USB (apm) but not on the other direction, so can't be the drive, and i've tried with another USB drive formatted with GUID and it works fine in both directions, while when you format it in APM it won't work form USB to computer (or any other device).
    I've updated to the latest 10.5.1, is still doing it.... hoping that 10.5.2 will fix the issue, and please don't tell me to move 2 Tb of data somewhere else because i need to format my disks as GUID and not as APM would be too much to take LOL
    BTW, every computer that is sold after Oct receive free leopard even if it does not came with it.... now i wonder if you do the same with the computer bought in september, since i spent money for a mac pro that came with tiger... would be really nice since you put on it all the latest software (ilife 08 and iwork 08) to have also Leopard, since is a business machine that cost 3k and not a toy like a pc that cost 500 dollars
    I have a picture to show the issue; but i don't see anything here that let me attach pictures (btw the thing is so evident that you don't need one)
    I've upgraded from Tig to Leo; could be possible that this is the problem, but even in this case i would expect that an upgrade, if offered as option, should be able to let the machine to work without flaws like this one...honestly is not acceptable at all, especially from your company.
    And please: add the discussion link on the Leopard page in the support took me 20 minutes to find a way to go in the discussion forum (had no idea if there is one, since is not mentioned on the Leopard support page), and is even harder to find a link to post a bug or to send a message to the dev team about issues like that.
    Thanks, hope that somebody will take care of this!

    Thanks Ashka and Larry.
    I will send a message to the link that you have pointed out; hoping that somebody will see it and fix the issue.
    I was expecting that an Apple representative would be on teh forum monitoring the things and checking what happens here....but seems that is not the case
    BTW i am glad that i was able to test-drive i know that i can stick with Tiger until the issues are resolved
    At the moment the only way that i have to copy files is using the console instead of finder:
    ditto -V -rsrc [source] [destination]
    with this command you can copy entirely the files (works differently from cp and is specific for mac, since is a dev tool from apple included in any MAc OSX); so if you have issue like mine you can use this command in terminal and you will be able to copy stuff that won't copy using finder.
    BTW now i know that there is a direct url at; before i was simply going in the specific software/hardware section and clicking on the link "visit the discussions here", while on Leopard page (and also on other pages, like imovie or itunes), there is no link to the discussions, so if you are not so smart you are basically not able to find the discussion forum site

  • Is it possible that iMac corrupts connected external hdd-s drive via USB?

    Is it possible that iMac corrupts connected external hdd-s drive via USB? (two wd cav. green 2tb from different purchase went down in one day, both from the backside usb ports)
    First one of my video storage hdd, full of files suddenly got extremely slow, and a few minutes later, it unmounted itself, but with the unmount error, but nobody even touched the cables, electricity etc. When I tried to mount it again, it did not respond, just give a periodical load light and ticking. First I thought it must be hardware failure, but since I bought a brand new drive today and it made the same problem as soon as I tried to format it. I got suspicious. The consol, said about these - i googled all but now solution so far. (WesternFresh is my drive)
    Oct 23 17:10:58 xxxx fseventsd[47]: disk logger: failed to open output file /Volumes/WesternFresh/.fseventsd/636573acca1d6550 (No such file or directory). mount point /Volumes/WesternFresh/.fseventsd
    Oct 24 10:55:42 xxxx[10]: Can't create kext cache under / - owner not root.
    Oct 24 17:23:05 tmdc diskarbitrationd[16]: unable to probe /dev/disk1 (status code 0xFFFFFFFA).
    and there was an I/O faliure not but it was on another mac - where i hoped itt will come back to live.
    I think - if it is possible - that the OS maybe misunderstand something about these drives, and try to change - maybe permissions - all the time if a usb external connects...? (I am not really into it as you see )
    Also about Disk Utility - it does not see any partition on the old hdd, but i shows the name of the product. If I connect the new hdd via the keyboard usb, the disk utility is able to see and format it, but the hdd will be still slow and tikking after it.
    Also I tried Disk Warrior (freezd out) and Techtool Pro 6 thanks to some ol'frineds - which also not saw the old hdd, but did nothing useful with the new one.
    About cav green: I have 3 of them and no error so far, and got 4 1tb cav green in 2 mybook studio II also without any problem.
    Iam a bit scared, and try not to plug in any usb hdd-s now, but I have to continue work, so I need solutions.
    I hope if it is not hardware failure, maybe some tricky terminal code will bring back the viability of my old hdd - and I won't have to spend a lot of money to recover data.
    if anybody has a clue?
    update 1:
    i found this post also:
    I also made the mentioned steps - but it is a bit different sice it reproduce itself and I cant use DU.

    It turned out that WD is the big bad guy in this game.
    According the data rescue company where I asked for an inspection, both of the drives had their reader head loose. And in the one, which was my already-in-use disk its even damaged the platters... xxxxx
    So its time to pay bunch of money to recover, and take a walk to wd service to bang on the desk.
    Also note - it may be somehow related to intellispeed technology - since macs not really friendly with wd-s built-in solutions.
    On the other hand, with WD GP 1Tb there is no problems at all for ages.
    thanks guys, thread is closed

  • Is it possible that Verizon could have screwed things up more than this?

    I contacted Verizon 10 days ago about internet and cell phone service the person I spoke with told me that Verizon did not offer internet in Illinois and I should call something called Frontier Communications
    I should have taken this as a sign that I shouldn't do business with Verizon
    Instead I went to your office on State street in Chicago. I was told that
    Verizon does in fact have internet, they have an arrangement with ComCast. I was told
    if I signed a 2 year contract, the first 6 months would be  $20 a month and then the price
    would be $40 a month for rest of the contract.
    I signed up and was given an account number and a number to call ComCast
    When  I spoke to Comcast, I was told that there was no agreement with Verizon
    I went back to Verizon, Verizon called Comcast. Now Comcast was saying there was a agreement but the terms were different
    It was now $20 a month for 6 months, but no contract. After 6 months there was no guarantee what could happen
    to the price. There could be another promotion,  it could go up
    I agreed reluctantly and signed up
    The earliest appointment was the following Monday.
    I had to leave work early for the appointment. I won't get paid for this missed time
    I was given a time frame for when the ComCast Technician would show up. He was late; he arrived after the timeframe
    I had ordered wireless internet. I know I ordered wireless because I discussed this with the comcast rep when I placed the order
    We talked about how many devices could use the wireless at the same time, how far I could be from the router, whether there was a separate router and modem or if it was one unit, if I could buy my own rather than rent it, etc.
    The technician did not have wireless equipment with him. He said the order didn't indicate that it was wireless.
    I asked if he could install what he had since I had been waiting almost a week for the internet and then I could go to their office to swap it
    He said no, a technician had to install it. If he installed what he had and they sent out another technician later with a wirelss router
    they would charge me a second installation charge
    The worst part though, is the earliest they can have someone back out is Wednesday ,ten more days later
    That means almost three weeks with no internet at home and I have to take off from work again and lose more pay to wait for the technician again
    I do computer support. I'm on call for work. If I get called out at night and don't have internet, I have to go downtown in the middle of the night

    I understand that you are frustrated with the yes/no/yes regarding internet through Verizon.  I am assuming you are referring to DSL or fiber optic internet with Wi-Fi, since you state the internet service is actually provided by Comcast.  That is as far as my understanding goes.  Your post is titled "Is it possible that Verizon could have screwed things up more than this," but the rest of your complaints (please understand I do not argue the validity of your anger or frustration) are, in fact, regarding services rendered (or not) by Comcast.
    I used to have a bundle with Centurylink internet, Directv satellite, and Verizon Wireless.  I got a separate bill from Verizon but I got a discount for the Centurylink and Directv bill by linking my cell phone numbers and creating a "triple play."  Centurylink had ridiculous scheduling issues with their techs, and it took five calls and two weeks to actually get the internet hooked up, at 1.5 mbps as the lines couldn't accommodate the 10 mbps the rep offered.  I was upset with Centurylink, not Verizon.  I had upgraded my cell phones through Centurylink, but if/when I had any issues, I called Verizon.
    The issues you are describing are not within Verizon's control, which should have been clear when you had to speak with Comcast to set up the account and order.  You need to call Comcast to resolve it, and the sooner the better.  I had a horrible time trying to recoup money I paid to Directv after breaking the bundle, and eventually Centurylink refunded my money since the were the ones refusing to release my payments to Directv, saying I had a bundle but they could not discuss billing for Directv service. Almost all companies have a window for refunds and billing disputes, and Centturylink gave me the runaround until I demanded escalation.  Once the dispute period is over you don't have a leg to stand on for credits or anything else.  I had to get noisy to get results, and you might have to as well.
    Step one is calling Comcast and placing the blame where it belongs, then work toward a solution to rectify the lost time and frustration.

  • Have an ipod shuffle (about 3-4yrs old)- is it possible that it will no longer hold a charge? When connected to my PC to charge it, the light blinks yellow. I took it in to a local Apple repair shop- the gentleman charged it for me

    Have an ipod shuffle (about 3-4yrs old)- is it possible that it will no longer hold a charge? When I put in on my PC the yellow light flashes. I took it to an Apple repair store on Monday and the gentleman there charged it for me...and it fully charged. On wednesday I turned it on- no green light...
    He said the yellow light should not be blinking when charging...what am I doing wrong???

    Have an ipod shuffle (about 3-4yrs old)- is it possible that it will no longer hold a charge? When I put in on my PC the yellow light flashes. I took it to an Apple repair store on Monday and the gentleman there charged it for me...and it fully charged. On wednesday I turned it on- no green light...
    He said the yellow light should not be blinking when charging...what am I doing wrong???

  • I have a seal pack ipad mini 1 wifi and i want to upgrade to ipad mini 2 retinal display wifi is this possible , that apple take my ipad 1 wifi back and give to me new ipad retinal display wifi ,

    i have a seal pack ipad mini 1 wifi and i want to upgrade to ipad mini 2 retinal display wifi is this possible , that apple take my ipad 1 wifi back and give to me new ipad retinal display wifi , i live in india, bhopal city

    Your only option is to sell the iPad and then buy the new one.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Is it possible that after 3 years my Mac computer damaged the port to my camera?  I have not always disconnect it properly using eject before disconnecting. I have 2 cameras that are Sony CyberShot and they both shut down when I connect to the computer.

    Is it possible that after 3 years my MacBook has damaged the port on my camera?  I thought I had a battery problem with both my Sony CyberShot cameras (they are they same age).  I had trouble getting the cameras to come on but then when it did come on after charging repeatedly, it turned off when I connected it to the computer to download pictures.  I ordered 2 new batteries and the camera came on but went off immediately when I connected it to the computer.  After that, the camera would not come back on.  Help please!

    John, thanks for the email so quickly.
    I too hope I haven't tried "everything" either but I am reasonably technical.  I had done what you suggested to do before but I did both again.
    Ethernet is yellow in the left side bar.  In the right pane it's status says Connected but then below it says "Ethernet has a self-assigned IP address and will not be able to connect to the Internet."
    I have tried the assist me menu and Network Status has Ethernet Green, Network settings Yellow, ISP Green, and Internet and Server Red and Failed for both.  I have turned things off and on, checked cables, deleted all locations and tried restting them up but to no avail.  I even disconnected everything and connected the mac directly into the cable modem itself and the thing still will not connect.

  • Is there any possible that pivot table can display date values in the data area like this?

    I use Power Query to load data(including all the of data showed in the following table without accumulating) from database to the Excel Worksheet, and I want to build a pivot table like this.
    But the data area of the pivot table can only accecpt and display numeric data. Is there any possible that such a display can be achieved?

    Would you like to upload a sample file through OneDrive? I'd like to see the data source structure and test it.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Now i got the answer that i phone cant be downgradable from 7 to 6.1.If it possible thats good.I expect newer version will be better,one fuction i liked in older version is contact picture size is full screen

    now i got the answer that i phone cant be downgradable from 7 to 6.1.If it possible thats good.I expect newer version will be better,one fuction i liked in older version is contact picture size is full screen

    tell apple:

  • How is it possible that a target has two deltas requests with the exact sam

    How is it possible that a target has two deltas requests with the exact same records?

    Hi Mohammed,
    There are couple of reason behind it.
    main reason is
    take one scenario we have DSO as source and cube as target.
    Now DSO contains only 1 request, which i have loaded to cube by using delta.
    after that i have deleted DSO content by using right click on it and delete data.
    (hope u know that it will not delete request from target automatically)
    now once again i have loaded same request from datasource to DSO
    and then loaded delta again from DSO to cube.
    In this case for 1 single request in DSO you can see 2 request in cube with same data.

  • How to fix a website that auto refreshes to not open up in a new tab.

    I use a scheduling website for work that auto refreshes. Sometimes when the page auto refreshes it opens up the current page I am on in a new tab instead of just refreshing in that tab like it usually does.
    I have reset safari multiple times and it doesn't help. Any idea what I need to do?

    Type '''about:config''' in Address bar and search '''browser.newtab.url''' change the value to "about:newtab"
    Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [ Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [ TDSSKiller - AntiRootkit Utility]
    [ Microsoft Security Essentials] is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP if you don't already have one.
    Further information can be found in the [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    When you enter a search term in the Firefox location bar and press Enter, Firefox will per default do a "I'm feeling lucky" Google search and redirect you to the first result that matches your search term. This behaviour can be changed by a number of add-ons. If you'd like to restore the previous default behaviour, please follow these steps:
    #Enter about:config in the Firefox location bar and press Enter.
    #You should see a warning that making changes to the Firefox configuration can be potentially harmful to Firefox's integrity. Click the ''I'll be careful, I promise'' button to continue.
    #In the Search box at the top, enter ''keyword'' as the search term. You should see a few remaining items, one of these is ''keyword.URL''. It should be bold.
    #Right-click on the keyword.URL setting and select ''Reset'' from the dropdown menu.
    Now you're done. Please report back if this fixes your problem. Thanks in advance!
    You can find more information about the Location bar search feature in the [[Location bar search]] article.

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